Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Feb 1920, p. 4

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THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1920 THE LAKE SHORE NEWS .-I * Established lilt ~,";<>." with which is combined I'M WILMBTTB LOCAL NBWS f Established 18»8 t«»l BD FRIDAY OF BACH WBEK by The Lake Shore Pnbltaklaf Compaar 12*2 Central Ave., Wllmette, 111. Telt-paaae ..............Wllautte 1MO • UUSCKIPTION ...... fS.00 A YE AM Strictly In advance Ail communications must be ac- companied by the name and address of rhu writer. Articles for publication should reach this office by Wednesday afternoon to Insure appearance in current Issue. Resolutions of condolence, cards of thanks, obituary peotry, notices of aiuertalnments or other affairs where an admittance charge will be made or a collection taken, will be charged for at regular advertising rates. iflntered at the postoffice at Wllmette, Illinois, as mall matter of the second class, under the act of March 3, 1879. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1920 Presidential Candidates Ohio can usually come forward with a candidate for the presidential nomination and this year is m> ex- ception to that rule. Just now the mails are bringing in almost daily reminders to the editor, sent with the hope that he will pass the infor- mation on to his readers, that James W. Gerard is willing to accept the head of the ticket if the delegates to the National Republican Convention see fit to present him the nomina- tion. After the convention sessions have passed into history and the choice has been made it will be interesting to scan the long list of those who were inviting the lightning to strike and to compare it with those who had any consideration in the coun- cils r>f the convention. Social happenings NEW AUTOMOBILE FIRM LOCATED ON NORTH SHORE Airs. Martha Hawes and her( twelve year old daughter of Eng-| land were the guests on Tuesday j and Wednesday of this week at the { home of M.iss KHa Hutst, 802 Lake [ avenue. Mrs. Hawes was formerly Miss Eddy, a teacher at New Trior high school, for many years, who for the past fifteen years has been making her home in England. She and her daughter arc planning to spend nine months visiting in her native land before returning to join Mr. Hawes. Mrs. Hawes was a visitor at New Trier high school on Wednesday. Mrs. Victor C. Sanborn was hos- tess to the North Shore Public Nurses from Lake Forest, Highland Park, Glencoe, Winnetka. "Wilmette and Gross Point, at a dinner at her home in Kenilworth on Wednesday evening. The Kmetauaxi cliapter of the Camp Fire Girls held a business meeting at the home of Miss Mar- jorie Smith. 1325 Greenwood avenue 3'esterday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Anderson, 809 Lake avenue, have returned from Bloomington, 111., where they at- tended the funeral services of Mrs. Anderson's father. Mrs. Lyman Drake, 9j3 Lake -avenue, entertained the members of the Infant Welfare board at an all- day meeting and luncheon on Thursday, of last week, at her home. Donald Murdoch, 1010 Central avenue, returned from Madison, Wis., where he spent the week-end. HENRY GURITZ BURIED LAST SUNDAY AFTERNOON Funeral services for Henry Guritz, who died of pneumonia February 12 were held at 2 o'clock Sunday afternoon at the home of his mother, Mrs. Carrie Guritz. 