Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 7 Mar 1918, p. 4

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THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, THURSDAY, MARCH 7, 1918 (Nl ^^^)ociaicAjd'ivji"l"i&6 ft i ji MRS. ST. CLAIR STOBART, a real major in the Serbian army, the only officer of all the forces of the Serbians, whose battalion went through the horrors of the great 800 mile retreat without a desertion and without grumbling, the first woman in the world to command a flying field hospital, told the story of devastated Servia and ruined Belgium to several hundred women yesterday afternoon. She addressed a meeting in the Wil- mette Woman's club under the auspices of the Wilrnette Home Guard. With eyes filled with tears she related her experiences as the commander of the first woman's field hospital, of that unit's retreat Mrs. St. Clair Stobart before the German army, and of more than three month's hardship. She related how she was made a prisoner by the Germans while engaged in hospital work in Belgium, and condemned to death at Aix-la-Chapelle in August 1914. She left Antwerp over a pontoon bridge with the last refugees, as the city was being demolished by German shell tire. "The British Government seems to think that the best service 1 can render at this time is to talk and so 1 have come to tell of the tragedies I have seen," she said amid smiles. Though Miss Gertrude Van Hoeseu was unable to he present herself ut the of the Parent-Teacher's Association of the Lo^an school, on Monday afternoon, she sent a very interesting and delightful substitute in the person of Miss Lilian Hell, national president of the Children's Patriotic League. It will be re- membered. 1 think, that Miss Bell was the originator oi the idea of the Children's Christmas Ship, which was sent to Belgium way back in Making Co., a woman of great ex- 1914, and as a result of which 1000 j in« Company, a woman of great_ ex- newspapers made especial mention All housewives are finding the same difficulty, that of combining the substitutes for white rlour, and therefore they will undoubtedly be interested in the great demonstrat- ion which is to be held on Wednes- day, Thursday and Friday of next week between the hours of 10 and 12 a. in. and 2 and 4 p. m. at the Con- gregational church. Mrs. Anna 1. Peterson, of the Household Econo- mics department of the Rumgord and 14 million children contributed presents. Through the excellent results of the Xmas ship came the organization of the Children's Patriotic League, and though many attempts have been made to send a Children's Relief Ship abroad, it has been practically impossible, owing to the great need of the ships for the trans- porting of food, supplies, and men. In the various- towns, the children gathertogethcr at stated times.bring- ing with them all waste paper, tin foil, scrap iron' and rags be collected in their homes. An interesting fact is Sarah Bernhardt is the mother of the league. Miss Becker's grade in the school won the statue of the "Good Fairy" this month, a reward tor the great- est number represented at the meet- which can respective that Mine, fairv god- Mi perience. will be in charge of these demonstrations of the substitutes, rice, barley, corn meal, potato and soy bean, as well the rye and graham (lour which are not substitutes. LOCAL MAN RESPONSIBLE FOR BIG ARMY WAREHOUSE H. E. Poronto, vice-president of the Chicago Junction railway, who has been spending several weeks in Washington. D. C, returned to his home at 901 F.lmwood avenue, early this week. While in Washington Mr. Toronto had charge of negotiations which re- sulted in the government authoriz- ing the purchase of land in Chicago and the erection thereon of the larg- est concrete warehouse building in the country, at a total cost in excess of $3,000,000. x This building will be occupied by- the Quartermaster's department for the warehousing of army supplies +— and the locating of this large depart- ! G. Pa^k. 615 Elmwood-i merit depot in Chicago is most im- AN ORDINANCE ordinance No. 1223 Providing that the Proposition to in- crease the general Tax levy from 12/10% to 2% shall be submitted to the voters of the Village of Wil- rnette at the general election to be held on the third Tuesday in April, A. D. 1918. