AUGUST 1%. int. PRICK FIVB inNflo \CanH Pay Rent; Hvesln a Tent And Likes It vatageBoardi^ in Regular Session, Close Bids on Lincoln Sewer ; v. System* â- w FIVE NEW ORDINANCES Covering Freight House. liquor Handling and Gambling. TUt monthly meetings of the Olen- coa boards were held iMt Tuesday evening. The president and four trus- tees ware present. In tha local Improvement hoard the moat important business was tha opening of bids for the small sewer system north of Lincoln avenue, irectly west of tha railways. This covers 100 feet on Green Bay road, and all of Railroads avenue north of Lincoln, with * half block of Milton, where tha small system is expected to And an outlet into a manhole, of the cross sewer laid last winter by the Sanitary district The engineers had estimated the cost of the work at #8,878, Only two bids Ware re- ceived. â- - Cnieife rifjp LwiwiSS. Jamas J. Craig of Zion City bid $2,171,. The Marquette Construction company of Chicago bid 88,081,55â€"and got tha award, tt being stated that special assessment No, 228. for wajer man in Walden drive, in McDonald's subdivision, and special aasessroent No. lie, for paving that drive, had been confirmed In the county court, an order was made to advertise for bide tor this work, to be opened, Sap* 7. w*r# adopted fixing aaaaaamaabi far lay* nawmTuroF^gwrioww^"*. â- â- â- â- .â€"y w^w [ along the portions of Furk avenue and Vernon avenue, now being paved with brick: the wu|ke to be efe taehee thick and twelve feet wide on Park avenue, and nine feet wide on Vernon. . Second, Special assessments for standard concrete eidewalka to the southeast ojmrter of the village, wherever there la any parkway not yet aldewalked. A good deal of thia la to tha Mortimer subdivision, "Fair- vlew.*>':^,. tills of IW0O Paid. to tha hoard of trustee* payment of bills wan ordered, covering something over $2,509. Bight hundred dollars of thia waa for apaotat engineering and inspection \ by too engineers. About 1780 waa for chargea connected with the Fire Annex contract, and oiBce mm^^j^^yS^^ alley. Street expanse bllla. f«7d. Fire department. $M7. At iwfUeet of the chairman of tha directed to transfer from tha general fundi to tha toad improvement fund the sum of IM* to make good over- draft Ii the latter toad of about that VjDVPttW an follows: AulboHilnn the Chicago * Waatasn Hattroad company to a portion of Railroad avenue sMestton etits ttolgkVkomg Uaeota ovonue. (Thto una Ik* removal ef tracka and from toe *etotty of Park avenue, negotiated by the Uoweof â- 'lje*/'r*h# cemes Jroamf C Andaraoi Bevlow, a Bsagaatoa of jronaan. won't ho bothered by the rant Pad Out of Manna, r Bar landlord In Lake Bluff not nor am Of her **â- »* heeaaae el "â€""â- "â€" ^â„¢ mm-mm >^nww( aeiavw^BSSnns^F. oss two month's rent. Did thai hothor fearT Not a bit She nan erected ten ony on the sand of the lake shore, Just oft Ravinla. Mom the first of the month won't, be a bugaboo any mora. Tha Little Review will continue to tore and rant money will go to pnb- Hshera. annnnn^Png . ShnSla% ' aaShmttn ; to-^^ttJBgiiBp aslsU ggo^aT g>wPwp two yean; f»*gjg*iygly; M!aa Mar* garet Dean, and W. H. Card, a cousin of Mrs. Peters, who acta an guard. Life of Sacrifice. Working on the Little Review la a life of sacrifice for Ideals. Miss An- derson hasn't any money. She admits that she is overdrawn at the hank, but thing will turn up. Something did ohoe. It we* a. "he" angel. He paid for the publication of the magaxlne for two months. The members of the staff work without pay. Miss Dean, a Vassar girt, waa secretary to Dr. Anna Shaw when aha made suffrage lecture tours." She read Miss Ander- son's article on Emma Goldman and decided she would join the staff. The office boy In their studio in the Fine A?ta building works without pay. it's truly a life of working for tha love of the thing. * put maybe yon don't know what the Little Review Is. Well, Miss Ander- son has put down, its ideals in a few words. Here they are: Here Are Its Ideate. "The Little Review is a magasine that, believes in rife for Art's sake, to the individual rather than Incomplete people, in an age of Imagination, rath- er than of Reasonableness; a maga- sine that believes to Ideas even If they tans not siumate oooclnsione and val- uea Ua. Ideal* so greatly as to live l; a magasine with an interest In past, present and future, bat parties lariy In the New Hellenism} whose philosophy to Applied Anarchism, whose policy lan will to splendor of life and whose function toâ€"to expreas itself.