THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, THURSDAY, MARCH 14, 1918* l^rsor^l \Aor)\\oy Mrs. Warren Lusted, 1212 Elmwood avenue, is in East Orange, N. J., as the guest of her daughter, Mrs. War- ren Winn, formerly Miss Martha Lusted, —*— . The Reading Circle was enter- tained Monday afternoon at the home of Mrs. H. K. Snider, 730 Washington avenue. A BENEFIT PROGRAM for the Neighbor's Courtney Camp- bell Hospital Fund will be presented at the Assembly Hall in Kenilworth this evening, at eight o'clock, by the Chicago Dramatic Society. Preceded by an address by Mr. Henry Rathbone, "Nopoleon's Victory", a play in one act will be given. The Kenilworth Double Quartett will make their appearance in a number of patriotic songs. It is composed of the following members. Mr. Henry Taylor Mr. Theo. E. Elanegin Mr. Howard Edmonds Mr. Edward D. Wheeler Mr. Claude Edmonds Mr. Alexander Lovedale Mr. John Vennema Mr. Owen T. Reeves Walter Marx, Accompanist "All in the Family", a comedy in two acts, will conclude the evening's entertainment. The following young women will serve as ushers: Miss Priscilla Allen Miss Mary Taylor Miss Marion Keehn Miss Miriam Shattuck Miss Agnes Pease Miss Lucy Chandler Miss Margaret Fitch Miss Alma Southward Miss Harriet Reichman Scott Jordan, Cody M. Jordan, Wtlsnot Whltaker C. H. JORDAN & CO. FUNERAL DIRECTORS Established 1854 Phoae 44* 612 Do via Street, Rvoaotoa 104 AT. MICHIGAN AVENUE 1522 K.53RD STREET, HYDE PARK K.MBHOIDKHY, PLEATING, BUTTONS HEMSTITCHING 10c u yard—all color* Hit! NO YOUR WOHK IN BEFORE SHOP- PING. READY WHEN YOU GO HOME Mai! OrdVr* Given Prompt Attention LOUIS J. WROBLE 135 So. State St.. corner Adam* Over Peacoclui Phone Randolph 0075 MK. AND MRS. W. J. SK.EWES, of 1511 Walnut avenue an- nounce the engagement of their daughter, Helen Jeanne, to Mr. Frederick Byron Plummer, of Hanover, New Hampshire. Mr. Plummer is a well known geologist in the Gulf Coast District, at present with headquarters at Houston, Texas.. No date has been set for the wedding. The latest New Trier student to join the colors is Kenneth Dennett, captain of the New Trier swimming tea.n and son of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver N. Dennett, 924 Elmwood avenue. He expects to leave in the next few days for the ground aviation school of the University of Illinois, at Urbana. —*— The Wilmette Culture Club met in the home of Mrs. William Freeman, 711 Lake avenue, February 2<*. A! very pleasant afternoon was spent, the members knitting during the readings. The next meeting will be held with Mrs. A. E. Barber, 021 Lin- den avenue, March 22. at 2:30 o'clock. —fr— Mrs. Joseph Tyssowski and son. of 1630 Walnut avenue, left last week to join Lieutenant Tyssowski, who expects to leave soon for France in charge of the 189th squadron in the aerial corps at Ellington Field. —*— Frerl Cooper returned from Colum- bus, Ohio, for a short furlough with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Henry C. Cooper. 824 Lake avenue. He wilt re- turn this morning to his duties in the ground aviation school. —*— Friends of Mrs. Edwin R. Thur- man, 527 Central avenue, will be pleased to learn that she has return- ed from the Evanston hospital. _*— Miss Helen Shurtleff. 815 Lake avenue, returned yesterday from a two week's visit with friends in Iron Mountain, Mich. —*— • A very delightful time was had at the birthday party of Miss Kenning. 714 Elmwood avenue, at which four- teen guests were entertained. Miss Kenning is nine years old. _*— Mrs. Haggart, of Willoughby. Ohio, is visiting at the home of her daugh- ter, Mrs. A. M. Kenning, 714 Elm- wood avenue. —*— Mr. W. C. Shurtleff. 815 Lake avenue, will leave tomorrow morning {or an extended business trip to Boston, Mass. __*— Mr. J. il. Cole of Omaha, Neb., was a guest Sunday at the Cooper resi- dence, 824 Lake avenue. —*— Miss Alice Shurtleff returned from Milwaukee. Wis., to spend the week- end at her home. 815 Lake avenue. _*— The Men's Whist club met Tues- day evening with Mr. Harry Rey- nolds, on Central avenue. —*— Mrs. John A. MacLean. 924 Green- wood avenue, is spending several weeks in New York. —*— Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Sterrett. 225 Ninth street, are spending the month in the south. —*— Christy Brown. 1214 Forest avenue, is in Oregon in training at one of the aviation schools. —*— Mr,. Albert S. Webster. 