CAMPAIGN FOR FUNDS TO FINANCE RAVUflA Women Interested in ffffrfc nesday. ***: fraslasesi baas Page l) A general meeting will be bold by the Wiluette branch at the Wilmette Woman* dub oa Wednesday mom- Ins at ten •'dock, for Ik* purpose of interesting more of the rsaflsiits In Ravlnta and lie many attractions. Everyone la cordiaiiy invited. Pair lowing la a list of the Wombats ef the Wilmette committee: Mm. Cass. A. Wanner, chairman; Mrs. H. K. Snider, flrat vice-chairman, Mrs Charles Bralthwalte. second vice chairman; Mrs. Louis Bruch, third vice-chairman; Mrs. Lyman Drake, recretary; anil Alfref Bora- bach, B. L. Fitz-Randolph, Frank P. Collier, Theodore Breyer, Waller W, McCullough, Edward L. Frank J. lebefden. Lilienficld and Miss Kenllworth Meeting The Kenllworth committee will hold an spaa meeting on next Tuesday morning at the residence of Mrs. Grant Rtdgway, for thta same purpose and It fa the desire of the committee that as large a number as passible attend. Those on the Kenllworth com mittee Includes Metdamos Warren Pease, chairman; Wallace Serrell flrat vice-chairman; W. W. Wheelock. second vice-chairman; Miss Harriett Stuart, secretary; and Mesrtames Frank N. Chaffee, Percy B. Kckhart, II. O. Edmonds, Clarence Gasque. O. W. Keehn, James H. Prentiss, Grant Rldgway, Henry Taylor, Jr., John Vonnema, R. B. Stolp and Sidney C. Eastman. Mrs. Lucian Cury of Lako Blaff, formerly associate editor of the Chicago Evening Post literary review, will he.the Bpeaker at both of these meetings. I New Trier Jotting* Various take In tte printing of the programs, and on Tuesday appeared the schedule of easier examinations. June 9. IS. and 11. Commencement day is June 18. Friday. June 11. a m., Latin and commercial branches; p. m., English, Mendey. June 14, a. m.. modern lan- guages; p. m.. history, Tuesday. June 15. a. m., mathe- matics; p. m., science. The senior play. Ptnero'a "Sweet Lavender" given Friday evening was undoubtedly the beat production of the dramatic slab this year, tf not the beat given at any time at New Trier. The play waa a hard one to give, bat the wise Interpretation given by Miss Baldwin, W. D. M.thew.Vj. *TS^mX. *£% *^«**!&«»~> Rlvervlew's picnic season will open on Memorial day (next. Sunday). The first picnic of the season will be the Irish Aonach and Athletic carnival, directed by Donald O'Connor and given under the auspices or the Irish Industrial Development association. It will bo the first Aonach ever held In' America, and Is expected, to bring out the greatest Irish crowd In the history pf the City. The Aonach is one of the most anclont of Irish fee- 'â- " ttvals and dates back to pagan days in the Emerald Isle. The program will comprise thirty-three Intellectual sad athletic contests. A specially Interesting program of racing at the Velodrome baa been ar- ranged. Among the world-famous bicycle riders who will participate will be Bobble McLean, former cham- pion skater, Al. Krueger. Francesco Verrl. Iver Lawson, Pete Brobacb, Jimmy Moras and Eddie Root. There is racing In the Velodrome uvery Wedneaday, Saturday and Sun- day night. All the shows and rides at River- view are now In full swing. The stellar attraction, as far as shows are concerned, is the Water Carnival, given In the Waterdrome building near the Western avenue entrance. The varied bill Introducing a water nymph ballet, champion log rollers, dancere. singers, clowns and trained seam, attracts capacity audiences at every performance. The tank la the largest Indoor swimming pool In the world. The bill le changed every two weeks. There le dancing every evening in the Palace ballroom. The vaudeville blU at the Woodland cabaret la one of the heat in town. Many parties take dinner dally on the cool verandas of the CSBBK Beasiaa"s band con- certa every evening attract thousands. The program tor Sunday evening baa been arranged lor Memorial day. U. S. PRESBYTERIANS' GAIN 112,927 MEMBERS Of interest to Wilmette Presby- rians should he the fact that the Presbyterian churches of the United States