Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 17 Sep 1915, p. 2

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=2 THE LAKE SHORE NEWS -wsa- w *__jffffsâ€" .f|. mmA ftfisidfc TTfcnT ftrmâ€"sinw^* •flM MJ999 IfHWHf VIM iYOrNI 0MWTV ITeWVJISIeJSSI PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY AT WILMETTE, IUU Office* Room 2, Brown Building, 1169 Wilmette Avenue. f-^ "^TTflipliom- .m ., "~ G. F. Thomson................ Editor SUBSCRIPTION $2.00 A YEAR Entered as second-cUss matter March ^nof-Vu^r^ne^M^chT'S^-' Address all communications to Too Lake Shore News. Wllmette. Anonymous communications will not be noticed, tte- looted manuscripts win not bo returned unless accompanied by postage. All mat- ter for publication In the current week* Issue should reacb our office not later FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1915. The Joker mode Its appearance in American playing cards about a cen- tury ago. The joker in political legis- lation became popular even eariier. â€"T MAGAZINE TEXT BOOKS. The use of the current magazines as text books Is growing In popularity, hut. more slowly than It is desirable that it shoald. Few young people are given to read- ing the news of the day concerning subjects of national Interest and im- .'» portancc. Few have developed the habit of reading magazines except for the stories which they contain. In few homes are the questions of the day discussed. There is really no op- portunity for the boys and girls just at the age of looking out after new interests, to find those subjects which tell the story of today which will be the history of tomorrow. Proper, use of the magazine text books requires wise instruction. Partisanship, political bias, an inabil- ity to discern the vital in the multl- I plicity of events, these in the teacher far more than offset any advantage to be gained from the study and dis- cussion of live topics of the day. Given ' the wise instructor and guide, one .... 1 cannot overestimate the value of teaching the .youth in the high and college preparatory schools to dis- cover something of the age in which they live through the discussion of the events as they occur. = =5= 5==E But unfortunately there is little n son to expect diplomacy, tact, or even good judgment when Ve former *ec retary of state launches out on his chosen sea of oratory. We can only expect him to forget on obligation to respect the confidence which was once reposed In.him. We have reason to fear that a well meant errand for the furtherance of brotherly love and peace in Europe would, If it had any affect at all. simply serve to compli- cate our already tangled relations with European governments. If Mr. Bryan matt talk, he had bet- ter talk at home, where we know how to measure what he says. ___ ____fegg OUR REPUTATION ESTABLISHED. In one of the publications of the mo- tion picture Industry appears a chart indicating the statue of. the moving picture play In â-  the larger cities in various parts of the country. Among the other data supplied era the "com' plaints" and the "demands" of the sev- era! communities. i t" L X - â-  COMPENSATION "Uneasy lies the head thai w^ai.-, a f crown." Evdrybody has heard anu believed this at some stage In his experience. It Is the compensation of the world since crowns are of necessity few and royalty must not appear to nave a too comfortable existence Their majesties, while at Wmu.o. supplied the American press an an aid in the formation of opinion ami a guide to the dispensation of aympatt./. speaks touchingly >>( thu dally hard ships Of their English h.uJobUoh in their somewhat uneventful life at Windsor. "Their uiajuaac *».n. ,.i \vi...i»», according to the Gbsfrvvx "vuij tlw hea\y buidcn of dally dull o by t«k ing long rnoto. drives, and ul.nofc, ai ways entertain one <>r more of their private friends, or tnoec the* uoaor with tlieli" regnrd at di m«r Th« king rldea dully »Un I'll... «»o Mary. ; and has, accordi.,* t<>„u i. t«.