Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 23 Apr 1915, p. 2

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THS JLA*B OSOWJflSWS, FRB>AV, APWLU, ltlg. 9= as 5ocia/ Happenings in Wilmette My RUTH RISbEY, Phofts Wllmstto WO---------------L----- * One pf tiie most charming affairs of the early spring season was that fciveh test Monday evening by Mr- and Mrs. Frank J. Baker at their beautiful home on Lake avenue, in honor of Mrs. Jonathan Jackson. It took the form of a dinner-dance, and to the surprise of the guests the dinner was served in the basement, which had been very attractively fitted up for the occasion tb represent a grill room. T*e spacious liv- ing room and adjoining halls were adorned with palms, ferns, pink roses and narcissus. -„•'••• " "T ..: â- -v 3 Among the guests of the evening were Messrs. and Mtf dames B, Jackson Casse, ^ouis A. Clark, Charles N. fceese, Clarence M. PuW- man, Percy Stdflen, William Smith, fleecy Andrews, William -p. Belt C. D. Worthington, C. C. Carnahan, G-o~e Bird. E;,«, §#*»*bpne, a«4 Charles Sanford Clarke, Mr. David Anderson, Mr. B. Frank Brown, Mr. Gordon Bird and Mesdames Norman Ownpjon, a*d Parsons. Last evening the Bakers gaVe a small fareweH dinner-party at the Midway .gardens for Mrs. Jackson. j ' ' â- '*•--:. :. .v'.'.'l! i\ • fjffritmim last Monday, {[here was an exhibition at the Matzene studio in the Fine Arts buUdittg-ol special interest to Wilmette resi- dents and to many others along the north shore as well, j Mr Frederick .Webster, who is spending the winter in Evamton, and »s known to many residents in this village, has au exhibit of portraits[in <w, pastel and miniature during the week. . •'• ;> â- â- .â- >' Collaborating in the exhibition with; Mr. Webster is,Miss Mary Washburn, who will have several pieces of sculpture on view, winch will be a pleasant surprise to aft lovers. rMUs Washburn, has spent fifteen years abroad in study, and recently has been under the tutelage of Charles Mulligan at the Art institute. . # • , Tea is .served from 3 to 5 o'clock at the. studio .and the hostesses for the afternoon have been and will be as follows: Monday, Miss ^Bosen and Miss Benson; Tuesday, Mrs. Francis Lycjston Murray and Miss Helen Stanley; Wednesday, Miss Josephine Harnman; Thurs- day, Mrs. Louis Brock; Friday, "North Shore Day," Mrs. Harry Marks, Mrs. Clayton Marks; Jr., and Mrs. Mathew Garty; Saturday, Mrs. Frank Corby and.Miss Annette. .....rim "'â-  .- Mrs Henry B. Gates, the retiring, club at her home, 1029 Elm wood ave- presitfent of the Wilmette Woman's <lub, entertained a few of her club as- sociates at luncheon Tuesday at her hone, 1120 Wilmette avenue. fit;, and Mrs. F. A- Bedlan enter talned Informally at dinner lastJPrJ^ nlng at ibe clubhouse day evening at their home, 711 Waeh ington avenue. Last Sunday evening Mr. and Mrs. Clarence M. Puhlman entertained a few at tea In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Jackson of New York at their home, 632 Washington avenue. * " -â- *. . A delightful dinner party was given Monday evening in the parlors of the Presbyterian church for the members of the Rebekah chapter of the West- minster guild.. Miss Nettie Kaufman was hostess last Saturday afternoon to the "Jap" nue. . The afternoon dancing. was spent in A formal dancing party for the senior members of the Ouilmetto Dane* ing club will be held tomorrow eve- Mrs. Thomas J. Phelan entertained at bridge Wednesday afternoon at her home, 415 Washington avenue. The Town club will give another of their series of monthly dancing par- ties tomorrow evening at the Wil- mette Woman's clBb» / _1 ^ Tomorrow afternoon the Masonic lodge will convene at 2 o'clock in the club