Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 13 Aug 1915, p. 3

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=BS yviimette say t^^* ^^ ^'j^'W SI aw town, took n.Gojmmill of Wtlmette. G*org« Gsrrae will '. Heren, and the ushers wUI be Messrs. Sidney and Qifton Parks. â-  a m--------- Country >*b JBrtlge wlU he played et.Ue On* The tottowtog week there wUl be en* lauenaegei au^s^sufe^ssene w*w ^ssnpsn^en , ^ j^| HIU large pdvsws Preoedtog waa.aiven at the ilor twenty b^|Mr. sn* Mrs. W- M. Flake, h f,_ |T^iw^taaPa _;ipr |s>aejej| 4 from -» the golf clubbott=s 4 to bleak chAii*. wae IraMdar and there war* a number of eoses at the weakly golf luneheon. Un. Lymen J. Hopkins entertained a awty. Mre. P. O. McGee. Miss 4** ScWnghanu Mre> Robert^ Stovejuwn; [grt. c»evelandrnj|^afej^yn; Hon (mâ€" Edwin C!srl£ ai!d •.stners; wars those wha7 epaat the dajr at The invitation, tournament, ,ed tor laat week, wttl take place mt con- in the month, and W jsefav There wi en ipeke of to Ha twong the ip Alexander and Mr». Charles Qoddard and others whoasTinterest to student- ItitutB' day la esnnctoUy keen. Afterwards they were among Hthering eboaj tbe t jiMDipo rotwtmrw the Casino. melody. There Bsvlnla certs, fi but pttoa jSOBlil iMle phony for it baa bring any atking and tome intricate, task "llrav Fererral'"^4wi^aW* hostess last Saturdayâ- . a^afaflpn at nrâ€" Miss HaatJ Itaossn. 1Mb win estertota s. number of of the CMOmoaa ., or Notahweeteee e**vornlty home tale ' :Oaa:'af the tatatay laaabjatm and olaha waa ^entertained by Mrs. Charles IMag|sai. 91s avenue. - â- â-  â- â€¢â-  â- â€¢â-  ......• • - t*j|", Berhlce ehurtleff will enter- tela s ngmhej ul libJihU isfMtsi HI cllle Meuier, her guest, thie after- noon at her home, MB Lake avenue. Mrs. George C. Gardner. 718 Can bal aTenue, entertained at bridge Wednesday afternoon, the guest of Sewing club met yes- __, ajt the home of Mrs, lames muee, 2212 Pioneer road, Ev anston...,•- â- . " â- , > .;."'" The Women's J â- â- ^ â- Â»#* iNtonltownfd.. Cay so* Gaaep eoek the thtre Saturday session. iTa^aTlS He* day ♦ometyof the M - seMsiwjr:atteffpoJt', a$ Mrs. William D*Arey. % as sane. The first division of the Aid society of the Methodist church met with Mrs. Panushka. 1041 Forest ave- thS dub. as WeUSs those Inter- ued j estod to Ravteto parte, ware In attend- •ace. to spojSd two weeks at " end guest of Messrs. Dwlgbt and weeansYasjjn, g^asrsm« â-  . Mrs. Calmae Martin aad Mien Agnes Martin are speadtag the week a* Mto* Mra. Md£?'«- Bledgett, 174 Grata, street. Is hdatess today to members of the Basket dub. Artie Wamon returned Saturday from, a week'a rtslt with friends at South Bead. Ind. Mrs. Edward A. Brlon and son left last week to visit Mr. Brlon's parents at Brookline. N. Y. Mr. Walter Hughes and eon. Walter. left Saturday to spend two weeks at Crystal Lake, Mich. Mra Wlnthrope Girting entertained, with luncheon and bridge, at the Sko- kle club Wednesday. Mr. WU1 Mulr of Sewarren. N. J. •Bsjaew w*ejPJR#Hsas^sjr^ga* '."**** Mrs. Oscar West baa for her bouse guest Mrs. R. L, Murphy and daugb-i ter of East St. Louis, III. A little daughter arjited at the heme of Reverend and Mra. Arlington Me- Callum, Sunday, August eY Mrs. Josephine Olmstead left the first of the week for a two weeks'stay with m«ihU| •* Omaha. Neb. Miss Rebecca Kent of Montreal, Can., la the guest of her eousln, Mrs. Daniel MacArthur. M7 Hhset avenue. Mr. Louis Hopkins returned this week -from Camera!