«ly. received a uuutber >t „m«. r. ^i<o have dlstjnuaii-tied u.en.*clv<.i ,., tl.c front, and ha« pcrnonuil^ Ju .>â-  uJ them with the insignia ot .In unUr to which Uic-y liuVc bt<-n adu nu.-a Naturally the middle looks to Chicago to find just how he stands in the matter of moving pie* tures. It is Battering to find there listed that films showing "good drama" are most in demand, and the most serious cause for complaint "too many theaters." The two react, the one upon the other. The demand for good drama necessitates the exhibition of expen sive films. The multiplicity of thea- ters limits the territory from which patronage can be drawn. The strength, of the demand is revealed In the neces- sity which the producer feels to yield to it Having satisfied oneself with Chi- cago's reputation for discrimination and good taste in the film drama, one naturally seeks a basis of comparison with some other city, whose ideals are recognized and whoso reputation is established. Boston satisfies the conditions, and It is with complacency and content that one finds Boston's demand to be for "features," and the complaint "a lack of comedy." THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FWDAYr&teWEttfc«R 17, IMS. 17 see Wilmette Churche* Christian First Church of Christ, Scientist, Wilmette. Services a. m., "in the Village mstte avenue. jJrtlTlmdnkl meeting Wednesday evelfcraat WoJbiock la the Central Theater, MVP Cpttral a/enue. Reading room. SL/ m. to 9 pJbb, ex- cept Wednesday; WednesdW.. until 7:45 p. m.. Brown building, Tl«3 Wil- mette avenue. 10:46 Atkins led 1160 Wll WESTMORELAND. Aided by as allowance of 18, J. R. pj£!lySmm7?t W«S ^ESNlmmU** the boss. «4 raepmes trophy at Wss* Br^RgBeP m laty.eosfts to as, Me naa a gross ____»•_«_. *«.«w .mu» ..m *h<> hn« adv.-tf. **-«â€"78.~WpB. Hardbrook took sec *•£ Presbyterian Church. The pastor, Rev. J. M. Wilson, will speak at the communion service at U a. m. op the subject, "Parents and Their Children"â€"the fifth command- ment. Union services at 7:45 In the Worn ail's club building, at which he will alBo speak. Subject. "Hepry Drum mond, a scientific Christian." » The Men's league of the Presby tcrian church will have Its opening night on Tuesday, September 21. Mr. Samuel Roberts Is chairman of the program committee and promises a strong attraction for the opening eve- ning.__________------ , â-  . --------- Methodist Church. Lake and Wilmette avenues. 'â-  Galey minister, ~ ALL AMERICANS AT PORT SHERI- DAN. MR. BRYAN ON PE^Ct Mr. Bryan is wilting to go i.. *,.. rope to try lilt oloi|u<..i*.o m.ou the makers of wur, i>t»iu »..ay rt. uli Strangely enough Mr Br,un ~lh go Without Compensation. &n<l en,i at lib own expense. Wc have been hearing so much of and from the hyphenated American that the thought of these not/ and un- tried cltlaena la llKely to obtrude It sell la almost uuiy consideration of public affairs. Especially is one re- minded of the earlier affiliations \>l a large pioportlon of American clttsens when for whatever icttbon, an> contiid- erablc number ul names lo under con leinnl&tlou A perusal „t n.„ ..» ,i..,».«. »i... bu today In to training »i fort ^her Ulan reveals eumctlilui • lhot more nifiiiiiicuiit tlirtt Juet win, of one .< per- .-.(rtiul <i<'<]uaiiiU.ft<.'.c have oi.tertd tlic runkn there. KNen the i..ct that our u»» i.tmgvt, (ollowl.ig lb,, <.\uiii|'l- of Cftlcaso's chief .-.\i-<:titu< enrolled hluiaelf with thone who >, toll lo learn how to be of service to Aiucrlca in the uVeat of will its. of ml.ior Tin- linimiiiiiiliiH element in this catalogue of tbooo who realize the national need of tinned i.icii to take military eervlee if occasion demands Is the ),i<i>on«li-i.ii>. e of uauii-s wnich tcil thu Ktory of continental Kn.opcan lylidl |.ar<-Hta^o ,>i it-i.ont ai.ceotiy It la a ac<.cctt.t bciul i«.m i.