1524 Walnut avenue, Wilmette. A second service followed in St. John's Lutheran church of Wilmette. Burial was at Memorial Park cemetery. Mr. Guritz, who had been employ- ed by the Wieland Dairy company in F.vanston the last six years, con- tracted influenza during the recent epidemic and it developed into pneu- monia. He is survived by his wife and four children, Viola, Donald, Elmer and Kenneth: his mother, two brothers, Edwin and Alvin and- three sisters, Miss Helen Guritz, Mrs. Glenn Haich, and Mrs. John Gleason. RETURNS TO GROCERY Miss Peterson, of F.vanston, has returned to A. S. Van Deusen's gro- cery to act in the capacity of head bookkeeper. LEAVE WILMETTE Mr. and Mrs. William Marsh and family of 920 Fifteenth street, have moved to Winnetka. One of the latest additions to the list of North Shore automobile deal- ers is the firm of Deuchle* and Frid- man, distributors of the Overland and Willys-Knight cars. Newly dec- orated and well equipped sales rooms have been opened by the firm at 1514 Sherman avenue in Evanston. Their territory includes Evanston, Wilmette and Glencoe. In addition to the sales room, a service station for the two lines which these dealers handle is being arranged for. They have expressed their desire to be of all possible service to Overland and Willys- Knight owners. Both Mr. Deuchler and Mr. Frid- man of the new firm live in Wil- mette and are well known along the North Shore. WATER BOILER BURSTS A water boiler burst yesterday morning in the basement of the George A. Potter residence, 520 Gregory avenue. No damage was sustained from the steam which filled the house. RECOVERS FROM ILLNESS Miss Loretta Frawaly, of Oak- wood avenue, has recovered from a severe illness and returned to her studies at Marywood school, Evan- ston. . • r AUTO TIRE BURNS An automobile tire was the only thing that burned at a small fire in the basement of the home of Albert Ottone, 504 Park avenue, last Tues- day. MOVES TO WILMETTE J. C. Caldwell of Kentucky, has moved into the residence at 920 Fifteenth street. There's a (nspojjiscuit for every day in the year 'Preserve Your Health SCHULZE S BUTTER-NUT BREAD Delivered Fresh To Your Dealer Daily Final Clearance Sale NOW IN PROGRESS Shoes at Less Than Whole- sale cost today KASPAR'S SHOE STORE Fine Shoe Repairing 609 W. Railroad Ave. Tel. Wil. 590 WORDS THE GIANT THAT I LIVES INA BOX From a patron: "I have just finished my first year as a steady patron of your bat- tery service, and I feel moved to send you a few words of appre- ciation. "Your service gives me the im- pression that it was born of a de- sire, not merely to make money, but rather to make yourself and your place an asset to motor car owners. "This is decidedly different from the old days of battery service stations. "I hope, that as the months roll by, more and more of the North Shore's motor car owners will form your acquaintance. "Very sincerely yours/' Such words of appreciation serve as an incentive to every member of this organization. We sincerely hope to merit each and everyone's confidence* FRED W. OTTO. President. EVANSTON "EXIDE" BATTERY SERVICE, INC. 1007 Dtvis Street Evanston Phone Evanston 1049 3 Prouty Court, Winnetka Phone winnetka 1387 iimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiMiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii A reservation now for your "Exida" battery will aliminat* tha possibility of not b*ing abla to Mcura om latar. LOOK FOR TillS SIGN MTTCRT SRVKX DANCE IS SUCCESS >5.vThe masquerade dance given at the Gross Point village hall Monday evening was a big success and the large crowd present went home well satisfied with the evening's fun. REAR STEPS DAMAGED Rear steps at the home of H. R. . H'aH, 729\ Washington avenue were i>]- badly damaged .'Wednesday, when ' they caught fire -from an unknown cause. A.S.VanDeusen EVANSTON 620 Davis Street Tel. 2414.2415 2416,2417 The GROCER WILMETTE Contra) Ave. 4 12th St. Gractr, Te|i 511,511,5124 513 M«at Telephone SI 4 EVANSTON STORE Cub and Cairy ... 