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESI- DENT AND BOARD OF TRUST- EES OF THE VILLAGE OF WII<- METTE: Section 1. That at the next general election to be held in the Village of Wilrnette on the third Tuesday of April, A. D. 1918. there shall be sub- mitted to the voters of said Village the question of authorizing and em- powering the corporate authorities of said Village to appropriate and levy taxes for all corporate purposes for the fiscal year of 1918 in excess of 12/10% upon the aggregate as- sessed valuation of all of the prop- erty within said Village subject to taxation therein as the same was equalized for town, village or county taxes for the currant year, but not i exceeding 2% upon such aggregate assessed valuation, in accordance with the provisions of the Act of the General Assembly, entitled, "An Act to Amend Section 1 of Article 8 of an Act entitled, 'An Act to Provide for the Incorporation of Cities and Villages,' approved April 10, 1872, in force July 1, 1872, as subsequently amended", which said act was ap- proved June 25, 1917. Section 2. The form of the ballot to be submitted at said election shall be as follows: Shall the Board of Trustees of the Village of Wilrnette be authorized to levy a tax for all corporate pur- poses for the fiscal year 1918 in ex- cess of 12/10% upon the aggregate assessed valuation of all the prop- erty within said Village subject to taxation therein as the same was equalized for town, village or coun- ty taxes for said fiscal year, but not exceeding 2% upon said aggre- gate assessed valuation? 1 1 • 1 1 Ves j | 1 1 1 1 1 1 i No | | 1 1 1 Section 3. The Village Clerk is hereby directed to take all legal steps for the preparation of the bal- lots, publication of notice to call for such election and other proceedings as provided by law. Section 4. This ordinance shall be in force and effect from its passage, approval and publication as required by law. Passed by the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Wil- rnette on the fifth day of March, A. D. i;i8. EARL E. ORNER Village Clerk. Approved by the President of the Village of Wilrnette, this fifth day of March, A. D. 1918. EDWARD ZIPF President of the Village of Wilrnette. Attest: EARL E. ORNER Village Clerk. Published in the Lake Shore New-s March 7th 1918. , EARL E. ORNER Village Clerk. SAVE AND SERVE. A. S. Van Deusen EVANSTON 620 Davis Street Tele. 2414. 2415, 2416. 2417 THE GROCER W1LMETTE Central Ave. and 12th St. Gfecerr Tel*. 510. 511, 512. 513 Meat Tel. 514 UNITED STATES FOOD ADMINISTRATION LICENSE NO. G. 04326 SPECIAL PRICES IN FORCE MARCH 11th TO 16th BUYING OF SUBSTITUTES for white flour seems to be the great stumbling block. It is just as hard for me as it is for you, but the Presidents proclamation must be observed, and any Retailer who does not observe it lays himself liable to the closing of his business. For every pound of substitute you can buy one pound of white flour. Save all your substitute orders for several days, or a week, and buy an equal quantity of white flour with them. OLIVE OIL is very scarce and high. If you must have it, buy now. These are all pure, fancy brands, but only a small quantity left. Dumouron. Gal. can $4.00 Red Lion. y2 gal. can..........$2.00 Marden. y2 gal. can...........$1.85 Couteaux. Pint ................70c Rae. y2 pint...................35c SWIFTS CLASSIC WHITE LAUNDRY SOAP— 100 bars in box............___$4.50 10 bars........... .7............45c MONARCH COFFEE—It is fine. The sale keeps increasing. 40c value. 3 lb. can .......................89c 1 lb. can........................30c COOKING APPLES—Fancy, red, good size. 10 lbs.........................65c FLORIDA GRAPE FRUIT—Perfect. Balls of juice. 64 size. Doz.. .$1.10 Each......10c 80 size. Doz... .90c Each.......8c ENTIRE WHEAT FLOUR—Bulk. 5 lbs. BARLEY FLOUR—5 11.s................. GRAHAM FLOUR—5 Ihs................ POTATO FLOUR—Bulk. Lb............ RYE FLOUR—5 lbs...................... RICE—Fanev Head. Lb.....................12c CORN MEAL—White and Yellow. Lb.........7c AUNT JEMIMA PANCAKE FLOUR—rkR.. . 