*. - Mrs. - Hopkins and children wiii return September 1. Mr. and Mrs Fred McGulre and Miss Florence McGaire arrived heme today tram a two months' trip to the coast. Mr. and Mrs. «< Phelps spent last week In New Yark city. Returning. Mrs. Phelps stopped over at Buffalo to visit friends. 7%e Slave of Mcmy Tbe saaa who is always compeflejTte wef|| i. the eWve of money. fancy work that Is In the id listen, to music while Mrs. WllUamA. of High the club, Mastem Richard sad PeneM How- ard of Whitewater. Wis., are guests at the home of their grand^aother. Mra C. H. Howard, 615 Greenleaf avenue, Mrs. Charles Budd af^W^Oeorsa, leave today for a trip to Niagara STATE. Ifwlss ffaaea Akeii* UUsahas â- â€¢4*aaj B~aa«sjBj ge^pafjag awiaji uv*jm» It has just been disoovered that the sadden cooling of the atmosphere baa the effect or transporting microbes and localising them In certain regions. The smaller being transported farther thee "the Urger ones. These dlssuieitse throw light upon the origin of curtate epidemics, sad may he useful lu help- ing us to decide what climates ere the most healthful. Charlotte Aadrewe. Yesterday â-  irftefaaon» known as Children's Day, nt Ravlnla Park, found a mlscellsneous program for the young people with dancing given by groups of children, as well aa sotoe. Of spe- clal interest were several solo daness by a young Bvsnttoalen. Miss Cha^ lotto Andrews, the sls-yea^old daugh- ter of Mrv and Mrs. Carlos 8. Aadrews Mr, Frank * Comptoa left the ftrat <* 1T0B LlTlagston street Though of the week for the ««,- "e W« * tender yaas, X*'* dtevST Join his children at Manomet, Mesa. ehmrmed hev frteadTwltir her impro. vised dancing W. jjafae years, never jjl±â€"it* Personal Mention of mflitlWl^^f^^ .„-s.'___â-  â- â-  >â- â- .« . â€"â-  i»"«^*T. i:â€" -^JL-'-i tint ii Mr, and Mr* Leonard VanDuersen and son, Arthur, of HesaviUf, tod., are the guest, of Mr. and. M»- Wll- H. re and daugbters TcKlorTbaaalt 1244 G jrwith his Mrs we at few weeks. Mre. 8. A. rsrk JasT Friday Mr. Lawrence Voliman. aette avenue, enent_Sund4 Bmwood avenue, wlU leave aeal. fas* wday for an extended western trip- Mrs. Tbomae M Bradiey and fsmv r of mo Forest avenue ere a0*" -rE/and Mrs. Bedjamto J. Moore tad family. ^W >eree* avenue, are Urday m •pending the month of August at Lake ' 'Harriet Mr. and Mrs. W. G- OtoW. J**? forest avenue, have returned Soat their summer hease et Three Mile Like, Mich. _nus Lomsv RaltoisJI^leT Kta^ ttreet, will return home the ftrst of |lMtember, gjS 8 at Salt Lake CM |md Denver^ Mr. and Mrs. j/a Ratb end fsmlly [H Forest nvsai»i^ir||arimd ftasa fte coast of Maine, where they spent tkeir vacation .. . .. airs. Chariee |iv okuie, *»? avenue, Is greatly Improved •iter her very serious operation c fi'e weeks ago. Mr. and Mrs. rtssht Ntov j. a Mrs Alfred D. 1 Greenleaf avenue, fa i wn Wisconsin. Mr. Join her on Sunday. Mrs. j. p. Grub* sndiber I btoerteve, ttT Gresnwaod returned from Paw Paw Lake, bat Monday * avenue, have _jded western trip, sto Oregon. California and Wl Mrs. W. C. SharUsM end bay dangh- ter, MU. Alice