^^ J^ e» w AWiWe^^iWD • • ^e^^R^^^^^^ ^R^ GAIN FOB THE YEAR Enrollment Paaaeathe Five Thousand Markâ€"New Catalog Out Tho yeeriy eatelogoo of Xorthweet- ertt university which appeared yester- day, showed an encouraging growth for tho past year. In spite or the increased tuition and higher requirement*, tho total enroll, meat of tho Unlrcrolty baa shown a total Increase of ICO, The College of Liberal #rts %ao maintained the eame perceotaco of men and women, though there nan boon ho special appeal this joor ^SK^^ ****** aa* with tho women â- till ntty-atx per ..There cent of the MM in a are <3« women and 494 men la tho col- leas. The CeSqga of fia>gi»*saiag nan abown tho greateet Increase durin n tho year with twenty-eight par cent. The statistics show that the men j predominate in tho Commerce. Dental, Pharmacy. Lew, Theological and Preparatory schools, while tho women come Into their own In Music, Oratory and tho Training In tho total enrollment for ail scboota the men outnumber tho co-eds nearly two to one. A few of tho schools ahowed losses In enrollment, This wan greatest among tho Proper* tory schools and to a alight extent In tho Orslery. pharmacy and Medical echoola. Advertisements TELEPHONE. WILMETTE 1640 Watt Aai is tie Lake Shore News ars chafgoi at the following rates . -. AU Oiler CUuificatioaf. 5 ceati per line. Miaimom Pfice. ttceafi. No idvertiiemeat charged for leu then 25 centi. " ' icperlenced era, etc. Not j two two planes Lako Shore Ne New! 201 Id; flow- rk. Could Address ltc FOR SALE PR WAHIHgâ€"WUA1W BBWIWO Chllllaoii'l'Timrmenta a ai|ii In MI llWIJI |j........ 1223 Phono 22W-3tp E, m M W Ibe Best silk hose eptlng agency town. " Writo INTERNA- TIONAL MILLS, 8052 Chestnut, Philadelphia, Pa, 20wtf FOR RENT-ROOMS _Ndrth- Ad- Shore News, A-300. Itp Fbjrfe^jiABy^B 19w-2tp BtfT 'Phono^ Itc -HOUSES rn,y s SBwtf MISCELLANEOUS BX propel vards; price; coe ION, gardens. low u- 20w-4tp ;j" ,. Classified Business List GENERAL MERCHANPI yy GROCERIES BR EN fELERS AUQj lirlni to Watch g of and clocka. enoo with houses. Phono 2612. an US •an. Ian. bos perl- Chicago 827 Davis Street MEN'S WE Cloth Order. Soroala Children. log HA lotbes to s for Von. r LadUrs •«* a Fumleb- s HOTELS TH USE •ST,; ..;â- : Re-Opening o. 210 5, THE LAER SHORE HEW». FRIDAY. APRIL t, Itlf. NEW BOOKS Llet of Gardening Becks. Gardening for Pleasure-Header- on. inaian Gardeningâ€"Rsxford. A Woman's Hardy Gardenâ€"Ely. The flower Garden noniii i*.~ Anierlcon Flower Harden Blac~l- ard. hardening nod Panningâ€"Shaw. Bulb CjgJtS«|T^ae*raop. Between Haglaavd and Scotland etand the mine of the old Roman wall.; known ae Oho DseaTa Wait ©wins »» Very Caay. \ oount of too flrataoaa of tho asortar -It le said tnat-two people can Iteoi and tho imperishability of the atones, do jNsjfc ac-I sataa had a .hand ha its construction. EVANSTON 630 Davis Stre Tels.3414, 2415, 2416,3417 M .TTHE GROGER WILMETTE Central Ave. Ol 2th St. Tela. 310.311,512,313 -FIRST QUALITY GOODS. GOOD SERVICE. FAIR, PRICES^ SPECIAL PRICES IN FORCE APRIL 12th TO APRIL 17th CALIFORNIA SUNKIST NAVELS- Thoy never wcro bettor than now. 170 ntae. Dor. 25c 160 else. Boa......30e 126 alao. Doz..... 35c FLORIDA CRAPE FRUIT- Perfect In flavor and quality. 64 size. Each........6e Boa...............66 5t also. Each........7c Boa...............75c CALIFORNIA LEMONS- Very cheap. Ve line, soo size. Boa........................ FANCY POTATOES i%ok. is »„.... Bushel. 1*> lbs................................2fe ANTONINI OLIVE OIL-Quality unsurpaswid. 1 sal. can........23.26 18 uz. bot..........30c M; gal. can........$|75 0 oa hot. .........'480 M gal. can.........Me 5 JzT bot-..........27c COFFEE â€" My ownf blcml. f bich makes a mild, 4«c value. Hweet drink that Lb.e Cubana. 25c vali TSAâ€" Basket Fired Lb. Kagllsh Breakfast , Lb............... Oolong. II. No. 52. 50c Oolong. H. No. 63. 