Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 18 Jun 1915, p. 3

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IBB LAKE SHORE NEW*. FRIDAY. JUNE M. Mil. Social Happanings in Wilmette P*sslnWPwlirwew|»iB^^iWiP,*\.-". **v*^^^KsiHMNRMrwV ^MPw^pSfisj given yeetorday eiterooon by lies- * rimar nisneon, lit* Lake ave- nue, and Arthnr Taylor, tSS Central t ta» nesae of Mm Taylor. avenue, at £utt*ray" waa given by of Chlcsgo. Hedburg m?s Over on the affair given Hat Thursday after- noon at the home of Mrs. Charles A. Wanner. «!» Central avenue, uo the auspices of the Ravinia club. A l rogram of deUghtful music and short addresses waa the entertainment of the oiterooon. Yebterday morning the Ravinia club hall « board meeting at the Casino at Ravinia park, and plana Cor the year were completed. The) season opens on Saturday, June 26, with the Chicago Symphony orchestra and Joan danclng< Tim open air dancing pa* villon la already under construction. Mrs. Robert Moors, 914 Forest ave- nue, will entertain at luncheon and bridge today at the Ouiimetto Country clnb. Mrs. J. A. Lowry gave * delightful iuncheon last week Friday hit her home, 1220 Walnut avenue. Covers were laid for twelve members of the Chicago chapter of ths D. A. R„ among whom were Mesdames Flti Williams, vice-regent, Abbott, Talcott, Green, and Biker of Chicago, and Mesdames Varney and Barber of Wtnnetka; Mrs. Scovllle of Hubbards Woods, and Mes- dames Berry and E. L. Fits-Randolph of Wilmette. The guest of honor waa Miss Bscullne Warrick Bushnstl, who but recently christened the hew IT. 8. submarine, "Bushnell" at Seattle, Wash; •" T^chty members of the Delta Gam- ma sorority loft Friday evening for a house-party at White Lake, Mich. The active chapter of ths Alpha party at PaUiaade The Delta Kspfs, j*bi "sstoffry of formal dance last* Frlday^venlng at the Kenllworth club. of the held their au- la Oiencoe. Last Saturday evening, the annual dinner and entertainment was held at the oullmette Country club. Covers were laid for deer two hundred. To- morrow evening a family basket luncheon and informal dance will take place. On Juno 26, bridge will be played. sirs. Frederick A. Bye and Mrs. Thomas Fullertonv-mere hostesses at n Bridge party Tuesday afternoon st the home of Mrs> Rye. 403 Washing- ton avenue. There were six tables. dan avenue, entertained the graduates and Juniors of H^ly Name academy at a luncheon Tuestday of this week, Miss Ohlendorf is a Junior at ths Academy. a** â- M'trTL !.„ mZ*^ « S^\^5 â- ^» •â- MriBisw, sire, ^v. c BlwrtiesT, •IS Lake avenue, for a tew days. Mies Helen Ohlendorf Of avenue has gone to Terra Haute, to attend the gâ€"^"i- exercle •tint Man's of the Woods and the MDSt) Po^^cbwc institute. Jfe_F* *' â- *•%«* •** ««^ •«â-  of Oklahoma, left 100401 for o visit with relatives In Austin, after spend- tag ton Sajn as the guest off Miss Frances Slade. 117 Broadway avenue. Miss Helen Dtogee, daoghter off Mr. sod Mrs. Samuel S. Dtngee. who but moved to Wist onsln. has from Smith college, and Is fsw days with relatives in with prises and supper afterwards In the era at the 8, J. Dowetl. netKa menas Mrs. James 8. Pesbody ler will ope party to he benefit of the •erg went to act as pall tx _ Mrs. J. Melville Brown and daughter. Elizabeth, of 738 Eleventh street left this week for the San Diego and Panama expositions. Returning, they will spend several weeks hi Colo- rado, visiting In Denver. Colorado Springs. Bates Park and other Inter- esting points. Mr. Marshall Dories will return this evening to hie home st 530 Forest sve- nue, from Dartmouth college, and will bring with him three follow students Messrs. Robert and Jack Campbell of Duluth, Minn., and William Harm of St Louis. Mo., to attend the races on Miss Gertrude Ohlendorf. 23? Mr.* next Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. James, Forest avenue, near Thirteenth street, end a party Of friends returned early Mon- day morning from a week'e motoring trip to Green Bay. Wis. Despite the rain, blow-outs and.other inconveni- ences, a most delightful time wss re- ported. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick J. Crossley and little daughter, of 600 Washington avenue, and Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Cross- ley and daughter, of 246 Linden ave- nue, will leave July 3 for a month'* The Epworth League of the Meth- odist church extends a cordial invi- tation to all those Interested, to at- tend a beach breakfast on Tuesday morning, June 22, at six o'clock. The party will meet at the church at a quarter to alx and go down to the beech together. Dr. Maude B. Sands, fourth vice-president of the organiza- tion, will be in charge of the affair. The Woman's Mission and Aid so- ciety of the Baptist church will give a tea this afternoon between the hours of two-thirty and Sve o'clock at the home of Mrs. Thomas A. Copeland, 86? Ashland avenue. In connection with this a fancy goods snd bakery sale will be conducted, and ah invi- tation is extended to all friends of the church. „>- Wilmette Societies â-¡ and Clubs â-¡ ADD Societies end Club in Wilmette The Music Study clasa waa enter- tained Tuesday at the home of Mrs. George Springer, 724 Forest avenue. Last Thursday afternoon, Mrs. Belle Pitts entertained Csrd club at her home, 730 Ninth street. The officers tor ths ensuing year of cbe Ladies.' A»d jpetsty of the Math- o&st chtfrch ore as follows: Mrs. E. 11. Elliott, president; Mrs.- Willlard Thayer, vice-president; Mrs. C. G. Smith, recording secretary; Mrs. Charles LunUberg, corresponding sec- retary; Mrs. W. J. Sturgeon, treas- urer; Mrs. G. I. Brown, chairman of the Mite Box department; Mrs. E. L. Blunt, chairman of the Literature de- partment; Mrs. C. A. Wheeler, sup- 1 lies; Mrs. Orvllle D. Jones, (lowers; and Mrs. C. A. Lundberg, program. 11.0 Woman's Christian Tensor <•<> u»lon will hold an all a*y meet- ing next Tuesday at the home of Mrs. L O. Norton, 370 Walnut street. Win- ncika. The program of the day will 1 un fn this order: Business meeting, 10:30 o'clock; iuncheon and social hour; 1:80 o'clock, music and ad- drossiM. lite VV..lom'o Pr«yl»» UA.ld will •ct .his afternoon with Mrs. «%. J. b lrrows, 635 Lake avenue no.rly an of the larger <»waal*e- >ns in the village have disbanded for the summer months and a large num- Ur of the smaller ones as well. i&e Cosy Corner circle waa enter- . ined yesterday afternoon by Mrs. H. K, Moore, at her home. 1223 Elm- wood avenue. Personal Mention of Wilmette Folk wss the week-end guest of his slater, Mrs. James S. Kendall, 802 Elmwood avenue. Miss Estelle R. Martin Is spending the week with her aunt snd uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Pettit, 1033 Ashland avenue. Mrs. Alfred D. Hermann, 1124 Greenleat avenue, is convalescing at the Evanaton hospital from a seri- ous operation. Mrs. James L. Cooke and her sister, Mrs. McGill, 110 Broadway avenue, are attending the Pauema-Pacine exposi- tion this month. Mr. Earl P. Gowlng, 630 Washing- ton avenue, has. returned from Prince- ton university, where be has been at- tending school. Mrs. John E. Franz and small son, Edmond, 507 Washington avenue, have returned from a visit in Colum- bus, and Dayton, O. Mr. and Mrs. J. c. Crossley have rented their house St 40? Washington avenue, and will stay temporarily at 245 Linden avenue. Mr. Robert Wenban. 900 Lake ave- nue, will return this evening from Dartmouth college, where he has been attending school. Mr. and Mrs. m J Burt and eon. j*8se, 1027 Elmwood avenue, attended the alumni reunion of the University of Illinois this week. Mr. J. Parker Oowlna. <ftd Washing ten avenue, Is attending, tlw conven- tion at Atlantic City of the M. C B. and M. N. associations. Mr. Roland Montagu* of Kansas City, Mo., was ths goe-t over the week-end of Dr. C. G. Smith's family. 1325 Greenwood avenue. Mr. and Mrs. James O. Wray and family, 618 Washington avenue, will leave Monday for their summer home at Lake Kegonsa. Wis. Mr. Ham W. Mono. 921 Oakwcod avenue, left town this week 011 a fortnight's business trip to Denver, Colo., snd Salt Lake City. Mr. and Mrs. Friedlander of Chi- cago are occupying, the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wolf at 514 Washing- ton avenue during their absence. Mrs. 8. C. Skinner left TiaSdaj jtJr a visit with her son in Austin after befit ths guest of her daughter. Mrs. Frederick E. White, 1021 Central ave- Mr. Lyman Drake, 933 Lake avenue, turns tonight from Dartmouth col- Mies axurjorle Noyes, 827 Oakwood '•nue. has returned from Milwaukee- K>wner college. Mrs. B H. Robinson. 