-i„^t. of oui hy^nenuteil <ni/.<\i* luti«i becu dtuwu l.<-re bv r> aeelre to ctoii c military av ivlce or (1. j burden- bom«. t.iAniloti ..iaJe nuei jur; by the muli..ouailve ot a lar^e inlllUry .â- Â«ys- tem Knjoyi.ioi.t of Ainiiricati priv ilt-f;«'i and Amcikan 0|>i>ortuuitle«. lOve « , the new liouie Ivi what it had glve.i. <ve .uispv.<-c of beli.g noi alto- gethet dlnuere. more a matter ot the head than of the heart. It la a aignifl Telephone 654. 0:30 a. m.â€"-Bible school. E. W. McCullough, superintendent. Classes for all. 10:45 a. m.-«#peclal! Rev. Harry Reeves C'alklm(" of Evans ton will preach on "Christian Stewardchlp." Come and hear this talented preacher. 6:15 p. mâ€" Epworth league. Spe- cial music. Air young people wel- come. 7:45 p. m.â€"Junior service at the Woman's "club. Dr. Wilson will preach. Baptist Church. Rev. B. Frank Taber, pastor. Resi- dence 910 Forest avenue. Sunday services held in the Woman's club building, corner of Qreenleat avenue and Tenth street 9:45 a. m.â€"Bible school. Classes for all ages. Adult Bible class In charge of the pastor. 11:00 a. in.â€"Public worship, Ser- mon by the pastor. Subject: "Apos- tolic Christianity.-" 6:16 p. m.â€"B. Y. P. U. meetittg. Leader, Stuart Crippen. A cordial in- vitation to all young people. * 7:80 p. ni.â€"Union aervlce. Rev. J. M. Wilson* pastor of the Presbyterian church, wiU preach. The prayer meeting on Wednesday evening, September 22, will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. It. Mahan, 718 Elm wood avenue. Sub- ject: "Preparing - the Way of the Lord," Isaiah 40:3-5 j Matthew 3:1-12. The week from September 26 to Oc- tober 3 will be observed as a "Oet Together Week." Sunday, September 26, will be Rally Day for the Bible school, with all other services of the day special. A great "Church Night" Wednesday, September 29. Church social gathering, Friday, October 1. Reserve these dates for your church. Congregational Church, Wilmette avenue and Eleventh -treat Next Sunday morning Rev. Mr. Mowers begins a series, of sermons on the great subject that is more upon the minds of thinking people than'any other, the problem of "Rebuilding the World." The first theme will be "Ev eryone'B Millenium." There Will be no veaper »c.vU„ ,,n account of the union service at ihe Woman's club, which Is to be ad- dressed by Rev J. M. Wilson of the Presbyterian church. Wednesday evening - <l«wr.r»,^i„ «,t Mr. Bowers, Rev. E. C. Partridge of Sivas, Turkey, who has just arrived in thin country, will sp^ak at eight o'clock on the situation in the Turkish empire. This la a very exceptional opportunity to get first hand Informa- tion. The general public is cordially invited. moreland on Saturday total of 90 and a net of 72. H. O. Ed- wards and R. M. Campbell tied for second with note of 75. Sixteen quali- fied fer'the-asiji' The bail sweepstakes event was sup by B. W. Campbell, Sometimes they sissle," said 'tis, boy who drives a grocer's cart. "What are some of them?" •Why, everything. We drive too fast for one thing, and mamma's baby papa are «to danger of ond with P6-~ltt "g*i "' fT-~li v 'â- Â«'*'•'â-  ' -'-*"' ~~ "•> ! GLEN VIEW. Members of the Olen View club com- peted in a blind bogey handicap Sat- urday. R. C. Dawes, O. H. Eddy, and 9. D. Rewe eaelt finished With a net of 76, which were the blind figures. The women's club championship will be held on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday of this week. 8KOKIE COUNTRY CLUB. ' The first round of match play In the President^ Directors' and Members' cups was played Saturday. Lr. tf*. Moore of 1131 Sheridan road de- feated IL T. Smith, 2 and 1 in his first" match. R. C. Greer, who was also In the championship flight,, lost D. gdwardt. TJhe Other Side ~" Delivery Bays'Woe p*w*w*i*!!