Wilmrtte Pereonah <Cootian*« from Pag* 1.) > MmW>j.^'^^^^^^ff ^•s^g**Ojm*WSB*g. VN iPff^^HI for a aaonth'* May in Blloxi, I* Btwln and Jiu OnlMr of Uk* watt* returned 8unday 6 Terrs Ttont* ted., where they been fWttai thetr grandmother wtUpa8tw*«fe. *rs. Charts* U afajor of 216 Ninth itTMt R8 SMIeV. KJf.» latt ws*8 o* otorttnt *f ths «!«*»* of Mr fathtr. Her eon. Montgomery, ccompanied her. ' : .,;**, i. i£ M1^ of lM» «â- *â- WOod avenue left Tuesday for an ex- MBged visit with tor daughter, Mrs. Up** Hg^|ig|Ji^p^ir.' at h*r home Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Kirk of 18«4 Sweat avenue left Thuraday for their Mw bom* in Roeheeter. N. Y. Miss j«Mle Kirk sod Mr. Rufus Kirk. Jr.. will not leave until the first of neat *e«K. . , Mr. and Mrs. George L. Appleyard, lift Uke avenue, have purchased ibe house at .1044 Forest avenue, for- Bisrly occupied by Mr. Rufus Kirk, T - will move Into it the first of the iWhitPiopteAreDfliBtl â- JR; to;.;."- ,.,a,.;. .'â- '^ Mtas Ruth Gates returned from Bur- Alton, la., where she Is teaching ichool, for the Easter vacation and to attend the wedding of her sister, Mtas Juliette Gates, which took place , wr'^aepaar.^T^WffSif •,.â- * Mr. and Mrs. George Red field and their daughter, Miss Dorothy Red gill, have returned from Chicago, wtiere they have resided during the *ter months, and will make their with Mr. wd •' Mrs. ReQua at Washington »v*nue.„ before re- jpylng their Aim home at 1018 en avenue., .i :'• ,r. ., ...."«. â- ',â- . . among the young people who re- turned to thslr homes from various schools In the country for the Raster recess are: Mlsa Naomi Fulton, from Washington Park seminary, Forest Olen, Md.; Mr. Robert Wenban, from Dartmouth college; Mr. Robert White, from the University of Wisconsin, and Mlaa Dorothy Noyes, from Mil- w»iik«» DswhSf Academy. â- ' * â- ; Mlaa Bertha V. Thome of Chicago at 888 Central avenue, and will .principles and compre- be ofinterest Mr. Jam** Martin r«turn*d Monday to Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Mrs. Raymond Stevens will enter- t*in at tea Thariday. April 16. Mrs. Wilbur sample entertained the Bridgo club Monday afternoon. Mrs. Barbara Laugbray is til at the home of her brother hi Oklahoma, ~. Mr*. Joeephlae Otmatead returned lent week from a monih's visit to Call* fornia. v . .'. *. Mlsa Kingman'* dancing class gave its closing party Wednesday after- noon. Mr. and Mrs. WiUUm Leach left Tuesday for a month's visit to Call- fornia. Mrs. Thomaa M. Lathrope wUl en- tertain the Worth While club Tues- day. April 18. Mrs. Charles Brandrlff is spending the week with her sister at Fond du La*. Wis. Mlsa Agnes Martin bad for her guest laat week Mis* Mertte* 8t. Clair of Ocono, Minn. Mrs. William Leach entertained the Knitting club at Luncheon on Friday of last week. . Mr. and Mrsv John h. Bulten and daughter returned mat week from Plnehurst, N. C. A mild epidemic of measles and sev- eral cases of whooping cough are re- ported In Glencoe. The young folk* who war* homo the Easter vacation returned to their various schools Monday. , Th* B. A. B. Dancing club will giv the final dance of the season this eve- ning at the school gymnasium. Mrs. Oliver D. Swain left Wednes- day to spend several weeks with her daughter In Knoxville, Iowa. The ladles of the Episcopal church gave a benefit dance Wednesday eve- ning at the public school gymnasium. The Young People of the Methodist Episcopal church gave a social eve- ning In the church parlors Thursday evening. p...... . There will be a gymnastic exhibition by the pupils at the public school gym- nasium this afternoon. Parents and those interested are asked to attend. .On Thursday evening the