'ciif4w-\ :m:. WSItQ&Z ^.â- ^-.lijW:,^-*^.-; 10 %Xm SHORE NEWS, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 191.9 mm given in London regardless of the •terrible fighting so near at hand. ^ ^ Musicians Mostly Old Men â- *^ London did not have anything on Paris when iUcame tt? that. It seems that even a world war will not stop symphony, 'concerts. Jn the Salle Ga- veau tlie Coloivire-Lanuvrrea^ix con - ^e^ts vr er?r~gi v^TTcy!'r.y Sundaypafte-r- SS2T noon jii the falTiriur wiliterâ- 0,1 -19\8. -Sir Most qf _the ille 1111it-1>-n-f t~h^.orehestr.#- xg^, .appeared to J>e ebleiiy men ,;nul.a< $•¥? in the Queen's, hadl- orchest-r^-an uc- |gg| casioal unif-orinâ€"w-a-'- â- P.aris orchestra T have heardâ€"ft--underâ€"-Straussor Kuuwald in Berlin.-â€"Altogether; I be- lieve we do Beethoven over here •1 bo tit as well, perhaps a little better, t-hitnâ€"it; is played anywhere else in The world. Our-â- .symphony, orchest- ras: play'-.â- 'â- wonderfully.'. ;i*id_- as. 'or rferttfl:)erâ€"-musicâ- !\yH<mu tM-^-it -â- â- wctiild fo^havePR'iiat 'triH hfifrlv 4-<V-,b jJii -1 here- dailies-; "two among;; the . tirst one 'cellist, and- t\\*toch;tvpi< was advi^UWd to conduct a program 4*4, the first conce -^cn-.- Wt:"C be ..well ^-TE^TaveoTTITal ivri 1 ten up. ':'-\ Of,.- c^Jtv rt.l'oe^ -t-lw; JVenr.h .tnuVj^ •l^e'p-dirprng-a bVrtt^^i-'ia but a'.wohe in, t iiTTe to bear :i'-:':Tst:Tnrr*' â- "" ' ' -rtâ€"- â- : ".; TfTT».m*fU'i." ti-uU -Chcvilbsrd .-. f-w-eH-VrtO -FvCtvtiiiffs ori.i";iiii>::e haoi c a use ot i 111 i e ssâ€"CI1 e \°i 11 a. r p 1 ace:~z3"he' tKuicert cot- 111 and lasted until 5'o'clock lyit.hou.t termixsi-on ' I lie woodwiiuLsj by l>clr f)ii-s-,.vlri;.ii.o.^x>.- orcl^t'>t4£a,;^;t:niIi_iuJ viijimis. JbiziH'rc ;\uil '.-llu-j.stJiilAS.i--. i'beuhies. both- lyadi-r am'nrcnc â- â- â- â- â- m-<|- 'i n Tt^-y b-wt i-rrr-rn-â€"rv rrnd "'"" Vr-b..... SPECIAL COLUMBIA SIX SPORT Toss MODEL NOW ON DISPLAY â€" XX-H^BriggSr-has- on di splay-at- his show rooms* ^S4°l SlKrman avvenue, Evanston, what Improbably the most artistic and beautiful automobile ever ^howiujja^the state. "â€"~- â€"------ â€".â€"7 It's the Special Columbia Six Sport Model just^;ecty^.ed.by Mr. Briggs i and is.:-without doubt the hast word i n a 11 tot 116bi 1 e a rt i s fry„ ,.- Its j i'n es, fit 1 - ish, upholstery. c>iiiipnjent.: e'k'.. are .1 DOES THIS ANSWER SERYAttEfifiBL 'T»:> â€" RvmtbM* GteM 8ei »l« Tr«y â€" Denbk In twir~Dtabli lis idles â€" I»rr« Deep •Jn- >nl<el*e§ â€" "Sclca- tUL-all}- Slle Bl" -Bohjwr IIkmJ Sntr«l Wbeoll. A t-.lsrb grade ple?a>f for*. f a»o of action.