630 Central - cnue, has returned from a visit in nartland, Wis. Dr. end Mrs. N. P. Colwell. 717 Elm- -ood avenue, left Saturday for a u.ree weeks' trip to California- Mr. Ferdinand Brahm, 1330 Green- wood avenue, returned Sunday from a fortnight's hBMtneii trip to New York. Mr. snd Mrs. Martin Archer have i*ken the J. C. Crossley house at 407 Washington nvesae. for the sassmer. Mr. Howard Searle returned last »eek to his home at 527 Washington »venae from Howe Military academy. tad. Mrs. Frank Bobbins, IMS Unden avenue, left mat wook tor Berkeley. 1 ai.. where she will snood the sum- mer. Mr. W. C ShortlesT. 815 Lske ave- t*ue. returned Sotsoway evening from a short trip to Clear Lake and Water. taesjfc «==? Mr. William Wlsehsrt of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert a Anna. 33 Crescent place, are making an ex- tended trip through the east, stopping in Wsshlngton. D. C, and other points of Interest. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Beaser of Green- wood avenue, had aa their guests test week, Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Shaw of Ado, Oklahoma, and Mr. O. H. Bice of Butte. Moot Mrs. C. W. Crocker end daoghter. Cath erlne, left lost week for Calif or- nla and Honolulu, where they will spend the summer visiting relatives lbs. Robert Smith sod her ter Mrs. Rexford BeRssay and three children of 1050 linden avenue, left S5m for Psooseao, €»U to. he '"Sties Both Gates returned the lat- ter part of last week from Burlington. 10, to spend too summer with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Henry B. ' 112S Wilmette svenue. Word has been received by Wtt- mette friends from Mr. and Mrs. Wal- ter W. Baldwins. 212 Woodbine sv* reeeaOy to fatratft rranctseo. CaL trip via Toledo, Ohio, and Buffalo, to Honssdsle, Pa., where they will visit at the Crossley home. Mr. Psul B. Lobanoff and Miss Vera Lobanoff of 1118 Greenleat avenue, have been attending a number of de- lightful social functions in Evanston during thb past fortnight, given In con- nection with the university. Oh 'Thursday evening of last week they were guests st the wedding of Miss Marie Viek and Dr. Swaneon. Dr. and Mrs. Donald Mackay Gallie and son attended the commencement exercises of the University of llrluoti at Urbane, Wednesday. Donald Mulrhead Gallie received the degree of doctor of dental surgery. Dr. Gallie, Jr., will open an office with hia father In suite 1010-1012 at 31 N. State street, Chicago. On Saturday, June 26, Mrs. Albert W. Noyes and her daughter, Mlas Mar- jorle Noyce of 827 Oakwood avenue, and her nephew, Mr. Clifford Payson of Connecticut, will leave on s five weeks' trip to the coast. They will visit at Grand Canon, Los Angeles, Ban Francisco and other points In California,' Portland, Seattle, and re- turn by way of Yellowstone Park. . Kenilworth Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gardner, who are making their home in Wlnnetka for the summer, have been the guests of Mr. Theodore Pomeroy in New York. Mrs. Charles Kleth Blackwood has Issued invitations for luncheon to be given at her home on Warwick road in honor of her guest, Miss Mabel Holmes, next Wedneaday. Mrs. Clyde P. Ross and daughter, Shirley, are spending two weeks In Clinton, 111. at the home'of ner sister, Mrs. Hollo Ingham. Mr. Rosa is in New York City op a business trip. Mrs. Clyde P. Ross and daughter. Shirley, are spending two weeks in Clinton, Ilk, at the hom<5 of her slater, Mrs. Bollo Inghorn. Mr. Ross Is In New York city on • business mis- sion. On Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs. Charles K. Blackwood were delight- fully eurprised by the members of their bridge club. The affair was planned by Miss Mabel Holmes, a guest in the household. Mrs. Sidney R. Patriae of Sheridan road has as her guest this week her daughter, Mrs. W. 8. Spaulding of Bos- ton, Mass. Mrs. Spaulding, with her husband, Is 00 her way north to their summer camp at Caecatedla. Quebec. The Misses Charlotte Parmelee, Mary Taylor and Elisabeth Stuart-of Kenllworth and Miss Mary Taylor of Wilmette are among the young women who are attending the annual prom- enade nod other festivities at the Uni- verslty of Michigan this weak. They will return