received 112.M7 members en confession of faith during the last church year. Apr. 1. tali, to Mar. 31. mi* This hi the largest toucans tn mem- bership in the whole history ef the church, according to the report of the aft the session ef the general r. at the Oantml Presbyterian church In Rochester. X. Y. already temperamentally fitted far their parts, made H one which re- ceived moat enthusiastic appreciation from the beginning to end. Prank Herdman aa Dick Phenyl, the reformed wine-bibber who la torn be- tween duties to a faithful servant and a life-long friend; who can give up forty tbosasnd pounds to aid a bank rupt scalawag for the sake of the same life-long friend, did acting that was considered by many to come aa near professionalism aa could be. Prank Herdman has been responsible for the success of many plays at New Trier, and it Is with regret that the school sees that it must lose him the coming year, Louise Logic aa the fashionable widow bsnt cs marrying off her daughter also did some very clever acting. She took her part admirably. Mildred Spear took a very difficult part with great sympathy, and Lu'cile Mick as the daughter of a wronged widow ' was extremely charming. Dorothy Kreger was a very whole- some, charming miss, totally unlike her scheming mother save In surrepti- tiously talking from the balcony to a dapper young American In the shape of Edward Prlngle. John King man- aged very we!! a is!! silk hat and deep Irish voice, and Theodore Cox. the hero, courted Sweet Lavender in a way that was a delicate achievement on the part of any amateur. Miner reborn, Earl Oam.ron, and Sidney Nel- son played their roles characteristical- ly. The auditorium waa well filled. The annual dinner given by the home economics department to the members of the school board took place Wednesday evening, May 19. The fes- tive occasion was made even more fes- tive by the new) furnishings added' to the rooms of the department this year. A new rug had been placed in the dining room, a new stencil border of cherry design had. been placed around the walla, and four good pictures had been hung on the wall. These are a large Co/ot Martin Rico's "A Canal In Venice," Burne Jones's "Caphetua and the Beggar Maid." and William Met- calfe "Ice Bound." The menu the preceding year seemed elaborate and Intricate enough, but that this year was even more so. There were seven 'courses, starting with butterfly canapes and ending with coffee, cheese, and crackers. The fourth course waa squab on toast Monday, May 24, was tag day at New Trier for the benefit of the swim- ming team, who are. vorjy anxious to go to Madison to attend the inter- scholastic swimming me«t of the northwest, but who had no funds In the athletic treasury for expenses. Due to the wide advertising and skill- ful management of the boy and girl taggers a total of about a hundred dollars waa received. Some of this came from gifts by north shore resi- dents, the average price paid by the! six hundred students being about ten cents apiece. New Trier ta winning! la various track meets but not in Wilmette Churches of Chicago will The aft 11 a. m. on the Fruits ef Victory- a rsssa. Mr. P. stlagle of Chicago arm stag "And I Stood Out- side the Gates" by Mrs. Taylor. Evening service, 7:45 o'clock. Sub- ject: "Twice Born Men How One of Them proved by his Life the Truth of the Gospel.- Mr. Freeman will Brigs'. "Hold Then My Hand." Miss Corette will rend urogram at both services. Miss Mary GanB of Newton. Mass., Mrs. Wilson's niece, will lead the young people's misting at 6:45 p. m. Topic: "The Call of Foreign Missions for Money, Man and Prayer." At the mid-weak service Wednes- day evening the consideration will be given to "The Book of Lamentationâ€" the Tears of Jeremiah." These tears for Jerusalem came too late to save the nation and city. Repentance might save many an overthrow. When will men lesrn wisdom? Congregational Church Wilmette avenueâ€"and Eleventh street. Roy Edwin Bowers, minuter, 1084 Eleventh street Sunday. May 30, Memorial day. 9:45 a, m., Sunday school session with special exercises. 