- and nbeo- lute noia«lcun«i>«. Write Dow for descriptive E-%m- phlet and dealer's nuno. . COMBINATION PRODUCTS CO. y{ Cunard BUi-Cbtcip, Id. - v. -t-';:i:t, "the v± tit : •â- ifVirtv Concert taste ^3W ot the most' model' -n+.t-â€".p Lvn-evt '.iiv der f uir^iTli-i n k .t-ti eif-a?xc e 11 e n c e w ou.l tl -be'the first thing to strike the at ten tion oi almost any strings are equally tiiie. 7 Tliey have a wonderful g.ro.iip.of first violins.'.Tlie principais of all t.hv instruments seeinexl -to.-ii><i^rr-rT»tirrkal>le y\>it-h -.th.;1 "exception Ot" â- tbe first horn ancb-tirst "itrotnbo 1 \jL_..The- horns' and trombone best"o^n7estra's. I uMs';>ed-T^p4j.iet.'h'in'g- rich' and' sonorous ' to wbicb we are accustqnicil. .'('it-andeur was pt •â- â- V'eTT.l. Wh4â€"la-.2.klu<ii-ui '<U-pi b :i ml t her etieCr'â- • of Halls Packed 7 case ot t:en,led •K at- TTTTf every concert wTi 1 rari^;."' If seats wefl; t ranger, but tlio't^Tv.iir-.'hasecC w ell in . advance;"you \\.;«.m1d tiiie. 7~ Tliey h a v'e j binl the in ;s ol d ami-;- Th,e^AtulieiToe^X. lis titled in sileiu'c; real sHeiice. N\'.lucli rt-rr-nTaivi :;a\e the music'Ta~crbaTrri â- etTect. -and '_ applaiicied. envliusiasticallv. I'-'w Am.efican were new.â€"model i> T^'1steel wheel,sT five-ord" tires, shield cleaner. Warner' lenses. bolstered in tapestry, with I'antbsote - Those" who enjoy seeing beauty and disability.., bleiulcd into composite ^ ~i o,r m A sh o u 1 d-hials-e-tt-s p ee-i a 1 --e^fforaâ€"^ ee this new Special ColiiiiTbia Six ^l^oft, Model "fTrr~it~i^r-wirlroittâ€"tkmbt- , ,\oie of the most lreTiutiful.cars ever enerously. :• •,,x-|1i lvited on tlie north shore. proem at any -concert< -wluch number the whole orrlre-s-rra i u â- fori^rs-i t.tTO-\va s^j-cvtrKrn^e something like the' >hatterin glass. Tin 1\T)glish oftic.e'rs-...aifd v 1 am--; i-'rt,nvj,init'!+. .;bo> l.i.-..-.soldiers ' anil civil- ;:r;i:fe;':f( ! lu'^b/nrjofeauv concerts. .y:::V-at;vr. n'.b:.';rl":e-r (U. uieh .'Ay-et-e in: I'liuTi oiii.1 st.\.sâ€"tit snelb'c-oii^ tb,< iun'ich |.Certs .:v\vor;d'!:'u-t;!ie ^riVH]y-:.os4| >c"ot s -. 'Have " slit'-h e r'i 11 ir"- -w h i c h â- :.in k; Vi t' i-d"e f c ri f __ '•No doubt .i liis is /"hie;-, in- -fa'-r't 't<.< â- 'â- \)\y. dern h'f. enclr,, ."orclK>-ESin.-ivi;i.l;;;T-'TTT^ h.eaf d -~ii\M>..or >.i v_,(->f -i-li e>-t;, 7oi 1 ex"r t :duriniT~tiTv_^TTTfrT7rTri •>.it.in.-;T;.f- ^ brr 4^c'tb«i\-iM- pii ^Si0ii]tn )n-r!jVviinplri 11110^7: were 'we!] i>ia v:exi.",:.an.d' t-b-'v in t 1 ..