Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 8 Nov 1917, p. 7

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■ I?--. Wv. -^iss^m^mmmsmm-h . ^-^;^v?^:; > *'&rS'1t?*ZM THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1917 MEN'S CLUB OFFERS ^ SERVICES TO GUARD President and Directors of Wilmette : Men's Club to Co-operate with Home Guard in War Work. COMMITTEE IS APPOINTED Hope Thompson Names Men to Direct Work of Club This Season. By Frank J. Seng. The Men's club is to get behind the Wilmette Guard, to boost the work of the latter organization, to assist in the proposed drive for funds and to do everything in its power to pro- mote the interests of the Guard. Hope'thompson, its president, and the directors of the Men's club re- cently conferred with the officers of the Guard and tendered the services of the older organization, which has in its membership many men who have not thus far been made fully acquainted with the aim and scope of the Guard. The officers of the Guard are highly pleased with the tender of the services of the club, and so expressed themselves at the conference held last week. Program Planned. The initial gun will be fired on Tuesday evening, November 13, at the regular meeting of the Men's club,*at the Woman's club building. This will he known as Wilmette Guard night, and to the meeting have been invited the two companies of the Guard, Company K of the 11th Infantry and Company D of the First Regular Reserve Militia. It is under- stood that the men will appear in full uniform. As a compliment to the militia,jthe ladies are invited to attend the meet- ing, which promises to be the largest and most enthusiastic ever held in the village. Not only will there be speakers of note, but letters from our own boys at the front will be read, so that Wilmette home folks may learn of the exploits of its boys "over there." Committees. At the last meeting of the board of directors of the Men's club, Presi- dent Thompson announced the per- sonnel of the various -committees ap- pointed to act for the next year. Some of the committees are not complete, and in these instances the chairmen are authorized to add such names to their committees as their own good judgment may dictate. The names of those appointed to the variou scommittees provided for in the constitution are as follows i Membership Committee -- Hayes McKinney, chairman: Frederick M. Bowes. Albert C. Bell, A. J. Cobtirn. F. T. Cutler, O. G. Corns, Arthur H. Howard, J. R. Harper, Dudley W. Lester, C. C. Mitchell, H. K. Snider and Frank M. Simmons. Playground Committee -- Louis Bruch, chairman; G- J. Bichl, H. J. Burbach, C. C. Carnahan, L. M. Drake, C. P. Evans. H. M. Gardiner, Benj. E. Gage, Louis K. Gilson, John W. Iliff, Edward J. Shager and C. P. Van Schaack. Education--C. Leon Barritt, chair- man ; Robert Stoddard, and J. R. Gathercoal. Municipal Festivities--Henry E. Brown, chairman; M. B. Skinner and Rev. Roy E. Bowers. Streets and Alleys--R. B. Baker, chairman; B. F. Affleck, H. B. Gates, M. H. McMillen, P. A. Myers and C. N. Roberts. Lighting--David Nelson, chairman ; H. C. Arms, W. G. Breyer and J. D. Courier. Water and Drainage--H. R. Abbott, chairman; H. J. Burt and C. E. Fitch. Fire Protection--W. D. Matthews, chairman, and Otto Rabe. Health--Dr. E. E. Moore,' chair- man ; Dr. William A. Mann and Arthur J. Taylor. Public Library--Howard Field. Council Proceedings -- William Schmedtgen. chairman; J. A. Dela- fontaine, Frank R. Eager, Phil ,A. Grau, Robert Humphrey, W. E. Inger- Boll, E. Herbert Lilly, Harry W. Mons. William E. Myers, C. V. L. Peters, Lewis N. Place and M. R. Venables. Public Safety and Police Protection E. W. McCullough. chairman; Rev. Francis C. Kelley and I. L. Simmons. Music and Art--Robert C. Mv- Namara, chairman, and W. Frank McClure. Transporte^ion--J. G. Ocgoo<LNN Transportation -- J. G. Osgood, chairman; John S. Cook. H. E. Po- ronto and Fred A. Smith. Publicity--Frank J. Seng, chair- man ; C. D. Heller. Edward F. Kelley and J. B. Whidden. Ord'nancrs and Improvements -- George R. Harbaugh, chairman; C. H. Jackson, Roy C. Osgood, George J. Phillips and W. E. Suits . Grievance Committee -- Harry W. Hopp, Charles E. Lord, H. D. Pixley, Frank S. Robbins, J. D. Roth, R. B. Swigart and William J. Weldon. Public Charities--William H. Ellis, chairman; A. E. Barber and Edward Zipf. HEMSTITCHING- - ^S BUTTONS COVERED- V*t**H^t^aTi^.m^ EMBROIDERING- *<&: BRAIDING-BEADS- 7ttail your materials fo its. We will make Item up and return to i/ou by parcel post--or i/ou can call. SAVE TIME- Send for a Button Cfcart a»A Price List -THANKS !