Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 18 Jun 1915, p. 2

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LABS SHORE HEWS, FRIDAY, JUNE II, If! mmmâ€"mmmmmâ€"mmtmmm THE LAKE 8H0RE NEWS PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY AT WILMETTE, ILL. OWeil, Room 2, Brown Bulldlnfl, 118t Wtlmott* Avsnut. Telephone 1640. O. P. TuovKojf................Bdltor •UB8CRIPTION $2.00 A YEAR .. M Moond-cMM matter March It, Ul«. •» th« poatoinoji at WlUmtto, lUlnntaL «m<]»r th» met of March S, 1879. MM tons I Anonymous to Tb« Address oil communloati Lake Shore Now*. Wllm.«tt«». communications will not tx» noticed. 1U< •acted manuscripts will not bo returned Sales* aroompanlad by postage. All mat- ter for publication In the current work's tMue should roach our office not later than Wednesday noon. FRIDAY, JUNE 18. 1915. There to what I call the American Ida*. The Idea demands a democracy, â€"that Is, a government of all tho peo- ple, by all the people, for all the peo- plo; of coarse, a government of the principles of eternal justice, the inter- changing law of God. For shortness' sake, I will call it the Idea of Freedom. â€"Theodore Parkor. BaaMaata of tha old iPraaiah ouartar dHS»a»l^BwWl»j*» wpw *BBW ^SBPBl fflBBWi ^J****** SJSS"» of th. Craocoat city are small buyers. They realise the half-cent's value and have adopted it Into their Ion! mone- tary system. It la this aame cli throughout tho country that tho half cent would aid, families where wagoa aro small and many mouths are to ho fed; where purchases, made In sme.ll quantities, cause a loss by price division la almost every instance. Tho half-cent saving would amount to many dollars la a year's time. For this reason, Its coinage hy the govern* ment might prove to be of practical assistance In alleviating the stress of the poor. HOW DO THEY DO IT? There are forty-four persons In tho United States who report an income of 11,000,000 a year or over. Thoro are only 357,598 who report an Income in excess of $2,500. Of these, 81,082 live in New York, and the Journal of Commerce and Finance, in comment- ing on that fact, says that from the appcoranco of Broadway at night and tho number of automobiles in sight, it had formed the opinion that there wore at least 500.000 people In that city spending 850,000 a year. There is food for reflection in tho fact that though there are only 357,- 698 people In tho country reporting in- comes of $2,600 or over, there are 1,- 300,000 automobiles In use. The wonder is how the remaining 942,402 owners of automob!!»s manage to run them so cheaply. NOW FOR A CURE. "Unemployment Is responsible, indi- rectly, for at least 70 per cent of the offenses boys are charged with In this court. Boys who secure and hold John for a year or more rarely Hurt their way Into the Boys' court " This, the diOgllonta ot J»am~ 1...1..,. of the Boys' Court of tho chlet cuunc underlying delinquency umong boys, was based on an Investigation ..f the 10,410 l)Oy» bruUKlit before tht. boys' Court dm in/-, Hi- >•«. . /idli.fc March 17 It loll i . ... ...... Whlt.ll Jud„ j l>.,l»i .i. . ,i i l.,A It has h.'en w,4ely â- >< . u I... uuv,.«i generation it.ut r».«i, .. iii, ,, „.,,.,, mis. hier aim i.» iJu i. .j.. i j., Stlit It I. .|..l. a . I..... It l»« l ....... tO I....I o ttl.,.I.. I ... ,i .in I.. A.. 1 tll.ll |.lll. l|l|.- (,, , i „â-  1. I... „,, com) ilihi, .1......i ..i , Willi J.i.l... l»........ .... Od&Ke ..f hu\ iinu K. i , ,, ..I a rt-baoii foi llitl .1. I. i| , ,1 1. ij When Shan w. »lt, .,.,.,.I ,...!, «,i,4 Wisdom. dU..o« an *uli It ..! (.ii the affliction.' f" uNE MAI f â-  tti. A..,,(â-  i>| nugKcall. u to i bi£ti \.wM .1 llviiw, U , , . -In in two an.J c.itu tiui/ . s.i.s J..i i . no •JS<\ A I....1I c.;ul icolui t»u u I. thlriM 1U. ek(K iiilttui In o, ..,.1 Sidered by th« majority «-. ,.. ., 1. 1,,.. any bank,-, leii >., 1 u« .1,1 ..1.1 Stor>, that uy tjviUd ii, b, 11 you amass Hit, dollui. 1,1 I Ii gestioa ft.M.jn u, i>. »,, Hi , mi. The frugal ,..,. , but - fifth of a cent and tli. tJ«i ,1,* 1 c, lent orciourt.i. Ybt.r c >i.alt.ul enables the houttokec-oo t., r. Juc, cost of living In those . ou.itil.o - very appreciable degree when year's expenses m. flgurci up The nearest ai«i»oacti to tht.- h>l tional cent fn this country tod^y is WHY THEY QO INTO THB MOVIES. Oeraldine Farrar has gone Into the movies, forsaking the art of grand opera for the film studio, the opera with its emotion and its tragedy for tho photo play with its motion and Its happy and moral ending. And why? Why aro the stars of tho stage, dramatic and operatic, coming to the motion picture studio, appearing upon tire acreen for the crowd to view, at ton cents each? Why, except that there is more money to be made there, more fame, after Its kind, to ho achieved? Years of faithful study and work could never endear an artist in any of the "legitimate" lines to the millions of people whom any successful 01m actor counts his friends. Tho path from a high station in the regular theater to the motion picture Is unquestionably, from the stand- point of art, one of descent. As an op- portunity of service It is quite as un- questionably not so because of the Im- mense difference in the number of Uvea touched, the vastly wide influ- ence which may be wielded for good, the groat opportunity to give to that great public of the "common people" tho inspiration of a great talent, the chance It offers to make really popu- lar much of the best In the realm of the drama. The advent into fllmdom of men and women who have arrived In other forms of dramatic art need not then bo due entirely to mercenary motives. The Use they make of tho new vehicle of ihelr tuloiit. whether they rnlae th.. Dim to the 4UlUe lil«u |il.. .10 of the. w 1 k i/.'i (lie ..(.! . inc.' .10 teru> th, nu,.ivu It In ,>oo«lbi. to Imagine 1. ret. I fntneot. ..rj b. Irlt thv ' "li-i.i., .,( i..t , „l,.i>llr.lwl| Wilmette Churches Scientist, obuo and Tenth and 7:4* n. m Wednesday It |,..tilth,11 III4.1 ll.ol.o It, .,!•.,» 1,11.,,. I.. 11. It IS .t=vlt- Church fette, 'estlmon evening at 8 Wfock. Reading room 9 a. ra. to » p. m„ ex- cept Wednesday, Wednesday until 7:48 p. m. Brown building, 1163 Wil- mette avenue. ' Presbyterian Church. Ninth street and Oreenteaf avenue. The pastor,. Dr. J. 11. Wilson, speaks Sunday night at 7:45 o'clock, on tho "Sermon of the Mount; tho Beati- tudes; Happiness." Subject at 11 a. m., "That There May Bo Food In My House." Mr. Freeman will sing, "Why Do the Nations So Furiously RAge," from Handel's "Messiah. A quartet, Miss Hilda Phelphs, soprano; Miss Flor- ence Roe, contralto; Mr. Robert Rao, tenor, and Mr. Alfred G. Freeman, baritone, will sing at the morning service, "Consider sad Hoar Me," Pflueger. Mr. Freeman will sing at the