Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 Aug 1915, p. 3

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fr*"**^! Hill mulrm Social Happenings in Wilmette .By RUTH RlSLEY, Phone Wilmette 1640. Tbere was an another Informal club l chapter house on the Northwestern jjnco Saturday evening at the Ouil- university campus, which waa deco- de Country club. rated with autumn flowers and green- ery. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Randolph, Mrs. Doming Wolf entertained at rj^dge 1«* Tjpwrfdfy atteifiioon at her iJjBie, 1207 Elmwood avenue. Miss Basel Russell entertained a Mr friends Informally Tuesday after- noon at her home, 1000 Elm wood aye- s' â- Miss Lynn Smith entertained» her afternoon bridge club on Tuesday aft- oon of last week at her home, 1325 Greenwood avenue. Mr. Foster, the dancing Instructor at Oawentsla, demonstrated the new dances at the Wilmette Country club jsst Friday eveningy';><- ^\-.;â-  Mrs. Charles W. Bralthwaite of 901. greenwood avenue was a luncheon and ridge hostess last Monday.. Covers rere laid for eight guests. H Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Garrity enter* tamed a few friends from Highland park at tea Sunday evening, at their borne, 1240 Central avenue. Mrs. Mortimer B. Skinner of Tenth street entertained the ladles of the Fellowship club at a porch party Wed* nesday afternoon of last week. A very pretty luncheon and bridge party was given last Friday afternoon by Mrs. Cusack af her home, 716 Eleventh street. Covers were laid for twelve ladies. Mrs. William Wallace Kerr enter- tained with luncheon and, bridge yes- terday afternoon at her home on For- est avenue, in honor of Mrs. Kidder of Andover, Mass. There was an informal the Ouilmette Country club last Saturday evening for the dub members. To- morrow evening bridge will be played, starting at 8:30 o'clock. Mrs. Julian Smith entertained at bridge yesterday afternoon at her borne on Greenwood avenue. She will be hostess at another afternoon affair this afternoon at her home. The Misses Lucille Drake, Helen Gemmill and Adele Williams of Evpob- ton entertained a week ago Monday afternoon at Mies Drake's home, 1226 Lake avenue, in honor of Miss Lois Goltra. *. â€" Last Wednesday evening Mr. and Mrs. George H. Canniff entertained at bridge at their home, 723 Central aire- macffc ftSh©r 'Mlheffrguests, Mr. and Mrs. Morgan of Toronto, Can. There were seven tables. Mi and Mrs. Albert N. Page of 934 Bin:wood avenue entertained at dinner at Ravlnla last Wednesday evening. Auiong the guests were Mr. and Mrs. G. J Smith of Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. ]iv«e of Birch wood and Miss Page of Austin. Minn. Mi and Mrs. Charles H. Newman announce the marriage of their daugh- ter Nellie Irene, to Melvin LeRoy Hill, bou of Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Hill, 1520 Wiu.iut avenue, on Monday, August -J3, at Locust Lawn Farm, Aurora, HI. Mr and Mrs. Hill will reside In Des Motaes, la. > .-i week, Thursday alter noon waa tin children's day at Ravlnla and t/ie youngsters who took part in the performance front Wilmette were little Jaue Grelner, who rendered a piano solo, and little Catherine Bunte and Dorothy Keefer, who played s> piano duet Wilmette has a large list of talented young people within Its bor- ders • itio Northwestern chapter tf the o.