Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Feb 1920, p. 7

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THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1920 R ATESâ€"10c per line for first insertion. Each succeeding in- sertion, Sc per line. Minimum 9 lines. Copy must be in by Wednesday. Rates for same advertisement in The Lake Shore News. Winnetka Weekly Talk and Glencoe News. 20c per line for first insertion. Each succeeding insertion, 10c per line. HELP WANTEDâ€"FEMALE YOUNG WOMEN Have -you ever investigated what we have to offer you? Our work is easy to learn. We teach you how to handle calls be- fore you are sent to an office. We give you a liberal starting salary and advance you frequent- ly thereafter. FOR SALEâ€"USED CARS FOR SALEâ€"TWO FORD DELIVERY trucks, excellent condition, will-sell cheap. E. J. Galitz, 1206 Gregory Ave., Wilmette. Phone Wilmette r>!»5. LTG15-2tp FOR SALEâ€"1920 BIG SIX WINTON; 5 cord tires; snubbors; bumper; motometer; clock; special curtains and special extra seats. Deuchler & Fridman, 1514 Sherman Ave., Evan- ston. Phone Evanston 710, LTG15-ltc FOR HALEâ€"FORD COUPE IN Ex- cellent condition, fully equipped. Phone Evanston 710. LTG15-ltc MISCELLANEOUS NOTICEâ€"FREE OP CHARGE, WE will clean your 9x12 rug with our latest style Hoover special electric vacuum cleaner, it sweeps, beats and sucks; try it. Patterson Bros., 828 Davis street, Evanston. Telephone Wil. 526 or Evanston 654. L.TG12-tfc CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS FOR the EVANSTON NEWS-INDEX, pub- lished daily, except Sunday, may -be telephoned to Wilmette 1487. LTG14-tfdh I Telephone Evanston 455 Residence Telephone Evanston 3397- J C ONRAD SCHMEISSER PLUMBING 1709 SHERMAN AVENUE EVANSTON FOR HALEâ€" VELIE TOURING CAR, model 2x; just been put in line con- dition; 5 8'oocl tireHj removable winter top. Can be seen at Modern Garage, Railroad avenue, near Cen- tral street, Evanston. LICi-ltc Cozy, attractive rest rooms are provided for your enjoyment. Visit our office and see what a position with us means to you. "Young women, 16 years of age •or over, wanted for this work. CHICAGO TELEPHONE CO. Apply to Chief Operator at Wil- mette or Winnetka. FOR SALEâ€"I'OtrLTHV CHICKENS FOR SALEâ€"24 CHOICE Partridge rock pullets, laying and one cockerel, $'3.00 each. Telephone Wilmette MIS,. LT1F.-Itp Shot Full of Holes!! I have a few Suits and Overcoats ready made which I am closing out at prices way below wholesale. You will pay twice as much for the same garment next fall. Come in and see them. $25 to $50. Wm. Kaplan Ladies' and Gen- tlemen's Tailor FOR SALKâ€"COOKERAL, $5; ORDERS taken for hatching' eg'KS. 105 5th at. Wilmette. LTOi5-ltc g| 627 W. RAILROAD AVE. PHONE WILMETTE 667 WA.VriOIJ TO UKXTâ€"HOMKS WANTED TO RENTâ€"EAST SIDE HOME WITH DOUBLE GARAGE; MUST HAVE 5 BEDROOMS; FOR MAY 1; WILL PAY $100 OR MORE; BEST REFERENCES. PHONE WILMETTE 2080. L15-tfc LT13-3tc WANTEDâ€"COOK; FOUR IN FAMILY. Phone Winnetka 60S.___ LTG14-2te WANTED AT ONCE EXP. DRESS- maker; also apprentice, steady posi- tions. 