Glencoe Junior Athletic club gave a vaudeville. Entertainment was furnished by .home talent and the boys deserve great praise ___*^^^^' ^jPywo^nVO^ Any one having old fttrat- tttre. bsoke or clothing, plea** notify Mr*. L, R. Chrlatle, 811 Green Bay remi. and th* articles will be *or. . Th* mualc for the Sunday, _ aervlce at the Glencoe Union church will be aa follows: FfclDAY. APRIL Mill. Anthem-God I* a Spirit.......Bennet Offertoryâ€"Cantllene......... Falome Anthem-Blessed Redeemer... Denva I^sttade .............. ctark the Women's League of th* Glencoe Union church held an ell-day meeting It: 18 and at 1:88. Mr. Clyde Smith of the Presbyterlsn Board of Exten- sion gave an interesting talk. Mualc was furnished by Mrs. Orcutt and Mrs. Gleaner. After the meeting the "Pro Christ*" girls served tee. A public meeting was held In th* school auditorium Tuesday evening for the purpose of nominating candi- date* for president and membere of th* acaoot hoard. Th* following war* nominated: Mr. Frank E. Comptoa. for president; Mr. William H. Oader- doak. Mr. Clarence T. McNetlle and Mrs. Brie* McLelsh, for member* of S th* board. Mr. Compton resigned as member of th* board to accept th* for president. Mr. Mc- Nellie waa aomlnat*d to fill the ve* cancy mat* by th* raelgnatlon. th* term of office for one year. Mr*. Mc- l.eish and Mr. Onderdonk's term of office Is for three, years. The election will ho hold Saturday oftornoon. April 17. Election tor two membere of th* New Trior high school board will he On* of the best and most amaalng of Gilbert Sullivan's operettas. "The Trial By Jury," win, be given for the benefit of the Woman's Library club Thursday evening, April IS. at the o ' school auditorium. Th* following Is the program: Curtain raiser, by MIss Laura Ki11- redge Kennedy. A Group of Italian Sketches- Mrs. Marry ChampMa. Th* Passing Show â€" Announcer, Mrs. Edwin J. Sherwin. Trial By Jury. Judge.......Mr*. W. A. Rlttermaater Plaintiff........â€". Miss May Trad* Defendant.........Mrs. tSva Clement! Counsel for plaintiff..Mrs. Jlrab Cole Foreman of the Jury.. Mrs. C. Brandrlff Jury. M«*d»nnm Henry Wleneehw. A. Olson, John Grant. Wilbur Sample, O. R. Burnett. W. A. Alexander. (leorge Hicks, George Walters, Douglas Cornell, Jamee McGregor* Mlaa May Kelts. Court reporter...Margaret Thomi Bridesmaids*.Mrs. Oscar West. Misses Ruth Newhall, Dorothy Brown, Ella abeth Bower, Helen Phelau Martin. pecUtors-Mlssee Helen Martin and Nina Howard. Mrs. Gerald Child. .Mrs. Dwlght C Oreutt REMEMBER THB SON08. Don't lose sight of th* head issue When thinking of the village election. » fwpwr â- *^B*J*I*#iilwÂ¥Ss I hue* not drawn my princi pies from gay prejudices, but from th* nature ol things.â€"Montesquieu. ««»,.. im LAKE 9HORE NEWS WANT ASS BRING RESULTS. ^ ETKA^iQTOR CO. SILL GOOD / r/LOCAL SERVICE AUTOMOBILES / W PAYS ' "â- aamm a 'â- , ,*.,* Sales Week-End Economies That Will Bring Hundreds of Buyers. Open Saturday Night till 10 â€"â€"â€"â- •â- -THE STORE THAT SELLS EVERYTHING" btor Hetnze, re- Shelaaleo a> teacher s. having been. In irav connected with it Chicago •;' conserva- â-º ehurches, and already here. She ie.unusu.