- "WEE WIU-IE" M'GILL WILL NOT LEAVE N.U. Rumor That He Would Go to Indiana as Track Coach Has No Foundation. worn tatreduoed and A dispatch from the Purdue uni- versity waa printed to angora Sun- day, to the effect that "Woe Willie' McOtll. trainer for, Northweatern ath- letic teanm, waa being opinddcrof the poslUon of track coach of Hoostor school, to take the place vacant by too death of James Temple. MeGUl. who came to Northwestern tost fall, after several years at nu- nois. Is wader contract with the Purple school for thia year. He could not be ii today, but Lewis Omer. dl- r of athletics, said ho dldnt think there wan anything to the report tool MeGill woaJd go to Perdue. "He Ukos Nortoweatora too well to leave. ^U^l^^toattodm suM pay." «tone." a* he) to I"* anwuntgggus* the atndoata. waa married about atx • ago to Mtaa Mao Jf. Mean of •a. They have taftfa house oo n HI InLuL I Walter Lichtenstein, North- ; western University li- brarian, Issues Table of Exchange Rates. EDUCATION PRACTICAL No Interest in the Higher Humanities; like Sher- lock Holmes.. At a time when no much effort la being exerted to bring .about bettor trade and financial relations between the United States and Latin-American republics, the report Just Issued by Walter Ltohtensteln, librarian of Northwester^ university, Is of eapeclal interest The report, which is pub- lished to the university bulletin, con- tains, among other Interesting Infor- mation, a table of rates of exchange need to South America. Officials of the university say that whan they desired too Information during Mr. Llchtenstsin's absence to South America they made Inquiry at several of tha leading banks of the city, out were onablo w Ǥwhp9. St* The table Is aa follows: 1 Bolivar equals............10.1928 Suchre (or sol) equals. Boliviano equals 0, 0.88127 1 Peso Chlleno equals.......0.1171 1 ,./. 0.84884 0.888U im* 0.4248 0.01148 0.19018 0.88878 to mar- of m. rlea Shilling equals .... Mtlrels equals .... Peso Ur. equals.... Peso Arg. equals......... Peso Far. equals...... Lire equals............. Mark equals ............ After careful Investigation American ' publishing k , Ltohtensteln says thst South !s sot likely for some considerable length of time to open a desirable field tor hooka orinted to English. In gen- eral, tha Latin-American reads magn- etons < and hooka In Spanish and Treatises written from a purely edentiflo standpoint are not likely to find any favor, aa education la aa yet very limited, he says. No Higher â- donation. "There is no interest In what may ho termed higher humanities." reporta Mr. Uehtenatota. "As far aa there la any interest to higher education. It la entirely practical. It Is useless to try ^ Surnmef fiaytmmmg School, Conducted by Varsity to a Close. WILL GIVE EXHIBITION FOB BIIIIISTOB FUTURE PUN Kaley Property on Chicago Avenue Has Been Pur- chased by Chicago Telephone Co. FOR A NEW BUILDING any to regard to the conduct of with Latin-Americans, tt is useless to write lettere to any hwguage other than Spanish, or. to the case of Braill. Portuguese." In Peru, too librarian found an In- teresttog condition. In limn, ton principal city, several largo stone carry largo atocka of hooka to Span- ish and French. They are tor too BBoatnart. translations of "Ohcrlorh anwraaawv gy^p* »* ^m^mmmmm^wmm*mm^ â- w^ ^ â- •>> . ~ Hotanos" and "Nick Carter" stories. The republic of Ecuador la perhaps of a|l the Latin- Mr. Amateur Annette Keller* mane Will Do Fancy Stuff in the Patten Tank. 4â€"â€" For the past eight weeks the* tank in the Nortoweatorn gymnasium hag been aUve with youngsterg-and their mothers taking dally ewlmmlng les- aona under the direction of Tom Rob- inson, coaoh of the university ewlm ming team. The season clones tomorrow -and Tom la going to let his pupils show off In a meat which has been arranged for that afternoon. The Three *Kellermaoe.M : Mabel DenaWsoa, Jean Melville and Martha Ferguson are three of hla star performers, They are going to do twenty-five different, difficult, dean- tor o?toaOlan ^W^golf professional, Is a wonder In the water. She Is one 'of Tom's "old" pupils, and last win- tor furnished diversion at the college swimming meets by doing fancy stunts, while the- •vanity men rested between races. ; Jacqulllne Thompson, age 14 yearn, will try to establish officially a new woman's western record to the forty. yard swim. 8ho has broken the pros, out rooord several tones in practice, and If she does It tomorrow, it witt he gtvon eMclal tneoandtton. . Another ftofuin of toe meet wiU be a