^ma Alpha Epsllon fraternity en- tertained one hundred guests at a din- ner dance Saturday evening given in honor of the birthday of Mr. John Marray. The dance was given at the Mr. Mid Mrs. J. H. Hilton, Mrs. L. V Rush, Mrs. William McCabe. Sr., were the chaperons of the evening, with Mr, Clyde Brown acting as master of cere- monies. THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY, AUGUST 27,ItW. -----------------i%. Hies Helen Gemmill, 829 Grecnleaf avenue, was one of the members of the bridal party at the wedding of Miss Lois Whaley Goltra, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Nelson Goltra of 843 Judson avenue, Evanston, and Hubert Edmond Heren, eon of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Heren of 827 Gsffleld place, Ev- anston. The other members of the party included Mrs. Clifton A. Parks of Watertown, Wis., matron of honor; Mi«8 Helen Goltra, maid of honor, and the Misses Mabel Heren and Helen Gemmill, bridesmaids. George Cur mo acted as best man while the ushers Messrs. Sydney Goltra, Clyde Brown and Clifton Parks. The cere- mony was performed on Wednesday evening at the First Methodist church in Evanston. Saturday, September 11, promises to be a big day at Ravlnla park for both the youngsters and grown-ups. It Is to be known as "The Ravlnla Frolic of 1915." In the afternoon there will oe a vaudeville performance for and by the children, which will include a sola dance by- Margaret Gallagher, and an act by Ned and CacobGrelner, who will interpret the "Gold Dust Twins." The "kiddies" are welcomed at this performance, which promises to be most amusing. From 5 until 8 o'clock dinner will be served and there will also be dancing In the open air pa- vilion. It is suggested that those who intend to stay for the evening will make their reservations for the din- ner at an early date. . tn the evening, an entirely new and separate program will be given by the older people on the north shore. It will Include some excellent dancing and music. The children are excluded from this performance, however. From 10:30 until 12 o'clock there will be a cabaret and dancing in the pavilion. Miss Laura Kennedy and Mrs. William A. Alexander of High land Park, president of the Ravlnla club, are In charge of the affair. Ravlnla park formally closes on the evening of September 6, Labor Day. The best exhibits of a priceless col- lection of relics of Abraham Lincoln, which is probably the beat of its kind In the world, have been loaned to the Lincoln' Jubilee celebration, now in progress tn the Coliseum. The owner of the collection is Charles F. Gunther, a cnicagoan, Who has spent fifty years in gathering Lincolnlaua. The idea of collecting relics of the martyred president came to Mr. Gun- ther with news of the president's death in Washington. The display at the Coliseum occupies the entire north end of the building, Which is divided into a number of booths. In one Of' them is the coach which Mrs. Lincoln once drove in the streets of Chicago, in another booth is the famous Appo- mattox table which stood in McLean's house In that village, and upon which Gen. Grant wrote out the terms of the surrender of Gen. Robert E. Lee. In this same booth are a number of chairs which were in the boxes of Ford's theater in Washington the night that Lincoln was shot. There Is on exhibition the bed upon which Lincoln died, together with some of the bed clothing bearing the dark stains of the president's blood. In his collection Mr. Gunther has the dress worn by Mrs.' Lincoln on the night of the assassination, together with some of the president's garments. There are many other things of less tragic Import In the collection. The grand piano used In the White House by the Lineolhs is there, as are the sofa, desk, and office chair which Lin-, coin used in his office in Springfield, 111., and the original Lovejoy printing press upon which the Liberator, the famous abolitionist newspaper, was printed. Personal Mention 1 -:-. Linden avenue left Monday of this week for a visit In Warsaw, Wis. Mrs. Helm and daughter of Baraboo. of Wilmmtte jft»lJ^#gqa^are-t^^ 1 Ralph Boozer, 1506 Lake avenue. Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Cook, 1318 Forest avenue returned last Week froth a fort- night's outing at Benton Harbor, Mich. Mrs1. H. Kaufman of Mendota.-Ill- is- visiting at the home of .her son. Mr. J. H. Kaufman, 1029 Elm wood avenue. Mr. Harold Cope of Champaign. 111.. Is the guest of bis aunt, Mrs. H. J. Burt, 1027 Elmwood avenue, tills week. Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Snyder, 780 Washington avenue, are making an ex- tended visit in Denver and Estes Park, Colo. .. .. Mrs. Jirah D. Cole with her son, Jirah D. Cole, Jr.. returned from Albu- querque, N. M, the latter part of list week. „ . Mrs. James M. Melville, who has spent several weeks with her daugh- ter, Mrs. Adam fetrHont^Is visiting in Rochester, End t-rentiBB Couffer and Harold Mo- ure are camping at Gladstone, Mich. it c. G. Smith, 1325 Greenwood time, spent his vacation in Vinton, •\iis3 Jennie Shantz left this week fortnight's visit In Pittsburgh, a..- and Mrs. A. O. Melville, 1022 • .â- â- Â« v'uwood avenue, and son, James, ;--"° spending the summer camping In Colorado. '•* Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Robinson. 630 (antral avenue, are spending a few woeks In Michigan. Dr. and Mm Donald M. GaUle. 1115 cfmwood avenue, left Saturday for an extended western trip. - Mr. Harry Field, 1202 Elm wood ave- nue, is In Minneapolis. Minn., this ham in Hubbard Woods'. Mr. William Wisehart of Chicago ^as the week-end guest of Mr. Paterson, 781 tenth street. Mr. and Mrs. Albert W. Hawkes, 714 Central avenue, returned Sunday from an outing at Gull Lake, Mich. Mr. and Mra. Harry O. Colson of 901 Elmwood avenue left last week for an extended vacation la Michigan. Mr. W. P. Hammond and son of 1047 month on a-bisfeSSLJSfe Miss Bernice Salvage of Chicago Wanton, Jr.. gave a laâ„¢"â„¢- ** been^hTg^of^ Mary W*|M^^ 915 belle McBimey. Mr. end Mrs. Joseph Katten, ' »t Oconomowoc as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Bertram B. Udell, 202 Park avenue. ---*-*- Miss Genevieve Forrester Is making an extended visit In Canada. later go- ing to Hew York, and expecting to re- tarn to Wilmette about Sept. 1. Miss Lillian Lennards. W§ Ninth street, retimed Sunday from a three weeks' visit with relatives and Meade in Galesburg and Monmouth, 111. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Tucker, Miss Verna and Master Albert Tucker of Lake avenue have returned from their fishing trip in northern Wisconsin. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Klemm and small son, 420 Park avenue, returned Monday afternoon from a week's visit with relatives in Peru and Ladd, 111. Mr. and Jtrs. If. C. Beymer and children of ttx Hill street left last week for a trip up the St. Lawrence, visiting Montreal. Quebec and Thou- sand Islands.1 • Miss Mildred Boddy returned last Saturday evening to her heme in Chat- tanooga, Tenn., after spending several weeks with Miss Helen Shurtleff, 811 Lake avenue. •• Mr. and Mrs. James Kendall and two daughters, Jane and Virginia, of 892 Elmwood avenue, have returned from their summer cottage at Dele- van Lake, Wis. Mrs. Frank Planner and her infant son, have returned to their home in Black well. Wis. after being guests at Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Fetch. 811 Wash- ington avenue. Mrs. Samuel Roberts. 618 Central avenue, has had as her guests Con- gressman R. R. Sherwood and his daughter. Miss Lenore Sherwood of Washington, D. C. Mr. L. J. Mitten. 1020, Central ave- nue, returned Saturday evening from Newton, Kans., his home town, where, he has been spending the peat week with his parents.. Miss Virginia Husted returned Wed* nesday to her home In Bloomington, III., after spending about ten daya as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rod- man. 714 Elmwood avenue. Mr. and Mra. George Van Dyke and son, 610 Washington avenue, spent last week-end as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. James G. Wray at their summer home at Lake Kegonaa, Wis. Rev. and Mrs. T. K. Gale and two children, Mildred and Harold, of 1024 Lake avenue, have returned from Diamond Lake, HI- where they have been spending their vacation. Mr. and Mm Stuart F. Merchant Of Elm street and Sheridan road are entertaining their nephew, Mr. Roscoe M Greene, his