Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 9 Apr 1915, p. 4

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^v THE fcAisS wioMH Ngwa; FKIPAY. APRIL t, Ml* THE LAKE 8H0RB NEWS ^fl fw (in PiBini ••• a^rwww *M>W *^rwwaaJM*JPww^ • 'make fmvar b*a* aad aaw grass e**d; AT WILbtlTTf. ILL. ItSt Wllmette A wmmmeasmmmmaa 0. P. Taow-o*.. •INSCRIPTION allftlaeasmtfaai AA^ fYaaaatl â- ll* Something of that •*« might doth* ecaaol children bare salt* a* math I too* at higher mathematics J cottnecr bpeujxo. â€"r. #»{ And now com** rraah W. Bellou of n~vE2nV th« MlMfkVNttl d**art»B*nt Of edU- iLam^^w-x^ •»-•• **> ~* th* *•*«•*â- â€¢â€¢ .......... - 'frr nr* taught to spall too many - & *^«tw»d they do not aaolt tao stmstmt and Sleet Church of Chela*, seleotiat. Firat Church off Christ, wiUhtail, Wllmette. Casual aveaa* and Ttath street. Sunday. l*;«a a. at. aad .:« p.m. eeonlnn *t • o'clock. Readies room. 1 10 4 p. dl, eicepi Sunday* and holiday*. â€"Adv. k lit all maetlas- â-  ! * sv-*aa paster preach** at lb* Keatlwerth mission. taala free, â- treason wtkoaw. The ^IS.'SS^^.WSI^ ji mat weeai terror iwMfcaitea^m'the eUereni »«**"• owe* eomaaoa word* correctly. wove •H«uM reaeh our *m« not later children la Mr. Belle** aafcaat oa> animation* bare tpetle4 wwtaa, trie* [ IIS time*, *ubef Hated faer* for Ihwfr Ulencoc baa goa« Wllmette one bet (f§ ^ ^ ttg matla T*v ttaaaa. iter la tao matter of rollar skating. ^ Hpm(( ^ >-#d -fW#flir w Mara iM wi people »* **» ^ ^ w ^ lfcw-il| .„„„.« their wheel** foot gear for transport* Reel Baptist Church. Rat. a Frank Tabor, paator. dcsoa. lflg Eleventh at root. â- oaday eertlce* bald la Urn WomLhaaaaoffa aaa Crab building, coraor of Green- ctoa, ^ loaf avaeae aad Teath atreet. §:#• a. aa.â€"BiWa school. Oaaaaa S» iSS agam Adalt Blbl* ciaaa la chars* off the paator. Sl:«a> a.' ».â€"Public wonhlp. Sob Jeet aff tao earmoe. "Vaaeee neatest* la OaaTa Baroieo." S:*a p. -a*.â€"Cormnoeweetth claaa in! than Wiambtf- rw*s. -BsaawteBBBsaaiBassBpSaB FRIDAY, APRU. >â-  ltl> ^ awBB«gggâ€"aâ€"en im'H1 iiimiiicgegg^ off arrota. Ho think* It fooltab to at- tkm IPoaiBWiao to boaaa for •««1*iUiilrt ^ ,1^^ cuidraft UM* worda •â- â- FW- -â€" M vbm tbojr aaoar bava «aa for moro * * « Ninth atroot and Giwtaioar avaaa*. funday acbool. »:« a m.; furaacular. aarftoaa, tl:tf a. m. aad 7:44 p. ro. The paptor. Rot. J. M. Wtlaon. will aaoak Saaday nlfbt on -John Hea, tb* Bohamlaa Martyr, aad Hit BoRaffa. Moralar aabjoet: NTfca HalWaJah | tha Coagroaatlnnal ebareb Ckoraa off Chrtatlaa VWala"Hr4 ttli p. afcâ€"B. r. P. if. maotlnf. A fraaman will alas Gas!** MN«wrcorai«l tavttatior. to all yoaat pao- aad Now Kartb," aad Mc- p|« BSfH 3..r»M U<l VP "^ * »*! !»• â- -**«»«* »»rrM* Sab- **• " i loot: Tbo R1a« and Fall of I'Mla*." OilTUARV. ajUg JdbdlMAdlMA W Mlao Joaaaotto • roaldaat aff WI1 dtad at Aartoab Cat. 23. la compaar vital Wr aiatar, W?5iur»LaadMr.Tatbttl..l toortna tbo woot. wbaa bar ftroagtb fallad aad aba atoppad aMfca who la alao a pby»l- ^GOLD^ At ftratLaba larprorod aad *r. aad Mr* Tuthiii rano oa to Wtlmvtt*. •*• poctlaa that aba would follow " r aaatar. bat a tara cam* for tb* worst aooa afftar tbotr arrlral bara. Tbo romalaa vara brawfbt to t bkaco. aad