rooms. At 6 o'clock a delicious dinner will be served by the Wilmette Chapter of the Eastern Star. This will be followed by a discussion of the building of a temple. Wilmette Societies â-¡ and Clubs Q 1 ~ The North End circle of the Congre- gational church will give a Japanese tea this afternoon in the church par- lors. All the ledles of the church are most cordially Invited. Mrs. Albert I&tvkes will be hostess to her Tuesday Luncheon and Bridge club next week at her home, 714 Cen- tral avenue. ' the Reading circle will hold Its next meeting Monday afternoon at the heme of Mrs. D. L. Taylor, 849 Mich igan avenue. Mrs. Herbert B. Kulford, 836 Elm- wood avenue, was hostess to her Tues- day Luncheon and Bridge club this week. The Friday Luncheon and Bridge club was entertained last week at the home of Mrs. John w. Cullen. 1231 Ashland avenue. Miss Margaret Allen will entertain Saturday Afternoon Bridge club at her home. 1004 Ashland avenue, to- morrow afternoon. The May meeting of the "Twigs" will be held on Thursday afternoon, at the home of Miss Margaret M< Milieu, 1010 Linden avenue. fortnightly Bridge club will meet Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. J. II. Verbaleii. 1018 Elm wood avenue. Yesterday afternoon the North Shore Catholic Woman's league gave a card party at the Winnetka Woman's clubhouse. __The Evening club of St. AugusttAe'B church held a meeting last evening In the parish bouse. *frs. Alfred D. Hermann was hosteao Tuesday evening to her Evening club, a bi-monthly organisation, at her home, 1124 Green leaf avenue. Following is the list of officers sleeted for the ensuing year for the Wilmette Public School Art league: Presidentâ€"Mrs. George A. Van Dyke. Vice presidentâ€"Mrs. Helen S. Qage. Recording secretaryâ€"Mrs. J. R. Mimij/ml Personal Mention of Wilmette Folk = Miss Dorothy BtttS, 707 Washing- ton avenue, Is ill at her home. Mr. and Mrs. Claude E. Fitch. 1033 Elmwood avenue, are making an ex- tended visit in the east. Master bryson Field is convalescing at his home, 1203 Elm.wood avenue, after a siege of chlckenpox. Mrs. Thomas Keene dale Is con- valescing at her home, 1124 Lake ave- nue, after a very serious Illness. Virginia Beymer. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Beymer. 622 Hill street. Is convalescing after an attack of Inflammatory rheumatism. . Mr. Joseph Hi CJark of southern In- diana visited a few days this week at the home of his sister, Mrs. William Luvery, 1301 Greenwood avenue. Or. E. R. Mulford of La Crosse, Wis., is spending a few days this week as the guest of his brother. Mr. Herbert F. Mulford, 835 Elmwood avenue. Mr. and Mrs. George M. Pond and fnmily moved yesterday from 730 Elm- wood avenue to their new home at Fifth Street "and Gregory avenue. Miss Georgtana Rogers, 428 Ninth street, is expected to return to Wil- mette about the first of May, after an extended visit with friends in the east. Mrs. Lucinda Ross, 1011 Central ave nue, left the middle of this week for New York city, where she will be the truest of her daughter, Mrs. Frank Marbury. Shlppen -of- Rome. Corresponding secretaryâ€" Mrs. Ed- gar O. Blake. Treasurerâ€"Mrs C. C. Prescott. The chairmen of the various com tees are: Art committeeâ€"Mrs. F. L Joy. Membershipâ€"Mrs. Paul Lobannoff. Entertainmentâ€"Mrs. Win. Schmedt- gen. Portfolioâ€"Mrs. Charles S. Dlagee. Houseâ€"Mrs. J. E. Wegforth. Monday. April 26, at 2:30 o'clock. The speaker will be Mrs. M. H. LauiloU, county evangelistic superintendent. A great deal of interest was mani- fested in the exhibition held on last Wednesday afternoon and evening at the Woman's club, and an excellent crowd turned out. It was reported that nearly fifty dollars was taken in fiom the domestic science sale, con- ducted by those pupils, which, of course, is to be turned over to the garden fund. One of the Friday Luncheon and Bridge clubs i.iet last week with Mrs. Burt C. Liardenbrook. 