Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 9 Apr 1915, p. 2

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THE LAKE SHORE ii * * sc=ss Social Happenings inWilmeUe By RUTH R1SLEY Pkont WOmM* 1640 Whether it is hard times or times unromantic, it is certain that this the young people's fancy is not turning toward spring weddings. ;giaaits are few and so are weddings. " weddingr ^tractive lor its simplicity, was that of Miss Juliettc Gates, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry B. Gates, 1136 Wilmcttc ave- nue, to Dr. Everett Crockett Moulton of Fort Smith, Ark., and son ot Dr. and Mrs, Herbert Mouhon, which took place Tuesday evening at the Congregational church, Rev. K. B. Dean of Northncld. Minn., offi- ciating. The ceremony was followed by a small reception at the bride's home, only close relatives and friends being in attendance. *•»â- â- >â-  - The bride's gown was of white satin, with bee trimming. jsmbroi- dercd in stiver, and made with a court train. She carriedJirsHowet bouquet of white bride's roses and, lilies of the valley. Her tulle veil fell from a tiny cap, surrounded by a stiff frill. Miss Mary Gates, sister of the bride, wore an old-fashioned froek of green rrampadour sillci and carried a bouquet of pink roses, forget-me-nots and ferns. The four bridesmaids, the Misses Helen Hale of Highland Park, Loraine.Powers of Chicago, Winnifred Goodsmith of Chicago and Elizabeth Moultoh, a sister of 'the' groom, were gowned in pink accordion-plaitcd crepe de chine, the waists being made of lace. They all carried baskets of Aaron Ward roses and sweet peas. Little Miss Mary Dingee, as flower girl. looked very attractive in her white lingerie frock with a large pink sash. Mr. John C. Chamberlain of Yale, la., attended the groom as best inan^aj^in^Rjlk>wing young men acted as ushers: Messrs. Warner Gates, a brother of the bride, Harold Clark of Evanston, Malcolm *R. McNeill of Evanston, and Charles Anderson Aldrich'of Kvanston. The church was very attractively decorated with large palms and Easter lilies, while the home looked equally pretty with its decorations of pink roses. The bride is a member of the Delta Gamma sorority, having gradu- ated from Northwestern, university in 1911. Dr. Moulton graduated from Northwestern in 1912, and from the Medical school in 1914. He is a member of the Phi Delta Theta fraternity. Dr. and Mrs. Moulton will make an extended trip before returning to Fort Smith, Ark., their future home. Among the out-of-town guests who were in attendance are: Dr. and Mrs. Lewis of Sauk Center, Minn.; Mr. Harold Wilson of Fargo, K. D.; Mr. Gray Warner of St. Louis, Mo.; Dr. and Mrs. Moulton of Fort Smith, Am.;,'Mr. E. B. t>ean of Northfield, Minn.; Mr. John Chamberlain of Yale, la.; Miss Winnif red Goodsmith of St. Paul, Minn.;;Miss, Elizabeth Moulton of Fort Smith, Ark., and Miss Ruth of Burlington, la.- - ' i Greenwood arena*. Mis*' Bertha O. Johnson ot Chicago. iatei-untional rep- tatlve of the Leper Mission work, will speak of tbe work being done for lepers, a subject ot more than usu- al interest. (- A meeting of the Board of Local Charities was held Monday evening at the Woman's club. Following sr* the de*ee^ arranged for at the WHmette Woman's club- house: '„-." Monday afternoon, April 12â€"Young Ladies' Auxiliary meeting. Tuesday. April 13â€"Music Study club, 10:30 o'clock. - Men's club. ' April 14, afternoon and ol exhibit. Thursday, April 15â€"Illustrated lec- ture, given by the railroads. Friday. April 16â€"Allday Phllan- thropy meeting. Complimentary lun- cheon to members of Uio board. Eveningâ€"Christian Science lecture. Saturday evening. April 17â€"Ouli- nictto Dancing club gives party. Wednesday, April 21, 2: SO o'clock- Annual meeting of the Woman's club. Y.APRIL 0,1915. Following is the program at the Ouilmette Country club for the month of April: Monday afternoon, the 5frTâ€"-Bridge, 2130 p. m. Saturday evening, the 10thâ€"-Formal party. the 17thâ€"Bridge. the 24thâ€"Senior formal dance. Saturday Saturday evening, evening, Mrs. George .1. Blchl entertained at "Five Hundred" test Monday aft- ernoon at her â- home, 1120 Chestnut avenue. "-> :â-  â-  Mrs. J. Edwin Mlddleton of 225 Woodbine avenue served a delightful light supper to ten of her son Brook's friends last Saturday evening, after they had returned from a long skate around the village. 