|"fieis^^ Sure thing I Of of complaints shout us. Why shouldn't being run over at the corners or alley mouth.. We are never on time, though wo do drive too fast Bass tells us to hustle, and we take a loaf ef^K«sa^llrs/*ie<BlM^ avenue and a package of hay (break fast food) to Mrs. Blugglns on Forest Much has beap written sine* the war oegah about nhr**eKh or Great sweOrmassf, sad we knew that they art Welches* Wstions in the w.iri.1 aftei the United states, but the increase of wealth in the United States1 in tht eight years from 1904 to 1912, as reported by the census bureau, was substantially equal to the entire -sslth sithsr pf Grgat Britain or Ger- many, as estimated by their own stat- istical authorities,. . : _ Dr. Karl 3 Mfferich, now at the head of Iho imperial Gorman treasury, in a review o< the economic presSfds^d* avenue. When we get there some marks, or ebout »76,OJ)0.000,000 to Edwin Sherman came through the first round of the Directors' cup a winner, by defeating J. L. Lane, 3 and *. C. E. Towns won his match in the Members' cup, by default, the result being an Evaheton man left to play In the next round In each cup. W. E. Murch of 1289 Oak avenue carried off the honors In the one day Saturday cup event by turning in an 87, which, with an allowance of'13, gave him a net 84, which was the low net, thereby Winning the cup. Follow- ing are the summaries of the first round and a few leading scores in the medal competition: President's Cup. Gordon Copeland defeated F. B. Mil- ler, 4 and 3; Roger Sherman by de- fault from F. E. Compton; L. P. Moore defeated H. T. Smith, 2 and 1* J. D. Small defeated S. A. Wilmarth, 1 up, 22 holes; L. K. Stewart defeated J. C. Murray, 4 and 3; Fred Hill by default from A. G. Bennett;, Edw. Haupt de- feated Wm. S'utherlund, 3 and 2; A. D. Edwards defeated It. C. Greer,, 9 and 7. Directors' Cup. •Temple Williams defeated G. J. Mlltes, 9 and 8; Edwin Sherman de- feated J. L. Lane, 3 and 2; L. C. Mowry defeated John Witherspoon, 1 up; R. W. Bell defeated C. S. Brewer, 4 and 3; Grant Rldgeway defeated Walter Paepcke. 4 and 3; M. E. Barn- hart defeated M. B. Orde, .4 and 3; R. B. Scrlbner defeated 8. A. Safford, 6 and 4; G. H. Leslie defeated Frank Sherman, 5 and 4v'. Members' Cup. C. E. Towue by default from J. M. Compton; It L. Davis defeated L. B. Sherman, 3 :.nd 2; E. S. Layman de- feated Sydney Murch, 5 and 4; De C. Lloyd defeated F. E. Mann, 2 and 1; G. D. Coaney defeated W. V. Jacobs, 3 and 2; Hairy Boyack defeated W. B. Dale, 1 up, 20 holes; F. W. Preston defeated E. W. Black, 2 up; M. W. Cresap by default from C. S. Andrews. To Brighten Gilt Frames. Rob them with freshly baked bread moistened with ammonia; or try the older method of washing them In wa- ter In which onions have been boiled, and to which a little sulphur has been added.. The sulphur aids in keeping the yellow color. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE. Village of wilmetteâ€"Special Assess- ment No. 112. Swede or dago cook bawls us out a plenty and asks us If they think they are going to wait all day. "The i boss always tolls us to hurry with that order and then cusses us if the horse is stiff the nfxt morning. That tends to make lite merry for uS. "Oh, no, we don't really have much of anything to do. Some of us take care of the. horses. Oat nn about 4 a m. to do it and just Work, that's- all, until the last order has been d* Uvotad St -tttfhfc Th? ahap i la auo- posed to shut up most days at 6 p. m., but that often means that ,we get stuff to deliver at 6 and take until 8 or after to do it. Then we have to put up and take care of the horse, go that by the time we get through we should