11:00 a. m., memorial sermon. Theme: "The Private Soldier." It la fifty years since the civil war closed and almost alt the officers of the grand srmy have psssed on. The private soldier is still with us. how- ever, and we take this opportunity of doing him honor. 6:00 p. m., the book of Proverbs on "Reverence for the Past" 6:16 p. m„ Y. P. 8. C. E. Wednesday, June 2. 10:00 a. m., ladies' Bible class. 8:00 p. m., mid-week meeting. Methodist Church Lake and Wilmette avenues. T. K. Gale, minister, 1024 Lako ave- nue. ' Telephone 664. Patriotic Sunday 0:80 a. mâ€"Bible school. E. W. Mc- Cullough, supt Classes for all. Or- chestra. 10:45 a. m.â€""Strong Womanhood." Special music by Prof. Edwarda and choruH choir. 3:30 p. m.â€"Junior church. Roy Kirtland, superintendent 6:00 p. m.â€""Patriotic Manhood." Special music. 6:16 young 8:00 p the Ken; Seats MAT ft. IMi. In the of Tenth 9:45 s. so- fter all ages. Adult Bible charge of the pastor. 11:00 a. m.â€"Public worship. Sub- ject: "Lessons ef Memorial Bay" 6:15 p. m.â€"B. Y. P. U. meeting. All young people cordially Invited. ! 7:30 p. m.â€"Evening worship. Sub- ject: "A Lesson la Spiritual Addl- The prayer meeting on Wedneaday evening. Jane ft, will be held at the home of Mr. sad Mrs. W. J. Weldon. •32 Oakwood ave. Subject: "Christ's Letter to the Church at Smyrna." Rev. 2:8-11. North there Methodist Episcopal Church ' Haze! and fircenlpaf »v«bufs. Horace G. Smith, pastor. Sunday services 10:00 e. m.â€"Bible school. 11:00 a. m.â€"Public worship. TfSo^prmu^^aWenlng service. 1:00 p. m. Wednesdayâ€"Preyer meeting. Doctor William B. Leach preachee next Sunday night. His theme will be the Indestructibility of the cl.urch. The Sunday school gives a magic and wizard entertainment Prldoy aft- ernoon and evening Juue 4. A conference of the Methodise churches along the lake shor<» from Wilmette to Lake Bluff was held at the local church, Thursdsy night. This was under the leadership of the district superintendent, Doctor Lese mann. » And Hie Nome le Lenten. The doggondest fool above ground Is the, man *bo tries to fool himself. mtommmmLi ow * works for you *Pt«j» wntiw ......x tie acute _ valuable antiseptic of Gold Dust is a ising agent. It actually works. It gets into the cor- nels and crevices where fingers and wash* cloths can't reach. It permeates and dis- solves dirt, grease and grime everywhere and it cleans and brightens everything. Cold Dust does all thisâ€"does this actual workâ€"because it is made for that purpose. Millions of women all over the country use Gold D ust three times a day in wash- ing dishes. They use it also for scrubbing floors, washing windows, etc. of Cold Dust. Gold Dm* m 0m only uxuning end in any home* • ••v baseball. The Junior and senior choruses sang moat creditably In "Elijah" given un- der the auspices of the North Shore festival Monday night. MODEL AT EXPOSITION. A model Of the University of Ills. •nod at hoadLet^amwMh %** «a# arses thieng Gold Dust cleans metal wor] enameled ware, etc., without or marring the surfaceâ€"lea' tarily clean, brigbJfand new The use of Gcpd Dust is There can be no/nraste when you exact small o/autity required specific purpoJe. It is at once by hot or cop water, forming cleansing Mention. N\wyp or other cleansing help is neededT^old Dust does it all, and Gold Dost does its work far better than any- thing else can. Use Gold Dust not only for washing dishes, but for washing bathtubs and bathroom fixtures, cleaning oil mops, cleaning and freshening linoleum and oil- cloth, cleaning and brightening pots, pans and cooking utensils, giving luster to glasswareâ€"for every cleaning â- and brightening purpose,' v\ tef^mA' da. m' MSann en ^amhdhieai Gold Dust is as inexpensive as it is indispensable. sold everywhere TUT? P"DAanT?'D WIUttTTE JLAJL UJKA/VJLfA; CentralAv».d!2t Tels.2414. MIS, 3416,341 ? 