eve- ning service, "O Rest In the Lord," from Mendelssohn's "KHJah." Miss Edith M. Coretto will render the following organ program: (Morning) Rltt dor Wolkueren..........Wagner Rhelnfahrt, "Qotterdftmmerung".... ........................... Wagner March, "Mefstersinger"......Wagner (Evening) Cantllene Nuptialo ...........Dubois Adagio (Second Symphony)----Wider Fanfare ...................Lommens Wednesday night, at 8 o'clock, the pastor will speak on "The Structure of the Old Testaments, using charts and maps. Woman's society meets Tuesdayâ€" an all-day meeting. Sewing at 10 a. ni.( lunch at 12 and missionary pro- gram at 2 p. in., "Japanese Tableaux." Methodist Church. "Lako and Wilmette avenues. T. K. Gale, minister, 1024 Luke avenue. Telephone C54. A church with a mes- sage and a welcome. 9:30 a. m.â€"Bible school; IS. W. Mc- cullough, superintendent. Classes for all. Orchestra. 10:46 a. m.â€""Christ's Challenge to tho World." 6 p. m.â€""Christ's Challenge to the Individual. Seats free. Strangers welcome. North Shore Evangelistic Union. 616 West Railroad avenue. Rev. 10. W. Canfleld of Chicago Will preach Sunday at 8 o'clock. Mr. Canfleld Is assistant superintendent of the Bible Rescue mission, where over 7,000 per- sons sought Balvation during 1914. Rev. Bennett will have Tuesday service at 8 o'clock. If weather permits, street meetings v,ill he held in front of the mission Just preceding the Indoor services. Ooenair meeting in fevanston. n. t.oiit of Rood building, Sunday, at 730 P ni , and in WinnotKa. Wednesday, at 8 o'clock Rev. B. Frank Tabor, Residence, |]f Forest avenue. Sunday services held la tho Worn- aaVi Club bunding, corner of Green loaf avenue and Tenth streets. 9:45 a. m.â€"Bible school. Classes tor an Mai, Adult Bibb) .class In charge of the pastor. 11:00 a. m.â€"Public worship. Sub- ject of the pastors sermon: "Adorn teg the Dsctriss of Christ" 6:16 p. m.-^-B. T. P. V. meeting. All young people Invited. 7:50 p. m.â€"Evenlng worship. Sub Ject: "Christ's Answer to Hard Ques- The prayer meeting on Wednesday evening, Juno tS. will bo hold at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Burns 7S7 Laurel avenue. Battle of Waterloo"] Tho battle of Waterloo was fought on the 18th of June, 1815. That was one hundred years ago today. On one side was tho French army consisting of 75.000 men and 246 guns, under the direct command of the Emperor Na- poleon, and on the other tho allies, consisting of 67.600 men and 166 guna and commanded by the Duke of Well- ington. The battle resulted in a com- plete victory for the allies and the utter rout of the Trench, followed by the final abdication of Napoleon on the 22d and hh> banishment to St. Helena. Whether the victory for the allies would have been complete without the aasistancce of the Prussian army under Blucher. who camo up late in the afternoon o' tho day is a point historians have never fully settled. Some hold that tho French might have been victorious bad it not been for the arrival of the Prussians to the number of 60,000 men, and others maintain that the battle had already been won by Wellington and his forces. However, "the value of this reinforcement at this particular mo- ment can hardly bo overestimated." says a writer In the Encyclopaedia Britennica. After the final charge of the French had been repulsed Well- ington moved forward his whole army and the carnage was