• PARKER, * BRAIDING CO Roow 1122 Stevens Bldw^ffp Bjoow 614 Mortk American BldW CHICAGO u -4- TELEPHONES -4- CENTRAL 16*9-6609-4304-5839 Bell System THINK OF HANDLING thirty million tele- phone calls a day! That is activity developed to its highest point. To furnish facilities for the transmission of this enormous, incomprehensible mass of messages is a gigantic undertaking. THE BELL SYSTEM is meeting its responsibili- ties. There are delays but they are negligible when compared with the volume of the business. The public is helping; the people realize the pressure that the Telephone Companies are under. NOT LONG AGO, at a big Army Post, an event of great interest, long looked for, transpired and the soldier men wanted to get word home as quickly as possible. A rush was made for every available telephone inside and outside the post. Result, calls piled up to an unheard-of number in the exchange serving the territory. There were delays, to be sure, but none of any great length, and finally all were cleared up. A NOTICEABLE AND GRATIFYING FEA- TURE of the rush was the uniform good nature and patience of the soldiers. This not only made the work of attending to their wants easier and picas- anter, but it made it quicker. EVERYBODY BENEFITS when good humor pre- vails and the human cogs in the big public service machinery work easier and at higher speed. CHICAGO TELEPHONE COMPANY MR. HERBERT J. WRIGHTSON Pianist and OriranI«t Pupil of Reinecke and Jadassohn of the Lelpslo Conservatory Member of Faculties of International College of Music and Expres- sion, and University Extension Conservatory. Lessons, Mualcalea, Recitals «3 Auditorium Bid*., Chicago Phone Wabash 5918 Hea.--1MM Linden Ave., Wilmette Phone Wilmette 2083 JIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIMIIIIItllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllHIIIIIII lllllllllltllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltlllllllll^ CHARLES E. GRAVES & COMPANY Jewelers and Silversmiths MADISON AND WABASH CHICAGO Announcement | [ Owing to'the Jewelers strike, which started in | | August, it will be necessary to have more time | | in filling orders. If you contemplate having | | work clone, we ought to have it now in order j | to insure delivery for the holidays. I | CHARLES E. GRAVES & COMPANY J rlllllll IIIIIIIMIUIIItlllllHMMIIIII llltiUIIIMIItlllltllllitlHiriEHIIIIIIIllllUllf [■l[1tlMlltlMtItllltllllltll«lltUll[Mlt(tltll»IMltllitlllllltUMMIIIMrriitLIIUIllliLI(liltlf uitiiiiiitutui: ysMVjy/yssss//vw,/w//'s/ys//M^^ VOU don't have to have a frozen radiator * and engine this winter. You don't have to use an anti-freeze. You don't have to have radiator covers. Your garage need not be heated. The air-cooled Franklin relieves you of all water cooling troubles. More real pleasure and efficiency than you ever thought possible, if you buy a Franklin. Franklin Dodge Bros. Woods Dual Power Oldsmobile C. E. BRIDGES Evanston Franklin Car Company 510 DAVIS STREET PHONE 5886 The Jewel "Hot Blast" is the Most Economical Heater Obtainable Fits the present fuel situation exactly, because it burns any kind of coal. If you cannot get one kind of coal, you can another, so you are sure of satisfac- tory heat under all condi- tions. Burn The Smoke of Soft Coal or Slack You can burn the cheap- est grade of coal and keep your fuel bills to the low- est notch. Come in and see the heater and let us explain the many special features it possesses that are not found in other heaters of this kind. JOHN MILLEN, HARDWARE PHONE 60 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiuiiiir. 605 W. Railroad Ave. WILMETTE WE LOAN MONEY TO FARMERS AT 55% ,,. TEN YEAR /v LOANS If you want a Loan, fill out this blank. Amounts from $1,000 to $20,000 on a farm. Name.....:............................................................. Address................................................................ Tel. No............................ No. Acres......................... Amount you want..................................................... We have been apointed agents to make loans on Farm Lands by a large Insurance Company. Now let us know and we will give you particulars, or drop in and see us. PAUL SCHROEDER & CO, 4M LINDEN AVE.. WILMETTE, ILL. Office Tel. Wilmette 498. RcaJdence Tel. 180 _____ QFF _____ M. E. BARKER & CO. For Real Estate Bargains Splendid List of Bargains in Modern and New Homes Some unusual bargains in lots-Get our rent list Phone 484 415 Linden Ave. Wilmette ^/;/;/^y^^^^^ Wilmette Specials FOR SM.K OH KOII HK\T Sale Rent 8 room frame, central location, newly decorated, furnace..$ 8,000 $ 65 S roum frame, beautifully located, corner lot, garage...... 10,0410 86 10 room stucco, 2 baths, 3 porches, H. W. heat, fine home.. 12,000 S8 9 room stucco, corner, H. W. heat, 2 baths, garage....... 13,000 100 8 room stucco, H. \V. heat, large lot, fine transportation.. 14,000 100 HILL & STONE PHONE WILMETTE 1644 404 LINDEN AVENUE t/y^/^j'//'////>/'//j/y//^yyr//-y////^r//////i'//i'y//////'//i'/////////////////y//-//,////i'///^///'/1///^//. .,„,>jj,)>>>)»»,»»»»»m»wj»»»M>»^^^ VSSAW/7Ar/SWAfJLfSSSS/'S////SSS/S//SfSS//y/////SS^^^ JOHN BOOMER WILMETTE REALTY CO. Una 513 FOURTH STREET PHONE 1304 WILMETTE FOR SALE: Nine-room modern residence, screen porches, water heat. Garage attached. Corner lot, 100 ft. Price..........$9,M0 New 8 room residence; combination heat; glazed and heated porches; large room; tile bath; 60-ft. front. Price........$7,5*9 10 room residence; 3 baths; 2 porches; water heat; garage, 2 cars; corner lot. 100 ft. Equity...................................19,000 We have money to lend. We also write insurance in the best companies. &/^/w/w.^^^ Nearly Everybody in Wilmette Reads The News

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