wife and little daugh- ter, Frances, of Bayslde, I* I. Mrs. Charles Anderson and ton. Os- car, of Central avenue, will return to latter part of thla week from Silver Hill, Ala., where they have been visit- ing during the past fortnight. The Misses Margaret Couffer, 908 Lake avenue, and Elisabeth Cutler, 1001 Lake avenue, spent last week1 as the guests of the Bonnets at their sum- mer home near Antloch, Mich. Master Hod and Jacob Greiner, the sons of Mr. and Mm J. B. Grelner, 681 Lake avenue, accompanied Mr. Arthur Dale of Evanston, to Toplnabee, Mich., where they will remain until after Sept. 1. Mrs. Leona Garrity and her sister, Miss Naomi Olmstead, of 1240 Cen- tral avenue left yesterday for a fort- night's visit with relatives In northern Michigan. They expect to return on Labor Day^ . Mrs. Paul F. Lobanoff and her daughter. Miss Vera T. Lobannoff of 1118 Greenleaf avenue, returned Sun- day from a two weeks' trip to tho coast, where they visited both of the expositions. Mrs. E. A. Tucker of Wood court and Mrs. W. A. Tucker ct Lake ave- nue, are entertaining Mr. and ufts. Roy Watklns, Mr. Roy Tucker and Miss Ruth O'Hara of Logansrort, ind., ror a few tiavi,. Mr. J. W. F. Davies, who has been camping with four boys in California, returned to Chicago Wednesday, to leave for Ludtngton. where Mm Davies and the children are spending tfie summer. ------â- â€" Miss Msebell Parks Of Cleveland, O., who returned with Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Mulford, 835 Elmwood avenue, on their motor trip through Indiana and Ohio, will be their guest during the remainder of the month. Dr.~f.~W. Hodgena, 667 HBreenleaf avenue, received word last week of the sudden death of his cousin. Rev. J. E. Donahey, formerly pastor of the First Presbyterian church of Wheeling. W. Va., and of Bamesville, O. Mr. E. H. Moore, 1223 Elmwood ave- nne. and Miss Murphy of Chicago have returned from a three days' tour to Sheboygan and Green Bay, Wis. They were the guests of Mr. E. A. Nichol- son and family, 625 Hill street. Mr. and Mrs. D. K. Dickinson, 511 Washington avenue, and Brace Thayer returned last Sunday from a motor trip of three weeks, during which time they have been as far west as Omaha, Neb., and as far south as St. Louis, Mo. Miss Mabyl Oldfather, Who has been visiting in the southwest; has as her guest Miss Helen Steele of Gales- burg. 111. Miss Steele Is accompanied by her father. Prof. Steele, wno is su- perintendent of the Galesburg public echoobl. Mrs. Harry Grlawold and two sons, 619 Seventh street, will leave the lat- ter part of this month for their new home In Madison, Wis. The elder son will enter Madison University and the Thursday, Mr. and ^Mre. Edgar younger one will complete hie course *= m --*- Greenwood avenue. Mr. Bruch and ttfo guests left Sunday evening on the beta Theta Pi special train for San Francisco. They will return by way f the Canadian Rockies. Kenii worth Mr. and Mrs. Mark Cresap. with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Page, are Uaototlag through the Berkshlrei. Miss Marlon Keehn, Miss Mary Tay- lor and Miss Charlotte Parmalee gave a beach party en Tuesday night of last Mrs. F. M. Cole and daughter. Bcr- ntee, here returned from a weekend visit with Mr. and Mfg. Titts at Luke I Twenty-four friends of Mm Cook gave a surprise party for her on her birthday last Friday night and pre- sented her with a silver loving cup. Mr. Paul Schulze, Jr., left thla week for a trip through the west and Cali- fornia with the chapter of hie frater- nity, Phi Gamma Delta of Yale uni- veniiiy. ------.