1101 Forest ave- nue. • ' The Little Music Study class net Tuesday morning with Mrs? George 11. Bird, C10 Washington avenue. )"!,.,!â-  .'*â- ',' T' . - â-  '•M '*$ Hazel Eden. Hazel Eden, soloist for. the Sunday ev ening concert at the Evanston Hip- podrome on April 25th, Is a member of the Chicago grand opera company. She sang In opera in Chicago last winter with the Century company. She has a voice well adapted for arias and songs and she has a pleasing repertoire. Italy, stopped ever the week-end with Miss Alice Shurtleff, 816 Lake avenue, en route to California, where she will visit the exposition. Mrs. DemhiK Wolf of Eimwood ave- nue left Tuesday for a three weeks' visit in the east. . Mr. Joseph H. Long, formerly with McGulre ft Orr, spent Wednesday with friends In Wilmette. After being In business In Wilmette for nearly a year Mr. M. L, Sparr has [ w. i decided that there Is no. place like Wil- mette, and will move next Thursday from his homo in Edge water, to 710 Park avenue. Mr. Jonathan Jackson returned Sun day to his home in New York after spending the week as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Baker, 607 Lake avenue. Mrs. Jackson spent a few days this week with frtead> in the city and returned today to New York city. Kenilworth Mesdames Grant Rldgway and James Prentiss are making an extend- ed visit in Detroit, Mich. Miss Edna Venal!. 688 Hill street. Wilmette, will. entertain at tea Sun- day evening for Miss Marie Hasten. Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Hart, Abbotts- ford road, were called to Racine, Wis., last Thursday to attend the funeral of Mrs. Sands. Mr. and Mrs Carl Keith or Wood- stock road left this week for a falx weeks' sojourn through the west, stop- ping several days at the exposition. Mr. and Mrs. S. 8. nolden gave an Informal dancing party last Monday evening for Mr. and Mrs. J. Monroe Graham, at their heme en Warwick road, near Melrose avenue. Mrs. Fred Lovell was a luncheon hostess Wednesday in honor of Mrs. J. Monroe Graham, who. with Mr. Graham, will leave next week to make her homo in New York city. Last Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Hannah were hosts at a farewell dancing party for Mr. and Mrs. Graham, at their residence on Woodstock avenue, near Essex road. Little Thomas Jenks. son of Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Jenks, died Saturday morning, following a mastoid opera- tion at the Evanston hospital. The burial took place Monday afternoon from the Episcopal church. Miss Marie Hasten and Mr. Hunt- ington Dyar returned, Monday from Milwaukee, where they have been SHiding the week, attending prehup- I affairs and the wedding of a class- mate of Mr. pyar's. Mrs. Frederick Bulloyand Mr*. Otto Armual Meeting ofWom&n9$Mni> JL. SI tf__iA Wednesday was a big and busy day at the Wilmette Woman's club, for at this time the closing meeting of the year was held, and as a result a great deal of business bad to be transacted. Shortly after 11 o'clock Mrs. Henry B. Gates, president of the club, opened, the morning business session with a series of annual reports given'by the outgoing officers. Each department seemed to be working in such har- mony, and with such enthusiasm thst It is no wonder that such a jAfff amount of work Is carried on. Reports were read by the following people: Mrs. H. B. Gates, president; Mrs. U M. Gallle, first vice president; Mrs. B. F. Brown, second vice president; Mrs. E. L FltzRandolph, third vice