go to-bed in order to get what steep we need. Wo got eritlclsed if we try to get a little amusement in between. Some of the boys go- to Devon avenue. .;» "We get about $10 a week on the average. If we are any good, sad that may be considered good pay for boys not yet voters, bat then, we earn it, and more. That Is if we are any good at all. Wo get abused often at the store, aad then our heads are talked off when we deliver the goods. The stuff If not what they ordered or it le poor quality or sent in bad condition. In any esse we get the first dose of complaint, and then another worse one when it reaches the boss. Even if the goods were put up for us in bad shape the boy has to take the blame if tfey reach the house in bad condition.___- "it's a gay life. Some of us take it all in the hope that some day we may own the grocery ourselves and have a chance to bawl out someone else. Just now we have to fake it Some of them take it out on the horses, but that Is not fair. If we try our best we can't please everybody. When we stop to think/of it we know that thst is what the "bosses" are doing, trying to please. Maybe seme day we will eome oat even, and meanwhile we do not went the public to think that we are ali careies3, reckless, pro- fane sad ill-mannered, for there will come a day when a few of us, any- way, will be In the office running the other end of the store." Greek Painter*. There were several great painters In ancient Greece and it is rather dif- ficult to say which was the "greatest" It is possible the honor might go to Apelles. 332 B. C. Home-made Poetry it there were reum.n u, *»»«!-. * m t-nnt fact that among those who have Mr. Bryan an appreciation of the dell'voluntarily undertaken military train- cacy of his position as a private citl-! ing, at the sacrifice of time taken from ten, who has held high and rcspon- personal business and at some ex- slble office, In which he ha» enjoyed < pense, are many bearing names not Ihe confidence of the administration. â- â-  indicative of American birth, it teatl- and if we could expect of him an ob- j Oes to the strength of the bona or ailo- aervaace of Hie strictest demand of glance, though recently effected. It of *ho t-tfeowg,- iqp, the. falsity of-the assump- cause of peace, the country would cry, God speed, and rejoice in the prospect m a seaibn of quiet at :imm»:M-; â-  . i - tion that the true American is neces- sarily Of English, Scotch or Irish descent A pall hangs o'er the States ot Europe! The smoke Ot battle fltt» the air, otill reenforcements crowd tu. trenches. Where patriots giim met sat a »««. fSdch dido invokes the M of buttles; Affirms that Heaven Is thefi stay; And this seems strange to western aliens; Does Heaven hear but on.; »uo yruyT Aii4 Wok kviui favoi on then flghUne, Their furious efforts to destroy? While foes are base, or vicious demona, That arts Infernal would employ. Toe dictum that all men are broth***. Is growing all bnt obsolete; And neutrals view the situation With sympathy that seems effeto But time has never been turned back- ward; Toward progress all events have of the Court will permit Notice i. hereby given to all per- >^ns inter* ted that the President and Board >f Trustees of the Village of Wilmette in the County of Cook and State ot Illinois, having ordered that the cmti d twenty-three (23) feet of Wilmette Avenuo, from the East line of Flfti nth Street, to the East line of Nan/.ig Avenue and the cen- tral twenty tiiree (23) feet of Fifteenth Street from the South line of Wilmette Avenue, to the North line of Isabella Street, to ti.o West, together with the central twenty-three (23 feet of all Intersecting streets jb tho outer lines of said Will. , tte AvfaudVud said Fif- teenth Street aAdJflfl fullwidth tJHn- tfirsentlng iJLjysJfytX Brfl (V,)J^KhcB