Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 23 Apr 1915, p. 3

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niMwkaii ANITA STEWART AMD MARGUERITE CLARK Both These Film Favorites Will Appear on Village Bill Next Week. it v By Our Reel Kxpert. There are five ecu of thrill and ex cltement In William A. Brady's fas- tore, "The Dollar Mart," which to billed for the Village theater next Monday night. Robert Warwick la in the load. • , "The Governor's Lady," with Edith Wynne Mathlson In the title role, la the Tuesday offering. This is a pro- duction of the Lasky-Belasco combi- nation. It is the story of an ambi tloua husband and a home-loving wife. It was a Betosco success on the atage. It will be aa good to see in film. When Anita Stewart is biUed, count on it that you are going to see some real acting. Anita is one little star in the film game. She will be seen in a Vitagraph melodrama, "418," on Wednesday Bight We don't know â- uftMagi about the picture, but Anita Is worth the price, ' The Olograph people have made a lot of stir over their feature "Judith Of Bethulla," "a four-reel dramati?a tlon of Thomas Bailey Aldrich's poem, which was based on the book of Judith in the Apocrypha. It there- fore has a Bible tinges The Village will have this picture on Thursday. Charles Chaplin in "Twenty Minutes of Love" appears on the same bill/ It's lota of fun to write about Mar- guerite Clarke. She's so nice. Her picture was in a metropolitan dally a short time ago, and the little squib of history made her out to be thirty two years old. But nobody will be- lieve that. She looks Just like a sixteen years-old-never-has-been-kissed kind j- We know the latter lsnt true, slnc« she has played in the movies.' But anyhow, ' she ought to be good in "Gretna Green," a romantic comedy, by Grace Livingston Furniss. It's the Sat- urday bill. not stamps Enough tfLY ONE HOUSE Government Appears TJn- abie* MM Make Eriongh for Mail Orders. .»~ i", ii n -j* The following bulletin was recently issued to the investigators of one of the largest railroads having general offlceB |s Chicago, says the American Food journal: "I am advised by Sears, Roebuck & Co. that they are unable to secure from the government a sufficient num ber of stamps for their requirement, and It has been necessary for them to attach bills of lading to claims which do not carry a canceled revenue stamp. "They state, however, that a record is kept of alt these bills of lading and settlement is made with the gov ernment at Intervals." ...... WhO would ever have dreamed that the United Slates government could not turn out â-  a sufficient volume of stamps to, supply one mail order house? ' '" It reads like a Joke. But no.â€"It is .only^too-timâ€"Wo have one of the bulletins to prove it APPLE; CROP LARGEST EVER KNOWN HERE Last year's apple crop was the largest ever produced in the United States. Estimates Just announced by the. department of agriculture placed the 1914 yield at 259,000,000 bushels, or 114,000,000 more than was produced These figures represent the actual "agricultural. yield," the department explained, and should not be con- fused with those of the commercial YlfS LASS 5HCJSS •*«»** i», ..... ......â-  III 'â-  ......Mil" ?£IDAV, AitaIL m, iSiev 9BSSSS as Glencoe ii/:______it. " tflfiVlNU Mrs. Raymond Stevens was hostess at a luncheon Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brandrlff and son have gone to Alabama. Mrs. Allan Mills entertained her Bridge club Monday afternoon Sirs. George Tracy has 'cards out for a luncheon dad bridge Friday, April SO. Mrs. Frank Laws entertained the Porch dub at luncheon and bridge Monday. . Mr. and Mrs. Will Schnur returned Saturday from a month's trip to Cali- fornia. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Case returned Sunday from their winter home in Water Park, Florida. Mr- and Mrs. William A. Levering have returned to their home at 558 Washington avenue. Misses Alice and Margaret Dodge of, Downers Grove were the week-end guests of Mrs. Howard Foote. Mr. Bert Schnur and family have moved into their new home in the Sylvan- WeWhall subdivision. Mrs. 3. Sibley and family of 460 Washington, will leave,, Glencoe, hav tog takes an aaafflgeat la Chicago. The Young People's society enjoyed a social, evening Friday. They played games in the gym and had an all around good time. The Young People's socfety meet- ing Sunday at 5 p. m. will be led by Miss Gladys Jones. Subject: Joys of the Cbriatian.iiiie.