immense. Th total losses of the allies In this world famous battle amounted to 23,000 men In killed, wounded and missing. The French losses exceeded 30,000. This terminated the celebrated "hundred days" In the career of Napo- leon. It will be recalled that the em- peror had abdicated once before, namely, In April, 1814, and had been banished to the Island of Elba. Here he remained nearly eleven months, but escaped from his guard and returned to France. He resumed the title of emperor and raised an army which was so disastrously defeated at Wa- terloo one hundred years ago today. OBITUARY. gifJB, isary King. Mrs. B^rF-«iir»othor of Mrs. A. 43. Melville died at the residence of her daughter at 105S Greenwood ave- nue early Mfesday aorrrtag. She had been In poor health for some time, but tho end came quite unexpectedly. Mrs. King, whose maiden name was Twiggs, was born In. Columbus. Ohio, and the body was shipped there on Wednesday, for bunai, following a funeral service at 1022 Greenwood avenue, which was conducted by Bar. Thomas Keene Gale, pastor of tho Wilmette Methodist church. Mrs. King la survived by a daughter, Mrs. Mel- ville of Wilmette and by a son. Harry T. of Rochester. A number of the members of the family from Indiana and Ohio attended the funeral. Mrs. King has lived In Wilmette for Ave years, making her home with her daughter. CHARLEY STILL ACTIVE. There has been a report current, so the Essanay people say. that Charlie Chaplin has been Injured and has not been producing comedies. They deny this and state that Charles has been at work, evory day. In the Los An- geles studio, and has made several pictures. The first of them, "Work," will be released on Monday, June SI, and will be shown at the lloyburn the- ater In Bvanston on that date. Also Some Leveler. Love is sot the oay thing thai can level ranks. For Ufstonce, there Is leaving a duke oug of father-in-law's will.â€"Ne\v^ YorfeAVorid. rATE BANK ">F EVANSTON Helping Others. If you moot tho man who knows not, teach him; but much moreâ€"If you meet the man who thinks he knows and knows not, teach him, also But do it with kitdnoss, with pa. .nee, with good v, ill, wlthct ridicule and especially .lthout resentment.â€"it J. Desmond. .IMfcH8' .-»â- ....."tl. I.* I n.i »' I ..|>l.l ..ll.t, III 11 Jv III ..J .1.1 I. i .1 . . i. .1 I....U oil, nil I It. I It In < lit .J J.i. , tl<> IIDO IMMj will bo |>dt . II. . l.lhlltl (•â- A till it Ml. I III Villi... rt ., I i, l.,w . | ay U, I. It-,.. Ii, the in. 1 ... It ,...„l l l.i»... I c|U.;.» â-  thri- ll. tbe ii a tt.e l.oln 11.. i tit lit i in ItttC â- J lll„i< I lio It . h<it» In .1 round In the markets of New Orleans, where half nickel values aie »old This .U . I. >.•«- ii ,ni: iii th o.. t »., .1 .he li. ry U 11 11 |>lft. It-, cl) in |> nnii/lt I. . all > In li, «l. le [or ctliUuu Ot fanilh-â- Â« whl, u on. th. i. il< [x-nd«...c<] to tho /Other- .lc .th oi desertion, bbodld be su|>en>t:d<*d I» h.,.<i<- car,. The beet managed Institutions can not give the opportunity tor normal Hi*, la „ u.1 l..t> ,. tii.ea i > ' ,;l»r -. u t Instil l> 1 mi.i1 i tin- Classified Advertisements TELEPHONE, WILMETTE 1640 W»ni Ads to the Lake Shore News are charged it the following rat.* Real Estate Classification^. 