5% Discount Cash tod Delivered 2% Discount Credit and Carry, S cents allowed to each crdei Credit and Delivered, ene via delivered free Cash Discount on orders of $1 or more WILMETTE STORE Cash and Carry 5% diatew, Cash and Delivered. 2% d*.,,. Tk-ise de net •»â- '« t. Meal De nartvent. Credit and Delivered, ana .rite delivered free Special Sale Feb. 23rd to Feb. 28th FLORIDA GRAPEFRUITâ€" Heavy, thin skinned fruit. 80 size, doz.. 95c Each___ 8c 64 size, doz. .$1.20 Each ... .10c S4 size, doz. .$1.40 Each ..12^c APPLESâ€"Fine, sound fruit. For baking, or cooking in any way. 10 lbs......................85c LENOX LAUNDRY SOAPâ€" Procter & Gamble's. 120 7-oz. bars in box......$5.50 10 bars.....47c Bar .........5c No Cash Discount. SUPERIOR FAMILY LAUN- DRY SOAPâ€"100 8-oz. bars in a box ......$5.25 10 bars.....53c No Cash Discount. GOLD DUSTâ€" Large No. 4 pkg.............30c OLD DUTCH CLEANSERâ€" f'kff..........................9c. KITCHEN KLENZERâ€" Large can .................5Uc FAIRY SOAP FLAKESâ€" t'kg.........................10c OLD MANSE MAPLE AND CANE SYRUPâ€"It is hard to tell the difference between it and pure maple syrup. No. ZYi can 55c No. \% can 32c MONARCH OLIVE OILâ€"Pure. Italian. Gal. cam..........$3.75 V^-gal. can ................$2.00 POMPEIAN PURE OLIVE OIL â€"Quart ..$1.45 Pint ......75c RICHELIEU PURE MAPLE SUGARâ€"1 lb..............48c CURTIS BROS.' PURE MAPLE SYRUPâ€"Pure maple sap. Very delicately flavored. 16-oz. bottle ................48c 2-lb. 2-oz. bottle............ 95c DUFF'S MOLASSES â€" Light color, f cannot buy it for this price today. No. iy2 can..35c GINGER CAKE MOLASSESâ€" Dark. No. 10 can 80c No. 5 can 42^c No. 2y2 can 23c No. 2 can 18c RICHELIEU CURRANTSâ€" I'kg.........................34c RICHELIEU RAISINSâ€"A bar- fain. Seeded and cleaned. Pkg.........................20c APRlCOTSâ€"Dried. Veribest. Ex- tra fancy. Lb..............45c PRUNE Sâ€"Richelieu. Santa Clara. Sweet. Need no sugar. 50-60 size, lb................27c 40-50 size, lb................30c DEL MONTE PRUNES â€"The very finest and largest Santa Clara sweet prunes grown. I cannot buy them at this price to- day. 20-30 size, lb..........35c LARDâ€"Pure. Lb............29c CHEESEâ€"White Cloud. Supreme quality of New York whole milk. Perfect flavor. Lb..........45c KRISPY CRACKERSâ€"Loose. Wiles & Co.'s finest salt wafers. Nearly half the price of package crackers. 6j/£-lb. carton.. ..$1.37 Lb..........................22c MONARCH CATSUPâ€" 14^2-oz. bottle .............18c YACHT CLUB SALAD DRESS- INGâ€" 3y2-oz. bottle ........10c 10-oz. bottle...24c 19-oz. ..45c SKINNER'S MACARONI AND SPAGHETTIâ€"7-oz. pkg.....9c SAUER'S VANILLA EXTRACT â€"As good as any. 4-oz. bottle 55c 2-oz. bottle 30c RICHELIEU PEANUT BUT- TERâ€" 12-oz. jar..40c 7-oz..25c SILVER LEAF PRESERVESâ€" Strawberry and raspberry; large 12-oz. jar. doz $3.75 Jar..3254c SKOOKUM APPLE BUTTERâ€" 15-oz. jar ...................28c DEL MONTE PURE PRE- SERVESâ€"15-oz. jar . . 