THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, THURSDAY, JANUARY 10, 1918 THE LAKE SHORE NEWS Established 1»1» With which la combined TRIE WIL.MBTTB LOCAL. NEW* Batabliahed 189a__________ a,.., .:■ i ' ■ -—-' "r ISMJJSD THURSDAY OF BACH WEKK By The Lake Shore PmbllehlMT Coataaay 1222 Central Ave- Wllmette, 111 ■■alaeaa Telephone...............1*21 Sectorial Telephoae...............1WM» •UB9CHIPTION.........$2.00 A YEAR Strictly In advance Address all communications to The Lake Shore News, Wllmette, Illinois. Anonymous communications will be passed to the waste basket. The same applies to rejected manuscript untesa return postage Is enclosed. Articles for publication should reach this office by Tuesday afternoon to insure appear- ance In current Issue. deeds with a show of loyalty is en- tirely to be expected. That such instances may not be frequently met it is incumbent upon the authorities that any violation of the safety of this country by Germans resident here should be punished to the full extent of the law. We must make it understood by people who do not, perhaps, understand the exceptional nature of the American government, that the kindness extended to the German who will be registered in February is really kindness, not a failure to realize the possibilities nor a disposition to permit license to the Germans in this country to engage in activities prejudicial to the safety of American lives or property or hurtful to the success of American arms against Germany. The safe and the sane step for this government to take would be the internment in restricted areas of all Germans who have not shown the intention of accepting American citizenship by taking out their first papers. Jf the government is willing to give to such as have failed so to register their intention the benefit of the doubt as to their loyalty to this A "Tag Your Shovel Day" has been | country, it is necessary that such close watch be kept as will prevent any imposition upon our good nature and manners. + * % ♦ ♦ Resolutions of condolence, card of thanks, obituary poetry, notices of en- tertainments or other affairs where an admittance charge wtll be made or a collection taken, will be charged for at regular advertising rates.__________ Kiiieruu in the poBtotlice at Wllmette, Illinois, as mall matter of the second clans, under the act of March 3, 1879. THURSDAY, JANUARY 10, 1918 "Tag Your Shovel Day." set, a day upon which the attention of the public is to be brought to the need of exercising all possible econ- omy in the use of coal, that there may be enough to supply the needs of the government and of the homes of the country, It may be necessary in a few in- stances to furnish this reminder that the supply of coal is not sufficient for the full demand. In most cases, however, there is sufficient evidence of the need to economize in the scant stock which ,may .be kept on hand and the difficulty which attends the getting of a fresh supply. Every day should be and, in most house- holds, is an occasion for remembering jt^e state of the coal market and supply and for using the- shovel with restraint and care. ***** Registering German*. The week of February 4,has been set aside for the registering of un- Yraturalized German residents in the "United States, as a means of dis- covering where there are citizens of Germany, what their occupation, what their purpose in the United States. In the instructions to the registrars has been included an item urging courtesy and consideration of those who come before them on the ground that they may be friendly and in- clined to no evil purpose in this country. The information thus gained is to be used simply as a means of checking up on activities of hostile Germans and is in no wise intended as a punishment of the German resi- dent in the United States. The restraint which the govern- ment is exercising in this registration is a consistent part of the hi,gh minded attitude of this country to- wards those, men who have sought our shores as a refuge from the op- pression and hardship of their homes across the waters. It is to be hoped that the recipients of the kindness will repay, in kind, rather than by taking advairtage of what appears to l>e laxness of surveillance and.,cau- tfou to participate in activities detri- mental to the country in vyhich they LEGAL NOTICE Notice of proceedings for the opening and extending of West Rail- road Avenue from the north line of Elmwood Avenue to the East line of Fifteenth Street in the Village of Wiliiiette, Cook County, Illinois. STATE OF ILLINOIS, COUNTY OF COOK. SS. In the County Court of Cook County. To the February Term, A. D. 1918. Condemnation General Num- ber 39046. YILLAGF, OF WILMETTE' vs. Edward