-.r~ Mm H. H. Everett, Mrs. W. I. Wood- ward and Mrs. Henry Taylor are on a boat trip to Detroit and Buffalo, the guests of Mrs. Robert Altarua of Mil- waukee, formerly of Kenilworth. Mm Victor Sanborn entertained twenty-four young people at dinner a week ago Saturday evening in honor of her daughter, Miss-Carol Sanborn, who has Just returned from Minne- apolis. lira. V. K. Splcer of Kenilworth gave a small-luncheon'at the Indian Hill club on Monday in honor of Miss Mary Louise Hoefer of Kansas City,, who Is visiting Miss Louisa Sanborn, and also for Miss Laura Hoefer of Riverside, who Is the guest of MIbs Elizabeth Wood. Paul SchuUe of genii worth en- tertalned on Monday of last week In honor of Mm O. Guenther, Who re- cently returned from California, and Mra.. Ralph Starkweather of thla city, who spent several weeks In Alas- ka. The table decorations were In pink and green and covers were laid for fourteen. = Winncika Francisco, Cal.. and Vaaoouver. B. Mr. and Mm Otto R. Burnett Mr. and Mm Charles Alison and Nina Howard left this morning tor an auto trig) to Starved Rock, III. They will return Monday. Mr. Rudolph Kursebner returned last week from a three weeks' trip to San Francisco. His trip was the result of getting the largest number of sub- scriptions for the Examiner. Mrs. Dwight p. Orcutt was hostess at a luncheon Tuesday to the officers and directors of the Chicago Women's Musical club. Covers were laid for twelve. The afternoon was spent at the concert, Ravlnla Park. At Ravinia [ THIS EVENING. Thais. Opera, by Massenet. Thais..............Bettina Freeman Athaaael ..............Louie Kreidler Nlclas<'.,..'.?.........Walter Wheatley Alblne............Cordelia Latham Mirror and Gaels Scenes. Intermission 80 minutes. Manon. Opera by Massenet. Manon ............Beatrice DaPalmo Chevalier Des Grteux. Welter Wheatley Lescaut ..............Louts Kreidler Do Bretlgny..........Louis DAngelo Act II. Conductor, Josef Pasternack. SATURDAY, AUG. 28. Afternoon Program. ___Buppe .Massenet Mr. and Mm Hatfeawajr Watson go to New York early In September. Mrs. C. T. Northrop of Hubbard Woods la visiting In North Dakota. Mr. Harry P. Clarke, playground in- structor, who haa been in Cambridge, Mass.. sll summer, returns this week. Mr. Hsrold Schaefehen la taking a month's vacation In Montana, expect- ing to make stop-overs at Omaha, Den- ver and Yellowstone Park. Overture "Pique Dame" Scenes Plttoresque..... a Adagletto b Minuetto ........................... Blast Symphonic Dance............... .Grieg Intermission 20 minutes. Overture "Tannhaeuser"......Wagner Walts "The Bat".............Strauss Fandango .........Rimaky-Koreakow Evening Program. ^ LaBoheme Opera by Puccini. Miml ..............Beatrice LaPaluie Musette............Florence Mulford Rudolph............Morgan Kingston Marcel...............Louts Kreidler Colllne ............Alfred Kaufmann Schaunard ..,,..,.... .Louis D'Angelo Benoit ................... Phil lain Conductor, Brest Knoch Act Iâ€"A Garrett In the Latin Quart! Act IIIâ€"A Street In Paris. Intermission SO minutes. Act IVâ€"Scene Same as Act I. Glencoe Mrs. Frank Scott left last Thursday for the east. Mr. Marc Darling returned Tuesday from Des Moines, la. f Mrs. James K. Calhoun haa been ill for the past ten days. „ Master Robert Wienecke Is visiting his grandparents at Palatine. Ill Mrs. Welghtman of Minneapolis Is the guest of her slater, Mra. Colman Martin. Mrs. William Levering left last week for a month's stay with friends in New York City. Miss Benton was hostess it a lunch- eon bridge Thursday at her home. 866 Bluff street. A little son arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Williams Thursday Of'last week. Miss Dresser, with Frank and Edna Compton, returned last week from Manomet, Mass. Mr. and Mrs. George Tracy and son. George, returned Monday from north- ern Wisconsin^â€" Mr. John Murdoch of Jollet. HI., was the week-end guest Of Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. Leuttlg. Mr. Henry Pope returned last week from a two weeks' visit with his fam- ily at Manomet. Mass. Mm Howard Foote entertained with a luncheon Wednesday the out of town guests. Covers were laid for eight. The Misses Jean Hurford, Alice Woolley and Majory Lane are expected home Saturday from Camp