toleatjteiilo drill In the water fcy 100 children. Thirty different races will ho held and there wUl be an exhibition by tea glria, who will execute fifteen "different ntrokes. #>otato ftaoa for ffjeys. A potato relay race, which com- bines both swimming and diving, will be staged for boys of ? years and over. This ii quite an exciting and Inter- esting stunt, and la not easy to per* ..Tnm han had a registration of el* woman and children to hla to ewtm, but hen given In- struction to Ufa saving. In this he foUowo out about the name scheme aa he presented to hla aeries of 1 aona for the Evanstoo News-Index to June. These lessons- have attracted widespread notice throughout the country and many metropolitan dallies have reprinted thorn. Present Quarters Will Be Outgrown in 6 Tears, to there "â- »*â€" • *â- »»â- *â€" ^ *^* '*^â€"mm M. Kaley property, 1618-1811 Chicago avenue, to Jan. 8. Ford* The next transfer is from Jan. 8, Ford to the Chicago Telephone company. Consld- It develops that Mr. ford'to the real estate agent of the Chicago Tel- ephone company,, and the land has been purchased tor a new exchange. ten from the telephone company, since Mr. ford is away on hla vaca- tion, bat It la understood that the property will be used for an exchange, to be completed in five years. With the present equipment In the era history and town of ton country, HIGH IN THE SKY OVER THE FAIR Walter Schulze, West Point Cadet, Goes Up in Army Pkme, LAKE FOREST FOLK READY FOR THE FAIR Not Those Out West, but a Home-Made Country One at Onwentsia Club. With the completion of Louis Swift's premium Mat a big atop forward has g country fair to be held to Lake Forest on too Oowentato club grounds August tt. Thia list Includes some hundred and twenty-oeven rHasw of horses, mules, cattle, aheap, swine, poultry and rabbtta. There are classes for children's ponies broken to harness, ponies, aaddle hemes and hunters, hackneys, heavy draft horses Including Clydesdsles, Pcrchsrcns, 8uffolk Punches, Shires, work horses and mules. There are thirty-five classes in horses. The cattle list provides for Shorthorns, Aberdeen-Angus, Hot* steins, Jerseys, Guernseys, Brown Swiss and seven classes of grade cat- tle. There are forty-nine classes of cattle. 'For sheep there are three classes walla the awlne show np with twenty-four, including Berkshire*, Buroc-Jerseys, Poland-Chinas. Chester Whites. Hampshire* and Yorkshires. The poultry class appears next with twenty-five classes including Leghorns, white and brown, barred and white Rocks, Shade Islasd Rids, baa end white Orpingtons, white Wysndottes, black Mlnercss and bantams. Every convenience is being pre- pared for the visitors' comfort and in- ducements offered to come early and stsylste. Lunches are to be put up In Per a New Building, No officlsl Informstlon could be gotr o|Ied' j^ .gjJgoM^i'JjyS^ lunch stands on the grounds. Oho of the early entries that prom' lies to be of great interest Is the pen of police degs and their puppies owned by Jos. Morris of Deerfleld. These are the dogs that doing such won- derful work Oii tnS MHUvunui vs"mm* rope and which are used for an en< tlrely different purpose by Ihe scatl- nental polios system. Bather with pointed ears and mussles, gray bodies and bushy talis of the same color, they have been brought to a high degree of efficiency under ton strict training of the foreign experts; The flower and vegetable show, due to the very rainy season, promises n beautiful variety of bright colors. One Of the well-known* exhibitors in this department w|tl be W. C. Bgan of to tone care of its present and grow- in* tmataesa in mvanston up to 1180, After that time tt would find Itself cramped for room. mere ia current gossip In real ee- tote circles that tog telephone com- pany offered to buy toe property ad- joining tha present exchange building however, preferred to keep their prop- erty, for they are planning to erect a Deal Mafia In June. The telenhene nnranaar then hoaan -gotlatlons through Mr. Fsrd, the real estate agent, for the Kaley prop- erty, and toe deal wan mmanmmated several weeks ago. When Mr. Kaley was nuking the deal be did not know wngt too prop- erty was to be used for. Common gos- sip had It that the Oak Park man was to erect a block of stores, but nothing definite could ho learned at that tone. There to n possibility that there will be no change to the property tor a year or more, but when tig company begins to build, it to understood that they will erect n building. Quite like be a credit to the