Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 21 May 1915, p. 2

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Social Happenings in WiimeiU mum miaunr, nmm wiimet to 1HORB WlWi> FRIDAY, MAT tit lls& itcago university. tk>n, which pnimisca much „ing in character to the ' _Jr. Howard Hoyt is coach of lor the succes* of the perfbrm&..*v. , â-  ^ The patron* and patronesses arc: F&nMmt,A. ^Harriaand Mrs. Waiter P. McClure. Dean snd Mrs. P. C. LutkhVSJsan and Mrs. ThomSr?Tfrolgate, Dr. snd Mrs. W. Lee Lewis. Mayor and Mrs. p£r**a7Mf:« Mrl lames A. Wtten, Judge aiid^rs. Mar- Sij«. Grldley, Mr. amlMri. Wirt E. Humphrey, Mr. and Mrs. W. X?t!ychemi/kr.IiidMrs.Edwin S. Mills,,rT "__.. m â- *â-  * Another very pretty May weddinf w*a aokmniaed last Set*rdgr evening when. Sitae Helen Jessie Pope, daughter Of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Alexander Pope and Edwin Hunt Brndstw, son of Mr. and Mrs. Shreve Badger of Wmnetka, were united in lim^gJJ ceremony waa performed by Rev. Roy E. Uowera at the Congrega- ttonScrfurch. IThe decorations of bSh thejhurch and home were very elaborate, the many colors being worked Into a combination, to represent a ra&bow. Likewise were the very pretty gowns of the at- Hndanta. the shades varying from tight to dark in wtordanee with their position In the line. The matron of ^^IJ^^^MM,^ ^ey«ioreof^rand^Rapids, Mich.ra. cw^i^â„¢^^ honor, another cousin. Miss Caroline Pope o Waukegaiu and he bridesmaids were the Misses Haael Plerson of Wilmctte. Catherine Marrincr of Menominee. Mich., and Ruth *^£i£vmM;JJ£ Se Frances Badger, a sister of the groom, and Isauellc and fcHsebetB Pope attended Miss Pope as flower girls. ,U 4„ .» ^eJiifcie were a moat elaborate gown of white wtinl beautifu^j trimmed with rose point lace and long strings of pearls. Her veil tor tulle, which fell the full length of the gown, was caught with a few orange blossoms, and she carried a shower bouquet of lilies of the Mr?Shrevo<5>wles Badger attended his brother as best man and •Messrs. Harold Seymoi*, Duncan.Clinch of Winnetka, Andrew Ta£ florcTKenilwortrT, Donald M. Gallic, Renyon Pope and William Pope of Wilmctte ushered. . , ... . After an extended honeymoon trip Mr. and Mrs. Badger will be >t home at 933 Michigan avenue, Evanston. The Comsocl Card club »et lest week, Tuesday, at the sows of Mrs, One of the Friday V$$S attSnooa s7 tl a Mrs, J. Rdwln MIMleton. lit Wood- b!ec aveaue. . The Evening club of flt, Augustine's Kplscopal church gave sa Informal dancing party last evening at the pur- lab house. Thla woa precodod by a •sasJeat program. , Mrs. Albert O. Frost la entertaining at bridge thla afternoon at bar home, iff Central avenue. There will ba about fifty guests. On Wednesday aft- ernoon, fifty more friends war* gueata at another bridge party given at bar bona. Mra. Joaeph A. V. Turck hss Issued Invltationa for a bridge party at bar home, Mf Linden avenue, next Friday I Tuesday, Jobs 8, is the date aet for the wedding of Mies Vtre Horwood Ptummer. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David Porter Pfvmmer, to Sidney B. Sehtles of Chicago. The ceremony will be performed by the Rov. Arthur Rog- ers of St. Mark's â- plseopai church at the home of the bride's parents, 8tl Colfax street, Bvanaton. Miss Plum* mar la very well known la Wllmatte social clrcloa. On returning from their wadding trip, Mr. and Mra. ticholos will reside at Ml Sherwln avenue, Chi cago. Miss Harriett Hearnan, on tor I alaedat card* Wedneaday evening at her home in Evanston, In honor of Mloa Vere Plummer and Mr. Sidney Scholea. The Mfsoas- Martha Luated and Nettle Kaufman, sad Mr. Roland Schwall were among the gueata from Wilmette Miss Mildred Prudden of Chicago, bat formerly of wilmette, has leaned carda for a bridge, to be given toraor row afternoon at her home, 7818 N Ashland avoaue. A number of Wll raetto young ladloa will be among the toasts. The Birthday club of Wilmette *«*• entertained at dinner lust Huturday evening at the "HouaeThetJack Built." The occasion wsa the birthday anniversaries of Mrs. William Hmltli. •If Lake avenne, and Mr. William o Belt, 804 Washington avenue. The Little Music. Study class waa entertained at luncheon Tuesday by Mrs. aY Jackson Cases, st her home, •St forest avenne. Mtto^ravet Study cissa met ySster- •ay afternoon with Mrs. Beajamln Af Seek, Stf Oreeowood avenue. Mra. Clarence M. Puhlnuui will en- tertain the membara of her Tuesday loaehann and Bridge club next week at her home, flf Washington aveaue Weetmlnstor guild of the Prssbyts- ftaa church war* entertained at din nor Monday evening In the church par lors preceding the regular buaJnesn of the month. Mrs. Frederick M. Beweo to enter- tossing s> brWge-wblet club f/»m C lil- eogo thla afternoon as ber borne. 1039 Oreeowood avenue. 1 Park la anally eooosare4 oy Plane for the ees- Inst Tbavaday afternoon at a meeting of the Rarinla club held at the Blot ketone hotel. Mr , Be preeHentr Loaf pass there wsa dene* lag on the ascend door of taw Coat :» Seer not large enougb to bold all mm Am open air daaesng pavilion la to be erected before the opening of the school, for the poo* threesson Merit trsv ns* tsm Cbkago the evening concert Jk â-  mm* mJ The Women's aoclety of the Presby- terian church will hold an olldoymeet. I8f next Tueaday In the church psr- lore, beginning at ten o'clock. Lunch- eon will be served af soon. ; ,! I -: I i mm Tho Woman'a Christian Temperance Union will meet with Mrs. Thomss Cook, tail Foreat aveaue, Tueaday afternoon at two-thirty o'clock. The North Shore Catholic Womsn's league and the Young Ladlea' auxiliary gave their annual luncheon yesterday dt the Winnetka Womun's slab. The chairman of the luncheon committee of [ waa Mra. c. O. Darling. Among the gueata of honor were Judge Harry Ol- son, ehlef^iuittei...oCJisLJHBysM court, Mrs. Jerome A. O'Connell, presi- of the Catholic Woman's league of Chi- cago, Mrs. Lleber, president or (he Winnetka Woman'a club, Rev. H. P. Smyth of Evanaton and Rev. Hearth Of Hubbarda Woods, The musical num- bers of the program were rendered by Mr, George Nelson Holt, vocal director of the Columbia School of Music. An excellent crowd turned out at the Brut of the monthly union meeting held test Sunday evening at the Pres- byterian church. In fact the affair was VRwaTrH *eW eTi^Pe^ooS^uw^pg-,. •#•« ui m gaper <__ asp of Spiritual Valuos,' Rev. L. O. Batrd hi to lead a made m%mmm onore I Mr, sad Mra. J. A. Lounsbury, f&faieriy of Mlaa Isabel Randolph, who many Meade along lie north -• during her engagement with the Bvaaa- •« ton Stock company, wHI take one of the leading parts la The King of tho Dark Chamber.- which will be pro. aented by the Prose club of Chicago in the AudJttrtem thoater, Wedneeday, May 28. The play was written by RabtodranathTagore,the- poet. who won the Nobel prise. The production nil lake) the place of the Prase elub'a annual "acoop" show. The whole Bflheme of the scenery to now, and according to critics, unlike any- thing heretofore seen on any state. â- nsEB^kssaaeSasstssssasess Mra. Wilbur Sample keafor nor guest her sister, Mrs. RObf of St. Louht Mrs. Walter MeGuIro oat 01 lets ad with a luncheon at Tuesday. **tea2!££ six wweewt ** 1 fi-"if â- ]<'â- â-  .--t â-  Savings If you should Ions wry dim* you re> ceived, could you get along? For the benefit of thoae who do not know the lateat dancea, professional will be employed In thla pavilion. Tho final formal dance of the year will be held tomorrow evening at the Ouilmotte Country club. A number of apeelet attractlona are being arranged and the affair promises to be one of long remembrance. Last Monday evening, fifteen couples attended a dinner dance at the Cha- teau Deaplalnea. Meaara. and Mea- dames Louis A. Clark, Charles Ssnford Clsrke, Clarence M. Puhlman, W. L. Kmlth, C. D. Worthlngton. Frank Ba- ker, B. Jackson Cases, Chsrles