35c RICHELIEU BITTER MARMA- LADEâ€"Like the old Scotch and English marmalade. 16-oz. jar...38c 8-oz. jar___20c TRAVERSE CITY RUSSET CI- DERâ€"Delicious flavor. Nr>. 10 can. .75c No. 2l/2 can 22c MATINEE SARDINESâ€"In olive oil. y2s. Large can........32c ST. FRANCIS SARDINESâ€"In olive oil. 54 s. Can.........22c DARLING SHRIMPSâ€"Dry pack. No. 1 can. Doz..$2.40 Can 20c PILCHARD SARDINESâ€"Large, fat fish. 1 lb., net weight. Can ........................23c COFFEEâ€"My own blend. I have just bought a large quantity of this coffee to protect the price It is equal to any coffee selling now at 60c. Lb.............47^ COFFEE â€"Roast Santos." Mild sweet, very reasonable. Lb. 40c SOVEREIGN HAWAIIAN PINEAPPLE-None finer. Only a very small quantity left. I have No. 2 pineapple in stock now that will sell for 40c a can No. 2 cans, doz. $3.75 Can 32^ic No. Zy2 cans, doz. $4.50 Can 40c DEL MONTE PEACHES-Extra quality. No. 2y2 cans. Today jobbers are taking contracts for peaches of this grade to deliver next fall, at a higher price than my retail price. D°z......$5.25 Can ...... 45c THANK YOU SLICED PEACHES â€"No. 1 can. Fine quality, heavy syrup. D°2......$2.40 Can .......20c DEL MONTE BARTLETT PEARS â€"Large No. 2y2 can. rears are scarce this year. Ihesc are a bargain, and extra fancy quality. Doz. ...'. .$5.75 Can .......50c DEL MONTE PLUMS â€"Green Gage and egg plums. Large No. iy2 can. Fancy quality. Hoz......$4.75 Can .......40c DEL MONTE APRICOTSâ€"The finest quality. No. 2-1 can. Doz......$5.50 Can .....47J^c No. 1 can. Doz......$2.85 Can .......24c DEL MONTE ROYAL ANNE CHERRIES â€" White cherries. No. 2 can. Doz......$5.25 Can .......45c GENESEE PUMPKINâ€"Look at the price. Splendid goods. No. 2 can, doz... 80c Can. ..7c MONSOON ASPARAGUS POINTSâ€"Very fine. No. 1 tall can. Doz. ..$2.85 Can ....24c HY KLASS OR PRIDE OF WHITEWATER CORNâ€"Ex- tra standard sweet corn. Doz......$1.90 Can .......16c PLYMOUTH ROCK EARLY JUNE PEAS â€"Tender, sweet. Excellent quality. Doz......$1.65 Can .......I4c PLYMOUTH ROCK TOMA- TOESâ€"Extra standard. No. 2 can, doz..$1.75 Can.. 15c No. 3 can, doz..$2.15 Can.. 19c RICHELIEU BAKED BEANSâ€" With tomato sauce. No. 2 can. Doz.-.....$1.90 Can .......16c FREMONT S Q U A S H-Large. No. 3 can. Makes fine pies. .Doz......$1.20 Can .......10c MONSOON HOMINY â€" Large. No. 3 can. a SZl r.V : • •$LS0 2 cans .....25c ARCADIA GREEN AND WAX BEANSâ€"Cut Refugee. A snap. Doz- .....$1.50 2 cans .....25* M«9L£ S ° ° N ASPARAGUS POINTSâ€"Fancy. No. 1 square c*"- Doz..$4.75 Can ......40c RICHELIEU LITTLE KERNEL j â€" The finest quality of tender, sweet sugar corn. D°*â-  ;••â- â€¢$2.35 Can .......20c RICHELIEU SIFTED SWEET WRINKLED PEASâ€"More ten- der and sweeter than fresh peas. Doz. $3.00 Can .......26c VERIBEST TOMATOES-Ar- mour's. Solid pack. Very fine. Large No. 3 can. Doz. .....$2.65 Can .......23c RIJCHELIEU GOLDEN BAN- TAM SUCCOTASH -First RICHELIEU SAUER KRAUTâ€" Fancy. Large, No. 3 can. »P°,zi,v;â- â- â€¢tl.W Can .......I6c ^CHELIEU STRINGLESS BEANSâ€"Fancy. For salad or t>TV£f^aTb£; Doz- I3-25 Can 28c RICHELIEU FRENCH STYLE LIMA BEANS â€"Small, green. £or salad or vegetable. < -Doz .....$3.00 Can .......25c RICHELIEU SPINACH-Large No. 2y2 can. Equal to fresh spinach, and one-half the price. Doz. .....$3.00 Can .......25c ALASKA SALMON-Fancy. Red. No. 1 tall can.......... .. .33c ALASKA SALMON-Fancy. Red. No. y2 can............... 22c

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