tbo fwaaratjaafrlraa wara .ondu-irU at tbo oW bom* In Sand- wfeb. III., oa March Id. Firat CaaiiaaaMaaal 31a womon'a vote oa Taaadajr in tana 1100. Thl* complaint 1* on* that baa fro Chicago aad North Sbora towaa | quWU|y ao*e bmHo by practical p»r> aboald be an rncouraglaf alga for tbo | gong, who like their ct*rka and *t»not- •atfrajpritee aad t aad artument rapbatj aad *v*a high *rho«l «ra<lu- agalaat the old cry "that women don't; atea In any inpaHty t» be nbl* to take an iaiercot la politic*.- »P*« ordinary Sngiieh * * * TUB Mt>Si>#. A eimtlar | crttlclam might be mado o( the uar do not want to hark back to the tradi- tional "aolden day r of the pa»t. or to ; of language*, the ability to apeak and j to wrtta forcefully and tntttllgently. Wrimetto l* noma to bav« a quiet ( A §mm ^ mtm ^^ |0 oba#rw village eloctloo. With only oao ticket ^^ |hat ^ of th,m kW. ca» flLiifarlllablJillte lntere«t ^^^M79^m^^^uamOtb^0M.- W* be ehowa ia the coating of ballott oa April 20. There are. however, two qaeattona which demand coneldemble j ^^ My of |||# mtnrkm^rron * attaatlaa, Th* on» off tint importaaeoj fortwr .^iw^uoaai *y«*mit. but w* ittboaweation of voting wortbjMwM ln ajMlgtfP# Mr mly* th,nkf> of baada ffor the aarvhaetn* of »•» fof fc<vf||||<|||nf thf mfnj8 oft^ yoatk fir* eaalpateat. 0, loday with a mnltlptirUy of hall- Plre laimraac* rat«* are high "> i*,rrleil thing*, a multitude of vagut WUaietto. Tb* village la in tbo four sftlt marrorate impreaotono. and a half akara. Tbo quatl*catlon» ^^^ W9 ^ !aftll0T t0 the at- 'uMdowabytbeboordof underwriter* pwkJy crowd#|| curTictt|a of lhf | for tbo fourth ctaa* coold be met if mho&u „ lntto4uem Mm rod* and tbcee bead* wer* voted through. wcreatlon* U might be well to Inaiat Gleocoo ba* >a*t parcboaod a aowf lnat ehildren be trained thoroughly la j fir* track at a coat of 14.000. Lake, a f,(w ot th„ oidfaabloned funda> ylore*t ba* a iroteadid equipment fbrjaMatal*. cavh a* apetllng and the <*+ tbo *l*o of the town. Of coor** Wll- [,,,.,, ttllr of M,\\mry Kngll»h atett* can depend on the g*a*raatty J ^ off evaastoa, in caae of a »ery bad or*." Mr*. Mary tllaaheth Norton Mr*. Mary Sllaabotb Norton, widow of the late Lemuel D. Norton, died , Monday aUoraooa aL tb* realdoae* afffrrnoon. 2 p. avâ€"Mealb-. of ^ ggggatar, Mr*. Cbaata* N. Coo- WUmotta avenue ** aafiffajaa|â- VSSlwaL^ S^i^aYlS?^ ^.."g^^^g^^CT Mi bau nAmtn Ba-,- mitit«i<»p ! " w aaoiaty. at toe nomiF of w»r»., gftt wi |Bft fg^^^f of Mr*. Ralph F«. f^firS. B0W*~* minM*r- J. .a Orolg, Stt Ureeawood avenue.; ^ n0 UadM| „m„, g|# w ! Ml** Bertha « Jobnaon. of Chicago. ft. BWttrt,A by another daughter. i iasana^p, retrrea«««ive of â-  tb* M|^ „. NoftoB> •- | Lopar aflaskm work, will aP**k oa fnMr^ ^icM ^ b„d ^ m. airaat Sunday. April 11: P:4* a. m.â€"Sunday acbool. It a, m.â€"-Moa'a Bible claaa. It a. m.â€"Morning service. hundred* of task* daily i tb* work being don* for leper*. There re*ld*oc* of her daughter, Mr*. Con ISflft p. m.â€"Young People'a Bible; .|IAuM hm . •__„ ttttenaaare at this •**** clM.,la,be_.,udy. _ JwtSrrii^^ Gp:m.-<^*. W(,„Mj ^ningf 1 Irayer mraUng .Subject lieatben* May Teach Ua" »MS p. m.