H. Bagley. Angela L. Rag- ley, J. Edwin Dempsey, Mary J. Dempsey, Lawrence H. W; Speiucl. Lillie R. Spcidel. John F. Hoffman. Agnes M. Hoffman, Peter Morten. Delphinc Morten, William A. Hoff- man. Eliza Hoffman, The Union Trust Company, Trustee, John H. Schaefer, Trustee, Chicago Title & Trust Com- pany, Trustee. John F. Hahn, Trustee, Edward H. Payne, and all other per- sons having or claiming interests in any of the said premises hereinafter described, designated and described "All whom it may concern.'" In the matter of the petition of the Village of Wilmette for 'h<a ascer- tainment oi trie (list compensation to be made for private property to be taken or damaged for the opening of West Railroad Avenue from the north tine of Elmwood Avenue to the East line of Fifteenth Street, in the Village of Wilmette. Cook County, Illinois, and what property will be benefited by such improve- ment and the amount thereof. Notice is hereby given to the de- fendants designated as "Alt whom it may concern," and all persons and parties named in the report and as- sessment roll of the Commissioners filed-4n—th-e—ab«ve-en-t-kl-ed- cause in said court against whose property benefits have been assessed to pay the cost of the said improvement hereinafter described, that the Vil- lage of Wilmette heretofore filed a petition in the County Court of Cook County, praying .for the ascertain- ment of the just compensation to be made for private property to be taken or damaged for opening and extend jilg West Railroad Avenue from the 'North line of Elmwood Avenue to' 'the East line of Fifteenth Street, in the Village of Wilmette, Cook County. Illinois, in accordance with tlie provisions of an ordinance for the making of said improvement,-sai< have nlrfde their new lrome.; 'Stich <j ordinance being on file in the office ... , ', » % *> • , • '; . • .t of the Village. Clerk, and also what consideration from the gbyerhmeitt.j ^a, eslate wil, bc bcnofited bv sucb of, America, iu contrast to.t-lvat -from made their report and have duly) made a special assessment to raise j the cost of said improvement, and j have duly filed their report and as-.' sessment roll in the office of the J Clerk of said Court on the thirty- ! first da,y of December, A. D. 1917. j That the total cost of said improve- j ment, as shown by the said Com- missioners' estimate and report here- in, is the sum of Fifty-four Hundred and Twenty Dollars ($5420.00); that a special assessment has been made , to raise the cost of the said improve- : ment, and that the report thereof was filed in the office of the Clerk of said Court on the thirty-first day of December, A. D. 1917, and that the : proceedings are now pending. I The following is a description of j the lots, tracts or parcels of land j sought to be taken or damaged for i the improvement aforesaid, viz.: j That part of the Northeast Quarter j (N. E. \i) r>f fractional Southeast; Quarter (S. E. %) of fractional Sec-j tion Twenty-eight (28). Township. Forty-two (42), North. Range Thir ! teen (13) East of the Third Principals Meridian, lying East of the East line | of Fifteenth Street and West of thel Southwesterly line of the right of, way of the Chicago & Northwestern Railway Company; i Lot Seventeen (17) in Block Onej (1) in E. T. Paul's Second Addition to Wilmette. being a subdivision of the East 13.4HO0 acres of the South Half (S. Vi) of the fractional South- east Quarter (S. E. %) west of the railroad, of Section .Twenty-eight (28), Township Forty-two (42) North, Range Thirteen (13) East of the Third Principal Meridian (excepting the South 6.34 chains); Also all those parts of Lots One (1), Two (2), Three (3), Four (4), Five (5). Six (6), Seven (7), Ei,ght (8), Nine (9). Ten (10), Eleven (11), Eighteen (18) and Nineteen (19) in Block One (1) in E. T. Paul's Second Addition to Wilmette aforesaid, which lie East of a line fifty (50) feet Southwesterly of and parallel with the Southwesterly line of the right of way of tfu Chicago & Northwest- ern Railway Company; all situated in the Village of Wilmette, in the County of Cook and State of Illinois. You are further notified that sum- mons in said cause was duly issued j out of said court against the above named defendants, which said sum- mons is returnable to the February Term, A. D. 1918, of the said County Court, to he held in the Court House, in the City of Chicago, County and State aforesaid, on the 11th day of February, A. D. 1918, as is by law required, when and where you may appear and plead, answer or demur to the petitioner's petition and object to the report of the Commissioners as aforesaid, and upon your failure so to do, the same and the matters and things therein charged and stated will be taken as