^t \ ; w •Itâ€"rr'-'i.-rrir pre.$S4_on ahv J.o -have.- a c -does iyext..:.an.<l ..t-!u- .--^amv..7 i-;>vi; y-<'.i,.ec'iii,.i ,.A.i^7l-tl.>'Vy'7>-'0'eln'.'(."; 1 i;c,e] d,j7i'ir"-.jii; .t^^e; vvj-i-^eb^sb T^TT K e 'e.-'.-.s-tatesiH^-It is true.vtbey < •ui.ijciiie'u.-:.-one ;.sees so tew Tr~in li.iia'.i'u.e--'i"n'l^~of ^tbc \v 'inany. w;bii4J-l-dac:^47S<inu-r s ;re 111 fh.flyyT^of^'a 'sfTvi'.;enir icini pic'k'e"d; v'up ;:nr l*-orr f^"!? e"f' ? r e.--^e-Ft â- 11 n. â- .. V :.-i^r-i-m-^t- .-Vi-il .trie" to'.;nkLc;>;-.;i:; xu>rt \>f j|-""fe'eiV:-.rin'.t,,o ,t be_ U-: -tjU'ger-: ?j.y'ii-" foTTr" -UJ ,-C-LUT-l-O-r-ixi. 't,0, >l:\n, ' 1 i'v 1- -1 r jiiidliirtSSEE .wh.H !i \vy ;>re accr.>:. â- that the organ in ..W '"voicelT â- D'.-tVd TTTf-ff.Tl-^ :.re;env ,C ^vrlreiTFyi e--orgituis-t lb e -â- -'.do'iiv-h-bi >ywsa"i il in tone is caused b it.eT.jjH-d â- â- â- â- fttJl^ast Thi>::^(li't,"e.i-eiit-^;: niSK-'-ii.-' ..e t luir \ small b instrnmeirt>- whidr. -t-h*^â€"^ useâ€"^unless, they ltkeil their. seeiive#^t:Ot---iTT-r-^^Ttrt -Lt~ht-\ r- â- 'TVh-clr- dd'.1.'.......11,'u^stE^g could har.flly.-be ,impfr't\ ed. . i rUelleye- t hat l*-rench -â- â- t rumpet-v ar-e-^44-»exl___i4_ ^mr^6rc4^-e^irST- ^"ltvâ€":*!^^-e;-.--',V.f,^v>e. things which are after all niatle.r> \.<i tFor the Quick Sweat.: < MTetf lli dai-vitr !ZL <. v<Miv:r s\\ i-i-:'t. I'll d. 'lb. iitieiit to niib'.kt'si -44H- \asteâ€"-aud tuirs" no â€"do'ul> 1- â- ;pff â- ?:W~L â- :':;v.'.'l'!niieil on Ci'crtn'a-n" â- â- ,js,<;J.auvoreaux orebest ra i 'ii'.~ 'orLianization.- -ei|iialv.- if â- _:/â- :._c'e])t their idea of tl'^ ==- tTT'our best orclustrlls~ - mmit'U-.-ob > -;t \\ (>n-(Ic-..rn yim caii t-.i bra><. M-cii.M... :.l~heaiTlr-.the;i^ pill .1 lu'iii Oil -p4 • t'lH'h -"«i!.:b;,.-<j1- ih> in ""is to wrap two j LUae i II \\ >'l elolhs 1 ilii'il ., 1'iiv 'llwiir .011 -! $148^ H The car with a world of power & speed ^ I^EvanstofnS Elgiii^ MotoisCariCorl^ 1^Pho^J<^E^firi^rn^=fia0fLâ€"_^1-S5"S S^man Ave.. Evanston ' siniiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiB one reliabl&wzry pffknow^= ing^the condition of its . charge.:;.;.^_^_. â- 'â- 'â- .â- ';.~K::- •:..'-" Then, if no special cause -6T"t"fpuble?