1st Monday .afternoon the Cosy mr circle and * number of other ids of Mrs, Rufus L. Kirk were ined informally at the home of Mrs. P. Albert Fagg; 925 Green- •wood avenue. A gold brooch was presented to Mrs. Kirk. Next Monday evening another of those delightful dancing parties will be given by the Bound Robin Dancing club at the Ouilmette Country club. Dinner for twenty-five couples will bo served at 7 o'clock. tions that may arise. A special invi- tation is extended to each and every resident of the village. jOSoeoeoseosMeeooooMseee Tho next meeting of the Music Study club will be held Tuesday morn- ing at the Woman's club, at 10 o'clock. As this Is to be the final program of the year, an especially attractive one has been selected. It will be opened by Mrs. W. J. Weldon, who will read a paper on "Woman Composers," and the following numbers will be given: Instrumental-----Mrs. J. J. Siddall, Jr. ; (1) Scottish Legend: > (2) Danse d'Harlequln. Mrs. H. H. A. Beach. Vocal...................... Selected Mrs. O. W. Schmidt. Instrumental.............. Selected Mrs. Harry Snow. Vocalâ€"4 Her Love Song.. .Mary Turner Salter Way Down South.....-Sidney Homer Paper, What Our Class has' Accom- plished During the Yearâ€"Mrs. Sum* nor Mason. Buckman, on Ninth street near Oak- wood avenue. - On Wednesday, April tl, the annual luncheon and business meeting of the Wilmette Woman's club will be held, when officers for the ensuing year wUI be elected, the aosalaatlBf com- mittee consists of the following ladles of the cluk u«H*m<» John Sess- worth, chairman; O. C Eastman. J. O. Wray, fleth B. Roberts, and Mor- timer B. Skinner. .' Today la tho date set for the an- nual meeting of the Wilmette Public School Are league, which will beheld in the east building of the Central school at three o'clock. Officers will be elected for the ensuing year. The league has recently purchased a set of slides for stereoptlcon. showing the principal paintings and sculp- tures of the Chicago Art .Institute. These were recently shown to the school children-with on explanatory lecture, and wlfr he repeated- at the meeting this afternoon. -.,â- .-,., The Ladles' Alp) Society of the Moth odlst church invit.s all frjodtfa and members of the church to a«ocial aft- ernoon at the church, Tuesday. April 13, at SiSO oxiefck. A spisfidid pro- gram has been arranged, consisting of Piano ahd violin duets by Mesdames C. C. Mitchell, and B. W. Case.' There will be vocal numbors by Mrs. Lee Underbill, Mrs. A. N. Page and Mrs. Frank N. Harker. %A reader of ability has been promised by the faculty- of the Cumnock Schoolof O ===== The Travel Study class met yester- day afternoon with Mrs. C. R. Mor- rison, at her home. 2204 Harrison street, Evanston. The Tuesday Luncheon and Five Hundred club wan entertained this week1 at the Jbme of Mrs. Royal Personal Meni of Wilmette Folk = ===== Mr. aid Mrs. George Caven. 427 Central avenue, returned Tsssday morning from a three weeks' trip In Florida. little Marlon Cook, daughter ot Mr, sad Mrs. John Cook, 1017 Green leaf avenue, Is seriously 111 at her home. Master Dwlght Chapman of 721 Ninth street returned Sunday from a week's stay with relatives in South Bend, Ind. Mrs. Theodore Breyer, 725 ington avenue, has had as a guest her niece. Miss Jean Gregory of Peoria, 111. .. > j Mr. and Mrs. a T. Lewis and daughter, Pauline. 000 Central avenue, have returned from an extended visit m the south. -."-â- -"-;- Miss Merle von Hagen of Minneapo- lis, Minn., is spending the week as the guest of Mrs. R. H. Palenske. 