7v£ cents ^cr line. All Other Classifications. S cents per line Mi.,.....u i-.. .. IS cents. No advertisement chaffed for la., ia«. cz .... aamai isâ€" â- Â«â-  mmm*mmmâ€"mâ€"mmmmm*mmmmjmmM SITIJATIONS.WANTE1) WANTED â- â- - BY^HHk la run private JiT**'**>iSaT^*" fcw si.inller ]>\a<jj^^MlS\\ TakachT' rO>>>i^ernoii icoc III lt|. " â-  ED tt'ii.nettc. /^"'l Yorrnt ,. . NT V\ m ik. oworl. i'l.oi.t) Wll in rKi> <iiiti Sui'woiK Re -tir 1165 metteoi. ^ . -..... -â-  ' â- ' FOR SALE • ,,,./.. m K PIANOS TaIh.,i iAi trjt) .,ii fn,, u«w obp^cs Poll . .'p il|1.i |jo. sta^Tff>V \.yiJI a Ulttl) $116 iUjVjrartfta..,.; »»|. 'c piun.i si5, OTjjab. 912. Kihi,.ii |.l.on. it|ih t\%^Jri»0 88â- Â».. ie now l>lii>n ,,lau< $205, |,l../i<>la uuiotde |.la>. I with ,i> roll.. $-0. t- ».v pay liit-ntm lJat, Hon ll. .>.-. i6S2 ,>hct man a KviuudIoii It.. it J. white c«. i it ion Wilmette ltc ftTpM . hWsMJn^JpuVt. «Jian..i l.i nrasj^cluVr Hi*ao i'3t rlfntii s?!; ii tn1fr»eii vViiinette ltr development which the borne affords. Slti<*e the mothers' pension htw Was Is known aa the carte.;, and lr the pass.U to keep homes from Lt>ing buyer desires only a carta's worm, a check for the rest. Issued by the dealer, is redeemed on presentation. broken up and the child. ?n ncoctered in Institutions, it should nil that pur- pose aa completely aa possible. 'or $ 1:, 00. rwAo nVv FOIl JSAl.K USED SEW IN S MA chiMcH. tak. n in trade on our new 'ger Sinfe.Ts. J5;^Je^r home. Wi.cuter *TJJP#Bl *:;- ',c'"' Homo Drop IU'*lW$l^^Viloox and tiibbs. $is. Alsofo shopworn and Bros. 1522 Sherman-av., Evanston. ltc (â- OR SAIK TMOIt ELBC T RT5 washing machine; tine order. $20. ^Jl^gJJJrROOMS . .4^ RENT -LARGE EAST JJIOnT rootfl ~*4Ut private^iHieel! tor I or 2 Keiitlriiit-n ^MgjLSinKl" room Ai>- ili | iiilf .....IliiillibMiii WU..i<jtie S(rt-1M' iOR#RENT \^DUl c. nil Kefei mettc- Subscribe for The Like Shore News â€"i nsossSiBSSSSSSsasjausaasssjM EVANSTON ^TITT? «aO Dsvis Strses i. J ^ Tels.2414, 3415,2416,2417 ' 'ii'.' â- 'â- â- â-  WILMETTE Centra] Ave. o i 3 th St. Tela. 510,511,512,513 :riR5T (JUALITY GOODS. GOOD SERVICE. FAIR. PRICES^ SPECIAL PRICES IN FORCE JUNE 21th TO JUNE 26th Uentlemcn th»l av . Wll Tette 1150 ltc ansa ii iâ€" FOR RENTâ€"GARAGE rO^RENT PRIVATE OARAGEpN VVasnlUts^n. avenue, cejajs«r**noor. light. wutor^^^y-l^'VloldBooiiftizod car He* >gr^^lllSSW 11S7 Wll- iiaar*-- *^" Phone Wllmetto*,^g*^ TOR SALEâ€"HOUSES rdtt 8aib J\l Sob vM before buy niabjSme We <arr makes. Patterson man av., Evanston. m washing ifferent 22 Sber- ltc )0NgE SMARl iMa Sherman-av. t fflStjgbfcANEOUSMM. LTTJIACTIVE YOUNG WOULD With girl of ie tyi>.-. MtuaUavb gootl dispo- Fition Addreaa^ake^Hhore News, • •eooeoo Read Our Want Ads e e a "» t » a a TIP TOP CREAMERY BUTTER- Extra quality. Guaranteed to be the finest iioallty made. 1 lb. carton.............;.,.. . . 33c SWASTIKA CREAMERY BUTTER Fine for any use. No. 1 grade. 1 lb. carton.. 3t« SWIFT'S Premium OLEOMARGARINE 1 lb. carton ............................. 23c FRESH EGGS h.>ii.u,.i iw 2sc Crescent. "Fresh from the ..jst." Iw pM.pu who must eat i«w e«g.i for sick peopl . foi extra deli- cate t;OOkin< Always .m h.iul CALIFORNIA LEMONS ...... .... , fruit. Doe................ PINEAPPLES Fane/ r.uit put them up. n.. y cam.ot be 30 »lze. Each . IZVjc I>oz. 24 size. Each.....15c Doz aRANULATEaV SUGAR 10 lbs..................... LAYTON BACON sliced Clear Brisket and Rack In pie BAKING POWDER u.mifc No M can........12!/2c No. 1 Moimirh t'ream of As good at No. % ca.. .....18c No 1 con. Prlce'b. Citui.i U Tarta.