president; Mrs. F. D. Day, treasurer; Mrs. J. A. Rlppel. recording secretary; Mrs. II. C. Arms, corresponding secre- tary; Mrs. E. O. Blake, chairman of the young Ladies' auxiliary; Mrs. G. L. Martin, chairman or the Child and Home department; Mm. G. A. Van Dyke, chairman of the Art and Litera- ture department; Mrs. A. N- Pafe. chairman of the Music department; Mrs. Charles A. Wanner. Social de- partment; Mrs. C. C. Mitchell, pro- gram committee, and Mrs. L. J. Pier- stts. Legislative and Civics committee. This was followed by the consider- ation of some and the passing of other of the by-laws, which have been re- vised, and the election of officers, with Mrs. John Segsworth, as cJfsIrman of the nominating committee, which re- sulted as fellows: Presidentâ€"Mrs. Donald M. Gallic First vide presidentâ€"Mrs. Wallace Kerr. â€"----------â€"- "~ Was really done wondrously well, her assistants, Leon litis, at the piano. Da vid Jacobs, violinist, and Jane JEtee, soprano, three of ber pupils, playing no small part In the production. The annual report of ihe-.txt\$mm of the Wilmette Woman's club showed that the receipts for the year wjre ♦2,883,49. The disbursements were f8.878.jM. The main source of revenue Is from dues, which amount to $2,086: € disbursements are for incid The .report dees show that the la a patron of the art leagues, con buting twenty dollars to the Wilmette organization and seven dollars to t" Municipal league. The local board oi cb ar I ties also received t wen ty-fl ve dol- lars. ' ';^:oj: /The finance committee's report gave the total receiptb of money as ?2( 916.33. The largest snare of from rentals. The chief disl is on the building mortgage, $ having been paid. The assets oi club, according to this report* £ to $18,168. "'â- " Mortl- Gardi- Second vice presidentâ€"Mrs. John R. Harper. Third fiep presidentâ€"Mrs. mer B, Skinner. Treasurerâ€"Mrs. George C. ner. Recording secretaryâ€"Mrs. John A. Rlppel. Corresponding secretaryâ€"Mrs. Paul Lobannoff. Art and Literature department- Mrs. L. K. GillBon. Child and Home departmentâ€"Mrs. George L. Martin. Music departmentâ€"Mrs. Harry M. Snow. Philanthropy departmentâ€"Mrs. T. M. Braithwaite. Programâ€"Mrs. C. C. Mitchell. . Young Ladles' Auxiliaryâ€"Mrs. Ed- gar O. Blake., ' > m House committee-â€"Mrs. Max Zabel. Social committeeâ€"Mrs. Charles A. At noon one of the most delightful luncheons of the year was secHred, the members of the Young Ladies" auxili- ary assisting. The program for the afternoon, ar- ranged by the .program and music committees combined, was exception- ally fine, and was one long to be re- membered. Mrs. Morris MacDonald Townley of H dbbard Woods rendered some excellent selections. Mrs. Town ley is a pupil.of OeResxke, an artist of note, has a charming voice and Buch< splendid delivery that one could lis to her for hours, without tiring Another Mature of the afternoon'i entertalnm#t was the presentation wning's "Saul" by Mrs. u key of Evanston. This WINNETKA COMMITTEES. The standing committees for the en suing year for the Winnetka vlt board are as follows: , * Finance Committeeâ€"R. M. Heller, chairman; C. T. Northrop, John Warm ington. Judiciary Committeeâ€"C T. Nor- throp, chairman; C. 8. Ostrom, R. M; Heller. Streets and Alleys Committeeâ€" C. S. Ostrom, chairman; W. H. Nlcholls, C. T. Northrop. Drainage Committeeâ€"W. H. Nlcholls chairman; John Warmtngtoh, G. D Wolf. - . Building, Plata and Grounds Com- mitteeâ€"John Warming ton, chairman; G. D. Wolf, C. 8. Ostrom. Water and Light Committeeâ€"O. D. Wolf, chairman; W. H. Nichols, R. M. Heller. SAFETY FIRST We hear a great deal these First, and there-is no line of slogan is more carefully constdei At this bank conunuiuty. accommodation