LAKE SHORE NEWS, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1919 : Classified Ads Rat** tor ela«alne4 mArewtlmtnm THE LAKU BHORIJS NEWS WINNETKA WEEKLY TAXJC GLENCOE NEWS 10c per line first insertion in any paper, fe per line for each succeeding: inser- tion. 16c per line flrjst insertion in »ny two papers. 7 l-2c per Une for each succeeding Insertion. ffi* per line tmt insertion to three papers. 10c Advertiseisenta for tie I*afte News must be at oar ««ce by Wednes- day noon; for the Wianetka Weekly Talk and Gleneoe News by Thursday Boon;__________._____________________ FOB SAAB ____________ FOR SALEâ€"FIVE SCOTCH COULIE pups, 10 weeks old, males, bred from best pedigreed stock in Middle West, raised with children. The best dog companion children could have. Pric- es $25 and up. L. B. Ferguson, 746 Michigan avenue, corner Kedzie street, Evanston, 111. Phone Evans. 3689. LTG45-ltp V(YR SALEâ€"SEVERAL YOUNG HENS; Ferris Leghorn breed; also Buff Leg- horns; price each $1.50; original cost more than ?3. Apply to H. W. Foote, 247 Beach road, Gleneoe. _____________________LTG45-ltc FOR* SALEâ€"PONY AND RIDING saddle; cheap; suitable for child; very gentle. Apply 1806 Walnut ave- nue. Phone Wtl. 1723._______L45-ltj> FOB SALEâ€"USED PIANOS TAKEN IN trade on our new pianos, $65 up. Large assortment: easy payments. Patterson Bros., 828 Davis street, Kt- anston. _______________LTG41-tfc HOUSEHOLP~GOOP8______ FOR SALEâ€"A "'HIGH-BACK BOX Davenport: like new; price $35. 325 Abbottsford road, t'hone Kenilworth 741 -J._________^_________ _Id5"ltp F< >K S ALEâ€"ORIENT AL RUG, GEN- uim; Kerapt. 12x20, very r.-asoritlte. Phone Kenilivorth 1221. 8:30 to 0:30 A. M. or fi to 7 P. M. L45-ltp FOR SA LKâ€"DINING-ROOM ' KURNIT- ure: Mahogany, good as new, 54-inch round pedtiKtal Uildv and live extra leaves, $75.00; 2 arm chairs and 4 chairs, leather seats. $75.00: attract- ive china cabinet, glass shelves and mirror back. $35.00; all for $200; also 2 grass porch rugs Sx!>, new, $5 each Phone W11.JU0. . __ L45-Uc -ATTRACTIVE BREAK- furniture, table, . four $90. Phone Evanston LTG45-1tc FOR SALE- f :rd -room chairs, buffet, 6481. F73iT^^"K"sAfJicâ€"iTiTfi"Kd'un "tour- ing car. almost good a» new. phone Win. 105. Wlnnotka Motor Co. Spot- light battery, n»w spare tire: LTG45-1tc for sXr7i~rT.2"TON~F(mi} 'truck. Also want to Viv Ford touring car. Phono AVil. 10);5, ____^J'JI'2}U' FOR" SAT/'^'-'rw-ivifoTTET CAR; JUST overhauled. Phone Wilmette ' LI 5-He M1.ECTMC CARS JMW. »AiyE_ §ARGAlN-~WOODS JBLBCTRICf .CAR, *ith o* wHtia«£ charger; owner leav- ing" town: Fhrtrnc C XL Morris. Kv. '.,.1*48. 'or Gleneoe SOS. LTG45-1U: gAltGAINâ€"CfVLE S riN""00OD' CONDI - tion: must sell at once. G. H. Mor- ris, 857 Greenwood avenue, Gleneoe. Phone Gleneoe 203. LTG45-ltc w-" RENTâ€"HALF OF DOUBLE-STD- •»ge, 710 Linden avenue. Phone _______________ L45-ltc *RAOE. MRS? BUTZ, Phone Wil. 980-W. L45-ltc GASOLINE PRICE BOOSTS' ELECTRIC CAR SALES With the price of gasoline continu- ing to maintain its high levels, in- terest in the electrically driven auto- mobile is growing apace. The noise- less, heatless, greaseless, odorless, easy-handled electric is finally com- ing into its own and is daily making hosts of appreciative friends. The Milburn Light Electric is the most amazing car ever offered the public said Mr. George H. Morris of the Fashion Auto company. "It is the last word in modern electric car construction. From its first concep- tion the Milburn scored a home run and public opinion enthused to an overflow. Six or seven years ago the Milburn Electric was a new idea in electric car construction, old time electric traditions were ignored and a low-strung, stream-line, modern car was presented for the public's ap- proval. Its success was spontaneous and far reaching. The Milburn of today has another six years of added improvements and betterments incorporated into it. Little details and niceties of design tending to the increased comfort of the owner have been developed and fastidious owners and discriminating buyers are loud in its praise. Its record is unequalled and beyond dispute. The factory sales and ship- ping records are beyond anything the industry has ever before experienced, as the manful, though woeful efforts of its manufacture to keep pace with the ever increasing demand