Sunday evening. Winnetka Mr. snd Mrs Hathaway Watson hove arrived from Chtesgo for too summsr ssoosho Miss Eva Francis Frye has returned from a two mouths* visit in New York Mr. snd Mrs. James f. Fane? ore receiving congratulations 00 the birth of o daughter, Jane Frances, 00 June 2. Mr. and Mrs. Georrs srean save taken Mr. nod Mrs. Alfred Burnham's house for July Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Carpenter and fasrfly Mft town Tuesday events* tor Fenvllle. Mich, to spend the next three months on a form. Mr. and Mrs, William Hale are log near the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. Hibbard. Jr. Mrs. Mole to of Mrs. Kifcfcard of their cousin. Mrs. known to her Wln- Bdlth Bitter. Houghtellng. Mrs. A. Mrs, Herman B. But- gardens for o lawn oh Tends) tor the nee day nursery o Mrd masque by Percy Mackay. will be • presented. Mr. and Mrs. William O. Hibbard. Jr., Intend to take 0 trip from Panama to Sao Francisco by water the latter unit Of August. The associated Har- vard clubs will go st ths sains time end Mr. and Mrs. Hibbard will be ac- companied by Francis Hoekett, who sraduated from the Chicago Evening Feet to an editorial chair on the New Republic. It is time for the boys and girls to be coming home from college. Some of those who have already arrived are Isabel Gllmore. Blanche Day, Marie Wlessenbsrg, Louise Otis. Tom Brown, William 8. Bishop. Jr.. Betty Hoyt. Romsine Mcllvolhe. Marjory Flefe. Mary Elisabeth Leonard. William Sid ley, Jr.. Emily Matt, Ellen Montgom- ery, and Wtnthrop Case. A number Of showers have been given for Miss Grace Dolly, whose marriage to Clarence nrown of Evans- ton takes Place tomorrow afternoon at the residence of the bride. A towel shower was given by Mlse Georgia Marks of Wilmette. a miscellaneous shower by Mrs. John Dethloff snd Miss Subr snd s handkerchief shower by Miss Msttle Ittgsrsoll of Highland Park. i' she. I coe Mrs. Ben Newhall leaves Saturday for North Maniton Island. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Ingram are at French Lick Springs, Ind. Mrs. Robards Is the guest of her daughter, Mrs. Robert Davis. Miss Mabel Booker graduated from Chicago university this week. Mrs. W. A. KUtermuster returned home last week from. Montreal. Mm. E. H. Stafford and family will spend the summer at Ionia, Mich. Fine chocolates' end other candles made to order by George Gelher. Cameron Whltelaw graduated from the University of Illinois this week. Messrs. Charles Dresser and W. F. Cooiisr left Bunday for New York city. Mlas Rose Dennis la home from the University of Illinois for the summer vacation. Mrs. Will Schnur was hostess to s bridge Thursday in honor of Mrs. Richard Mills. Mr, Austin Armstrong was called to Lincoln, Neb., Sunday by the lllnem of his mother. " . Messrs. Phil Schnur snd Herbert Rartholf earns homo this week from Ann Arbor, Mleh. Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Sherwln enter- tained with a dinner Monday. Covers were laid for seven. } Mrs. James K. Sweney waa honors to the Pot Luck club from Birch- wood, Monday afternoon. Mrs. Mesder of Elkhart, Ind.. was the guest last week of Mrs. Marc W. Darling, 604 Oiencoe rood. Misses Jessie and Ethel DeLong were hostesses at O tea Tuesday in honor of Miss Helen Oushman. Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Darling left tills week to attend the graduation exercises at Grlnnell college. Iowa. Mrs. Otto R. Berneet will entertain1 with a lunchebn Tuesday, with bridge at the Skoklo club In the afternoon. The Ladles' Aid of the Methodist Episcopal church met Tuesday to work ' on aprons and comforters. Orders taken. Mrs. Hbnry Pope add daughters, Leslie, Helen, Emily and Sue Tracy, left Tuesday to spend the summer at Monomet, Mass. Mr. snd Mrs. Clifford Williams are In the Sperry Pope house. 675 Green- wood avenue. The Popes left Wednes- day for Glen Bllyn. 111. . Mr. snd Mrs. C. W. Hess enter- tained at dinner Friday evening, at their home. 281 Hawthorne avenue. Covers were laid for twelve. Mrs. Frank Getttar was hostess to s progressive euchre Friday of last week. Mrs. Austin Armstron and Mrs. Wslter Seller were the arias winners. Miss Laura Williams will make her debut as a sUsfer at a muslcele give* ova sou, aw# Mvi *irene iiirgf M*m. ooni uujj Wright, at the Fine Arts â- â- â- !