502 Wash- ington avenue, returned Tuesday evening from Galesburg, 111. Mrs. Paul L. Smithers and child- ren. Anies. Austin and Genevieve, of 1031 Greenwood avenue, left Monday for Citronclle, Ala., to spend several weeks. —*— Mrs. Stalham Williams, of 1026 Elmwood avenue, entertained at din- ner Saturday evening in honor of Lieutenant Humphreys, of Andover, Mass. —*— One of the Tuesday Luncheon and Bridge clubs was entertained at the home of Mrs. Andrew J. Woodcock, f.'34 Sheridan road. Communication Editor of The Lake Shore News. May I crave your indulgence to permit me. through your columns, to say that I have no desire to be either evasive nor defiant, and ] regret very much if such an impression has been formed by anyone from the tone of my attorney's letter to the hoard. On a reading of my letter it will be seen that I was very plain in re- gard to my not intending to afford either liquor or lodgings to anyone. I wish further to say that "booths" will not be established on the premises. I hope that the place as conducted by me will satisfy the most exacting and fastidious resident of Wilmette. Respectfully, FRED. A. MILLER. 2iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii£ I The Annex Pleating I and Button Shop | 25 E. Washington St., Chicago | = Above "'Store for Men" | | Room 1035 | | Buttons Most complete styles | I and sizes 1 | Button Holes For all purposes | | Hemstitching, Pleating | | Tucking, Shirring, etc. | 1 Be** Service Convenient Location I •fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiniiiiiiiiitiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniif in Evanston «•«» "* «£«V.r Singer Rotary nS**™?Z ELECTRIC SINGER $37.50 to $50.00 USED MACHINES $5.00 UP Repairing on all machine* prices are lower than agents WE DO HEMSTITCHING PATTERSON BROS. Phone Evanslon 654. 1522 Sherman Are. EVANSTON WE HAVENO AGENTS Your Soldier Boy Needs the Trench Comforts contained in the Rexall Soldier Comfort Kit REXALL FOOT POWDER: when sprinkled in the shoes prevents friction, keeps the feet cool and dry and allays irritation. FIRST AID CORN PLASTERS: The patented heart- shape plaster, which fits the toe without any bungling. MEDICATED SKIN SOAP: A protection against boils and other eruptions; also an ideal toilet soap for general purposes. VIOLET DULCE COLD CREAM: Cold Cream is one of the most necessary items for soldiers in the trenches, being a good preventative against cold and exposure. The Army Regulations recommend soldiers using cold cream on hands and faces before sleeping. REXALL ORDERLIES: the pleasant tasting, pleasant acting, effective laxative. SHAVING CREAM AND TOOTH PASTE, which of course are always useful. AH these items put together if bought separately a« »-/would cost $1.60. In the "Kit" they cost only «P 1.3V Packed in a corrugrUed container, all ready for mailing to the boys "Over Th'< '•*." There is just enough of each item to last one month Let us book your order to send one every mouth to your friend or relatives "at the front." '\Vc can .show you many other articles that will interest you when you wish to send something useful to soldiers or sailors. RENNECKAR DRUG CO. Telephones 29 and 28 C. E. Renneckar, R. Ph. The *&GMtaJlSL Store M. E. BARKER & CO. Fur Reai Estate Bargains Splendid List of Bargains in Modern and New Homes ./ Some unusual bargains in lots-Get our rent list Phone 484 415 Linden Ave. Wilmette -WMBtMVM WILMETTE, ILL. s*M- ■—.-.-,» Puts the Federal Electric Washing Machine complete, with Electric Wringer, into your home. Balance in Monthly Payments Washday worries vanish from homes where Electric Washing Machines are in service. The laundering of the entire fami- ly's clothes, table linen and bedding, has now become merely an incident in the day's activities thanks to Electri- city's efficient ever-ready aid. Federal Electric Washing Machines are demonstrated at Our Salesrooms Public Service Co. of Northern Illinois WE HAVE TO SMILE when people come here with old slioeh which they doubtinwly leave to our tender mercies and depart. We have to smile again when they come hack and see how our shoe repairing has transformed their old shoes practically into new footwear. They never doubt again. Neither will you if you test our skill with some of your worn shoes. A. KASPAR Railroad Ave. Phone 590 Wilmette. 30C30E *******++***++*++*+****+**++********************* a o Stockholders Individually Responsible 30E30 O * * * * * * * * * * * + * + * + * * D e for the safety of your deposits, the stockholders of this Bank are individually responsible for their proportion of all obligations of the bank. In addition to its resources as a Guarantee Fund ♦ * * * to * WILMETTE STATE BANK if CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $100,000.06 WILMETTE, ILL. aonoi—aonee iob^ IOC aoi