community. .................. «â€"^~^^M , TELEPHONE COMPANY rnjr'Dit'nan* vAfff fTract LNUK&A9& VAC1I4II.IJSB Will Extend Aerial and Un- derground Gable Lines. Highland Park, whoso variety of tee it to mora and phlox Is known all over the country, some other entries are W. O. Ltodley and Ralph H, Poole, both big men In the flower world of America. Urt B. Grannls working on the side rations for a clang of entertainment which will not bo only a means of spending money but will really give aa actual return on the investment He haw*' arrangements - Jo? mnSm wunmiu shows and they are all of high class. With the weather man in a pro- pltlous mood toe Alios Home hospital and Lake Bluff orphanage should re- ceive a handsome sum as a result of the country fair's activities. 5 TO THE SO Evanston and Wilmette i To Put In a Brick Pave- ment North of the Golf Club. THIS ONE A Gives Auto Drivers Choice of Two Good Roads to the North. An important link to the road chain ia about to be contributed by Evanston. The adjoining link wltt hn furnished at the same time tot the village of Wilmette. Blda for d brick pavement to extend from th» grounds of the Evanston Golf club ej tha bridge over too canal were adver- tised for tola week, both to «vi ,toa and Wtonette. â- ... â- This will ha good news to aotomo* billets. They WUl not only over toe taimodtoto prospect more coatlnucus Sheridan road- is rapidly becoming n pleasure in reality* instead of a painful aey. which ft nâ€" been lor 00 >. recent years, but to the added that in this particular piece It them toe nan of two good roads. Chicago to WUmatto. - It will make a nearly drive on brick pavement from' to Wtonette, tte present brick ment in JUdge avenue now hat northern end at the golf club, owners and automobile drivers will be glad that It to to be of coming' " >egto. recognised thdt brick Is too inn material that Withstood- automobile went. property owners ihlsk it cheaper to the and to pat to n phi ment now that they may not hevi to renew tor twenty, or maybe forty, years, instead of one certain to be al cut no with « •«ff tew ysars, poestbi) long before It ban been paid for. â- Tim »uiw owners 1 It Is sure to be stab exactly what to exp it. They can be will bo reasonably holes nor bumps, f lata. GOOD PROSPECT FOR EVANSTON ACADEMY E.^W. Marcellus, New Prin- dpal, Says Registration Will Be Normal POUND TIB*. KIT MOT MSN. , Aft 1 o^eesek Weetoesday ssoratag to were asked hy the Wg, â- towssfd tonthoaaw At riaiBttdf tor. swsrnmm eg on tovtos been niton MiigoJUg amntom that ana*. aUMSBi ansa tor into and law to nil tat Car- N.TRD^MEBCilANTS IN ALL.DAY PICNIC Crowd Goes to Lake Zurich for a Day of fsdet TTaltar TI and Mrs. Fnnl Schi Of to* atom sen of Mr. of Keen worth. •Man a vary k CsL Wl there; Cadet an. sour th* city, to* bay. asm owl over ahr aft ton mto of nMHafp, * nWeX peVI ex* at to* ttomv West stosto Bhnsp ta eat 1 A. â- Thnf* Tnsans, 1 into* 1 haa Tf * To take care of* the growth of its bnatossa to W!!si#tte the* Chicago Telephone company to pitaalsg toex* tend ita aerial and undwgfOhiid cable The bostnees of the eom- paay to engnitonitog n steady devotop- t to to* viitogo which pi"mto» to continue, neeordtng to a study ants* tkiws ^tfmawaeBvasekesnt AVasa dha^ g^a^astoBtJfesntati sWMBgu tola bespeaks a future healthy devejepaunt of poamtortoa and uataehs tor the village. To ear* tor future aiiltosngisl, the atnyn potley la to erewtdo fasfU> each, an wires, bnhto nod switch- ta advene* of the and ta order to do -^^awn^nw g\M«^aJg«nu*. en WanCem lBwlUVfJ am Th* the to lftfthtng for* ward to n good year. According to hi MaJooltns, toe new principal, pro* peetlve atudenta have been coming to- to his omce In quito aa large numbers years. Letters ar* Juat aa numerous, too, so the prospects took â- ssg, * The ctoss periods wffl he T tola earning year. Thar* wffl to th* morning of forty-gve minutes •ly th* etoss periods were long and only four were to the morning. Ltayd If ototogsr wttl eoach to* toot- dl team and 1 sports n good tot of amtortol to eight m* no chmsgos to th* tonnV of th* nandomy tor to* of forty-nve Owing to anpn which did not match Job and tha Branston stl4n?atgn*jWtf durhliagop^sagtjanh: will bo laying too ment to th* sam* blocks are Alt where Wilnsette The dividing line It man like two on* extending d and th* other up This contract v to two wests ai tnunedtateiy, and ment wttl COAST GUARD OUT ON BOAT INSPECTION by to* AT IT M to to ho of to* to* road torough dch haa tt front TJalverslty 0$ his having to see of to* property Ohsf