Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 8 Nov 1917, p. 8

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8 * 1* I* l» H THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1917 Classified Ads rott IAMB MSN'S RBADr-MADB SUITS FOR ■ale. We also buy and sell second- hand clothes. Tel. 1128. 603 Demp- ster; 4274, 1321 Emerson, Evanston. ____J________________________81-12-S2tc FOR SALE--SLIGHTLY USED SEW- inf machines. Singer, style 66, $15.00: Singer, style 66, $20.00; Singer, 9W7 style. ?22.00; Singer, box top, $5.00; new style "White Rotary, $15.00 and $20.00. Other bargains. We do re- pairing on all machines. Patterson Bros., 1522 Sherman-av., Evanston. 50-123-tfc REMINGTON TYPEWRITER AND typewriter stand, good condition, cheap. Address 106 Slxth-st, Wil- mette, 111._________________ 52-ltc RHODE ISLAND RED CHICKENS FOR sale. Egg layers averaging- 200 eggs in a year. Rittenhouse, 1429 Grcg- ory-av., Wllmette, 111.___________52-ltc FOR BBMT FURNISHED ROOM FOR RENT--HOT water heat; $2.50 per week. Phone Wilmette 1302. _____________52-ltp PLEASANT FURNISHED ROOM FOR rent, reasonable, near transportation lines, east side. Phone 1945 or 1944. ________________52-ltc FOR RENT--EXCELLENT GARAGE; price reasonable. 925 Forest-av. Phone 126 Wilmette. 52-ltp TO RENT--A BRIGHT, PLEASANT room, near the Elevated. Phone Wil. J 443.______________________________S 2 -1 tc FRONT ROOM, NICELT FURNISHED and heated, for a working person. 833 Fifteenth-st„ Wilmette. 52-1 tc POr RENT--NEW SEVEN ROOM bungalow, furnished or unfurnished, or share with reliable party, or board with party renting, or would rent large living room with fireplace and adjoining bedroom, or would di- vide for housekeeping suite; snap for reliable party, owing to circum- stances caused by war service; three blocks from Northwestern station; same to Milwaukee Electric station. Phone 1482. _____________________52-ltc HELP WANTED WANTED--MAN TO CALL ON Busi- ness houses with an office necessity. Liberal commission, H. E. Chandler & Co., 630 Davis-st., Evanston. Phone 123. ______________47-tfe SITUATIONS WAHTED COOKING AND SERVING DINNERS and luncheons; also other work by day or hour. Phone Wilmette 1945 or 1944._____________ 52-12-ltc SITUATION WANTED -- LAUNDRY work by the day. Phone Evanston 233i _______________52-123-4tc Work wanted by gardener and houseman, day or month. First class references. Phone Wmnetka 494_ ___________52-3tC lost amd coiimd Lost--cameo brooch, between Tenth-at. and Central-av., or near All Package Store. Return to 1020 Central-av. Reward. 52-ltp MliCBLIiANBOVS WILL PAY 5c A POUND FOR CLEAN white rags for wiping machinery. Bring to Lake Shore News Office, 1222 Central-av., Wilmette, or phone Wllmette 1920. ____________47-tfah NOTICE--WE DO REPAIRING ON all makes of talking machines. Pat- terson Bros., 1522 Sherman-ay., Ev- anston.______________________50-123-tfc Wanted brush--if you have any property that you would like to have the brush taken from without cost to you, please get in touch with me. BenJ. E. Gage, 721-30 No La Salle-st.. Chicago. 52-3tc WILL MAKE EXCEPTIONAL OFFER on old pianos, players or square pianos in exchange on new grands, players or upright pianos. Seeley 4615,_______________________52-123-3tc (Continued from page 1)________ tervals. When the first one would break, we would go into a dugout until the other three had landed, and then we would unload some more until another one landed. "Next day we were ordered not to go there any more. It's very lone- some over here. Write me often, he- cause you will never know how it will be appreciated. "With love, "EVERETT." Mr. and Mrs. N. P. Anderson en- tertained at a surprise party for their daughter, May, in honor of her sixteenth birthday, at their home, 118 Hill street, last Thursday eve- ning. Among the