a«wr3*M« ty La&o avenwe. lett WednesdsrTnofe- Sirfor^a two weekg' outla8^^«r View. M4ek,- â- '• • . Mr. Lyman Brake. Jr.,*Bft M>atwaek where he wfM vmtVtbe esposotloa. He espeets toijtufft aboaUbj m Miss AMee Wbeetoek. avenue, is spending tbe gust at Ferry Hall. Lake Mabel redo. Mr. sail MfJfeibl*^ - chfldren, 622 HIU street,. wffl; bssve tomorrow to toko the St Lawrence Sto^Sttog Montreal. *iehe£ the Islands and other nohua of jH . They wlU he gone sheet six having studied before until this year, ' 'gBBBSSet when she has been under tbe tutelage of Mrs. Mie Reed of the Chicago Musi- cal collet*, where she it the youngest pupil. On Thursday she gave,an in- terpretatlon of Luts* "Skirt Dance" and "An Impromptu Walts" from "Sarl.M The musical numbers given by the orchestra were: Prelude to act 2 from ntoeatsaklnder," Humperdlnek; Air and Gavotte. Bach; Spanish Suite, La- eosbii Mock Moffii and Snepiwrd's Hey, Grainger; Overture, "Stradetta." Flotow; Berceuse aad Praeludlum. Jaernfeldt; MlllUry March. Bloh. sasa Far an aviator there has been Uv mtsd In Franee apparatus which the speed at which tils aero- plane is travetrmi. the velocity of the wtod aad the angle at which he Is at- falliSf) .......... M mi .' i , ".'"*â- 'â-  U^M i ImI«..» **»"-â- â- â- Â«â-  â- rawwej stovsw^swepaawssi vwvsrej vsenTTTsens Oernmn esleatlata have discovered that disease germs eatebly die whoa they same in eoataat wtth the erdlaary floor eevering hnewn as linoleum. â-  This fa thoagbt to be dee to the dtsmteetoat propertienof lineeejd oU whleh *~ Inoiefm to targe SMW Keallwevth* 1041-1042 .:::.:â-  :!.. --- NhWC WANT A08 BRING MfWUtiTi ii.rm. .....**mmmâ€"mmm*++ "*"~*"""^*~"mT"m * boulevJ»raj **• U remain b* *»**• 2^* Toronto, Aiesandrta Bay. and Thou- " sand Islands, returning by way at Dfc Mriand Mrs. WUI GUsner are hlk, tag fsg the weather perinito>i^i npyth- em Wisconsin. When last heard from they were at Ephralm In the Green dsaw' vAawaAti Mrr^-Mrs. Albert MaoRaa and children leave today for a trip up the St Lawrence river. Mrs. MacRae and children will speed severs! weeks with relatives at Oault, Can, Gtanesa pnrents and Glencoe mey be lestip proud of their children, as seen In the piayette. "Cinderella In Flowertond," given Thursday after- neon of last week in the pavlUon at Ravlnla perk. Mr. and Mrs. Walter McGulre moved Into tkelr new home. Booth avenue, east of Grove street, Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. 1. C Bolden aid ohll- dren .of- St. Louis, Moâ„¢ were the week- end guests Of My. sad Mrs, Charles Budd. Mr. Aribur :4$mM**rt**H**_ cape from death tost Wedamday. He ^waadrtvtog bis auto track and to get- crossing the tracks at South avenue his machlno was struck by a Milwau- kee aleSle tear. Mr- A*msttong was badly cut about'tbe head. The ma- chine was pnt Cut of commission, A dinner was given Thursday of last week at the Bkokte cluh to honor illm and s^Kak W- Mm Wr the members of the board of trustees of tbe Glencoe public school, of which the lest of the month for nan Fran- MorningMmicales t**£ The artMto for the third season of dlsnapolls. her family remeved whaa the mornm# musloales gtvecTV Mtes iUchei Busey iuiiseivtog nave 'been announced, aa, well, es the dates of their appearance. The series of four will he