THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1920 THE LAKE SHORE NEWS Established 1912 with which is combined TUB WILMETTE LOCAL NEWS Established 1898 MSUED FMDAY OF EACH WEEK by The Lake Shore Publishing; Company 18*2 Central Ave., Wllmette, 111. Telephone ..............Wllmette 1020 SUBSCRIPTION ...... $3.00 A YEAH Strictly in advance All communications must be ac- companied by the name and address of the writer. Articles for publication should reach this office by Wednesday afternoon to insure appearance in current issue. Resolutions of condolence, cards of thanks, obituary peotry, notices of entertainments or other affairs where an admittance charge will be made or a collection taken, will be charged for at regular advertising: rates. Entered at the postofflce at Wllmette, Illinois, as mail matter of the second class, under the act of March 3, 1879. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1920 The Independent Vote One needn't be a prophet or the son of a prophet to he able to see that the independent vote in the fall election is going to be a factor to be reckoned with by the established political parties. The country has been through an experience which has made the old party principles inadequate for the conditions that exist. The political parties will have to recognize this fact if they expect to keep the alle- giance of men and women who have always in the past been true to the party label. It is to be expected that there should be a new alignment when new issues are presented to the people Unless they party leaders are suffi- ciently wise to recognize this fact, if they insist upon fighting out the approaching campaign upon the old party principles, this "independent vote," which today assumes growing importance, will resolve itself into a new party, with what result recent experience has shown. The American people have begun to think in terms of principles in- stead of personalities. It is a habit that contributes to independence in marking the ballot. The remedy is a political platform built upon real issues, a party standing upon real principles, a leader who has the vision and the character to see be- yond personal and partisan things into the needs of the people and to bring plans for meeting those needs into the party plans. Unless such a development comes we shall see the Americau electorate selecting-from the candidates from both parties those men whose names have been made to stand to them for certain policies. trades which is an equal gain to them. New Trier High Notes DROP TWO OUT OF THREE GAMES TO EVANSTON HIGH New Trier and Evanston played three fast and tight basketball games Saturday afternoon at Evanston with the result that Evanston took the bantam and heavy games but lost the lightweight game to Captain Rand's crew 10-7. The featherweights lost their game 12-10 after holding a one point lead at the end of the first half and an- nexing several more early in the sec- ond half. The lightweights' game was close but New Trier's basket throwers took an early lead and kept it throughout. At the end of the first half of the heavyweight tussle New Trier led 6-3 but was unable to score during the third and fourth quarters while Evanston fought an uphill battle and finally won 11-6. NEW CLUB New Trier High school chemistry students have formed a club to he called the New Trier Chemistry club. The following officers have been se- lected for the remainder of the pres- ent school year: Carleton Varney, There's a (nspojjiscuit for every taste and every occasion president; Margaret Gallagher, vice- president ; Margaret Williams, sec- retary ; Robert Wienecke, sergeant- at-arms. NEW TRIER AT THORNTON New Trier will play Thornton