14c VIRGINIA SWEET PANCAKE FLOUR— ikg. 14c BOHART'S PANCAKE FLOUR—Wheat, Corn, Rve and Rice. 20 oz. pk«-..................12'/2c BOHART'S BUCKWHEAT FLOUR— 20 oz. pku.................................12'/2c BUCKWHEAT FLOUR—Bulk. Lb...........10c MONARCH PASTRY FLOUR—Lb............8c Package cake flour, 2% lbs. net, costs you 421/ac. 2% lbs. of Monarch Pastry costs you 22c. A sav- ing of nearly one half. TECO PANCAKE FLOUR—Vkiy..............12c RALSTON ENTIRE WHEAT FLOUR— 5 11). hau .....................................40c ,34c .35c .35c 18c .39c NUT MARGARINE—The satisfactory substitute for butter, Contains no animal fats. Lb......33c CREAMERY BUTTER—Fancy, fresh, bulk. No. 1 grade. Lb.............................51c MONSOON PEANUT BUTTER—12 oz. jar.. ..25c HEINZ' TOMATO SOUP—Large can.........27c Medium ............17c Small .............12c CAMPBELL'S CONDENSED SOUP—15 kinds. Doz..............$1.40 Can ................12c PURITY CROSS DAINTY PRODUCTS— Chicken a la King. Can......................50c Lobster a la Newburjj. Can.................60c Graced Spaghetti. Can......................20c Codfish. Creamed. Can......................30c Finnan Haddie. Creamed. Can..............40c Salmon. Creamed with Green Peas. Can....40c FARM HOUSE MACARONI, Spaghetti and Elbow Macaroni. 10 oz. pkg.......................10c MAZOLA CORN OIL—Very soon you will be us- ing this in place of olive oil. V-z gal. can___$1.30 Quart.....6Sc Pint."___35c FOLEY RAISINS—Seeded and cleaned. Pkg.,12c TABLE RAISINS—California Layer. 1 lb. pkg. 20c CHINA WHITE FLOATING BATH SOAP— A great bargain, and a perfect substitute for the white bath soap you are using. 100 bars in box.. .$4.20 10 bars ..............42c ARMOUR'S LIGHTHOUSE LAUNDRY SOAP— Old, hard stock. 66 bars in box.. . .$3.59 10 bars ..............55c TOP NOTCH COFFEE—Steel cut. .30c qualitv. Lb..........................................26c .23c .20c .25c .15c FARM HOUSE COFFEE—25c qualitv. LI COMBINATION COFFEE— 25c value. LI PRATT-LOW ASPARAGUS POINTS— Fancy. Large. No. 2 can. Doz..............$3.00 Can ........... RICHELIEU SWEET SUGAR CORN— Doz..............$1.75 Can ............ MONTIE SWEET CORN—Minnesota. L>oz..............$1.50 2' cans ..............25c PLYMOUTH ROCK SIFTED EARLY JUNE PEAS—Very reasonable. Very fine. Doz...:..........$1.40 2 cans' ..............25c HELMET SIFTED EARLY JUNE PEAS— Doz..............$1.65 Can ........... 14c OCEAN TOMATOES—Solid Pack. Fancy. 'Large. No. 3 can. Doz...$2.00 Can ' 17c ROYAL RED AND CASTLEHAVEN TOMA- TOES— No. Doz 1.80 Can. ____......15c MARYLAND CHIEF TOMATOES—No 1 can Doz..............$1.20 Can . 10c MONSOON BLOOD BEETS—Large." No'.' 3 can. $1.75 Can.................15C Doz. oz. jar. .23c GENESEE APPLE BUTTER—25 PINTO BAKING BEANS—Finer flavor than navy beans. Lb...................................13c BABY DRY LIMA BFANS—Lb...............17c SILVER LEAF PRESERVES—Strawberry and. Raspberry. 1 lb. 2 oz. jar....................25c RYZON BAKING POWDER—This saves you A0% over Cream of Tartar Raking Bowder and does exactly the same work. 1 lb. can..............35c TOILET PAPER—K,.lis. Sahara. TW........85c avenue, entertained Tuesdav afternoon. card club last portant for Chicago and the middle west. MONSOON AND BROCKPORT SAUERKRAUT w««2«3~can- Doz- • -*1-40 2 cans ............25c MONSOON SUCCOTASH—No. 2 can Doz..............$1.65 Can .... He GOLD DRAGON BLACK RASPBERRIES— Fancy, large berries. Heavy svrup. No. 1 can Doz..............$1.65 Can " . . 14c MONSOON RED RASPBERRIES'-Extra ' fine. No. 2 can. Doz...$2.90 Can 2";r FARM HOUSE CHERRIES—No"^i 'can' " " White. Doz......$3.50 Eaclf .. . . 30c Black. Doz.......$3.15 Each 27c MAGNOLIA PRESERVED FI OS-Carpenters. >^n- 2k. can.................. 27c EL REY BONITA-A finer flavored" fish"than I una. No. k> can............... 20c RICHELIEU PURE JAM-Strawberry! Raspberry. Cherry. Fig. Loganberry. Peach No" 1 far 27c OLD MANSE MAPLE AND CANE SYRUP— \<>v. cannot distinguish the difference between tlm :.nd pure maple sap. No. 10 can...... $1 65 x"- ••*.....85e ^"" 2k.....45c No. 1*4.....25c Telephone 514 MEAT DEPARTMENT Telephone 514 Shoulder Lamb Chops, lb................30c Ham Ends, while they last, lb............22c Miller & Harts, Square Deal Bacon, by the v , Cl „ piece, lb......................... ... 34c Lamb Stew' lb..........................24c Fresh Pork Tenderloin, lb...............40c Native Beef Pot Roast, ib................25c

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