-i m The Gospel Team from Northwest* ern university will speak to the young people of the Methodist Episcopal church this evening. Little Alden Smith, the 2% year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred H. Smith. Sheridan road, was operated upon at the Augustana hospital, Mon- day, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Boynton and son who have been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. John L. Day for the past week, left Monday for their home in Omaha, Nebraska. The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Wagner of Spring Valley, 111., Will be pleased to hear of the birth of a son to them, Friday of last week. Mr. Herman Welg gave a delight- ful talk on "A Summer ln Alaska and the Yukon Country," taking his bear- ers over the wonderful route. "The White Pass," and Yukon. Friday evening, April 30, at the Methodist Episcopal church, Profes- sor Hardy of the Cumnock School of oratory will give an interpretative reading of William Allen White's "A Certain Rich Man."' The music for Sunday morning service at the Union church Will be: Preludeâ€"Prelude to C........Batiste Anthemâ€"Ye Shall Dwellâ€"in the Lord..................... • -Stainer 0ftertoryâ€"The Pilgrims' Song of Hope .... i~»-.*............. ^Batiste Anthemâ€"Father m Heaven.. i-Briggs Postludeâ€"Postlude .......... .Batiste The Glencoe Men's club gave an evening's entertainment in the school auditorium, Friday evening; to which the members and their families were invited. Mr. Joseph H. Dodson of Evanston, one of the directors of the Audubon society, gave a' talk on "Birds and their. Housing," with store- opticon views. Mr. Dodson says in order to attract, the birds around your home you must provide proper shel- ter, nesting houses, feeding shelves, water and bathing facilities and in- sists that bathing is as essential as food. There ls^totateg-that will give T SL Mr. E. W. Beach has sailed for Nor- way. It is expected that the trip will cover two months. Mrs. Frederick K. Copeland hast as gueata ber daughter, Mrs. N. H. Blatchford, Jr., and son, from Cleve- The Misses Alloa will return next week from Miami, Fla., whore they have been, spending the winter months. . Dr. W. l. Bellinger, the first of the month, will move his household to a farm which he has purchased in Eco- nomy, Ind. Mr. and Mrs. A. Miller Balfleldhave token a two years' lease of the John M. -Curraa house and will move in the first of the .month. Mr. and Mrs. Harry L. Street have gone from the house of Mrs. M. R. Kultchar, where they spent the win ter, to the home on Linden avenue. Mrs. Frederick Greeley has closed her winter home at 171 chestnut street. Chicago, and returned to her summer place, 200 Chestnut street, Winnetka. ^Mrs; Walter IgrpecTt; whoT wlOrter children and mother. Mrs. A. D. Ferry. been _ Golf Go ftp Announcement Is nude that the spring tournament for university men will begin soon. Stave* Moulding, a Westmoreland player of ability, and J. T. Grant, are in charge. A team will he picked from the players In this local tournament to enter the confer- ence event later in the spring. The Kvanston Golf dub generously allows the university men to use its course. Mr. Jerome D. Travers. four times amateur golf champion of America, had a close-meshed drag net for facts when he wrote an article for the May Issue of the American magazine on "The. High Cost of Golfing." He writes in a highly entertaining add instructive manner. Some of these things he says will make your eyes pop - out and- possibly cause some "Doubting Thomas" feelings, but Mr. Travera ought to know. you more real pleasure than having a lot of 'beautiful song birds around your home and you will never regret having made,'extra provisions for them. has been spending the tost two months In California, Is again at her home on Elder lane. , Mrs. Douglas Smith has returned from New York where she has been for the tost two weeks and has Joined ber husband and daughter who have Just arrived from Belleaire and Pine- hurst Mr. Leslie J. Schwabacher has pur- chased the house formerly occupied by Mr. Robert Fuller. Mrs. Fuller, who has been seriously ill in the Hen- rotin hospital, Chicago, returned Sun- day to the new home in Hawthorne lune. Mr. and Mrs. William I!