12th St. Tcls. 510.511.313.513 -------------FIRST QUALITY COOPS. GOOD SERVICE. PAIR, PRICES' SPECIAL PRICES IN FORCE MAY 31st TO JUNE 5th Park 'Cemetery Street and Gross Point A beautiful, new, family lots may be prices oa liberal U Many families arc this is a splendid foreseen. SUGAR.â€"Granulated. Eastern. Cane. 10 lbs. OSc Crystal Domino, 6 lb pkg.....................50c Crystal Domino. 2 lb. pkg....................22c Crystal Dosilr.o. 10c Non-caking powdered. & lb. pkg..............48c FLOUR â€" Plllabury, Gold Medal and Cereaota. H bbl... .$1.10 , H bbl... .$2.20 Barrel ... .$8.75 ORANGES â€" Hoavy. Juicy, beautiful fruit. 150 else. DOS.......32e 126 size. Do/........35c 96 else. Doe............................â€"40c FLORIDA GRAPE FRUIT - Fancy quality. 64 slse. Each......Ss Dos........ ...toe 64 else. Dos ...............$1.00 CALIFORNIA LEMONS-Bonansa Brand. The finest. 300 else. Dos.....................lie PINEAPPLES â€"Never liner. Extremely cheap for canning. Large. Sach...............15o Dos...............$1.60 SWirrSPREMUM* Saves you 10c a lb. over butter. 1 §b. carton..23c FRENCH OLIVE OIL finest quality of pure French olive BACON â€" Layton. Sliced. 1 lb. net Lay ton. Clear brisket and back. BAKING POWDER.- No. H- can........1aV»e Kn l can. Monarch. Cream of Tartar. Nose better No. K can..........ISc No. 1 Prices. Cream of Tartar. No. H can......... .22c No. 1 can SOAP-American Family. Jas. S. Kirk * Co,'* 66 bars In box... .$2.96 10 bars...........45* Ivory. 10 OP. bar. 100 bars In box...$7.00 10 bars ............70e Ivory. 6 oa. bar 100 ban la box...$4.20 .10 bars ...... .....4to SAPOLIO â€" And Hand Sapoilo. Dos........ .see SCOURENE-ik,/................. ..... ..48e WASHING POWDER Gold Dust. No. 4 pkg........................Its Old Dutch Cleanser. 3 caas>.V-•............**»• Star Naptha. No. UmWM,• •».............IBS Kitchen shape ti can of SWEET Can........ PEAS Can. Prairie View ........13c e triangular In handle and pint ........... ..Ma'; • My finest <eu»lttKv .......$1.30 Sifted Early June. 17c iHu.^^-^......$240 Kirj^n#sl . Buret t. Ten- . .$1.1$ der. Look at the. Can. TOMATOESâ€"The finest No. 3 can. Only per> feet red. ripe tomatoes used In these. Can....... ........14e Doa. ..... ......$1.4* Plymouth Bock. No. 3 can. Extra standard goal. Can. No. S caa. Made Fine flavored. â€" My own blend. Makea a mil creamy drink that cannot be surpassed. 40c value. Lb................ Cabana. Extra 26c value. Lb................IBS TEA-Upton's. Yellow Label. Ceylon sad India. % lb- pkg..........ago 1 lb. pkg...........sac Basket Fired Japan. W. M. No. L Sue vsl. Lb. 45c English Breakfast Bouquet No. 101. 60c value. Law.........................................40s Oolong. 1L No. 5tâ€"&Oc value. La...........35c COCOA- Walter Bakers. % lb. can... .....20c Hurler*. V» lb. can.........................ass Bensdorp. Royal Dutch. PhUllpa Digestible. )* lb. Walter Baker's Preeakosa. Ua.".........................................34c CURB, ANTS lb. nag..................................v$*» and Cleaned. 1 lb. pkg..,. 11c MACARONI I Ht aftf**" imported. Italian. 1 lb. peg......1 le Dos. SAUCE â€" Monarch, when apples are at their but. Can................23c Dee. RICHELIEU HAWAIIAN PINEAPPLE SUeed. No. 2^ can. This is the finest quality duced. Can........22c Doa. 130~ & -Of Lunch or Dinner. Ox Tongue. Armour's VerlbesL No. 1% caa.. .70c Monarch Lobster. No. % can/.........24c No. 1 caa...L......4tt* B. * M. Clam Chowder, yt. can .............2S* Devtted Crase. Can.........................ate White Star Tuna Plan- No. Heaa..........14s No. 1 caa...........Mar Plevaan lladdln Jar___ ....................27e Boned Chicken. Armours Yeribesc. No. * can.........32c No. lean...........its Imported. Boneless. %8. Can....lis.' RJcaenea Kippered Herring, Can..:........tOc Jag earns Crab Meat: Name©. rm. * can.:7.7 ".. -tee No. 1 ran. ~.........3Sc TatchClub. No. 1 tall caa..........1f« Bartmpe. Monarch. No. I** caa. Dry paek. .ISc LD MANSE MAPLE <tV CANE SYRUF- fla anar Hhe sure sap that 1^ mas* an expert to Mc No » can... No. tin can-----... .32e No. to can. FAP4XIY HEAi> RICE- Lb, ...^..........♦__^.„ PATRONIZE THE ADVERTISERS