LAKE SHORE NEWS, THURSDAY, JULY 24, 1919 War Orphans of France Dying From Malnutrition and Shock The children of France have not yet emerged from the shadow of the war. With peace assured, and a happier future opening before them, h becomes increasingly evident that the child life of Franc? has suffered a shock from which it is difficult to rally; while the birth rate has drop- ped to 8 to each 1,000 population. The Fatherless Children of France, an American organization co-operat- ing with a similar one in Paris of which Marshal Toffre is the head, re- ports that of the children receiving American aid to the extent of 10 cents a day under its plan of secur- ing American godmothers for the little French war waifs, its records show an average- of 700 children's deaths per month since the armistice. The help of the American godmothers came too late to save these under- nourished nerve-shocked little ones. Mrs. Walter S. Brewster of Chica- go, vice-chairman of the Fatherless Children of France, has been appoint- ed chairman of a campaign to secure American aid for the 60,000 little war orphans whose names were on the lists of the organization as "unadopt- ed" before the signing of the armis- tice. Ten cents will care for a child for an entire day; $3 for a month: while for $36.50 a year the donor may select a child from the lists at the organization's headquarters and be placed in corrspendence with it. To adopt a child or make a donation write for information to Mrs. Walter S. Brewster, Room 634, 410 South Michigan avenue, Chicago. IT'S POISON IVY THATS TO BLAME FOR INFECTION Complaint has been made of the presence of poison ivy along the lake shore and near the bathing beaches. It has been noticed among the beach habitues that a violent eruption of the skin often followed a day on the beach. It was at first supposed that the rash was a repetition of the pus dis-ease prevalent some three years ago. At that time there was an epi- demic of a peculiar infection attack- ing the eyes and ears of the bathers. The cause of the disease was general- ly attributed to the improper dis- posal of sewage. Since that time the sewage has been almost entirely diverted and the sanitary conditions, this year, are an improvement of 100 per cent over those of last year. Recently, however, an infection greatly similar to the pus disease has broken out among those frequenting the bathing beaches.Medical examina- tion, however, has proved that this is due to poison ivy and not to insani- tary bathing conditions. At many places along the* lake shore the harmless-looking three- leaved vine can be seen growing in the bushes. Bathers come and leave their clothes in the midst of the growth and are infected. 1{ the beaches are to be made safe the vine will have to be removed or properly guarded. TELLS FACTS ABOUT _____ STEPHENS' ENGINE Mp.nafer ©f the, General Motors i:..;i-.„::y jcrf Ifliruirs, loca^-d at Kv-, lin-ton, set for* the foll^itti; fai i <-■■■! a tfve to thf superiority of the1 Stephen* Salient Six perfected ©*»- head-valve engine: "The Stephens Salient Six perfect- ed overhead-valve engine is the re- sult of a combination of ideas—those of the Stephens engineering: depart- ment in collaboration with the ideas of expert consulting engineers. The best features of the best automobile engines have been adopted with such added improvements in design and construction as are necessary to pro- duce an engine with a scientifically correct gas handling system. The superiority of overhead-valves is unquestioned when high power in ratio to engine size is concerned. The Salient Six engine embodies this per- fect design, yet more perfected by Stephens engineers, with a superior gas handling system that burns all the gasoline. The result is an engine of wonderful power, speed, idling ability, acceleration and economy. Piece by piece the Stephens engine represents the most advanced achievements in gasoline engine de- sign. The result is noticeable in the location of the intake and exhaust manifolds. The intake is w'thin the cylinder head and surrounded by heat, while the exhaust is designed so that the burned gases from the two center cylinders create a "hot spot" opposite the intake manifold. This is responsible for the engine's ability to handle extremely low grade fuel. The valves are extra large, one-half the size of the cylinder bore, thus insuring a full charge of gas and complete clean-out of burned gases, which is necessary for maxi- mum power development. Established in 191C INVESTIGATE! Before Having a Permanent Wave WRITE FOR FREE BOOKLET Bearings are all extra large and bronze-back babbitt lined. Lubrica- tion is full force feed with the correct amount of oil driven to the bearings at all engine speeds. SUBSCRIBE NOW Scott Joriam, C«dy M. Jordan, Wllmot Wkltaker C H. JORDAN & CO. FUNERAL DIRECTORS Established 1854 Phone 440 612 Davta Street Evanaton 164 N. MICHIGAN AVENUE 1523 E. 53rd STREET, HYDE PARK Announcing the opening of The Yates Cafe 1161 WILMETTE AVENUE, WILMETTE SUNDAY CHICKEN DINNER, $1.00 Business Men's Lunch and regular 6 o'clock dinner beginning Monday, July 28th v//////s/////s/////s////ss//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////w^ ALL GOODS Direct from Producer to Consumer with one small profit. J. E. BROWN, m Wholesale and Retail Fruits, Vegetables, Potatoes and Watermelons a specialty. Cars and Store at 1916 W. Railroad Ave. near Emerson St. Tel. Evanston 1120,Evanston The ^/^///<«//////////////i7/////A//«/^^^ ^llMIIMItll1IIIIinitlIMl|JlltllH1IIIIII1llfilllHlllllltlll1tlMllIIU1ll[tII1ltllMIIIIIIIIII111IMIIlMtTIIUIIttllllllltHUIllllll D OMESTIC EVERYTHING General SERVICE IN HOME House B UREAU SERVICE Cleaners | Decorating, Rug Cleaning, Disinfecting, Exterminating | | We remove coloring from Tubs, Bowl* and Toilet* | 1 Export Cleaner*, Dyer* and Repairers of Fancy and Plain Footwear. § 1 The only home ehoe cleaning service on the North Shore. We call | | and deliver anywhere. Valet service. Try our service and know the best. | 1 PHONE EVANSTON 6998 1015 CENTRAL ST. | I • I 'llliimiilliilililliliiiuiiliiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiii.....iiiiiuiiiin{iiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiHiiiilillili»iliiiii«i{iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii{<«ii»i"i"i"'"i'......a Franklin Car A Car of Service and Economy WE are the only firm doing PERMANENT WAVING as a profession in CHICAGO. It is not machine work which produces results, but the skill of the operator. Permanent Waving System Co. FELIX COUNE, President 30 NORTH MICHIGAN AVE. CHICAGO. Phone Central 1714 LV»'.!tveyiLV»X:'JAlJ"S/' Wl.VV'l\.v';,A»',lV»' DR. FRANK S. LOWER RECENTLY 'MAJOR, MEDICAL CORfS, U. S. ARMY ANNOUNCES THAT HE HAS RETURNED FROM FRANCE AND RESUMED HIS PRACTICE, LIMITED TO CHIRO- PODY AND SURGERY OF THE FEET 1106 STEVENS BLDG., 17 N. STATE ST., CHICAGO FORMERLY LOCATED IN MARSHALL FIELD BLDG. HOURS: 8 TO 5 to understand FRANKLIN popularity ask an owner to appreciate what FRANKLIN Satisfaction means Own and Drive one Bridges 6c Gage North Shore Dis- tributors for the Franklin Studebaker andHupmobile 1629 Orrington Aye. EVANSTON, ILL Tel. Ev. 5886