-V. I1. S. C. EL. ted by Ml** Whcetock. Wedneoday. April 14: 10 a u -Udle* Blbl* claaa la the â- tody. Wllm*tt* Meth*di*t Church. Lak* and Wllmette avenoe*. T. K. tlaie. mlnlater, IQ«4 Lak* ave nue. Telephone »'44 , liam T. McElvoea. paator off the Firat . .^ t'oasvogaifcmal church of Bv*n» Uh;,t ,h charge. The Interment waa at Loot port. IB-Mr*. Norton"* old bom*. J 1 to tend help, bat the average bUxe I* the one that demand* prompt at tea tioo. It I* protection that *boot<l be afforded every reeWeut A fun »wtir on the question I* d<»eir*4 The Mcond propoettton i* ta. ,a»* » tion o* anaaxlag a •â- urtwn v.f in the aoothweat portico »x «»-<• »in**«- "Thl* land ha* recently k~-.» ^t o«-*i «*t» by a real estate rtrta »..a u.t* t>-»« L ,been sold. It I* » uutt.^r r» i«»^ '«»-«' *------vrdual voter to aay wO*tn«.r tu«> *»nt the territory or not t/j mmso if r/« .*!»..< ChlcaiTo'j. ' <•!«-«« u/ prv*»aai. *. . a lederattf»o baa tw»a or*>n»t»'*-'* -â- â€¢ promote. sxpptt-« i*. the main to tbt..«e political, whitf In Mltwaake* they ax* NjUu^,,y orgnnixlng clean »»P «'itfbe f«>r tb« k^ir- ^poee of iiu«tilllaK Into th* iuto<i» ot the cooiInK generation i.k-u.» ^C <».ic eiranllnetia which v,m. „t tb.aj»-ji*e^ tnake a cbaaer ana brixh»er wtij H jn twin* protoiotrd an.on* nchool children, an J » t>«n. j»ro\ klfl for cwt» to. u*t»« < red, white and bid ttu? **>. .» • • â- Â»" np «1ub" In blue letter. -Mx iU -U»t- ground, and "Paint u»» a«. i ^ ^^ t< Up" In red on a wtilto i.ounj An educational campaign L na^i •L Jahna Uuthcran Church. Kltaa aad Jam** street*. Wliawtte. 8*rrlae Sunday moralagv Apif 11. ttermafi. 10:3»>. Sunday acbool. P:30. A aacrod con'«<rt will bo given at St. John* as Sunday evraing Ai>rlt iue. leieimom- t*,. .- ±-4^*. tt, $ o'clock. BerryMO'I *:30a. m.- Rlbl* •cbool. Orche.tra. " ££3iU»vlied Claa*e.4 for all. Mr. Ralabold inrit** • >ou to hie adult ctaa*. t0:46 a. rn - The Parable otJ**u»." MaaM by ProL Edward*. Cberaa eboir. 3:$a p. roâ€"Junior cbatcb. Special apaaker. S p. m.â€"Colon meeting of the Bap* ti«t. Congregational and Methodist • >iurcbe*. Irr, Cotlodge will lecture on "Afrtc CI » ANINi /.v rr.fis ar/o.v «/. / t >♦. International la* I* k »ubJ<N:i in Abirtk alt itatto'i> ».o l(»t.-re;»i-'d, whether b*<>oa* »h « U a v»l»h to abt-1*> b> law* t»» tr.«ut« tt.«tr CtfA* tent I.. h'.x lr» tu'i'k^tltnce > Itb th<- «S* tKilUa./ a( lt<e InUlvMua.! »>«*4>l«- Todny It eeetue a* It iu,«roatlo<val t^er is ociy a figment «>t it.* Ormlit -d â- .«atrat people* •« «Uitu <w .a* «artoo» oecre«» ^^i>**. la * nK«nt t**u< ti.. • * r.<onin^ P»j«t ..,iuu»ti» « • U.. «»<â-  rvrd pan.(>niet arte-'-*. \>g u « BU...U peOf^etiOr of lnt«-;u*MOn*i 1 aw Mr Ktif Hu-L~t-i* ti f*<v>» ui . » rey.^f.t: i>. uukk'-» at a t>.*tv/ .,.«.! .-a»c . .«»^ jt*-i ji u'<,.a »( tu<* .1* u »»*»• u» 1.* 1.A m* .«*»«*• >»t in* i»« »««»a.t » -r beta* tufc* Bkta4_u4'< .airto ar» ^<*ly eax F» w lu.- partial mi./l-i W.til, *>> » â-  » l.i» '•» thlslv b.t tUat .» .1 -•• lt« ».- - < . < W.»t > l'..»i. ,*.i Kl. 1 ai u .. .iu 1 j«i ->' 1* I t th«f <|tr<^»t«>»> •â- â€¢' »n. «»».(!. u. ui ...i r- *1"* â- national la» Vn ho U tl>'>r« t> e.Wor^e ttaa ir.••» ' th^m »j.,„ .„ U.&.. t< tbo «rv*( >^>*- It i» 'n ' «r»r» ar*" tti*«»». rl»^* UUls*r*"<« > it j a.Ut.t t«^ kt.1! lb« -l»ul« »tr<i ti,. j-f law r,«rutail"* »t*^ on4ii<t <)< .a .