Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 14 May 1915, p. 3

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THE LAKE SHORE MEWS. FRIDAY. MAY U, 1MI RUB iSDUSIRT RANKS F1RH IN Miles of Film Produced Each Year Would Encirde the Earth Over Three Times. MILLIONS PRODUCED Over $20,000,000 Spent Making Photoplays, Ex- clusive of Features. in --. Frank G. Mortimer l. of Miss May Murdov. Mr James K. «eek at Lewlstoo. UL Mr. and lira. Frank Laws enter- tained with a high fa ■■■j lay eve- The fifth largest industry In the railed States! So ranks the photo- play or the motion picture industry. according to the recent report of the census bureau In Washington. Up to the beginning of December 1914, American film manufacturers, turned oat no leas than 10,000 separate reels of negative film, from each of which an average of thirty-five positive copies were made. The standard reel of photoplay is 1.000 feet long, which makes 360.000.- dOO feet of film all told, Including both the originals and the positives! About 68,000 miles of motion pictures- enough to go round this old earth of ours a little lees than three times. And it took eleven months to make this gigantic tape*measure of Dim. The Cost Of Production. The cost of producing the ordinary sort of originals or negatives is at least $2 a foot. This means that ap- proximately $20,000,000 was spent during the first eleven months of 1914 In making negatives alone. The 350,- 000,000 feet of copies cost 4 cents a foot, which total! 217,000,00© for the posltivee. Altogether $37,000,000 spent In the manufacture of films In less than a year. Some figures I Yee, quite some, but they are not all, for this estimate does not take Into account the special features which have recently become such a prominent factor in the film in- dustry. On a elngle one of these fea- ture photoplay productions it Is neither startling nor remarkable for the producer to spend from $300,000 to IBOO.000. Now then, do a little calculating on your own elates and future "possibilities of film finance with the above data and the advice that there is on an average at the present time a new feature-film com- pany born every day of the week. Photoplay-House Statistics. it is estimated that there are today between 17,000 and 18,000 photoplay theaters in the United States, to which more than 10,000,000 people go dally. "The End of the Trail" URAVY" OSBORN RUNS LAST RACE SATURDAY Mm. Artemus D. Watson enter- tained the Worth While dab with luncheon Tuesday. The Mission etndy dees meets this afternoon at 2:20 o'clock with Mrs. Albert Stomls. The Woman's Auxiliary of the St Elisabeth ehurch held Its last meeting until October. Tuesday. The marriage of Miss Dorothy Brown to Richard Mills Is announced to take place early In June. Mils Phiioma Becker wlU be hostess today at a luncheon in honor of Miss Dorothy Brown. Mr. Albert W. Ballard and family have moved Into the Paul Brown resi- dence on Sheridan road. Miss Hasel Goss waa hoatess at auction bridge Wedaeeday afternoon in honor of Mrs. Paul Brown of Indi- anapoite, Jnd. , >w. The marriage of Mr. Edgar Curry Murdow to Miss Jane Haggerty of Rockford, 111., took place Wednesday. May 12. The Misses Dorothy Davis, Cathe- rine Grove* and Janet Davis will en- tertain with a dance tonight at the school gymnasium. Mrs. Charles Mortimer will enter- tain Saturday afternoon in honor of Madame Mortimer and Mrs. Frank G. Mortimer of Pasadena, Cat. Mrs. Fred Pstton was hostess to a tea Saturday in honor of Mrs. John L, Day. who leaves Olencoe shortly to reside at New Richmond, Mich. The Men's club will hold their an- nual dinner at the Woman's Library club rooms Thursday, May 19. The Ladles' Aid of the Methodist Episco- pal church will serve the dinner. The high seventh and eighth grade pupiii Of the public noiiuui aiieuuuii a lecture at the Art Institute Monday. The sixth and lower seventh grades attended one on Tuesday. Reverend and Mrs. William Leach returned last week from a five weeks' trip to the coast, visiting both fairs at San Diego and San Francisco, coming home by way of the Northern Pacific. The young people's society of the Olencoe Union church will meet Sun- day at 5 p. m„ with Miss Catherine Calhoun as the leader. Her subject Is, "Religious Reading. What and Why?" The lecture under the auspices of the Masonic club will be given this Friday In the