- asa teacher of advanced Is a student Miss Julia Henry-will give the last lecture of her course Mottday after- noon, April- 16, at the home of Urn. Raymond Stevens. Her subject.will be, "St. Marys in Redcllffe Meadows." The Young People's Sunday After- â- ~-^f i K E Re- "Tri'" WJMNSTKAr-4:- -'"4 ,vA/(.;g»W0':*of^*,%iiarhft. from, the Sportsman club of America, in Chi- cago made Wihnetka' the objective M>lnt of their tramp last 8unday. JWrnM l expresblon ot%'f*K ... except on;. the imaginative ine of art-Oscar wnde. neon, society will meet in the parlors of the Glencoe Union church Sund m.; with Miss Sue Tracy the Glencoe Union church Sunday! at 6' p. m.; with Mlsa Sue Tracy to charge. The subject will be. "One Day! In Seven for the Higher Life.' The ladies of the St. Elizabeth! Guild,will held a dsy and Tuesday, April 12 and 13, in | one of thj^atoro fodtfi of <hf Oarriha>| up-to-date models and shapesâ€"blue, gray, black, green and brownâ€"a style for every taste, $2.00 and$».00. ; ' '- V' » l*WiT 1.50 Silk Lustre Shirts, 1.15 Every man who looks at our $15 clothes says they're the best he ever saw. Not only thatâ€"men who actually know clothing values tell us that we're certainly giving great clothes for the price. But don't take our word for it. Make us prove It. Come in and give 'em the "once-over." Extra value flannel tweeds, Glen plaids, shadow etripc* Have you read ; rtttils te# mi The newest thing this spring, bold stripes in all colors and black- la u n d e r s perfectly. Every store in Evanston and on the North Shore gets $1.50 for «t this shirt. Our I price.... ..,..*• Saturday Tie Sale that evj|y man will look on oystiiking pattern pes ar/ex|eptionally large urday. PadWarter$ weet-Orr Overall* Shoes for Men ipecially featuring the new- est English lasts. Snappy styles in both plain black and tan ' leather shoes and black with gray cloth tops, and $6 en's Low Shoes at 4.00 A variety of- plain leather pumps, oxfords and doth top novelties. Handsome a AA styles indeed andlyery, An Very good value for ....*• w w 3.95 & 4.50 Boys' At e&eOe7 Norfolk style, fancy mixture suits of high grade quality, with single pants. Every patent who suit and save . will be toe advantage of this ible $3.95 and $4.50 tie 90c 888888»88g08»88»8»»»8»8»#8888888888»»8»88888888888S88iH8>8 list oi items carefully far these remarkable specials msy great savings to you. CANDLE SHADES, CANDLE- •TICKS and CANDLE HOLOERS, ...............:..........fa ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS, Ameri- can beauties and pink roses, ea. .8c DARNING COTTON; on 6 spool* tor ..,,....,...»( VALENCIENNES LACE IN- * 8ERTION8, dozen yard* for....8* SINK STRAINER, blue enam- el .............................t* j KNIFE ANO FORK, hardwood box, neatly finished. ... ......8* ; WATER DIPFER8, blue and ; white LINEN FINISH SUITING, agate white. 3« Inches wide, yard.....Oc FILLOW CASES, sis* 48x88 In., sallty maelln, only.......Se A LOT OF ODD CURTAIN LENOTH8, o*ly ...............Se TABLE OILCLOTH, 1% yard* wide, dark ootora, yard.........8* ' FRUIT OF THE L008J 88U8V LtNf b**t sjaallty, yard.........8* dish MOP, imported ........I WATER TUM8LER8, lead blown ; crystal glass. 8 for.............8c • JELLY PLATES, blue and whit* I ................8* toreDept See our special metal beds, white or Vernis Martin, any size, $5 Owtfr4nstrftn Rt|r-ftilitfr and Kitffcfw gteet, very strongly made......................... "Lady Elgin" Ovens, glass door, double 1 i ned.............. ...... •. 'AUbartine," 5-lb. pkg. 98c 139 45c DISH DRAINER, well strong.........................8a ' «CRUSJ OR SINK BRUSHES, A large assortment, specially prig at ...........'.-...I............8* PIE PLATES, bias enameled steel, at ...â€"i.., OINNER PLATES, large whiu porcelain china with CAKE TURNERS, special. CARPET â- EATERS, S* .. wire. ||8888l8888S88S888S88888888e888S88888888888888888»88888»88888888888888S888888888 sa*aa»ssaa**n*aansaaainnm Now for sale in our Drug Department Developing, Printing and In introducing this department we are offering a high order of service to our many patrons to- gether with a quality of workman- ship which will make this depart- ment a favorite one. Camera*.....$2 to $ IS will! in the Good ad- here for the