will im- mediately indicate. New Milburn models are on dis- play at the show rooms of The Fash- ion Auto company, Benson avenue ;mri Clark street, Evanston, the local agents for this wonderful car who gladly extend a cordial invitation to the public to examine their many at- tractive features. Popular Names for Towns There are 31 Franklins given in the latest United States postal guide. Chester and Clinton are close sec- onds, there being 30 towns and cities by each of these names in the United States, Washington and Newport come next in popularity, each having 28. Dancing Announcement ' Mildred Brandham Pierce who con- ducted the children's dance festival at Ravinia, July 17, will open classes in Kenilworth, Winnetka and Glen- eoe beginning the first week in October. For information phone Ev- anston 1828. * LTG45-ltc Encouragement. "What makes you so strong la boosting Bliggins as an art critic. He doesn't know anything about plc- tures." "That's why. He's more like- ly to pick out something that doesn't amount to much and so assist some struggling beginner." SUBSCRIBE NOW OFFICIAL PUBLICATION Report of condition of Wilmette State Bank located at Wilmette. State of Illinois, before the commencement fit business on the Twelfth day of September, 1919. a.s nude to the Auditor of Public Ac- I counts of the State of Illinois, pur- ; sunnt to law. I 17-YEAR OLD GIRL MUST SPEND $50,000 YEARLY Miss Marion X. Hoffman, 17-year old school girl, by the terms of tVu- will--of her father, the late Charles F. Hoffman, Jr.. of Newport, inherits an income of $50,000 a year. The will stipulates that this amount must be expended annually. When Miss Hoff- man becomes.of ago -he will inherit the principal of a large trust fund said to be in excess of $1.0:>l),O0O, which was left her by her grand- father. ROUGH DRY WASHING TO TAKK home, at 2o per piece. Won't call for less than 100 pieces. Phoae T4i. ____________________________Lll-tfc WANTEDâ€"A GOOD VIOLIN. CALL Gleneoe Cat.____________ LTG4ii-3tc WAN'TKl>-~ifOUSEilAlD, WHITE! OR colored, for whole or part day serv- ice. Call 1216 Elnvwood avenue, Wil- mette. . L45-ltc RESOURCE Loans and Discounts Overdrafts ......... Liberty Loan Bonds Other Bonds ........ Banking' House ..... .$739,489.96 3S9.S9 . 133,714.64 . 197,769.94 . 20,000.00 Furniture and and Vaults............. 6,670.42 Cash and Due from Banks 155,397.76 Total Resources ........$1,253,432.61 LIABILITIES Capital Stock Paid in___$ 75,000.00 Surplus Fund .......... 25,000.00 Undivided Profits (net) . 16,943.54 Deposits; Hank ......___"........ All other deposits ___ 1,058,738.08 Reserved for Taxes and Interest ................ 2,601.85 Contingent Fund ....... 4,004.71 other Liabilities, Liberty Bond Payments .,...... 71.143.53 Total Liabilities ........$1,253,432.61 I, John H. Schaefer, Cashier of .the Wilmette State Bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true ..' the best of my knowledge, and be- lief. JOHN H. SCHAEFER, Cashier. STAT'O OF ILLINOIS, ) «... BOUNTY OP COOK, \ '" I Subscribed and sworn to before me this 17th day of September, 1919, j W. D. LBABT, (SEAL) „,. Notary Public. !--â- â- •--rf ,. l*t;*^-«'-'-- .......'â- .....â- â- -.-...... , j. imtk.Hm^mi â€"â€"â€" -wil ii .i in........ .-,... d« %3p Kjl Jrx JLi 1 L JLk FANCY GROCERIES AND MEATS Telephones 1125-1127 CENTRAL AVE. Wilmette 407-408-401 WILMETTE. ILL niiHuiniiMiiMMiiiiMniiiiiiiHiiiiiniHMnniiiuinuiinihnnuiMiiiiMnrriiiiniuiiiMitiMiiiiiiMiiiiniiiiHHiiiiininimiuiuiiiMniiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiHii Sale for Week Starting Monday, Sept. 22 Extra Fancy Ohio Potatoes, peck......................49c Farmhouse Apple Butter, quart for....................39c Ryzon Baking Powder ................................40c B. and M. Clam Chowder, 21b. can for..................30c B. and M. Clam Bouillon..........................25câ€"45c Douglas Oil for Salads, quart................ .......89c Kirk's Hardwater Castile Soap, per bar................10c Jergen's Violet Glycerine Soap, per bar 10c; 3 for........25c Kirk's Peroxide Cold Cream Soap, per bar 10c; 3 for......25c Lifebuoy Health Soap, per bar 9c; 2 for................17c H. and H. Soap, for cleaning, per bar....................15c Sweet Heart Soap, 9c; 2 bars for...................... ,17c Fairy Flakes, 2 packages for .,........................25c King's Buckwheat Flour, per package........ .......15c Monarch Self-Rising Pancake Flour, per package........15c Kellogg's Corn Flakes, 2 for..........................25c Kellogg's Krumbles, 2 for..............................25c Meats Shoulder Beef Pot Roast, per pound................. Hamburger Steak, pound....................... Extra Fancy Rib Roast Beef, pound................ 7th Rib Roast Beef, pound.......................... No cash discount on above items Good Grocery Clerk Wanted 25c 30c 40c 35c ATTENTION >^TE call your attention to the following state- ment, exhibiting and evidencing better than words can tell, the strength and progress of Wil- mette's only National Bank. In condensed form this is the sworn statement rendered to the Comptroller of the Currency as required by law: RESOURCES Loan, and Discounts ....... ................... .......$229,99639 Overdrafts................................................... 12.27 U. S. Government Securities (Liberty Loan Bonds, War Savings Stamps) . .â- ...................................... 52,770.52 Other Bonds and Securities............................... 101,325.92 Federal Reserve Bank Stock ............................... 1300.00 Furniture and Fixtures................... ................ 3,447.35 Interest Earned (Uncollected).......................,...... 2,902.05 Victory Liberty Loan Remittance Account ................ 27,000.00 Cash and Due from Banks...................... 59,236.97 Total ....................................................$478,491.47 LIABILITIES Capital Stock..............................................$ 50,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits.............................. 12,909.75 Discounts Unearned (collected)....... ....... ........... 2,051.59 Reserved for Taxes and Interest........................... 1,049.18 Victory Liberty Loan Club Accounts....................... 25,863.05 Deposits....................................... 386,617.95 Total ...................................................$478,491.47 First National Bank of Wilmette Member Federal Reserve Ban Evanston Packing 1565 Sherman r,|^k«r% *-*o r%?r Near Davis St. A^moe V^Ullip<*Iiy Evanaton Fbon?s: Evanston 1822-1823-1824 Wilmette 1137 United States Food Admimst ration License Number 06719. MEATS Loin Veal Roast, with Kidney, 28c Best Native Porterhouse Steak, lb. 40c Fresh Dressed Broilers, lb. . . . 34y2c Native Rib Roast Beef, lb . . 30c-35c Hind Quarter Spring Lamb, lb. 29yac SHOULDER VEAL ROAST........................... . 29e BREAST VEAL WITH POCKET........................18c SIRLOIN STEAK......................................25c FANCY MILK-FED ROASTING CHICKEN..............37c POT ROAST BEEF .....................................15c BONELESS SIRLOIN ROAST .....................3«c-35c DIXIE BACON.........................................39c BRICK BUTTER................................. ......61c BEEF ROAST, rolled.............................. .32câ€"35c VEAL CHOPS...................................:......20c SHOULDER LAMB CHOPS ............................30c LAMB STEW...........................................15c BEST ELGIN CREAMERY BUTTER....................59c BONELESS RUMP CORN BEEF........................32c LITTLE PIG HAMS, SMOKED.........................32c Boiling Beef.......... .I6V2C Hamburger Steak........18c Large Pork Sausage .....25c Fresh Spare Ribs........22c OUR SPECIAL BLENDS OF COFFEE, lb............ 42c, 50c DANISH PRIDE MILK (large) 2 for....................25c PURE APPLE, RASPBERRY, GRAPE JAM, glass........25c Best Lard................35c Canned Peas, 2 for........25c Canned Tomatoes, 2 for . .25c Plate Cornbeef, lb.........19c Strictly Fresh Eggs......52c Lard Compound..........30c Peanut Butter, 1 Ik ......25c Good Luck, 2 lbs.___.___77c Swift's Premium, H>.___.. 39c LUy White, lb.............35c Country Rolls, lb.........35c Jettce Delicious Nut Margarine 2 lbs. for ...........___65c MAZOLA OIL Gallons ..............$2.40 V2 Gallons............ 1.25 Quarts................ .65c Pints ..................35c WESSEN OIL Gallons..............$2.75 Vi Gallons............ 1.40 Quarts.................75c Pints..................39c Order Early Only 1 Delivery Saturday Tel. 1S22-23-24 We Take Tslsuhâ€"â- Orders Friday far Saturday Sal*