226 Tenth street Mrs. Frederick D. Buckman, 831 Oak wood avenue, had as her guest Tuesday,, her sister, Mrs. Marten from Minneapolis, Minn. Miss Dorothy Grace Brown, 620 Lake avenue, has returned to Welles- ley college, after spending the Easter vacation in Wilmette. Mr. Marshall Davies, who Is attend- ing Dartmouth college, spent the Easter vacation with his parents at 630 Forest svenue. Miss Elizabeth Webber, 815 Forest avenue, spent the Easter week with her sister, Mrs. Donald Payne, at her home In Paw Paw, Mich. Mr. E. H. Moore returned to' Wil- mette for the Baster week-end, and visited with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H, B. Moore, 1223 Elm wood svenue. (Continued on Page 8) Mrs. M. A. Smith of 823 Park ave- nue Is visiting relatives in Minneap- olis, Minn. **. *♦" ' Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Braljgwalte moved this week from 1103 Forest av- enue to 430 Lake avenue. Mr. Robert Banlgcr of Madison, Wis., spent the week-end as tho guest of Mr. F. P. Collier, 601 Lake avenue, Mr. A. K. ShurtlefT and son, John, of 618 Greeaieaf avenue have re- turned from a trip to New Orleans, La. Gei-ai-able-ness Idave you a reserve fane! you can get wantM» Suppose calamity - overtake you, Jpave you money.? ttastropt is imj: breaking discount, rings account to fa Wilmette Societies and Clubs E0»»00000000000»0000»»»0»e Mr. and Mrs, Ralph Whitsett win open their home at $30 Oakwood ave nue to the members of the Linden Avenue Neighborhood circle tomor- row evening. There will be card.-; .sad dancing. The Phllatbla class of the Metho- dist church wss entertained infor- mally at the home of Miss Bernice Bhurtleff, 815 Lake, avenue. p.-£â- <- â-  «-* Mrs. C. H. Klemm was hostess at a dinner-party last Sunday at her home, 420 Park avenue. Among the guests were Mr. sad Mrs. E. Kulin and daugh- ter, Miss Frances, Mr. Ovar Jensen of Chicago and Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Klemm and smsll son of Evanston. Mrs. R. H. Palenske is giving a lun- cheon todsy at -her home, 226 Tenth street. In honor 'of Miss Tessie Ackley of Chicago, whose marriage Is to take place shortly. , The luncheon will be followed by a linen shower. Tomorrow nigbt the Master Plumb- ers and Gas Fitters will give « danc- ing parly at the Wilmette Woman's j cjab. j • . i Mrs. Albert W. Hawkes «dieitk^«<i j , at cards yesterday afternoon at her borne, 714 Central avenue. Tomorrow afternoon, Mrs. «;****«* f A. Wanner Will entertain at «ards at her home, 529 Central avenue. Oala festivities are to take place' • this evening at the Wilmette Wom- an's club, when a large number of the. old residents will come together for a reel old-fashioned dinner party. The committee In charge promiaes a delightful time to all the guests. The school exhibit planned for this weak Wednesday was postponed for various reasons until next week, at tho Woman's clubhouse, and will be open, both in the afternoon and eve- The affair h being given under the direction of the ChBd and Home One of the smaller Tuesday Lunch eon and Bridge clubs was entertained Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Arthur Allen, 1020 Thirteenth street. The Young Ladles' Bridge club will meet tomorrow afternoon with Miss Ruth Lasher, 124 Laurel avenue. The Music Study club was enter- tained at luncheon Tuesday by Mrs. C. D. Worthington at her home. 602 Lake avenue. A meeting of the i«».w<l of direct- ors of the . Wilmette Woman's club was held Tuesday morning at the clubhouse. On Tuesday afternoon the n.ln.bic club met Informally at the aome of Mrs. H. A. Gould. 1132 Lak« avenue, to tie comforters for Miss Irene Gould, whose marriage to Mr. Roy Albertson will take place in Septem- ber. Mm Robert B, Ward with u.,».r^ to the Friday Luncheon ana Bridge club last week at her home, 1./44 Ash- land avenue. The next meeting will be held a week from today at the residence of Mrs. Collins. On Weonesday evening Ui« nilo sionary thank offering seiricc was held at the Congregational church, followed by -a social hour. A meeting of the Ea»t End circle was held Mondsy afternoon at the borne of Mrs. George E. Cole. 911 Greenwood avenue. The Tau Sigma Gamma *w»» mot Tuesdsy evening at the hok..c of Miss Ellen Rosberg, 1215 Lake aveuue. Tbe North End circle will give * luncheon today at 12 