The investm cien%i to our. is alway assets is t] extendi ifidence of this courtesy and sistent .with safe hanking. prove themselves suffi- iund for our own funds, we offer They, are as convert^ ajs any they are safe. WtLMETTE EXCHANGE ; 5Tr\i fc-BAPIfV... GARDENS ATTRACT INTERE8T. It is with interest, as well as curl osity, that the parents of the school children are carefully watching the gardens which have been planted in the yards of the various residences by the school children. Prof. J. R. Har- per states that he is greatly pleased With the success which seems to be coming from this experiment. TO GIVE JAPANESE TEA. The Junior auxiliary of Christ church, Winnetka, will give a Japan- ese tea, leaux May 1 Mrs. A eftej Japanese prints, in tab- its, on the afternoon of >'clock In the parish house. Kales Is In charge of the of Robert James E. frattg Kenilworth. 1041-1042 rho guarantees, to weav\jd !d*ety Rags. Satisfaction guai Over Van Deusen's Store exclusive wy^tors 'arpets Into com- New old carpets paid for. Wilmette 984-L -â€"-- Marquis Kuth have Issued Invitations for an entertainment to be given next Wednesday afternoon at Mrs. Bulley's residence aa Sheridan road. Miss Grace Gilbert, a dramatic reader, will render the program. Mr. Hugh W. Dyar will serve his son as best man and the inhere wUl be: Messrs. Edwin Badger and Itobt. Alton of Winnetka. Elmer Baker and j Cecil Vaughn of Chicago. Harold Bichel of Racine. Wis., and Robert Dyar. of New York city, a brother of the groom. A very pretty wedding in u> be sol- emnized on Tuesday evening. May .«, at Uie Kenilworth Union church, when Miss Marie Kasten, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hermann A. Kasten of Melrose avenue, will become the bride of Mr. Huntington Dyar of Cleveland, O., son of Ai r. and Mrs. Hugh W. Dyar of Kenilworth. The ceremony will be performed by Dr. X!BarTes The Woman's Christian jsee_ J?pi»^jrJU„jmeet_ wftfe «a, *4i ffiahth street, on Another of the smaller Tuesday Luncheon and Bridge clubs will be en- tertained next week at the home of Mrs. E. Jackson Casse, 833 Forest avenue. , The Tau Sigma Gamma girls met Tuesday evening with Miss Florence stefflnK, at her borne on Wilmette ave- nue: Mrs. Donald M. OalUe was hostess to the Thursday club yesterday after- noon at her home. 1115 Elmwood ave nue. 111 e Home Studio Photography J Wilmette AveM Jugt nut lb of ih^Vi You will do during April large photo inches, with actual value of so that you $5.00. Take some convince v ThefoV •LEPHONE go to . Borgi attractiv [order of $5j photo BLANCHE SWEET In " JU0ITH OF ll^THULlA" Alw CHAS. CHAPLIN In COMfJJV Friday, m JACKIE SAUNDERS in REAPING THE WHIRLWIND Oflluiudjf may I MATINEE and EVENING MARGUERITE CLARICE in GRETNA GREEN AmuicM Travel Pleturaa k50 worth of^vork for at the display in his showcase ien you go to the theater and of the quality of the work. itographer in your town. H. G. BORGFELDT Hors well, pastor ot church, at seven-thirty o'clock, the and will be followed by a small recep- tion at the residence, at eight o'clock. Miss Kasten will have elf ht attend- ants, two maids of honor, her sister. Miss Dorothy Kasten, and Miss Edna Verrall of Wilmette; and four brides- maids, the Misses Harriet Blodgett of Suncook, N. H.. Virginia Dahiell of Menominee. Mich., Ruth Blacker of Boston, Mass., and Anna Gllmore Of Wuiiamsport, Pa Little Ruth Kasten. a smalt sister of the bride, and Doro- tgen of Wilmette wlU be time to give < r, size more. thisj^$1.50, Your Bell teld|>hone is always ready to serve you, regardless of time or distance. Use the Local and Long, Distance Lines Libecmfly. Telephone Company

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