this evening in a heavy and lightweight game at Thornton. WILL ENTERTAIN CLUB Mrs. Paul Bleser of Ridge avenue, Gross Point, will entertain the Ladies' club next Thursday at her home. ILL SEVERAL DAYS Paul Bleser, Ridge avenue, Gross Point, was confined to his home sev- eral days this week with illness. AT CHICAGO HOSPITAL Peter Thalman of Gross Point is at the Alexian Brothers hospital in Chicago where he is undergoing treatments for rheumatism and throat trouble. Miss Bernice Shurtleff will return to Madison, Wis., on Sunday, after spending the week at her home, 815 Lake avenue. Only indication of a fall in prices we have seen recently is the award of $39 to an Ohio girl in a breach-of- promise case.â€"Boston Shoe and Leather Reporter. UOYBURM I â- 615 Davis St., Eftnston I wi MATINEES 2 and 4 Evenings 7 ind 9 wmmw/m/mmimmmMW/MW* Dr. Charles E. Geisse s Osteopathic Physician $ Phone WiL 2052 I ISO Wihnette Are 3 /"SSS/S/,VS.'SS////////S/Z////.'S/S////S/////S///S///////S. Saturday February 7 Douglas Maclean and Doris May in "What's Your Husband Doing?" Universal Screen Events Briggs Comedy Women And Home Building It is rather an interesting evidence of the trend of the times that women should be asked to appear before the convention of the lumbermen of the Middle West to present some of the (poJints concerning the making of homes, details in which women are primarily more concerned than men. Any woman who has had a part in the building of a home knows just how all but impossible it has been, until very recently, to persuade the â- men engaged for the mechanical work of construction to deviate from what they had always considered to be the proper thing in house con- struction. To wish to have a closet shelf a litlc higher or a little lower than the regulation height was a whim which no right principled man meant to humor. To have the kitchen sink so set that it agreed with the stature of the woman who expected to preside over it required long hours or argument and constant attention to the workmen. Today the lumbermen assembled in convention listened respectfully to a woman tell what a difference in the expenditure of energy on the part of the housewife convenient arrange- ment of the kitchen means. It is a gain for the women, but it is also an advance in openmindedness on the part of the men of the building 16799 DIED in New York City alone from kid- ney trouble last year. Don't allow yourself to become a victim by neglecting pains and aches. Guard against this trouble by taking GOLD MEDAL Next Week Mon. and Tues., Feb. 9 and 10 "The Lone Wolf's Daughter" FMfc-in* LOUISE GLAUM Wednesday February 11 The world's standard remedy for kidney, liver, bladder and uric acid troubles. Holland's national remedy since 1696. All druggists, three sizes. Guaranteed. Look for the name Gold Medal on every box and accept no imitation ALICE BRADY in "The Fear Market" Thurs. and Fri., Feb. 12 and 13 EUGENE O'BRIEN in "A Broken Melody" Saturday February 14 Elaine Hammerstein in "Greater Than Fame" Just Out COLUMBIA'S GREATEST DANCE HITS Dardanella, My Baby's Arms, Patches iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHMiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiii The three big popular sensations of the year, surpassing all others. Hear them here and you'll buy them. D\RDE5iEI,LA. (Fox Trot.) Bernard and Black. Princess Dance Orchestra. WILD FLOWER WALTZ. Mary Earl. Yerke's Jazarimba Orchestra. A28S1, 10-Inch, 83c 3fY BABY'S ARMS. Prom "FOLLIES OF 1919". (Fox Trot.) McCarthy and Tierney. Art Hickman's Orchestra. OX THE STREETS OF . CAIRO. (Hulten.) One Step. Art Hickman's Orchestra. A2811, 10-lnch, S5e PATCHES. (Roberts and Callahan.) Fox Trot. Art