o'clock in the parlors ot tbe Congregational church. In connection with this, the Central Avenue circle will conduct a "Unique Supply Sale," «nere laundry articles, mending accessories, fancy work, toilet luxuries, cleaning day helps, bakery goods and rag ruga may be purchased at very reasonable prices. There will be a tea room in which 10 rest, visit and enjoy a cup of tea day afternoon at 2 o'clock r monthly meeting of the Missionary and.Aid society ptist church will be held at of Mrs. -J. D. Greig, Stf HIGH GRADE Pianist and Teacher Locstes in Wilmette^ Pfttntt Leichetflty p/nchut * of TecMUeue f ' J Is a sti Victor HJ had sevel in three J servator* Miss /horns herns a Wilmette church-position and already hss a large class here. She is'especially qualified for advance pupils and advises sum- mer students to begin early. FOR RATES, REFERENCES AND APPO.NTMtHTS,* .Address,^ *., 'â„¢ Ws., Wilmette ilmette 209 IN hmaker nAvutt ttSm WILMETTE, H.I- Established J910 . LYNN Groceries ones 1041-1042 â€" mt Cleanliness :: /Qualit 1165 Wilmette A/enue WILMETTE TELEPHONES WILMETTE â€"â€" Wr We handle a and stable manti Also Lawn or bulk. 5 lbs. Burbank's Village Theatre telephone Wilmette 23 and Vegetable Seeds. &ouEm11 Wilmette, ill: Pepaitsstnt of the club, and ' L Martin Is to be the Jsr Ow day. A Seatnrc of ta» exfatbk l vrffl he a display, to he followed by a; •Sf -goodlca- prepared by the ETHEL BOHANNON HAS ON DISPLAY ILLAGE ELECTION wuUee Is hereby given that on Tuesday, the 20th day of April. 1&I6, at tne office of Quinlan & Tyson, No. ll«4 Wilmette avenue, for Precinct No. 1; at the Village Mall for Precinct No. 2; at Library Hall for Precinct H$., 3; and at the office of Robert Rae, southeast corner of Greenleaf avenue and Fifth street, for Precinct No. 4; in the Village of Wilmette, County of Cook and State of Illinois, an election will be held j^Nfio following Village Officers, vis.: One President of the Village, One Village Treasurer, " Three Village Trustees, One Village Trustee to 1111 vaca».<-y. Two Directors of Free'Public Librsry. '. a At ibe said election, the following proposition will be outfitted to the Shall bonds for the pui sary real estate to be erect a fire engine house ladders sod other implem in the Village of Wilme dent and Board of True CARAMEL ICE CREAM? lottery 1161 Wilmeft* .Avenue Shall the following described territory be annexed to the Village of Wilmette, to-wlt: All that part of the East fractional half of fractional Section thirty- three (21), In Township forty-two (42) North, Range thirteen (12), East of the Third Principal Meridian, in Cook County, Illinois, lying and being within the following described boundary lines, to-wit: -.^v Beginning at the point of intersection of tbe center line, of Wilmette avenue with the center line of Nanslg avenue, (said Nanzig avenue being the street designated aa "Fairview Avenue" on the plat of a certain subdivision known as 8tranbe*s Addition to WHmette, recorded in the Recorder's Office of Cook County. Illinois, on August IS. 1890. as document No. 12JJB2); running thence from said point of beginning South along said center Mae of Nsnzig avenue to tbe point of intersection of ssid center line with the center line of Isabella street; running thence West to the West line of said Boat fractional half of said fractional Section thirty-three <33> on a line being the said center line of Isabella street if produced West in the same direction: thence North 1 said We** Una of sajsLBaat frsrtinnsl half of said frssBsesl Section thirty- three (33) to the point of intersection of said West line with the center line of Wilmette avenue, and thence in an Easterly direction along the center line of said Wilmette avenoe to the place of begmnlnf, sftuatetUn ** of Cook sad State of HHnosst ^^K^9 â-  â€" 5-S? I Which election will be opened at seven o'clock in afternoon of the same day. and will continue •ve Cetock in the Given at WHmette, theseth. dag of March. A. D. ltU. i ^ agjtt, â- Â» OsWML 5AV3 vnrngo Clerk.

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