Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 24 Jul 1919, p. 5

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LAKE SHORE NEWS, THURSDAY, JULY 24, 1919 ocisJ H&pperui\dj NortkSkore Ay Rutk Ridley ■ the family residence, Ninth street and Chestnut avenue, Wednesday, at 2:30 o'clock. Burial was at Rosehill. Mr. Nelson, who was well known in the Village, is survived by the widow, three children, Jeanette, Howard and Harriett, two sisters, Mrs. Anna Rameyn and Mrs. Marie Foulske, and a brother, Nels G. Anderson. C. H. BRIGGS OPENS NEWEST AUTO AGENCY CARDS a?e out announcing the marriage, on Saturday, July 19, of Miss Antoinette Turner of Elgin, Illinois, and Mr. Bruce K. Brown, son of Mr. and Mrs. B. Frank Brown, of 916 Airdale place. Chicago, formerly of 606 Washington avenue, Wilmette. Announcement is made of the coming marriage of Miss Appal- onia. Heinzen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Heinzen, 1515 Washington avenue, to John A. Neues of Chicago, which is to take place on the morning of Wednesday, August 20, at St. Joseph's church. A wedding breakfast and reception will follow at the home of the bride's parents. ------------♦------------ Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Baker, 507 Lake avenue, have issued invitations for a dinner dance to be given on Saturday evening, August 2, at Exmoor Country club. Mrs. L. P. Sykes, 825 Lake avenue, returned the first of the week from Grand Rapids. Wis., where she was the>.jruest of her brother. Mr. R. D. Mead, for a week. Previous to that, Mr. Mead and His- family had stopped at the Sykes' home for a few days, their .home, Land upon their return, en route from a motor trip east to Mrs. Sykes returned by automobile with them. —»— Mr. and Mrs. James Gordon Barber have purchased a. bungalow in North Evanston, which ..they expect to oc- cupy some time' next month. Mr. Barber recently retur.ned from over- seas where he served as a lieutenant of the Motor Transport corps. Miss Doris Palmer, daughter ~of Mr. and Mrs. W.. B. Palmer. 1132 Forest avenue, who' has beer abroad .„- Tor the past (year) with Base HqSoital avinn_e: W,H TTnit #o._53, arrived in, New York " the latter part of this week. Mr. and 'Mrs! H.' F. TichenbV, for- merly of Wilmette. who have been spending the winter in Florida, have purchased a house on Central avenue and will occupy it within a short time. Mr. and Mrs.r<C..» C. Carftahan and daughter. MadelUte. 400 Central av# nue. wilt leavjgf Aturust. 1 .for GwH» •" Lake. Wis., where they* wiff join -Str. and Mr«. Charles Mack and family of 707 Central* avenue, who have been srxnding the past fortnight at Lake Geneva. ^ ,9 x Mr. and Mrs. Fred White and Mrs. White's mother, Mrs. S. C. Skinner, of 1227 Chestnut avenue, will move to the Kenilworth Inn, the first of next month. —•— Mr. and Mrs. R. Tencher. 507 Wash- ington avenue, have as their guests Mr. and Mrs. DeForest Rowe and daughter, Eleanor, of Peoria, 111. _♦_ The Camp Fire Girls.under the leadership of Miss Helen Shurtleff, took an early morning hike to Glen View Tuesday. They had breakfast in the woods nearby. Miss Florence-MacClear "of Milwau- kee, Wisconsin, is the guest for a few days .this week of Miss Alice, Shurt- 4eff, J815'. Lake_.a.vehiie. :„i W-it'i'. C. H. Briggs, until this week sales manager for R. D. Cunningham's Ford agency, has' started in the auto- mobile business for himslef. He is opening up an automobile salesroom in the corner store room of the Gables building at Sherman avenue and Grove street. He will sell both the Columbia Six and the Max- well automobiles. Briggs has been in ths selling end of the automobile business for some eight years, and in that time has sold almost every kind of a car made. His connection with the Cunningham agency has made him especially well I known to the automobilists of ths north shore. In introducing the Columbia Six to the north shore public, Briggs de- clares that it is made up of absolutely the best units of the market tod4y. He gives most prominent mention of the Continental Red Sfcal six cylinder motor. The Columbia Six has been on the market for three years, but has never before been sold on. the north shore. The Columbia Six is mads in a five passenger touring car, a four pass- enger sport model, a cabriolet and a sedan. Briggs will have the sport model and the touring car,on dis- play at his showrooms and he has announced that he can make im- mediate deliveries on all his cars, including the Maxwell. Mrs. George Bird, 510 Washington renue, will entertain at lunch'.-on _..... ^ _...»^„ „ t,^„ *„.„ *n^ bridge at the Skokie Golf club Sunday^ She will Vrturn^to'wilmeVte next/Tuesday afternoon. Miss Rose Goldsmith of New York Cfty"r ftas been the guest this week of Mr. and"Mrsv LI E: Yonhgquist, 211 Fourth^treet . , . , •-■-■* ■■■•■<■ —♦_ :(...(;. , ji3jt; Mr. and Mrs. William J. Sturgeon and. family of 614 Greenleaf avenue, are ^pencfiBl'a^QAfciiU Canada-.;, ifftrs entertained at 9e on Tuesday at avafcue. * %i j DIES JN ROCHESTER, MINN., BURIAL HERE ON WEDNESDAY —♦— Mr. J. G. Berber was cited *o Val-; paraiso, Indiana, last Saturday^ . to take part in the parade in that city of the transcontinental transports, which are making the trip to San Francisco. !