N. lteeae, George H. Bird, E. B. Until- bone, Percy Bkllten, Theodore U. Pot- ter, snd Meadamea Parsons and Schroeder, and Mr. Frank Brown, were In the party. Bridge woa played at the Ouilmotte Country olub last Saturday evening, the prise winners being: Flret, Mr. uml Mrs. Albert O. Froet; second, Mra. Arthur Taylor, and Mr, B. P. Patch; third, Mr. sad Mra. J. P. Oowiog. Mr. snd Mra. John Linn, mfl ur«ea- wood avenue, will give a dnaeJpg party next Wednesday evening at Westmore- land Country club. The Gamma Chapter ot tn« feet* tfeta Phi fraternity gave « daoelng party last Friday evening *t the Win- netka Woman'a club. The members of t»« w»snt»«tfei Avenne circle were guewto at a pro- gressive luncheon yesterday. They met at tho home of Mrs. Theodore Breyer, 73B Washington avenue, progressing to the residence of Mra. H. K. Balder, TM Washington avenue, for the first course, and to Mrs. George A. Van Dyke's home at 610 Washington sve- nue, for the second. The third of the 1 curses was served at the B. F. Brown home, SOS Washington avenue, fol- lowed by a program of music and rend- ing at the home of Mrs. Alfred Wig- gleswortb, 4f6 Central avenue. Mrs. Frederick Cain was host*** <u n large luncheon and bridge party Saturday at her home, SOT Central ave- nue. Spring flowers were used for dec such a success, that It haa been do- for tne t.jilnia. â- _-•-â-  __ ad»i ssfc imamMiIu mwl - - . elded to hold meetings monthly, and beginning with Sunday, July It, to hold them weekly throughout that month and August, meeting st the different cburohee for the services. Rev. Roy ft Bowers of the Congregational church delivered the lecturesermon upon this first occasion. For half of an hour preceding the aervlce, Mlaa Edith Corette preaented s moat enjoy- able musical program, and at ths close, played Mendelssohn's "llullelujsh Choral,," so moving her audience, that It rose and itood with bowed head un- til the finish. tractive place-cards for fifty, Covers were laid The choir of tbe MetiwOMt .;burtb, under the leadership of Prof. C. W. Edwards, will give their laat special musical service of tbe season Sunday afternoon at four-thirty o'clock. Mrs. Taylor Will be tbe organist and tbe choir wlU reader m program of Gou- nod's choice compositions, Including tbe noted motetea, "Gallia," "The Sane- tus," from bis "Meeee Bolenelle/ -Send Out Thy Light," and other fa- vorites, with special soloists. This choir to one of the beet known on tho north shore and have given aplendfd concerts during tbe past year, notably, pearls' "Star of tho Boat" at Christmas time. "Faith and Hrolse" In Pabrnary, and "Tbe Risen King," at Beater. The Gounod aervlce Sunday wilt be a fitting close to a buoy aeason far tbe organtoatlon and all lovers of mu- sic should attend Nam Sunday evening at tbe service of lh" Baptist church, in the W< dub building. Berate Peaterer of Aue* trolte to to give a tolk on the Old Testament History. He is e brilliant boy who, accompanied by his parents. bos been giving a aeries of addressee tbe various enarcbee and Owadar Kettervr will gtvo a demonstration of will the remarking asetnod of eyâ€"malic by bis father. Tbe Ud to Personal Mention of Wilmette Folk Mra. George H. Canalff, 723 Central avenue, la visiting la Jacksonville, Fls. Mr. David Holts returns from New York this week, where he haa been detained on business. Mr. Albert Noyes, 827 Oak wood ave- nue/Is in Winnipeg, Canada, on a short business trip. M|rS> &• H. Robinson, 030 Central avenue, te visiting relatives and friends in Ames, la. Br. and Mrs. &>. M. Campbell, 63d Gregory avenue, have moved to 1117 Asbury avenue, Bvanaton. Mrs. George Upson, Wl Washing- ton avenue, has returned from a week's visit In Parker City. Mrs. J. H. Tucker of New York city will bo the guest today of Mlsa Fran- eM Blade, 117 Broadway avenue. Mr. James O. Barber of Davenport, is., wss the week-end of his par- eats', Mr. and Mrs. Albert B. Barber, Sit Linden avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick 0. Irwin snd family have returned to their homo at SS7 Foreat avenue, after apendlng the winter at Melbourne Flo. Miss Bertha Whoelock, 822 Central avenue, la spending a month In Den- ver, coi„ as tho guest of her brother and hla wife, Mr. and Mrs. Seymour Whoelock. Miss Jeanne Teggart, lus central avenue, returned Saturday from Ari- zona, where she haa been spending the winter. Mlaa Taggart also visited In California. 