beyond tb, i mjl a'tdth\i*&acjPBldc of all alleys ,-, fA. outer J(R of said Fifteenth . (i et Mall j-jSTrnproved by Krading. v u. t,ing.pajMg with vitrified paving brick and otherwise Improved; the ordtfJhjn. - for the same being on file ln/tleY/nce of the ViH Jc Clerk of tfalljfrllskge, and satdlvamge hav- ing appliedl toJThe Coumy Court of Cook Coumm^lUinois, for an assess- ment of is% costs of said improve- ment, acdSdBtng tb benefits and an as- sessment \fV-refor having been made and returned to said Court (Docket No. 112), the final hearing thereon will be ban on the 27th day of Septem- ber, A. D. 1915. at ten o'clock a. m., or as soon thereafter as the business =r=v Wealth of Nations outbuilding doors, chicken yard gates pigpens and sheep iociosurea to heralded In the house, a switch in the house enables the farmer to tell if the granary, stable or cattle bins are molested during the night . .......â-  '>â- Â»â€". QuaRfled flskaks- Flve-yesr-old Marie likes to sea the tanny ptetures. She had the paper â- wSA^1.^th? "*%*« â- *» when her father turned oat the light Mary was angry at tide, and saitL "You've got your nerve," out as she realised immediately whom she; talking to she hastily added, "But know your, righta." . i ij nf i' it i.'.'j ii !» a mated the :o«ai wealth of that country at SrO,660.«lO.Oed»â- :tv^ -8IO,(K)O,6W,6O01 $8(*eO0,3O0.0|.(/. * :*W Gaorco PaiaL» in 1914 estimated OX wealth of the United Kingdom at 816,000,660m. y: , : !: ;, The census bureau estimates that the wealth of theUnited States in- creased from 1904 to 1912 in the sum of mMtiMMQ. ; i , , w , The estimates for Germany and the United Kingdom include inveetments by their people in other countries, while the census figures for golfed Hfstss rtefl eaiy wfth ICTORU -THEATRE- ECSSTATtOM rsfpsiioa 2iu Sheffield snd Avenues One Week CoB.SumUyMH. m SHOWS ii property In tats country. The United States owes more than It owns abroad, which Is not true of the two other countries, but in that tjaspset the position of this country has probably Improved during the eight years under review, so that the conclusion as to gains in that time is sot altered.â€"(From September bulle- tin of National City Bank of New York.) -,-:. „â- â- .--:v;=;V â- â- .:,;• riw NO NEED OF A WATCHDOG. "The electric bell,Is cheap insur- ance," says L. 8. Foltz of the. Colo- rado Agricultural college. "Some people imagine that the electric belt Is suitable only for announcing vis- itors at the front door. , Its field of usefulness Is broadening each day. "A push button In the kitchen and a suitable code of signals enable the busy housewife to call her husband or other help from faraway points on the farm or about the estate. Gongs of the loud ringing type when placed on the outside of buildings will send their signals for a mile. The old style alarm bell is going into the scrap heap." Prof. Foltz has devised an electric bell system whereby the opening of BAR AT I NEE THURSDAY SATURDAY NEXTâ€"SEPTEMBER MORN turned; Our beet endeavors are in darkness, And neutrals only are concerned. With euecor of the millions stricken; With deeds their grief can best as- suage; And anxious wait this wars abate- ment; The blessings of a wiser age. _ A Nobn. »*15 BOARD. MEETS TUESDAY. The Wilmette village boajd will 1 Commissioner appointed meet Tuesday night i~ Assessment All persons desiring may file objec- tions In Paid Court before said day, and may appear on the hearing and make their defense. Said ordinance provides for the col- lection of said assessment In ten an- nual installments, with annual inter- est thereon at the rate of five 'f.r») per centum per annum, as provided by Dated, Wilmette, Illinois, September 10th. A. D. 1915. H. G. Drury, «*â- â- â- 'â- Â»' 'â- '-

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