confessed and a judgment entered in accordance with the said report and the prayer, of said petition. Dated Chicago, Illinois, December 31st. A. D. 1917. ROBERT M. SWE1TZER. Clerk of the County Court of Cook County, Illinois. \LBERT C. WENBAN, Village Attorney, and CHARLES H. JACKSON, Attorneys for Petitioner. L.S.8-4t Who Will Win the War ? Mfiiiiitiiit>ri»itiMiiiriMiiitittMMifiiiiMMiiiiiiitiiiititriHiiitiiMiiiMiiiiiitii>niiiii)iiJitiiiiiuiiiiiiiirMiii»fiitiiiriiirF)iMiiiliiJitiiiiittiHiMiitii;tiiii»ititi) iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiii......iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiMiitiimiiuiiiimMiuuiiiniimuM THE IRON MEN WHEN the north wind roars at your cottage doors and batters the window panes, and the cold's so fierce that it seems to pierce right into your bones and veins, then it's sweet to sit by the ftre and knit, and think, while the needles clank, of the iron men, of the shining yen, you have in the A'illage bank ! WHEN you've lost your job and misfortunes rob your face of its wonted grin, when the money goes for your grub and clothes, though there's nothing coming in ; when the fates are rough and they kick and cuff and give you a frequent spank, how sweet to think of the bunch of chink you have in the village bank! WHEN you're gray and old and your feet are cold and the night is drawing on; when you're tired and weak and your joints all creak, and the strength of youth is gone; when you watch and wait at the sunset gate for the boatman grim and lank, your consolers then are the iron men you have in the village bank! "THE IRON MEN IN THE VILLAGE BANK" so homely and beautifully treated by Walt Mason, will win the war. To build ships and aeroplanes, to buy arms and munitions, to equip and maintain an army requires "iron men" by the billions. IN this bank the savings depositors are recruiting an army of "iron men." You can help build the army—you can prove your patriotism—by enlisting one "iron man" ($1.00) in our new department, THE CHRISTMAS BANKING CLUB WE URGE YOU TO DO IT TODAY The First National Bank OF WILMETTE jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii^iiiiiiiiiiNiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiui THE HOME OF SAVINGS DEPOSITORS IIHIIIIIIIIItlllllllllllllllllllllll!ll!MIIIMIIIIIIIUIIUI!IIUIIllllU1IUIIUIimMISIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIlllVillimill1ill OPEN SATURDAYS 8:00 A. A#. UNTIL 9:00 P. M. SEE M. E. BARKER & CO. For Real Estate Bargains Splendid List of Bargains in Modern and New Homes Some unusual bargains in lots-Get our rent list th' fiich they have tied, should complete i honehl* to e: */ . .' * . -" i .';••' ••" .•.'!'That Comui ,c conversion of, the American rest- ; wim<\ by. s"ii improvement and the amount of such j benefit* to each parcel. tissipners were duly ao- aid.-court to investigate dent of German birth from allegiance j'■ ad report .the, just compensation to to the old loyalty to the!}'* made for private to be I taken or danuvred for said improve- ne*'\ ,<-.{»'■ taent, and also whabreal estate will ...That there will be .sorpe, wflr be benefited by-.such improvement, takte advantage of. the.Tenancy -of.] htul tl!t atnotiut of such-benefits -to w. ui^.-- ' - «i4 *-*acn parcel oi land benefited thereby, cover lt!feir- e-vir .,„ , ■ , ,. . . - . v , f . ...v.1, iv *♦ u> ,IU-M said, (. ommissjoner-s . have duly the registrars to FEDERAL ELECTRIC WASHING MACHINES Sold on Easy Monthly Payments You don't have to do any- thing with the machine but watch it work after you have put in water, soap and the clothes to be washed and have started the motor. A few pence will pay for the electricity used in perform? ing a job for which the washwoman's bill runs into dollars. PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY of Northern Illinois \\ Phone 484 415 Linden Ave. Wilmette »■ — — ■ «MNM»+ vss/s/ss/syjY/ys/yrss/'/'/'/r/'/y///'/v//y//'/^^ IIILUSTONE PHONE WILMETTE 1644 404 LINDEN AVENUE | Fine List of Homes For Sale and For Rent i Bargains in Vacant Let us quote you on additional Insurance on your house and household furniture W/rs//Myy/jrsjys/r//'//y/^^^ ■W/AWAMW^^ JOHN BOOMER A. J. WOODCOCK WILMETTE REALTY CO. 513 FOURTH STREET PHONE 1304 WILMETTE FOR SALE: Nine-room modern residence, -screen porches, water heat. Garage attached. Corner lot, 100 ft. Price..........$9,000 New 8 room residence; comhination heat; glazed and. heated porches; large room-; tile hath; 60-ft. front. Price..,.. ..■; .$7,500 10 room residence; 3 haths; 2 porches; water -heat; garage, £,cars;. corner lot. 100 ft. Equity.................'................ ..$0,000 We have money to lend, companies. We also write insurance in the best ■ EL^pflp^^^^ T^TT