< Sarah Hoyt, Miss Josephine London and Miss Dorothy Weart form a party that will start for California on Sun- day to vtoit the expositions and make a few visits in Berkeley and Red- lands. A charming Interpolation in the program of the concert given by the Art and Literature department of the Woman's club, Thursday, was a song the words of which were written by Miss Graver and the music composed by Miss ReugniU, both of New Trier. A meeting will be held by the Junior auxiliary of the North Shore Catholic Woman's league, a week from tomorrow, at the home cf Mrs. Catherine Murphy with the object of completing the plans for a dance to be given at the Woman's club, the evening of May seventh. Miss Cath- erine Murphy to general chairman, Miss Foley is chairman of the music committee. Miss Campbell of the Taylor, of the recep- Wllllams of the refresh- dancing will be preceded He says more money is spent in the United States on golf than on baseball. That sounds like a Joke with all the high priced players, but It Is true. The average is $120 per player. There are 1,300 golf clubs In the country. They have an active playing list of 360,000 members. The total then Is $42,000,- 000, and this exclusive of an estimated $17,600,000 spent for initiation fees! Add to this the expenses of the nineteenth hole, the toggery, and shoes, and it will pass $50,000,000. â- w About 100,000* boys earn money as caddies. Mr. Travers thinks they get about $8,000,000 per year. There are 130,000 acres of golf courses in this country. The average acre on a golf course Is worth $600. This means a matter of $78,000,000 in real estate and another $20,000,000 in printing, tion and M ment. by cards Wanted (Agency >INC ftnnetka. III. SEIDLER IN( A. S. Van Dense EVANSTON TTTIP stTDAsfM?"!* WBJttTT* 620 Davis Street X Ml F* \JJL*.WJL^JUt Centra* Avn.t»12fft, Teb.34l4.MIS.Mld.34IF SNMMMHMMMMmMHaMMMMM Teto.SIO.5ll.Sia.SI3 i m*t qvauty oaem. coodsekvice. ram men i n SPECIAL PRICES IN FORCE APRIL 26th TO NAY 1 as" TIP TOP C&EAMEHY BUTTE1L- The highest quality of Creamery Butter made. Re- ceived four times a week. 1 lb. carton........See Swastika. No. 1 grade. 1 lb. carton......... 33c SWIFT'S PREMIUM OLEOMARCARINE For cooking. Saves yes lOe a lb. over better. 1 lb. carton......................,..'.........23c FRESH ECCS - Holland, doi. Quality. Dos................................24c Crescent. Fresh from the nest." Always in stock. ANTONINI OLIVE OIL - The peer of them all. 1 gal. can.... .$3.25 18 os. not.. % gal. can........41.78 » os. bot.. % gal. can...........tie Soabot.. SANTA CLARA PRUNES - Bstra fancy. 5040 else. Lb......12c 4040 slse. Lb......lie 20-30 slse. Lb, CALIFORNIA APfUCOTS - Fancy. Lb. 18c Si CHEESE -New York. Full cream. Lb. Wisconsin. Brick. Lb.... Bdains. Large. Queen of Roquefort. Lb. There are 110 golf courses In and near New York. These take care of flity thousand golfers with ease. A serai-public coarse at Van Cortland park, where a dollar fee had to be paid to play, brought out 0.600 golfers Over a half million rounds were played at Jackson park ln Chicago last year. Wonderful Art. The greatest of all human arts hi that of being indiscreet discreetly.â€" Smart Set • U . â-  â- â-  i :atre M.*wWS2t18 OlEWKICos. Sunday 25th Buj •ui I for the r PRICES 'a most play HIN IE LAW WUTERS., MARY TURNER Bargain Mattntt$ mm 35c ♦oooe»ee»ese»eeoee»»eeoe»eee»ooeeeee»»oeoo4eoeeeeo»»»e»eeoeeeeee»o»ooo»»»»eeeoee urup, which comprise the marketed portion of the total production. In 1913 the commercial crop was estimat- ed at 40 per cent of the agricultural production. Using the same propor- tion for the Idle basis, tost year's com. mercial crop would total 103.600,000 bushels. The states leading in production of apples tost year were: New York. 49,600.000 bushels; Pennsylvania, 23,- 100.000; Michigan. 17.200.000; Vir- ginia, 15.300.000; Kentucky. 14.700.000; Ohio, 13.300.000; Missouri, 12.500,000; West Virginia, 12,400,000; North Caro- lina, 9,000,000; Tennessee. S.600,000, and Washington. 8.300,000. OBITUARY. Mrs. Mary Hately Melhealne. Mrs. Mary Hately Mcllwaine, wife <a Alton & Mcllwaine, died at her home in Winnetka last Thursday night She was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter C. Hately. Her father Uvea ln Highland Park and is a member of the board of trade firm of Hately Bros. Mrs. Mcllwaine has been blind for two years, following an operation. She to survived by an eigght-year-old daughter, Helen. Funeral was held Saturday-and interment was made at Oaiwood cemetery. • \ |ddtyitfe^ .......seaa : i j\ A few days more left in this month to decide the question of buying your next * tm mm * , » '»• • •., m . m •* • m supply of fuel at the lowest prices far this^ Orders received during the month of Apri' ered as soon as possible. Ill ton. be deliv- Oslly Thought. The Bast and West is God's; there- tore, whichever way ye tern there to the face of God.