guests, who are all sophomores at the Marywood acad- emy in Evanston, were the Misses Florence Bowen, Clara Barns, Gene- vieve Teske, Mary Hartnett, Eleanor Ambler, Rose Miller, Celia Harness, Lillian Phelan, Beatrice Millen, Eliz- abeth Kirchberg-. Mrs. Howard Field and her son of Central avenue have recently re- turned from a trip through the Berkshires and a visit in Boston. Mrs. F. W. Simmons of Boston ar- rived Sunday to be the guest of Mrs. Paul Schulze at her home in Kenil- worth. Mr. Rice, father of Mr. F. L. Rice, 757 Twelfth street, who underwent a successful operation for cataract of the eye a week or so a,go, returned Friday to his home in Lockport, 111. Mr. Rice is eighty-one years of age. A number of us are interested in the Parent-Teachers' Council, which is to be held in the Tribune building next Tuesday. Mrs. B. F. Lang- worthy, president of the Illinois Con- gress of Mothers, will speak on "Wartime Work,' 'and Mrs. Walter Brwster, of the Allied Relief, will will talk on one phase of Wartime Work for Children. Mr. W. J. Hamil- for Children. Mr. W. J. Hamilton, Brewster, of the Allied Relief society, will be another speaker, his subject being "The Spirit of Youth in War- time." GROCERS ENDORSE PLAN TO ASSIST WAR CHIEFS (Continued from page 1) "F. 0. B. Counter" plan we can give the public good service and good prices. The co-operation of the wo- men of Wilmette will be one of the biggest factors to the success of our plans. We also believe that in show- ing a willingness to assist the gro- cers in this new selling plan, the wo- men will be of great assistance to the government in its national con- servation program. George White, of Klinge A White-- The grocery firm of Klinge & White is in favor of the "F. O. B. Counter Plan" because we feel that tn pro- moting this plan it will enablj; us to conform to the food prices set by Mr. Harry A. Wheeler, food admin- istrator of Illinois. We also feel that it is the duty of every merchant to encourage their customers to live up to this plan. PERSONAL MENTION. The Young Ladies' Auxiliary is holding meetings weekly for the re- hearsal of the play, "The Three Chauffeurs," which is to be presented before the members of the Woman's club on December 5. _4-- Miss Marie Steret is spending the winter in Boston. Mass. Evanston Strand TO-DAY AND TO-MORROW Matinees 2 and 4 Evenings 2 and 9 Double Paramount Program C harles Ray in his latest success "The Son of His Father" Also BABY MARIE OSBORNE in Captain Kiddo ALL NEXT WEEK Mary Pickford in her latest picture "The Little Princess" £ Act* also M Three 'The Half Back" IS and 1 "Who Leads Our National Army?" This Picture is of Vital Interest to all 1 Don't Miss This Program Yoo Will Be Delighted iilllllllllMIIIIIIIIIIIMIimillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIHIIIIIMI.....lllll1lllll!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIMtlllllllllllll£ Whir-r-r-r-r! from solidifying. stall a Get a quick start every morning- this winter. Save your batteries. Save your starter. Save your arm if you use a crank. Prevent your radiator from freezing1 and your lubricating oil Work on your car in comfort. In- SEEGER Private Garage Heater in your garage. A scuttle of coal a day keeps repair bills away--makes winter motoring more comfortable. No water to freeze--to drain or replenish. Self Regulating--Automatic Feed. § Heat automatically controlled to any § desired temperature. No extras--no in- | stallation expense aside from few lengths | of stove-pipe. Attention necessary only | once in 24 hours. Occupies space less | than 2 feet square. 