â- Â» to- day at S o'clock. Mr. nod Mrs. Wslter Fovaigse snd Mr. and Mho. Arthur nssoill are ex- pected home today. Mr, Fovargue played la the MtJaoal open champion- ship st Baltusrol. The Young Peoples' Sunday after- noon society of the Union church win meet Sunday at S o'clock. Miss Ruth Storms Is the leader; subject, "What Christianity Has Dene for the World." Mrs. Douglas Cornell and three daughters sod Mrs. Andrew Davis left Monday, for Fltehburg. Mass- where they wftl spend the summer. Mr. Cornell will Join the family for the month of July. The Young ladies' guild of the Methodist Episcopal church will hold s lawn fdte at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. 8. Hamm. Scott avenue, Thursday evening. June 24. Ice cream and cake and other articles will be on ssle. All cordially Invited. Miss Marjory curry, who has token the Sherman Booth bungalow for the summer, entertained her Chicago, Ev- anston and Glencoe friends delight- fully with an outdoor playette. by Ben Hecht. "A Satire on Audiences," Saturday evening. Dr. Dwight C. Orcutt's automobile was badly damaged Monday evening. The machine was standing In front of Clarence T. MacNetlle's residence. 828 Bluff atreet, when the accident oc- curred. An automobile} •containing three men. all appearing Intoxicated, coming south on Bluff atreet, crashed Into the machine, damaging both cars. The ladles on the committee for the Arden Shore ask donations of rock- lug chairs, sweaters, little snd big rompers, coats or Jackets, camp chairs, sofs cushions, pieces of ging- ham or calico, large enough for romp- ers, from 0 years to 8. will be ac- ceptable. Any one having any of these articles to give, kindly call up Mrs. J. T. Mitchell. 838 Greealesf sve- nue (telephone Glencoe 684). Csn something be done for the oak trees In Glencoe, which seem to be affected by a parasite? A number of people are sprsylng their trees. Could sny one suggest something better? Another thing that should bo attend- ed to Is the throwing of newspapers on the streets for the wind to carry all over the town. Persons burning patters are careless. A cheap wire frame for burning papers and waste can be made with five or six feet of thirty-six-inch chicken wire fencing. Try it. - The wedding of Miss Helen Ruth Cushmah, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Cuahman, and Arthur J. Brad- ley took place Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock at the family residence, 431 Greenleaf avenue, Rev. Douglas Cor- nell Ofileiettng. Miss Vera Bradley, sister of the groom, was maid of honor, snd the best man was Clifford Cushman, brother of the bride. Master Theodore Osborne wss ring bearer. The bride wore a gown of ivory chif- fon satin and Chantilly lace. She carried a shower bouquet of bride's roses snd lilies of the vsliey. The mild of honor wss gowned In pink and carried KtUarney roses. -M: The Place To Do Bmme** The Directors off the Wilmette State Bank give their pen the affairs of^he Bank, ments and liw3|ctions have They're Not All Hearty Lsughsrs. "I have no doubt," ruminated Sack- vlllu McKnutt, "that the man with a smile can't help but work his way up rung by rung, as we read every once In a while, but when I note the sinister countenance of home bosses I have met I wonder how they got their Jobs."â€" Kansas City Star. Cleanliness :: 1165 Wilmette A WILMETTE V£arvi< TELEPHONES i 441 WILMETTE 1450 We Clean Everything NflfthShore House v/ GENER tttSSH Lawns eared for and „ Furnaces taken car/of, PRIVATE WATCHMAN rUfNISHI EVANSTON 1014 Emerson St. â- . PjSjt c A., Room 3 I INON me your subscriptions*!).*} rQnlw's!or!he Cosmopolitan, Good Housekeeping Ad Hmfr's Magazines. Phone Wilmette 1170 SEVtJsNG Over Van Demon's Store • W.httette FIRST CLASS WORK DONE Hand Sewed Soles a Specialty tOWN BUILDING pair OEMAKERS and deliver PhoaMi Wilmette 1779 AUGflCAlRNIE B X. S^râ€".â€" S1»m CS^ntftL tt^al ^^taA «Aa^ >mr s. Arcs onuui wui grre your Terme $2.00 per week. Green Bay ji ejeeiHt Rirfna Park. KENNELS , Glencoe, 111. Highland rule* sow w E WILME MAR Shampooing, Hairdrtiting, Man OV Solicit Kour Vatuud Patwonmf R CU. Shore News "Wsni Ads" Bring Results

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