â€"The Koran. A comparison of prices will show ANTHRACQ! AprilTric • • o.l - - 8.05 .... 1 m : Imported Sweitze: COFFEE - Five tlon for tbemselv quality. 1 lb. can. Roast Blend. 30c TEA - Upton's. Y Hlb.pkg........ KidgwSy's. Oran % lb. pkg....... Basket Fired Japa Lb................ English Breaktost. Lb................ RICE â€" Monarch. I'ncoat ftoeet that grows. I lb. p Fancy. Head. Lb....... RAISINS 1 lb. pkg ade a repute- better. 40c ...........70s :......>.,.....Me 1. Ceylon and India. pkg...........«8c Ceylon and India. ................25c M. No. 1. 60c value. .................45C t No. 101. 60c value. ................40s whole bean. The .......-».......m ...............7^,0 Richelieu. Beeded and cieanee. ......................!...........11a MACARONI - Spaghetti and Vermicelli. Bet- ter than Imported. 1 lb., pkg......./.........10c SOUP-Campbell's. Condensed. 15 kinds, f Scans........^....2Sc Doz...............$1.00 Franco-AmeriJto. Qt. cans. Any kind. Can.......JTr..,..30c Dos...............$3.60 OLIVES yBlsmarck. Queen. Qt. Jar........35c Prtoce*a#Large Queen. Qt. jar..............45c Monarojr Large Queen. 10 os. bot........... .tie MiiiiardF. Large Queen. 16 o^. bot...........35c Lltttofftovils. 4 oz. bot........................»c Lltip Devils. 6Vb os. bot............ ........lis IdPe Devils. No. 15 bot.............,..,,.....25c Capitals. Deviled. 12 os. bot.............25c ylmar. California. Ripe. 1U. cau..........30c Monsoon. California. Ripe. Large olive. Qt. can....................;........•...........**• CRISCO-No. 1% can... 23c No. 3 can... .45c FLORIDA CRAPE F1UJIT - Fancy f Xvty heavy end fine flavored. 64 slse. Each...... -6c Do*. ........... . 54 slse. Bach.......7« Dos. ............ 34 slse. Bach....^^9c Dot. better. 17« else. Dos.. Bonanza Brand. 17s 10 hers •'•to 'S SOAPS- Ivory. Ivory. 6 os. bar. bar box......$4.20 10 bars iber. bar box......,12.10 10 'German Mottled. 72 bar box. Lenox. ............lhsS#» I..... lobars..............He ToiletJ^PIT Palm Olive. Jap Rose. Juvenile, Oli^Ud^Cake................................»' Scented. Cake................•.......Hm Unscented. Cake....................12Va« Packer's Tar. Cake 20e Cntienra. Cake. JAEGER'S OIL MOPS ~A necessity in evei house. Mop. handle and pint of cedar oQ for. SWEET CORN-The finest quality of swee Bugar corn. Can.... 11c Dos. .............. tUP PEAS-Monarch. Sifted. Sweet Pees. Can.*-----........1t'/*s Dos. ...i..........»! Prairie View. Thl» is a tender, sweet, medium i pea. Very fine and extremely low in price. Can................10c Dos............... TOMATOES-Our finest quality. No. 3 There can be no better produced. stoe Can.. MONARCH KIDNEY BEANS- No. 2 can. 3 cans................ FRENCH MUSHROOMS -First choice /'-.. â-  f ««» ' ttimtmm •â- â- â- II t*mm. Can...3Sil Can..:.............28e Kxtra smalt FRENCH PEAS -tfxtra small. Can.T7.............1de Doa............. Small. Can.........14s Dos............. SLICED PINEAPPLEâ€" lawalian. Very fine. Nor i^fc can;....... lis Dos. ...V...:... No. 2 can..........lis Dos............. MONARCH PEACHES-EKtra fancy fornto. Lemon Cling. No. tH can. Can................Ma Dos. ...;........ ARMOUR'S OX TONGUE - -veHbest. No. t% can........70c No.tHtta No. 2 can..........80c No. 2 glass.........$1 tl. ts tt.l Agents for Vaughan's Seeds Get a catalogue at my stores. It will save you time and trouble to buy them of me. 0.55. dOperaSl Sing at Sunday Concert I9&HAZEL EDENyS«»frano, wh\ has signed contract with Campannu for Chicas^o Grand Opera Company nex0eason, will be Soloist aV the &fanston Hip- ome nexCsSuDjQay. Mm.* 1. Overtureâ€"Zaima ..,..v<^^.:........^...' . 2. Vissi d'Arte "Tojcm" ..,:, Love in Hiding (Valse) ' Writtclliror atul ilnlirahil to Miss Eden. Eden. VAY â-  â-  ,>_•-.. -, Jt â- :. . 1 Nut - - 6.70 2 Nut - - 5.70 7.20 6.20 H. A. APPS COAL AND BUII£IJ»Q j wtitoemTm â„¢ A XE RI* A L C Ov evanston. ill. ri>SMsmssssss»ti||i|T-"-----"------...................................."* I String Quartet. ' •*(By Request)..... 3. Andante Cantabtlv^ 4. Miserere--4*!! INTERMISSION 5. Invitatiunjo' the Dance (By Request)..... (k Bird S. The J^vl...........------................ -Ut'KOO « i * «» . i « « . if *....»*»«...»«. .\». Miss Eden. 7. ^rfelody in F (By Request)..............-- larchâ€"Universal Peace.................. ....... HeroW .......Puccini ......... Finch .Tschaikowsky .......Veroi ......Weber • V------Nevin , . . . .YtWt 8 P. M. Sharp Admission 20c

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