public school audltorl urn. The subject Is, "Inland Water- ways." Moving pictures of Mayor Thompson's trip down the Mississippi and other views will be shown. ,. . On' muy 27tMVsf ptrW & group conference held at the Glencoo Meth- odist Episcopal church under the lead- ership of Dr. L. F. W. Leesmann, the Methodist churches of Lake Bluff, Hlghwood and Wllmetto taking part. The musical program tor the morn- ing service at the Glencoo Union church will be: Prelude, Largo . >............Handol Anthem, Give Unto the Lord....Buck Offertory. Under the Leaves.. .Thome Anthem, The Singing In God's Acre m m m t......................Blodgett PoBtlude, Improvisations...... Orcutt Joan ami Ethel Barrymore. and nephew of John Drear. It Is said that never in pictures has such an aggregation of real stars been identi- fied with one production no in "Elaine -Arnold Daly. Edwin Arden. Pearl White and Lionel Barrymore. Liberty. A small bay went up to a i water clerk and said: "Qlvo me a ptomslne cocktalL "Whafe that?" MI want a ptomaine cocktail." 'That's a new one on me. what it is." "Well, I've Just escaped from my home and I can do what I like. Now. every time I nave seen anything 1 particularly liked, my mother would say, 'No, you can't have that It's got ptomaine la it' And so I want a ptomaine cocktail, with aU the pto- maines you can squeese in. I'm out for the time of my life. "—Life. GOLD DUST You have used it many years, bat do you know alLiis uses? Millions of women use Gold Dual scrubbing floors anjgsfrfrdwocfc. —but they do nj^rjys1|ze the many mi can be u Dust your full 1Mb photograph shows James Earle Eraser's superb piece of statuary. "Ths End of the Trail," at the ranama-l'acinc International Exposition. Mora than 800 beautiful sculptures are shown et the Exposition, the works of famous sculptors of the day. fn addition to the sculpture* shown out of doors, thousands of beautiful works of art are praasatad la the great Palace of fine Arte. George Ade Likes the Slim Princess FILM FACTS OUR REEL EXPERT Had to Put Up With It. Mistress—"Bridget, did I see Officer Flynn eating cold chicken in the kitch- en last night r Budget—"Yon did. mum! And It's not me will heat up a chicken at half-past Un for any cop.' —Fuck. awl only for' fwashing bathtubs sad ining sad brightening metal week, j "and settles, fer scrabbled Bears, was*! week, claaoing and freshening lis nil—a i cloth, sad foraU the hundreds of ums for which it is ae particularly supreme. , washing wood- luolcum and oil* 5c and larger packages solo! everywhere EaDusIFAlRBANKSoSEJ Worried. "That dog of Black's will be the death of me. harking at ma every time I pass." "But barking dogs don't bite." "I know, but I'd rather be bitten at once than kept in suspense." Gets Hardened. A man used to vicissitudes Is i easily dejected.—Samuel Johnson. i iaal Appearance in a Home Track Meet for Famous Purple Runner. oiAvy" Osborn, hero of many rthwestern track meets, will run his last race on a home track on Sat orday In the outdoor meet with Indiana. The day has been caUed "Osborn day" around the campus, and • record-breaking crowd to expected out to do honor to the man who has added so many points on the North- gestarn ««* ** tb« ■core-board.------_ A baseball game with Wisconsin is « hcduled for 3 o'clock the same aft- ernoon. The track meet starts at i :30. All thla entertainment will cost u half-dollar. Leva That Endures. *4«a and women may not forget in arrtage the law of human nature that that which is not axpreesad dies. And any lore that la to endure and to grow must Sfprsas itself in multiplied little ways. It to a serious matter that the repeated word of lore and praise, the caress, the kiss, and the thoughtful attention should begin to fall—Delineator. An old Scotch %4tte regard himself of pulpit WHEAT FORECASTS SHOW A BIG YIELD Fifty Million Bushels Esti- mated for Illinois for This Year. Winter wheat forecaat made on May 1 for Illinois, estimates production for 1915 at 50.600.000 bushels. For the entire United States. «9:i.000,000 bethels. The season is advanced. Spring plowing shows eighty-three per cent done. Fifty-three per cent of the spring planting Is completed. Pastures and meadows are not In as good con- dition aa usual. Seventy-seven per cent of normal Is the way they are rated. System Makes fee The prudent, penniless beginner In the world labors for