1 Mrs. Charier W. Crankabaw, former- The Royal Neighbors will have a card natty at Community House) on May 17. Mr. and Mrs. Marquette A. Healy of Hubbard Woods have opened their P' Mrs. Charlce Crane gives an Inter- mal tonsil today, to introduce Mra. J. B. Calef, who Is a new addition to Wtnnetkav 1 Ths Mlaaes Minnie aad Kate Rohrlg and- their aged lather have moved from Chicago to West North avenue. Hubbard Weeds• Mr. and Mrs. Charles N. Strata have returned from a three months' trip to the- BandsTtoh lalaads, son Praaaleea and Han Diego, Cal. Mr. and Mra. Julius Koretx have taken Mr. Joseph R. Qulnby'a xpeot to occupy of nest month. O. areen of Aotor It about tbe ml Mr and Mra. W. street have when the house of Howard Carpenter for tho aummer and will arrive the middle of Jane. Mf. and Mrs. Carpenter, with tholr family, will go across the lake. The Social commBtee of the Concro- gatlonol churth aunouncea a -Moon- light Petef* tone held at the residence of Mr. and Mra. Ayres »oal. 78l> Short- dan road, on Wedneaday, May 38, at 8 (.'clock. All or* welcome. The Wlnaetka Chorus held Its teat rehearsal for tbe season momteg at the It. Fuller. The Cat riot Ic songs a 11 onor of Memorial of HTM. Frank will lead tho services held In ,y, on the Com- Oilman of New omen's club to- ths World's comes to Win- urtesy of Mra. nue. nprins nowere wwr« iiih-u iur «u-t;- ' _ â€" » •> . « N. J., is vteRittg at the home of bar brother. Mr. Luther Bradley, 333 Mich Igan avenue. Mlaa Eleanor Snider, 730 Washing- ton avenue, left' laat week Wednesday, to spend a month as the guest of her ateter, Mm Boiee, at ber borne In South Orange. N. J. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fi»nn«r «ad baby son, Edward Patch Flaaner. have returned to their home In BteckwelL Wis., after spending several months as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. B, P. Patch, f II Washington avenue. Mr, and Mrs. W. C. Sbartleff wui daughter, Miss Bernlce Bhurileff of 81$ Lake avenue, left Saturday for a three weeks' trip to the east. They spent the first few daye te Washington. D. C later going to Old Point Comfort. Va. Before returning home they expect to make a visit of tea days' or so te Now York ctty. Rev. and Mrs. Boy B. Bowers ore mod. g Chortotte York speak Bight; on Hope/' Mrs nstke through William Brosa Lloyd, who Is now at The Hague. "'"" . A number of Winnetka people wont to town to the opening of tbe Three Arts club on Monday st Its new home, 1808 North Dearborn street. The furnishings oc the rooms am charming. Anion* the Winnetka vtolt ore were Mrs. Frank R. Pullet and Mra. Victor Biting, who IS correspond- ing aecfetsry for tbsrerub. John Ronkt, the bass soloist at Christ church, is a member of the Strand Quartette engaged to sing at Orchestra Hall the coming aum- mer. Mr. Rsnkl haa been soloist thla week, singing the "Drum Mater," from "Le Cld." An orchestra of twenty- five Chicago Symphony men play un- der the direction of Arthur Dunham. Miss Ruth Lleber, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Maurice H. Lleber, won tbe first prise for extemporaneous apeak- tog at the inter-state contest held at Champaign. 