â€"appears- \we put it oh.the line to "Tee if it will take a^"c'haf geT "^ But if there is plain in- dication of serious trouble we open the battexyuip^ and find out exactly what'a what. . ' Don*t trust your bat- teryâ€"-to -dmateurs-----or- pin ici.U^ rrei>eatedly anil'; /ill 1.i.i>ngli.' the y>f- c.liestra is badly pla ce'vl fn. jf. lia_U in yt parf ietifar 1 y' ad-v-ant ageoiis. for â- -' suc-li. concer; s. my aiiniir.it.ion increased iTearin^F^^ferll 1 Jve-rr-f <-> r7f-h_ ^ret- ot the a : |')cr t p r ma nee ^iirii+relenbtirg ' Cone^rt-o" :â- • •JH bv "tym y\ re-^l-11 e i' e • i s veaury Trrore foriirsrthan Swhere in some torriTKtnan was- r-o *Vealed on this 'occasirni_-rmf aT~TlTe v.time it did not seem possible.-1 had _^ome_iri_Jxoni: the coid .and wet of 'North Ein'isti bert we bad been ^playing ioi;.-ilie.--a\. ntt:i-nifc-eiin:'p> a".< >ifg, it he- â- ax.\ tr^-^zbiâ€"i^_uC^-U-JxuiUh t lirry in *b iiiii4ijiiiiiiiniitMi!iiinH>rfnnii.i;iri:iiiriftmtrni HOBBIES -HFE'S sky may have 3*;]7 two; ts^.-r"'~'â- 1-,'^r? :loud- dwuLLL-'t.luL â- tfect all -Baci4 the"-^qw^-'iyj-iitn 1 fTTs. -,./" Xo Tcon'trasf >harpeJie.d _ the . H^ _________ __ lias tv.-.." l>e '.well.-phi ye.d and' when the <inVpb"iti-o'ii i,~iire>ent to the "TTu:-sk-ia;h ;it i^j^Jabor'of h've as it ;w'a«.'.t«i th;e-'se :a'-rf:viT 'the7-- :- ..!"hat after\n"> 1 >"n7 ;By lire' way. db! lot-s <-if-.;J->.ach. iVetrrnTT-iv. lii.. Nlozart and :' Scl'uiib'anii.'.â- .'\\V--fx -' ami 1 >t Ir'rr l'odi! . f:.r'cl'A'-At ra'- con- :" ' " Myâ€"hobby tnay^beâ€"lminet?^"* There may be sinks and tiles :;Mv^;i-:-clean,.' j-^^f^^^^^gfeâ- ;~rSt;:i^s0i But life is not to blame.; â- '.--C^^i Ha, ha, I say, my work is fun;__i_2 I'll make my hobby GO, " For 3sunshirjel^jshines behind- clouds .-----â€"^â€"â€"- th« ;-j;m,ll!|t!l!'IHIIIIHMllli|. .cert-^ .hi- Parish ;.'ba-£ wiiit.ef . a-ud. t,ht; '^haTtrhrr.-.-,. nru-s-iT^~rJtrrii a Is-' were. -:pa<'t .Vr artists in. gut sswork, who claim tbey c^.n tell-inside condjtion -byâ€"©ut-sideâ€"-in-- spectibn. &Sf£s^^^~:-^ '-^ Gome here where you And adequate machines and apparatus to, really- -Mvewc^crrrrge and repair â- :any battery.ii££:j;v]:"'-:':^jrr Evanstoir^attery^ 164^I65UlVlaple Avenue 1; Corner Church Street - Phone Evanston 4445 TMAOC MARK HCOISTKRCO $z?.oa brings a Thor roner to vour lance-3^ ttt s m u ^-monl ments. VACUUM CLE^ERS! NORTH SHORE BRANCH 1728 Sheiffiaii Ave. EVANSTON TELEPHONE r- Evan8ton^77- â- VUv. '.umerafmg, r- «.4 lie iliU'T- th.e. -â- S'H'S â- -flTIll;'; ITi pi 'i-t^rH-h-râ€" 1'" fe-n^-lt â- TAT.-'TTrt ::il-iout -.'.rift'v -fifvv â- Al"i 11LM1 11 '. 1' t -." 11 ..' .--t >T| | p. , s-U | o.l I S I1 :â- : [ 11 e- ! ] Vr e domi ii a \ trd" c ui- tbe •.(.>r'c bf"STral +u^.> 1 he Conductors mm liTeTX :â- _'... •C<.