wages a white, saves a surplus with which to bey tools or land for himself, then tabors on bis own account another while, and at length hires another new to bete him. This is the just and generous and prosperous sys- tem which opens the way to all. gives hope to an and and progress and ditlon to all— Lincoln The Beau nay company have Juat re- leased Oeorge Ade's celebrated com- edy. "The Slim Princess." The author wrote the following letter on seeing the film: "A few years ago I visited the Turk- ish and Egyptian regions which atand undecided between Europe and Asia. At that time every young woman in America was trying to compress her- self Into a slender figure, but 1 learned that In the Mohammedan Orient the fat and roly-poly maiden was still the acknowledged type of beauty. I won- dered If some slender Turkish young thing who was not only Impossible but downright hideous, according to the standards of her own country, might not escape to the new world and And herself transformed Into a raging success. "In order to prove that female love- liness is whatever we choose to ad- mire, I wrote a story for the Satur- day Evening Post and called it "The Slim PrlnceBS." Later I amplified the story and put it into a little book pub- lished by the Bobbs-Merrllt Company. Then Henry Blossom made the book into a piny, with music by I<v5iic> otii- rat, and EIhIo Janls started in tlso play for two seasons. To provo the oboundihg vitality of the Princess. I must say that site soems livelier than ever in the pictures Just mado by the Essanay company. I like Mr. lilos- som's photoplay and I like Huth Stonehouse as Kalora and I doubt If your company has ever turned out cleaner and truer specimens of pho- tography. "I cannot sing the old songs I sang long years ugo. For tho piano player boats 'em out At the motion picture show!" Not everyone who feels like going to the moving picture play goes. There are heroes In every walk of life! M* A reel romance has developed Into a real one. Announcement Is made of tlio mar- riage of Miss Mlgnon Anderson to Morris Foster. Ilotli are Thanhousor players. Mi-soa Asdense. The Way to Clean Lamp Qi*m«». Here Is an excellent way to cleun lamp glasses: Hold them ovor a Jug of boiling water until they are well steamed; then polish with a soft dry rag. This is a much easier way than washing them, and the glasses very rarely break. Keeps Sutter 8weet. Housekeepers who get butter t> the J»r or tub will find that a little char- coal placed In a paper bag and then put Into the tub or Jar will keep the butter sweet Eight hundred letters a day is said to be the average dally mall received at the Santa Barbara (Cal.) poatofllce for Charlotte Burton, who Is appear- ing as rite adventuress In the 120,000 prize plcturised romantic novel, "The Diamond from the £ky-" The Santa Barbara postomce, * as a result, nc- ....l.ill...* ... ■'1.IW1V.U iu «.. I... ...* 1 (I !».•..#1 *........r, ... .*.,.»«.*., 9m *w "... •».« . «...-~-»-.. to % second-class station. Refusing to plunge into the Slough of Despond we continue to look for- ward our bright and optimistic way to the time when all motion plcturo machine operators will grant plenty of time for the title and cast of Hie film play. Warden Thomas TMptt Osborne of Sing Sing prison apparently likes Pathecolor Alms. The Pathe New York exchango received a telegram' from him on April 26 requesting a live-reel program all In color for a show at the prison. Pathe has added to the cast of the new "Exploits of Blaine," Lionel Barrymore, celebrated brother of the i 'ii.i ' I ••:•<" . h ! 'I •*! !l ...HI A $36 You can bujf PorifNe ftouJkgPanitary Roosting an] NeAinjAglcMII. Coor, Hoppers, etft sssssveflMn yea csa baW. Houses, $15 sm. CosJHU basnory sal fill. $3 up. Used otvv loWrs by tbjsCnds of successful#oultry kwpcrs^tnrt right. &y» world's best ■■■JCW"* poultry mw equipment at the low- est prices makes it easy ««S*tftir Til and Inexpensive •awssas u to gtart tn tne chicken business. Send 4c In stamps foi largo 100-page Poultry Equipment Book. MTTER*C0.,47Foreit*ve^0ow«sr8Grovo.lll Ws i»i!is ssriabis «£> teases iUe, la tw« XjUi and all sizes at lowest prices. Send for cslaloi. Causa of Waterfall's Roar. The roar of a waterfall is prodoced almost entirely by the bursting of mil* lions of sir hwbbtfs._______________ &- The WrcCauran-Neifl Company Announce the opening of