held In. the euditorlum *of the Bvanston Woman's dub. On October 19 wlU be Harold Bauer sad Paul Alt- house; November 16, Marcella Craft; December 14, Bmilio de Gogbraa. and January 18. Albert Spalding. Hereto Bauer's standing . to â- . tbe world of music, to aptly desertosd by tbe phrase, "master pianist." a term used by one of Americas critics when Bauer visited Sgllsh'birth^lKr. Bauer1 as tbe most, famous earnest French school of piano playing. He received bis education to Paris; and has since made hli home, there. Mr. Bauer has made concert tours In every section of Europe, and his drst Amerl- can appearance was with the JBaston Symphony orchestra Since then be has played with every symphony or chestra In this country, sad bid recital appearances have embraced the most important dues.; Paul AKbause. n leading dramatic tenor of the Metropolitan Opera ooav pany, to one of the meat flulshed and artistic recital stagers now before the public. A church stager In Philadel- phia, he bad just wen hie fb^jwasta as a concert singer on tour with the Mew York 8yh»hony compeay. wben he wis engaged by the MrtrejaellUn . Opera eotopaay^ Hie rise there baa From there been slmest senastlonal, he etoeD U ,rhere been eelecUd to creete eev. they win go to Mew York city.- where aaaaaawe>*~<«»<-«~' ImaOto Matttor N. J^ witt toave Mr. P/BVcietoy. chtof et Csssp^I fcf iafi Cbi*i«w Mvtida/ wftn _ been selected to creete eeverel _to> portent ratas. among tbcm the leading tenor role In "Boris Oodonouf* and of Ravinia program • she waa extremely young to California Later she sang in a Portland, Me., church, and was soprano soloist at the Mother Church of Christ Scientist Boston* In Europe, where she made her operatic debut after severs! years of study, triumph succeeded triumph, aad she waa given a five yesrs* con- tract as the leading soprano at the Royal opera In Munich. Richard Strouss wss so Impressed with her talent that be transposed parts of "Salome" to suit her voice. Retumlna to America last fall. Miss Craft sang at the Mslne festivals et Portland and Bangor, replacing Mme. Emma Barnes. She receatly created tbe soprano rOle to "Fairyland" at the 110.100 prise opera, produced at Los Angeles, last weak sang to the great Beethoven festival to San Frsnctoeo. Mme. Schu- mann-Helnk being the contralto. Bmilio de Gotorxa, the distinguished baritone, Is en Amaricaa by birth, horn to Brooklyn, but of Spanish de- scent. Mr. de Gogorsa has passed the greater part of kto Hfe to storage, end has wen splendid suocess In the eon- Wfl •aepsss e^aavga^anl assissaaw e> «â- ! voice of beeutuul auallty. unusual teiMgeace to hie taterpretntSm* i a great amouat of msgnetism. Mr.: Gogorsa bee become one of the t> artists of tbe day. The name of Albert 8paldlng known praetieally throughout 3 would* aad the critics of Burope i i have written of his art to terms of pralss. Mr. Snaaldtog has played In evesy country at lls> rope, also In Egypt eed bee been heard In all the large dtiee of thto ceaatry with the leading orchestras. A w known New York erJtto'w*Mee/- rtisiidiBsi si today one of the artiste sppesring on the an artist of e ssaetoyaf-Ato . yT^MPJssinsy' ^TWP %W* ii^^-J JsV-aWsmf "Pomp and Cftcnmsftnre-

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