{;■■""- . —*—. . Mr. aria Mrs.'O. C. Eastman. 41? Central avenue, and Mr. and Mrs A,, Wy .Wigglesworth. 426 Central ?venue, returned early this week from a week's motor trip through Ohio and Indiana. —*— Mr. and Mrs. Herbert C. Arms, 627 Lake avenue, with their daughter and niece, hav just returned from a four weeks' motor trip through the Ad- irondacks, White Mountains and Berkshire. - ' ,' ~*— Mrs. Joseph Marshall, who rece"t- lv underwent an operation at the Western hosnif,»l. has returned to her home. 1040 Elmwood avenue, and is reported to be doing' nicely. —♦— Miss Cbra^otte Springer, 430 Maple avenue.: is. visiting her uncle. Mr. C. R. Latham"at'his summer home, "Les Cheneaux club," near Mackinac Island, Michigan. •-■"_#_i -■ • Mrs. David H. Anderson, 1120 Mich- igan avenue, gave a picnic dinner on Wednesday Evening on the lake shore, back of the Bersbach resid- ence, in honor of. Mrs. P. Michenor of Pasadena, ; Cal. .There , were eighteen couples. ■;".—•—, Mr. and Mrs. H^D. Yerxa and fam- ily, formerly of W;,rnette. are livin" at the Edgewater Beach hotel until (October 1, when they will leave for Florida to spend the entire winter. Messrs. William Shellman, 914 Central aveniv:, and Alva Van Dyke, ar< visiting the'summer hqme of Mr, and Mrs. J. G. Wr'ay at Lake Kegonza, Wisconsin, this week. —r*---- Mr. and Mrs. George H. Duncan and Miss Virginia Duncan of 701 Central avenue, have just returned from a trip to Les Chesneaux Islands and Mackinac Island. Michigan. —•— ' Mrs. Wiley Haven Jones and child- ren, 1221 Ashland avenue, are leaving Saturday for a two weeks' visit with fronds and relatives in central Illi- nois. —•— Mr. C. P. Van Schaack and son, Cornelius, of 614 Linden avenue, re- turned Monday from a months' trip in Canada. T^F*nejpH*te"Vervi*fs for -Alexander Nelspnv wffo died Mojpday, July 21, at Rochfstejp, Mianesota, were held from ; " "? ■ •' ' Ink on Oak. Ink*stalns get Ingrained on the wood Of atnaak desk in a very short time, so remove them if possible when they are new. The best way to do it Is by put- ting spirits of wine on the marks, then^ allowing it ^to remain for some time before rubbing off; Permanent Hair Waving Done in Ecanstori ■With the Latest Steaming Frocew Adwlutely Harmless^,; i POotw Ettmniton 729 IS ftM^fcltpcrfawc r DANIEL CANS Firmer ly w& MenJtl Brft ^ f. , _ 1*10 CMcac* Ap*. CMk.fM.MJ. Nicr DtU$ St. Offtttt Nmtk iSU ff*tt July Sale of Talking Machines SEE THE New Style Grafonola, $60 New Style SONORA, $50 Urge Assoranent of Different Makes. Make companion of tone EASY PAYMENTS PATTERSON NOS/Bg&S: YOU CAN SEE US FROM THE L ■w/«/;//w,^^^ 1 It Took One Thousand Years of Bread Making TO GIVE YOU Federal Bread A thousand y^ars ago they made flour by grinding the grain between ropgh stones and baked the sour, soggy dough in crude clay dvens! These»centwies of experiments brought"tis to the Federal-,Sy^ttm—The method which gives you bread and'rolls th?rii'irer/dicitc'ious and whole- .sqiwer-jnade and baited in a w^y.^hat has no ^ivil. Big,, generous size loaves, crisp, appetizS&Ss>Hs, made of the finest ingredients according to a won(i|(eHtil, health giving formula, light in weight, yet full at -nourishment. Their only drawback is their goodness—its hard to keep a supply on hand. Visitors are always welcome at our Sanitary daylight factory. Come and see just how "Good" FEDERAL BREAD is made. Federal System of Bakeries Evanston Branch: 609 Davis Street, Evanston Hospitals Use Federal Bread zt/ys/YS/y/s/ys/y/y^^^ COME TO Cosmas Bros. & Co For Your Special Fruits for Canning Season at Reasonable Prices All Kinds of Fruits and Vegetables COSMAS BROS & CO. 1901 Central street Evanston, 111. TeL Evanston SS14 621 Railroad avenue Wilmette, 111. TeL Wilmette 159 Make Traveling a Pleasure No matter whether yon are going to the mountains, sea- shore or summer resort for your vacation, you know what a convenience* ahd aid it is to have your wardrobe in good condition your destinationi - - ........- . , M .,".." .' ' ■ "Mi That U where *ur Splendid line of WARDRQBE TKUNK5 con^ HH-onepf these is just the thing* to make traveling for you a pleasure instead of an i task. '-". ' '• ■ .v . ■ "'■*' " " ' -;" '• "" '" ♦'•-■'■w- Otoer Grunks,' suh^ases and very reasonably priced. .f.' it *H- -mm '«V .'-.-iF#, ; m.k McFarland-Ehmeri Co. Home of HART, SCHAFFNER & MARX CLOTHES Telephone Evanston 4308 Opposite Evanston Post Office ■sXS0 ■-'sit •)]W>«VV8/J!^l^l^^l5Saiv8{;i!ffi-il Important Announcement Thursday morning at 8:15 an attempt was made to rob the Wilmette State Bank by a man who tried to compel us, at the point of a revolver, to pay a worthless check. The robber did not get the money, but the police got the robber. This is another evidence of how we safeguard, even at the risk of our own lives, our customers* deposits and in- terests. WILMETTE STATE BANK '•» m ■•■■ n^mmmimmm

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