their NAUTICAL-CIRC With Big WATER NAWH BXLLET-- ALL H ACTS-LARGEST iWATER STAGE IN MOTORCY Daatk-Drfrisg PONY THE "BIG" LITTLE SHOW Score sfFskSei HOUSE OF TROUBLES A MILLION THK1LLS-A JfflUOW U86» STILL HEADING THE LIST SCORES MORE SHOWS JACK RABBIT GIANT RACING COASTER SCORES MORE RIDES A DEMON FOR SPEED WE OPEN MAT 12 COMETORIVERVIEW1 MAT II •wi FREE TODAY nkHnssHM IN THE NEW $100,000 VELODROME 50-MILE TEAM BHyE RACE EVANSTON 630 Davit Street TeU.2414, 2411 THE GROCER WILMETTE Central Ave. 013* «t Teh). MO. SI I, SI3,511 COOD SERVICE. PA1H PRICES' IN FORCE MAY 17th TO MAY 22nd FLOUR - PlllHlmry ami Gold Meilul. % l»bl. $1.10 ', bbl............12.20 Barrel............18.75 The wbolessle price on this flour today Is tS.30 a bsrrel. SUGAR — Granulated. Eastorn. Cane. 10 lbs. He Crystal Domino. G lb. pkg...................40e Crystal Domino, 2 lb. pkg.................'.. 23c Crystal Domino. 1 for Non-caking powdered. 6 lb. pkg.............. .48c OLD POTATOES —Very fine. 1 bu., 60 lbs. gee 1 pk, 1 & lbs..................................17c SWIFT'S PREMIUM OLE Just the thing In cooking. 1 GINGER ALE - itoot n^r Chippewa. The finest quality Qts. Dos..........$1.10 ins. Rebate of 24c and 12c for IMPORTED GINGER Csntrell St Cochrane. Dos.. WELCH'S GRAPE ^Coaeord. Qt.......40e Pt. ., COFFEE My own blend. Unequalfld quality. 40c value, i.b........fkiff............M--.....34e Cubans. Extra 25c value. Lb.......M.......23c TEA-Oolong. II. No. r,2. &0c quel, lb......35e English Breakfast. Bouquet. No. 101, 60e quaL Lb.................................'.'»,......4tle Orange Pekoe. Chase at Sanborn. 4 os. tin............14a g oa. tin............25e Monsoon. Ceylon and India. Htt».pkg,.rT.......2$e lib. pkg............4te Tetter's. Gre»n Label. Ceylon and India. V, lb. pkg...........2fe 1 lb. pkg..........55a DEMONSTRATION OF CRISCO- At Wlhnette Store. May 17th to 22nd. Mrs. Un- derwood, from Procter It Gamble, will give a work- ing demonstration, showier all the naes of Crtsco. _JNtaULiMan^ fae No Xestt~4gsv-Movg-ean tea- FRENCH OUVE OIL. _ . Bertrand Bros. A perfect French oil. Quart..20c BACON ~l*yton. Sliced. 1 lb. net weight. Lb. 22c Laytoa. Clear Brisket and Back, la piece. Lb. 24c CEREALS- Kellogg's Corn Flakes. Pig.... .te Apltezo. Pkg......14a Trlaeait. Pkg.......12c Shredded Wheat Pkg.............. ......He Grape Nuts. Pkg..12V»e Puffed Rice. Puffed Wheat. Pkg..Me Corn Pnffa. Pkg...Its PllUbury's Bran. Pkg......... ..........*.t*fte CORN — First quality. Sweet, sugar corn. ^Can................11e Dos...............»1J$ JBAS - Prairie View. Sifted. Excelleat quality Very sweat and tsaflar. Extressery ebesp. Can..... ......ins Doa...............$1.10 Lakeside. Sifted Early Jane. Can................17a Dos. TOMATOES- Our floest. No, 3 am. Solid peek. Owly red. rise tossatoes owed 1 Cass, ♦. *«*>'* «.»-»«* *.iu>sea Piyssesrtk Reek. No. 3 Can.................$• Dos. CALIFORNIA LEMONS-Fancy Bright 300 slse. Dos.................................i»e PINEAPPLES -Faajiit. Ripe. Large. $4 slse. Each; ..... gerF .....asspsa......,.....1*e $1.00 bar. lOlr^ssTsfln box....$7.00 Ivory. • os. bar. too bars In boa......$4J0 10 bars Amber. CO bars In box. German Me__ 72 bsrs^asafJoxT......$3.15 -Le» 10 bare 100 bare la box......$3.00 lobars TOILET SOARS- Pahnollve. Jap Rose. Juvenile. Utlvllo. Cake..................'^-iSi Pears' Scented. Cake......... .............$•$>; Pears' Unscented. Cake.................... Packer's Tar. Cake 20c Cutlcura. Cake.... LIQUID VENEBSt - Sblae urn up Vox. not. 2.Vslse..20e 12 OS. hot. 50e aixe. PORCEL A - Enamel cleaner. Pkg........ItVae SANMTLUSH - To cleaa closart bowls. Caa. 20-MULE-TEAM BORAX ------- I lb. pkg............11e 2*4 lb. pkg......... BROOMS Csrpet No. 1. 4>qoal......... Cottage. Me quel...4Se Imperial See qenl.. AMMONsA-P.*W. F»ll*4rengtb. Qt. P. 4 W. risBstTea^I^ ........ rafl noassbola. S qi. SILVER POLISH- l^ooek-a JewemVa g on. Jar. .*.............................•• Shtnoa JewebTS' Paste. Jar........... ElectroSUteon. Boxfle Don............. Baraiskiae..........25s Can ......... MATCHES —Safe Home. Nost-possosmaa. Paetage ...........•......»•............• Vulcan. Safety, rag TOILET FAfER-Sterling. White linen. Doa. ..70c Java Crepe All lose sdseeta to roil. STARCH-Balk L—p, Lb.. AGENT a^VAUGHAN^SEEi: STRAWBERRlES^ao.'t farget tk

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