- No. % tt.n 22c N.. i ...,„ .m 4Qc *,*NGER ALE Root He, and l«IrR t or Chippewa Mad., of »p. .^g j». ter. .nd Rl other ingredients of the bo»t Quarts. Tk,z.....fl.lo i i. i„ t^ Rebate of 24c and I2c a joz loj jj.,.,. l. ttl i IMPORTED GINGER ALU Cant roll ft Cochrane. t)oz___ % , Ba MEIER'S GRAPE JUICE Concord. Qts......36c Pta. j«©. Catawba. Qts .....45c Pts 25c AIRLINE HONEY n.,;, we«t honey 1 h*ve ever seeu Put up In 3dm i o... dust- proof cartons. Comb . 2Sc Strained. No zC> jar........ 23c Strained. No*. 5o Jar........ 4sc DRIED FRUIT Sanunin?atu ...ifi, dee L*............................. 12c 40-60 alae, Lb.....13»; 2«v.v» n!/n/> l„> J20c DR. PRICE'S FLAVORING EXTRAS T Vanilla. 2 oz. bot.......................... 27* Lemon, Almond. Orange. 2 oz bot... on~ CAMPBELL'S CONDENSED S#UP Fifteen kinds. 3 cans 25c Doz.............$^00 CHEESE - Now York. Full cream. Old neM- cious navor. Lb....................... 26c Wisconsin. Brick. Lb............. ' *20c Roquefort. Lb................... 40c imported Sweltzer.__Lh__^.........,.... \V.. .4Qc McLaren's. 25c size 23c 10c size............9C Edams. Large size. Each............ . .90c IMP. MARMALADEâ€"Dundee Jar___27c Hartley. Jar................................20c FLOUR â€" Pillsbury, Ceresota and Gold Medal % bbl.....95c ANTONjrti O ^of Hall can. gal. can. gal. can. TOR Quart: Mason.l Pints st. Quarts. 1st. Pints, the strawberries tween no $1.90 Parrel ... .$7,50 OIL â€"There Is no finer 18 oz. bot..........76c 0 oz. bot...........43s C os. bot...........25c VING- 42c 40c 75c 70s can get I feel suit that plentiful and reasonable be- 1st. If you arc going to pre- serve theHTyou will have to buy them In tout time UBBER.S FOR JARS -Mason or Seal Fast. Doz ...............................8c JAR TOPS Ma-oi. Dos ...................18o Seal Fast. t>oz............................Its White Crovvn Vact.i.ui. Doz. With rubbers..25c PARAFFINE WAX- Lb cake............fc JELLY TUMBLERS-s„uat % pint with covers Doz......... 22c PROCTER & GAMBLE'S SOAP- Ivory 10 oz. bar. %7jO0 10 bars ..........70s 100 bar.S In box.. Ivory. 6 oj, bar 100 b&.4 In box A in nor I>0 bars i,, tt»A German M >tth«J 72 bars in box Lenox 100 bar. b. bo* $4.20 lo bars............42c 02,to jo bars ....».......45a •3.16 10 bare ........ 45e $3.00 10 bars ...........*6e iPOLIO -Attn Hand Sapollo. Dos r ASHING POWDEK -cold Dust. No. 4 pkg. . .......................... .1fe Star Naptha No. 4 pkg....................1*S Old Dutch Cleanser. 3 pkgs.................*>e Kitchen Klenzer. 3 large okas..............lis * J MULE TEAM BORAX- 1 lb. pkg.................................He LIQUID VENEER- Makes your furniture bright as'new. 4 oz. bot. 25c size............$** 12 oz. bot. 50c size.............,..........40* SANJTARY OUTING NECESSITIES- ._ Lily paper cups. Pkg___.....................»* Outing package. Pkg........................10* Containing 10 napkin* 10 cups. 10 wax papers. 10 towels. Paper plates. 2 do*..........................Us Sandwich paper. 2 doz.......................$* /ANj^agLF PAPERj-it yagts, rolkA- MONSOON HAWAIIAN PINEAPPLE Extremely fine In quality and flavor No. 2H can........18c Do*...............•«.« No $ can..........isc Do*. ..............$<•'â-  Buy them new. Don't put It off. From every tion they will be plentiful and quite new to July 1.

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