Hickman's Orchestra. SWEET AXD LOW. (Logran.) Waltz. Art Hickman's Orchestra. .. A2S14, 10-inch. S."5« ii(ntiiiuit(iiiiiiiiii(iiitii«iiMiiiiiiiiiniiiniiuMiiiHiitiiiiiiitiiiiriiiiMiiiiitiiiiiMiiiiuiiiitfiiiiiiiffiiiliiiiffifii[fitff)(ifii(f:i<rtfifftftif(i(iiiittiii([iiriiit(f<ftTtiti PATTERSON BROS Piano House Open Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Evenings Phone Evanston 654 828 Davis St., Evanstcn ENUMERATOR IS RESCUER In the central part of New York state, near Oswego, a few days ago an enumerator making his rounds on snowshoes arrived at an isolated farm dwelling only to find that an able-bodied man was needed more than a census gatherer as the man of the family had been sick in bed for .several days and the farm animals were suffering for lack of food and water. The census man, like any good neighbor would, stopped long enough to do the chores, dig out paths through the deep snow and put things in ship-shape order before continuing his journey. ^ Indication that the world is once more settling back into a normal, pre-war state is shown by the an- nouncement that Great Britain will shortly launch the world's largest battleship.â€"Detroit News. A.S. Van Deusen EVANSTON 620 Davis Street Tel. 2414.2415,2416,2417 The GROCER WILMETTE Central Ave. 4c 12th St. Groeerf Telt. 510, 511,5124 513 Meat Telephone S14 EVANSTON STORE Cash aad Carry....%% Disecvnl Cash and Delivered. 2% Discount Credit and Carry, 5 eenli allowed •» each arder Credit and Delivered, »«e ardtt delivered free 5% Cash Discount on orders of $1 or more WILMETTE STORE Cash and Carry.. 5% diaMnn* Cash and Delivered. 2% discount Thne do Ml apply it Meal De partment. Credit and Delivered, one order delivered free. Special Sale Feb. 9th to Feb. 14th COFFEEâ€"My own blend. A cof- fee that is equal to any coffee in cans now being sold at 60c a lb. Lb..........................47c COFFEE â€" Roast Santos. Mild, sweet, very reasonable. Lb. 40c FLORIDA ORANGES â€" Perfect fruit. 176 size, doz.........,50c ISO size, doz................55c 126 size, doz................65c FLORIDA GRAPEFRUITâ€" Heavy, thin skinned fruit. 80 size, doz., 95c Each___ 8c 64 size, doz. .$1.20 Each___10c 54 size, doz..$1.40 Each ..12^c BALDWIN APPLES â€" A fine cooking and baking apple. 10 lbs......................85c JONATHAN APPLES â€" Fancy eating. Not a blemish on them. 10 lbs.....................$1.10 RICHELIEU SOUPS â€"As good as the best. Tomato, vegetable, pea. celery. 1 doz. assorted $1.50 NUTSâ€"Mixed. Almonds, Brazils, pecans, filberts, English walnuts. The best quality only. Lb...40c RICHFLIEU PURE MAPLE SUGARâ€"1 lb..............48c CURTIS BROS." PURE MAPLE SYRUPâ€"Pure maple sap. Very delicately flavored. 16-oz. bottle .'...............48c 2-lb. 2-oz. bottle.............95c RICHELIEU OLIVE RELISHâ€" 6-oz. bottle .................22c RICHELIEU PEANUT BUT- TERâ€" 12-oz. jar..40c 7-oz.25c SILVER LEAF PRESERVESâ€" Strawberry and raspberry; large 12-oz. jar, doz $3.75 Tar..32j|c SKOOKUM APPLE BUTTERâ€" 15-oz. jar ...................28c DEL MONTE PURE PRE- SERVESâ€"15-oz. jar .......35c RICHELIEU BITTER MARMA- LADEâ€"Like the old Scotch and- English marmalade. 16-oz. jar...38c 8-oz. jar.,.,20c YACHT CLUB SALAD DRESS- INGâ€" 3j4-oz. bottle ........10c 10-oz. bottle...24c 19-oz. ..45c KRISPY CRACKERSâ€"Loose, Wiles & Co.'s finest salt wafers. Nearly half the price of package crackers. 6j4-lb. carton___$1.37 Lh..........................22c APRICOTSâ€"Dried. Veribest. Ex- tra fancy. Lb..............45c P R U N E Sâ€"Richelieu. Santa Clara. Sweet. Need no sugar. 