75« Oolong. Peach Ueils.- COCOA Baker's. % Huyler'a. % lb. can. Phillip'h Digestible. % lb. can Beaedorp'*. S on. eon...... 34c 22c No. I 66c value. .....oV>.........48o No.'ldl4 6oc valuo. ......;......... v-40* ue. Lb...........35c Lb...........Me Walter Baker's Premium Chocolate - CINGEIL ALE â€" Cantrell and Cochrane Import- ed. .Plnta. Boa.....................,^.. Chippewa. Gives the beet o* satlefaetaoa. font Business Saturday,' April 10th, at 8 a. m. With a blgjer, better, more complete stock of merchandise than was wtr before attempted ia Eva^aotoi. Thfs store haa bees entirely remodelled, enlarged and newly equipped, offer- inf von o moot ideal Dlace to shop. Besureandcome on above F. W. WOOLWORTH CO. 810812 DavUStrmt EVANSTON, ILL. Boa. quarts...............................-t>t.tS 24c don- rebate for bottbw. CURRANTS â€" Plum Pudding. Cleaned. Pkg. 12e FIGSâ€" Turkish. 6 crown. Lb.................20c loibeaV P0»e4 TijE m '................ 22« CEREALSâ€"Shredded Wheat Biscuit. Pkg. lie Batrtea'e Breakfast Pood. Pkg..............Me Quaker FuBed Wheat. Pkg..................10c •PlHsbury Brao. Pkg. i*/fr Wheateaa. Pkg. 14c Triscutt. Pkg. ........ .v. i..-. w>............HO Quaker Hominy. Pkg.........,.....-----....to ___U. B lAiaHvPood Pkg â- , -, . , â- ,. 220 Robinson's Scotch Oatmeal. 5 lb. can---------.5tc DATES -Part Dates. Stuffed with ants. Boa20c Black Part Dates. Lb....................12^ie Dromedary. Washed. Pkg..................10c SWIFT'S PREMIU Just ths thing in coo! ^J^lsPwcWutu. 40-50 atse. WebeBatt. Lb. OF Only the high In our brand 1 lb. carton stlka. m Bra PEAS TERâ€" quality buttor used Alwaya sweet. ....... ...22e cariun..........33c Brand. Ooa......2fo .....-...............24o *i Kxtra fancy pointed loan............200 Doa..............tjU2. â€" Our finest quality of sweet sugar corn. ............•^^iiaJa1ii20»............S1-30 \!uiuMgo*22b^P^'"a«. A bargalu. Very aneojiajiP^^in..12!/2e l»oz..............$1.48 fted Kiirly Juno. ..............14a Doa...............,11 JO TOESâ€" The very nnest quality of red, rip© tomatoes in No. 3 cans 14o Dos. .. rrrrrrrnTtlJT LIMA BEANS â€"French style. Very amaU, green Limas. For sahid or vegetable. Can................12c l)oa...............11.20 MONARCH STRINCLESS BEANS Very fine for vegetable or salad. r^Tr..14e Dog. â€".-............11.S8 Very <*«n.. MaiJnei Daily, 2 to 6 P. M. TcACenU Evenii 7 to 11 P.M. 615 DAVIS 1 "L--"â€" - - Fiftt EVANSK m AND El ANB TNE â- a1 lence iet Easanay Dami Of Air Excellent! Pictures ft = B SATURDAY I00N MONARCH RED KIDNEY BEANS- ^iNo^l can.... T"^tt -fo .2 cans . ^.. j*.... .^2oo ^oOsooau^Kxtremely One fee flavor and pack. No. "Ht can. ~. -...... :l2irtlKLZ.t tJL. •.. -r,.... .1222 Jig. 2 can...,.....;>12o Doo. ..*.„..>^,..*H.?a REINDEER. PEAS- DeHdous. No. 2% can. JGt*-----â- %• •«.......12c Dot, . ........... ,12*14 PRESERVED FIGS iter's. Skinless. 2____ Can....... .......21e Do*........ .....,f*4fl FRENCH MUSHROOMS First choice. Can..22c Kxtra saseU. Caa..22c SALMONâ€"Monarch. Steak. No. 1 tat can.....;2ee Doa. .... ....flflja No. V* flat can.....loo Das...............fLfli Yoebt Clsb. Alaska Salmon. No. t tail can...... 17c Dos...... ......22J» SARDINES â€" liaaotted. Fancy qnattty. Ikwetoss. H 8 can............,_..........t......^... 23« Wltb bones. WSeaa.: ,,.,....;...,...,..2flo BeasUss and SkbOea*. % & eaa..............20c With hones. * S can. Monarch. ttScaa. Dry gaek. » Doe. - - • Anchovies. Large bottle Capers. Saudi be«. tfl*/a* Oos hot. CsTlar. %. Si..^....2aV, %JL*^ raaelr 1 nuiiloa. % aV boa 23J0 bot. O lee s# trono4ew My swioaa aoa tte ea*w# oo iacDermott â- and Miriam/ Nesbitt â€"â- m IN "A Theft hiAhe Dark" lison > . THE^eP1 And Other me Features or IQI :st EsunaA Comedy â- TUESDAY â- W. Savage's Si >n, productioi ing Auditorium Theater* rui Washington grm$kkmMb fMttnqfi