1 Two Cars, $45.00; Four Cars, $60.00; Six | Cars, 75.00. F. O. B. Milwaukee, Wis. | 1 Guaranteed satisfaction on 30-day trial. Stop in and I | see it. | UEEGERMFG. CO. ,75^rBW ] | CHICAGO, ILL. 1 iiiimiiiiiMiiiiiiimuiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiii"iiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiniiiHMMiiitiiiiiniiiiiiinininiiiiiiMiMMiMiiiiiHiiiiiniiiiiii!iuiiiiiiHimmii.....iiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiuiiinii?. Mr. and Mrs. William Babcock, 333 Washington avenue, announce the birth of an eight and one-half pound son on Saturday, November 3. L. D. Rosenheim and family of 1001 Oakwood avenue have moved to 4164 Drexel boulevard, Chicago. Mr. W. C. Shurtleff, 815 Lake aye. nue ,left Saturday morning for a. short stay in Biloxi, Miss. FAITH The American People have again shown their Faith in the Government by oversubscribing the Second Liberty Loan Bond. * The Officers and Directors wish to thank the patrons of this Bank for their Loyalty to the Cause as is evidenced by their application for $161,000.00 of this issue, bringing their total subscriptions for Liberty Loan Bonds close to a quarter million. WILMETTE STATE BANK v/fi>//'/ji/////////y^/y//y///j////'//^yy//y//////i'/i'y^/'f^"^yr/'///j'//i'i mmm»i»»»i»»iu»»»»»7m. Evanston Packing 1565 Sherman {"Villi flA1117 Near Davis St. Avenue \/UllI|Jallj • Evanston Phones: Evanston 1823-1824 Wilmette 1137 H Spring Chickens....... 23%c Leg of Lamb...... • • 28 Elgin Creamery Butter...... 45c 1 Beef Tenderloin, . . , . 25c Fancy Stewing Hens...... 25V2C Roast Leg of Veal by the whole leg • , 20c Lard, 2 lbs........... 59c gPot Roast of Bef...... 13V2C-20C | Armour's Star Hams...... 32}|c I Star Bacon (Saturday only) .... 45c Moxley's Special Butterine, 2 lbs. for . 70c Fresh Eggs......... 47c Boston Cut Sirloin...... lSVfec $2.00 Moter Salmon, tall cans, per doc...................----- Dixie Hominy, No. 3 can, per doz.....................$1.50 Blossom Apple Butter, full qut..35c Canned Corn, Helmet Brand, per doz.....................$1.95 Lakeside Chester Peas, doz.. .$125 § Fancy American Cheese, whole § Large Cans Tuna Fish.........35c | Calves' Liver ..................28c I Calves' Sweet Breads........65c Sweet Breads .......... 45c | Beef § Shou LARGE REDUCTIONS IN CANNED GOODS Armour's Very Best Toma- toes, No. J can, per doz.., Wisconsin King Bird Peas, .$2.00 .$1.50 per doz............., • • • •'» Northern Wisconsin Early June Sifted Peas, per doz..$1.7S Pork and Beans, No. 2 can, per doz.....................$1.05 or one-half...................-»^ Shoulder Lamb Chop..........30c Best Native Roast Beef..................20 and 2Sc Best Native Sirloin Steak......25c Boiling Beef ..................H« Rih Lamb Chops...............32c Porterhouse Steak ............28c ! Hamburger Steak .......15%c Calves'Hearts... 16c Home Made Sausage.......18c Boston Cut Sir- loin Steak 19^c T-Bone Steak-----22c Pork Chops... No. 3 Simon Pure Lard----- No. 5 Shield Lard........$140 Premost Cheese 20c Mild American Cheese......32^c Brick Cream Cheese ........32c Monarch Cat- sup, laree......25c 32c 00c Rump Corn Beef ..........20c Goodluck Butter- ine, 2 lbs. for..63c 5 lbs. for.....$1.59 Country Rolls, 2 lbs. for........64c Fresh Spare Ribs ........125£c Troco (made from Cocoa- nut Butter) lb..............32c Jones' Sausage Meat..........36c Jones' Sausage Links .........39c Large Yacht Club Salad Dressing ......25c New Sauer Kraut, qt. .------10c Small Yacht Club Salad Dressing ......10c Large Queen Olives, full qt.. .35c Tall Queen Olives, fullqt... 25c Lakeside Peas and Pork 3 cans for.....25c Corn ............15c Peas ............15c Tomatoes ......15c Snider's Tomato S oup ......i -- 12c Vegetole Short- ening, per pail 45c and .......95c Auto Leaves Evanston for Wilmette, Kenllworth, Wlnnetka and Hubbaz-d Woods, Daily at 1 P. M. PHONES--EVANSTON. 1823-1824. WILMETTE. H37 WE TAKE TELEPHONE ORDERS FRIDAY Wfl 8ATURDAY SALE UHUMK^JMpUWM

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