50-60 size, lb................27c 40-50 size, lb................30c DEL MONTE PRUNES â€"The very finest and largest Santa Gara sweet prunes grown. I cannot buy them at this price to- day. 20-30 size, lb.........35c SAUER'S VANILLA EXTRACT â€"As good as any. 4-oz. bottle 55c 2-oz. bottle 30c RICHELIEU CATSUPâ€" 16-oz. bottle 25c 8-oz. bottle 15c GINGER CAKE MOLASSESâ€" Dark. No. 10 can 80c No. 2x/2 can 23c No. 5 can 42}£c No 2 can 18c LENOX LAUNDRY SOAPâ€" Procter & Gamble's. 120 7-oz. bars in box......$5.50 10 bars.....47c Bar .........5C No Cash Discount. SUPERIOR FAMILY LAUN- DRY SOAPâ€"100 8-oz. bars in a box ......$5.25 10 bars.....53c No Cash Discount. KITCHEN KLENZERâ€" Large can .................5izc LIGHTHOUSE W A S H I N G POWDERâ€"Pkg............5c Mii-ADV TOILET SOAPâ€"Ar- mour's. Cake .............. 5c FOSTFR ^RFSFRVED FIGSâ€" No. 1 can ..................27c CKINNFP'S MACARONI AND SPAGHETTIâ€"7-oz. pkg.....9c FARM HOUSE ELBOW MACA- P.rVNJâ€"p-oz. pk;*............7c MATINEE SARDINESâ€"In olive oil. M-?. Lar.c;e can........32c ST. FRANCIS SARDINESâ€"In o'ive oil. J4s. Can.........22c -Ex- 16c SUGARâ€"I have plenty of granu- lated, and a limited quantity of bar powdered, standard pow- dered and soft brown sugar SOVEREIGN HAWAIIAN PINEAPPLEâ€"The finest quali- ty. If you want pineapple, buy it quick. I have just bought No. 2 that will sell for 40c a can No. 2 cans, doz. $3.75 Can 32Uc No. 2'/2 cans, doz. $4.50 Can 40c DEL MONTE PEACHESâ€"Large No. 2}/2 cans. Extra fancy qual- ity. I cannot buy them at whole- sale today for my selling price. Doz......$5.25 Can .......45c THANK YOU SLICED PEACHESâ€"No. 1 can. Doz......$2.50 Can .......21c RICHELIEU BARTLETT PEARS â€" The finest quality. Pears have been very scarce and hard to obtain. No. 2 can. Doz......$4 50 Can .....37*Ac GENESEE PUMPKINâ€"Look at the price. Splendid goods. No. 2 can, doz...80c Can...7c MONSOON ASPARAGUS POINTSâ€"Very fine. No. 1 tall can. Doz. ..$2.85 Can ___24c HY KLASS OR PRIDE OF WHITEWATER CORN tra standard sweet corn. Doz......$1.90 Can .......iOC PLYMOUTH ROCK EARLY JUNE PEASâ€"Tender, sweet. F.xcellcnt quality. Doz......$L65 Can .......14c PLYMOUTH ROCK TOMA- TOESâ€"Extra standard. No. 2 can, doz..$1.75 Can.. 15c «,««« can' doz..$2.15 Can.. 19c RICHELIEU BAKED BEANSâ€" With tomato sauce. No. 2 can tJ?^-« ••â- $1.50 Can .......16c FREMONT S Q U A S H-Large. No. 3 can. Makes fine pies. Doz......$1.20 Can .......10c MONSOON HOMINY â€" Large, No. 3 can. Ai?£iâ„¢;--*LS0 2 cans .....25c ARCADIA GREEN AND WAX BEANS-Cut Refugee. A snap. Doz......$1.50 2 cans .....25c MO N S O O N ASPARAGUS POINTSâ€"Fancy. No. 1 square can. Doz..$4.75 Can ......40c PARIS CORNâ€"Burnham & Mor- rill's renowned Maine sweet su- e-ar corn. Doz. .$2.25 Can..19c RICHELIEU SIFTED SWEET WRINKLED PEASâ€"More ten- der and sweeter than fresfo peas. Doz......$3.00 Can ..... 26c VERIBEST TOMATOES â€"Ar- mour's. Solid pack. Very fine. Large No. 3 can. Doz .....$2.65 Can .......23c RICHELIEU GOLDEN BAN- TAM SUCCOTASH â€" First d&^&tJ?02-*300 Ca" .-25c RICHELIEU SAUER KRAUTâ€" Fancy. Large, No. 3 can. Doz• ....$1.90 Can .......16c Rl£££LIEU STRINGLESS BEANSâ€"Fancy. For salad or vegetable. Doz. $3.25 Can 28c RICHELIEU FRENCH STYLE LIMA BEANS â€"Small, green. For salad or vegetable. D°z......$3.00 Can .'......25c DEL MONTE APRICOTSâ€" Fancy. No. 2 can. D°z......$3.90 Can .....32^c DEL MONTE WHITE CHER- RIESâ€"Fancy. No. 2 can. D°z......$4.50 Can .......38c RUMFORD'S PHOSPHATE BAKING POWDERâ€"1 lb., net 'veicrht ....28c yt lb.......16c DARLING SHRIMPSâ€"Dry pack. *£°At\?%L Doz..$2.40 Can 20c PILCHARD SARDINESâ€"Large, fat fish. 1 lb., net weight, t. ?.n .............. 23 c ALASKA SALMONâ€"Fancy. Red. No. 1 tall can............ 33c ALASKA SALMONâ€"Fancy. Red. .No. '/„. can .............. 22c TRAVERSE CITY RUSSET CI- DERâ€"Delicious flavor. No. 10 can. .75c No. 2y* can 22c