< »* in * ar autt in |^ea ^ »ere t^lt.u* u to • >,r«i> Hat K»»f«*jw. HbttrtU »<<"*«) that. •i»-« th<» war tj o»*r iu» >»til P^yp'ur watch when, you strike Mattiaoh Street to-morrow morning and time yourself to the HEARST BUILDING to ,v niiHticn tv.i«« a X.r to get from the «fcttiot r. wht a you can be oul> 1 50 m»aat*» aw.*y ai.d hav Chicago's Best Office Building Whv , »_ .5 to ,.. ii>t«at<» t«.i«« a X.r to get from the .tattoo »o ,ot»r offl<:«- and t »^k w*in» w'h*n you can be out) i 5-0 miaot«t aw^y ai»d have your ofttce to Lib.. .. .tinner!. r«c*p<iwoalU ««U lighted mod«tu ia everv -»» Kight *levator»â€"•»erv Suodjyt RE7.TS REASONABLEâ€"SKRVl .-tntiUted. Th-trottfibly U boors a day. including N EXCELLED. Evanston. Illinois Uulck atf a Wink" j Closing O Dresses an Conducted by the bureau to r>(«-p«.r« "for a clean up *vek Aprtl i* to 2 4. and among th* p(vr«>i*t» .altM t<> ib« attention of the emboli*/* ore th«-«o> . "IJonot ll.«o» di./thin* ..t« *ide»4tiK. or *treet».' i.vt U Uuui to b« tb* toâ€" T^t t^ai ai»4 aitieaat*- ^an«*U»ne of int. ru»ti«>f»Al j U» «... t- t..- fou»4 In tbe »«*/ u*i-««"J »itt, .... 1. uicvur^ b«t*c*a el.ifl*'-«i| t..ii,i-. ». d In the good otrinlon ofj ma«iklr».i This tact is carefully *r-i -Oo_b**-throw anythiug „i «ld»waiki» p,^,^, ,, ,.^, ^ belligerent, in th* fjnew. bulUifng* cr pobtk- property ' ! ^ ^ vl<MaUnt tb>. „,!«» 0f aar. The/ {j -Brighten up yourself, brighten up \ ^^ j^, ,0 aptWM. to be dotng tnlog* jrour Lottie and spread the clean up.^ mhOK;k the cooaelvacm of the wortoV and brlghuMt up splHt among your 1 rhin „„,„ ^^i ^ „„, atroaxer friend*." when peace cornea. - "Do not alio' rt»;»blsh to accumulate win ^ |0 about yojar home* ' ----- -Do not let piles of a*heg or trash The endearor thed all national acts' j square with the maxim* of good faith i and Justice; *o that w* may expert remain la badi yards" "hHxe yoar hick yard a. clean -1 Internationa law. while perbaga modi- ^mrMm^miJten^ts^PrVmto^*** ** anaw*^artlea!ars by the " M& ^Deatroy breading place* for file*. With the Utility garment you can dress instantly with- out mussing the hair and be dressed prettily and comfortably. The Utility slips on and off like 4 coat. Two t> ..»»*,.-» Do the Trick ii. .arc* fin J* 4tUght trl »U4.i features a* characterize the i tility Garment*, which are made as a house dress* kimono, or negligee. No buckles, tapes or straps. MaUc in percales, gingham and crepes, all colors, light and dark. Prices $1.19 to $2.95 oy^I/ouits. roidering Finishes Children s Dresses lip ready to . in cut ana workmanship, require just a Hi embroidery and trimming. Models are in-light blue poplin and in tan, rose, Hue and white ratine. Sites 4, 69 8 and !0 years. - Bully Boy Suits Model as shown in illustration. Suits are all made upy ready for the embroidery. Cuffs.coUar andpockf scalloped for buttonhole stitch. Shown in all white pique* or with while ratine blouse and either Hue or tan ratine trousers. Sizes 2 and 4 only. The **** Dresses and Suits that sold for^r Are you a customer of our Circulating Library? .75 reduced to FIRST SOLD IH FAULT WORK SECTION â- a

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