Mlcblgama. The Young People's society of the Methodist B*Js*opal chuTch will hold SUNDAY, AUG. 29. Afternoon Program. Overture "Sakuntala"......Goldmark Italian Caprice.........Techalkowe*y spinning Song..........Mendelssohn Tarantella .. ...... ....Nlcode Intermission 80 minutes. Prelude W "Lohengrin"..... .Wi Waltz "Wine. Women and ..................... rfZ Strauss overture "Bgmoat"..........Egmont Evening Program Bohemian; Girl. Opero by Balfe. Arline............Beatrico LaPalme k Omm Queen. „ ... .Florence Mulford Thaddeus...........Walter Wheatley Count Arnhelm........Louis Kreidler Devilshoof ............Wm. Schuster Florentine-............... ..Phil Fein Conductor, Josef Pasternack. 8cene Iâ€"The Gypsy Camp. Scene IIâ€"Tho Hall of Justice. Intermission 29 minutes. Sceneâ€"The Palace. a social evening Friday, September 2. The official board of the Methodist Episcopal church will meet Wednes day evening,' Sept. l. at the church. Mr. and Mrs. Hal Compton Bangs en tertalned with a dinner and dance at the Skokie club Thursday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Frank G. Newland left Saturday last for a trip down the Mis- river, taking boat at St. Louie, r. and Mm Isaac McCurdy and Lawrence, leave Monday for a two weeks* stay at Muskoka, Canada. Mrs. Colman Martin entertained with a tea Wednesday for her sister, Mra. Weightman, of Michigan City? Ind. â-  Mrs. Paul Sexton - and ' daughter, Aural, returned Friday from Oswego. N. Y., whom they had apent the sum- mer. - Mrs. Jirah Cote and sons, Jirah and John, returned Monday from a summer Announcement has been mads by Mr. and Mrs. Wmiam FrancU Duo mer of the marriage of their daughter. spent with Mm Cola's pseells la Sak Francisco. Cal. Re v. Lawrence Howard and family, who were the guests of Mm C. H. Ifc and Miev Walter L. Fisher, at the Unitarian church in Portland. Ore. Saturday afternoon. The Rev., W. G. BliOt officiated. Mr. Albert Palmer of Detroit, Mich., and Mr. John L. Beers of Traverse City. Mich., were the « weekis stay Delavan Lake. Wis. Miss Louise Cottingham of Hender- son, Ky., arrived Tuesday to spend s fortnight tm the guest of Miss Helen Shurtleff. 815 Lake avenue. Mrs B A. Rodebuah of Kansas City, ._ Mo. is spending three or four weeks I of Mr. and 2tm Lewis HiHSruc^ 1161 at Whitewater, Wis. The Ruehsnane, who have occupied Mrs. Darling's houae for the summer, have taken the E. J. Sberwln bungs low for the next three months. Mrs. Joseph Hebaon. who hie been guest of her daughter. Mn Luettig, left Monday for a trip to San = ac ... ^.... _j â-  " '. MAKE MPRE IANCIAL INDEPENDENCE FROM PROPER IW import isHsb0 ^0 in sccuri^eA*aring the ^f consistentwith aaigty^r isvif you coiuulu/mth U, WetttilajiW our judgment, experience and source&e*Tnformation arc St your service. \S "••"••• â-  1 mm ^STATEJ â€"â- â€"• W/kette Shoe Shiaisgirtfcit Cfcpning Parlor GEORGE >M05 f HATS CLEANED AlfR KNOCKED 2 Electric Place Shoe Shining a StJeWty Tel. Wilmette W4 â- P,,,l-M-l Rooting Slips In Water. The amateur flower grower will find that the quickest and best method of rooting slips of geraniums, tiums, etc., la by placing them In glass of water In a aunny window, a few days the roots start, and they can then be planted In soil, single plant one may have a collec- tion of plants for bedding, such aa would cost % dollar or two at the greenhouse. Dally Thought. I ten youâ€"It may be for the hun* dredth time, but It is the very truthâ€" that this la the working day; that this la the watching hour, and that our su- preme duty Is to work until the day is and darkness falls upon the neid. to watch until the hour ta enaeo. â€"Raleigh. 1165 Wilmette Av WILMETTE We Clean Everything NtHitiShore Hous IA GENER Lawns cared for and graded Furnaces taken care satlf AH "•^•"•WlUev wMwmr 1014 Emerson St. Y. M.C.A..Room5 NNETKA y«t«M«y Wlimiki WE SELL GOOD AUTOMOBILES

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