>i;-il.uc"tC')fs. are "j'n-n•;i;i.c', nTeir lii^ov_e":'T^cTybodv-'!-" priviU-,irt;Tl -Tt^r-rlk - 'l'.»UTf L'>>e'S 'imp're-.-sion.." .and . ajl"_iif;lv â- .-t (.'li"i7\-'i^la'-rtr ar.ii- Pichie- ab e-^ii; .c>niitni'uiir' tne â- lMuiiurdLs- alKutt-1 +h"«- M'eiiir .am'eJ- 615 Davis'St.. EvakisCon. Mitinees^^nd fr E»eii;ngs 7 4 t-1 â„¢P«4d-a:y- T â- â€"â€"September 19 â- A l.ois Wpher Prndnrtion 7 and -lias _• 'much,- the • iro;cr:i-b^it]ijiEivx1 iaii-ce- :of Nl r_. J-iilltin^JibJii^yArll' Icnoiy:!â„¢ â- leader'-'-.f the 1%.-. .anston ..i.'v-^t i-v-M 1 ;e.TTTP 'â- . cert•-7Tr,b s ' small. "TTtev .. ha.tid-./ Fn* ; nraiiag^s rather taste.fiilly. Tvliili- co'tV- iducting and 1 imagine that. l.ikV Xik- i i>cb.' he i? a* "trifle vain alx,ti-it.-'tbeTii. â- When conducti.ng accompaniine'nt •» he- was' always a ri^t.le ;bebind' th.e -^Sfd'-d^trTâ€"-^Tlveâ€"oreh e Hra - - nia nag*-d-~t > < ^e_-§^4iv- ohâ€"ti me^^I'mtâ€"^7did n=#»- h a^- (Mildred Harris) in "Home" * 'Piejn'e^-^t^-frtvati-k-- for it.-' 1 Ii ^ 'oei-ne Syi}nphonique"' which they did. with piaiiu ami ore nest ra is strongly retui- nbicent of Cesar. -Franck's "Sjm- ariations for the -same _jHionic combinationrâ€"Chevrllard gets more out of the orchestra thanâ€"Pterne. rle- i.s ratber heavy, fat and demonstrat- ive, liut he knows his business both a»s composer an-d' conductor. "Before ^tlvove^V-Sixth -'-syitiph-ony -playing Bee lip marie_a granilMajidL|>lay_hy^lTrs1^ejv tatiously having his music-desk re- moved--s6That \v^e-adnfiight know that ja^_.;a-H' might know tbaf his -Ttrprrrnry: Saturday September 20 CHARLES RAY #w^BiH4ientjfe NEXT WEEK HOP PjgH PES -$:,. ^ â- /-.â- •• â- ';â- -. â- ••/â- ^h(3^ttert vv^ar and^ ^ ^^tisfactiori^ifeSthe shdes that I sisll, Wzxy- ^pair inriade expressly fpr me. "fi^ Bri n g yuii' r; children lodSv&"s|on anj^iavi th|^fitled la Mon. and Tues., Sept. 22 and 23 NCHE SWEET in "The Hushed Hour" Wednesday September 24 mm alone served his needs fox that work. His" reading was good although he took the "Peasants' Dance"â€"tha-t de- lightful '* episode in the third. move- Iâ€"glower than Iâ€"ever heard it ^ in^The^Scar^'Sl s ttien :"-srrrd" the test movement-faster.'He-got life and brilliancy here where most leaders try more ibr-graceful-.tTtov*^ ^ni^nts, but the "symphony was ^€tt done a^d effectivej^much better than! Thurs. and Fri., Sept. 25 and 26 "A Utile Brother of ^-^ the «clr^ ^% ^ By J. Medill Patterson icj Editor, Chicago Tribune ^^ f£ Shoes For^Women and Children 1608 Chicago Ave. Evanston, ill.