111., on Saturday. Miss Lleber Is a senior at New Trier aad the Tuesday morning assembly was held in ber honor. The subject chosen was. "Shall Our Army aad Navy Be Increased?" yqleeaisgy Mrs. Jameu Simpson ot Sheridan rood returned lost week from Ashe- ville, 8. C. 0 Mrs. Marry IX Wltey waa. heetees to a tea Tuesday for Mrs Francis Lane of Chicago Mrs, Martin Power leaves Saturday for a two weeks' vlalt with rehMtves at Philadelphia, Pi. Miss Lucy Williams of Chicago waa the weekend gueat of Mr. and Mrs. Norm'sn Wllitems. Mr. and Mrs. Wllllsm Spencer Cros- by. Jr„ entertained Saturday evening lust with n "bridge." It wss Mothers day Wednesday at tho Glances public school. Bpeetel programs were arranged. 'Mr. Henry Pi Wllllsms will give a talk st Um Young People'o Sunday Aft- ernoon society next Sunday. Miss Catherine Zlealng leaves this Ftlday for Vancouver, B. C, to visit her etster. Mrs. Mark Rector. Mrs. Jacob Schnur and Miss Bohaur entertained Thursday with a luncheon in honor of Miss Frank Mortimer. The Worth While olub held a special meeting at the home of Mrs. John Jef- freys Wedneeday, to eew for the Unit- cd Chorltlea. Thw membera of the Olencoe chsp- ter of the Daughters of the Empire will attend tho Victoria luncheon at the Auditorium Saturday. Mrs. Boa Nowhsll wss hostess at a dinner Saturday, gives to the "Porch Brtdgs Club" and their huabands. Cov- ers wars laid for twenty-eight. Mrs. Franklin Preston, 481 Wash- ington avenue, will be heetees to tho ladles of the Washington circle st a luncheon, Wedneaday. May 88. Dr. sad Mrs. Wlathropa Girling aad Mr. sad Mrs. Otto R. Barnstt left on Thursday evening tor a week's Ashing hi the northern Wisconsin woods. Mra. Freak. Laws hss Issued carda for a bridge party to be given Wed- aeaday afternoon, May 38, in honor of Mra. Freak O. Mortimer ot Pasa- deaa, Cal. Miss Majory Sibley of Chicago en- tertains with a dinner to her Glencoe friends thla Friday. Covera will be laid for tweaJiL____^â€" Mrs. c. H. Craakshsw ot St. Louis, a.former resident of Olsncoe, wae tho honor guest at two teas test week, Mrs. Marc Darling and Mrs. Freak Miller. hoateaaea. Mra. Cranhohew le the gueat of her brother, Mr. Bradley of Wilmette. Tho musical program for the Sunday morning services at the Olencoe Union church wilt be: Prelude, "Lovely Ap- pear O'er tbe Mountain" (Gounod); anthem, "Alleluia" (Buck); offertory, "Berceuse" (Spinney); anthem, "Peace to This Sacred Dwelltog" (Smith); postlnde, "Sortie" (Rogers). A number ot affaire were given thla week for Mlsa Dorothy Brown, who Is to be married June 1, Miss Agnes Martina entertained Wednesday with as at home. Mlsa Ethel Copelsnd gave a luncheon Thursday at the Bkokte club. Misses Marjory and Constance Lane were host eases to a "bridge" Fri- day afternoon. On Monday. May 24, Mlaa Bernlce Trude of 1835 Hlnman avenue, Evanaton, will entertain with a luncheon. Wednesday, May 88. Miss Beatrleo King will give a theater psr- ty, and on Thursday. May 37, Mlaa Bessie Park will entertain with a din- f IREPROOP ROOFS, k«*,iworth is going to avoid bed nree. The trustees have passed an or- dinance regulating tho materials tt> be used for roofs of buildings over sj cer- tain else. lieSWametteA WILMETTE From Edgar Allan JWd "the -Wf* »•«**" With Henry B. Wahhal and Blanche Sweet U Grwtut ntopit Stan : , ^ Biiiineet each day at 3:30 p. n. [ Jj^011 25 JJ^ Evening Performance at 7:15 and 9:15. AUSeata^c. C-B»&nV --------------------------â€"- i J Mat. and Evening Peu-gdmountDay David Bsfaseo's 5fags Success Alto Paramount Travl No.* â- â- *• Coming Soon: "The Eternal ' Don't Mita Thia â- â- Sssssmsswin 11 1 I . mwmwmmmmmmmmmim Follow the Crowdsâ€"Get the L„ Admission 15c - Children BBBi TELEPHONES j 440 WILMETTE \4 MRS. ETH INDOOR DUSTLE Also ot her useful PHONE WILMETTE 1170 N HESLINE the house Van Deusen'a »i ' i We Clean NorihShore T. M. C. A., Room J 10 Prouty Annex lets WILMETTE TENNIS We solicit year shoe Wll PARL jit Family ^tf ' ss factory ^rf !â-  i HE WILMETTE MART V You Miss Your Kesidence Telephone IF you havi * and are *" appreciate value and conv/nience. Many to or" - am you feel in a position to «new your order. The loetd manager wilt g your application.

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