859 Elm St., Winnetka, Tel. Winn. 1325. LTG15-3tc WANTED YOUNG GIRL FOR GENER- al office work; prefer typist. Lake Shore Pub. Co., Wilmette. LTG15-tfc HELP WANTEDâ€"A YOUNG LADY in an Evanston office. Telephone operator and stenographic work. Apply in own hanrt writing and state' experience. Mason & Smart, 1580 Sherman Ave., Evanston. LTlS-ltc WANTEDâ€"WHITE GIRL FOR GEN- eral housework; family of four; no laundry; private bath; good wages. Telephone Wil. 550._________ LTG15-ltc WANTED FURNISHED HOME IN Kenilworth or Winnetka for May or May and June. T. M. Brooks, 590 Willow Ct., Winnetka. Phone Win- netka 206. LT15-ltc WANTED TO RENT SMALL HOUSE with three bedrooms, Wilmette, Winnetka or Glencoe. Phone Glen- coe 341-M. LTG15-ltc WANTED TO RENT FIVE OR SIX room house, option of buying. Phone Sunnyside 3867. L15-ltc WA.VI'KIJ TO KKXTâ€"ROOMS WANTED FOR RENTâ€"FOUR OR five light housekeeping rooms; un- furnished with bath and sleeping porch for three women. Phone Wil. 121. L15-ltc WANTED TO RENT BY MOTHER and adult daughter one or two un- furnished rooms; bath; by May 1; references. Phone Ravenswood 4604. LTG15-4tc FOR RENTâ€"ROOMS FUR RENTâ€"FURNISHED ROOMS; also light housekeeping apartments. Phone Wilmette 186X. LS-tfc WANTEDâ€"STENOGRAPHER; ONE with some experience preferred. Firs»t National Rank of Wilmette. LTGlo-ltc FOR RENTâ€"ONE LARGE FURNISH- ed room; also light house-keeping rooms; in good locality. Phone Wil. S25-R. LTG14-UP YVAXTKD TO HUYâ€"MISCELLANEOUS _________HE LP WA STKDâ€"M A LE_________ WANTED FIRST CLASS CHAUFFEUR willing to make himself useful around house and grounds year around position, Address Lake Shore News, Wilmette. E3575. LTGln-ltc WAN TED â€" CLE A N, WHIT E RAGS; will pay 6 cents per pound for good ones. Lake Shore Publishing Co., 1222 Central avenue. L14-tfdh LOST ASU FOTXD HELP WANTEDâ€"MALE AND FE MALE CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATIONSâ€" February, March. Men, women, 18- 50 eligible. $110 month. Experience unnecessary. For free particulars, write J. Leonard (former Civil Serv- ive Examiner), 208 Equitable Bklg., Washington. D. C. LTG14-2tp LOSTâ€"ELECTRIC VALVE GRINDER, Tuesday, on Wilmette or Central avenues in or near business district. Reward. Tel. Wilmette 628. Llfi-ltc AGENTS WANTED TO WRITE AUTO- mobile insurance in your town by organization, doing $1,000,000 busi- ness last year. Co-operation and assistance given. Acquaintance with car owners an advantage. Previous insurance experience not essential. Our rates save car owners real monev. Write today for particulars, 1145 First National B~nk '-"' Chicngo. ______LTG15-UC FOR SALEâ€"HOITKHOI.!) GOOUS BARGAINâ€"MUST SELL VICTROLA. velour parlor suite, dining room suite, bed-room suite, rugs, library- table, lamps, curtains, draperies, sewing machine, paintings; almost new. 1335 Elmdale avenue, Chicatro. near Broadway, take Evanston "L" to Thorndale station. Phone Sunny- side 4806._______________________LTG12-4tc FOR SALEâ€"A LATEST MODEL Singer sewing machine; like new. Also an old rose silk floor lamp shade and mahogany stand; and a living room clock. Telephone Wil- mette 492. 815 Gregory Ave.. Wil- mette. LTG15-ltc 112 Millions" used last year* to KILL COLDS^ CASCARA^QUININI Standard cold remedy for 20 years "" â€"in tablet formâ€"safe, sure, no opiatesâ€"break* up a cold in 24 hoursâ€"relieve* crip in 3 days. Money back if it fails. The genuine box has a Red k top with Mr. Hill's picture. At All Draw 5ferea FOR SALEâ€"THREE BEST ELECTRIC Household appliances: Eden Washing M:i<?hine, Simplex Ironer and Hoov- «.!• Vacuum Cleaner. E isy payments; fine service. Patterson Rn».;.. S2.S Da\is street. Evanstni. LTOl1-tfe NOTICEâ€"BEFORE BUYING A i-\':W- ii'f machine see the New Style S'.n^'- cr and Singer Electric; nil factories use the Singer; also 200 us â- â€¢! ie.v'iig machnies, $5 up. Patt.?i m»'i P'"*. -•..i Davis street. Kyai^r > >. LTG11 -Kv MUST DISPOSE OF FURNSIHINGS OF eight-room home; sun and sleeping porch, living, dining and maid's room, hall and basement furniture. â-  'Colonial mahogany living room furniture; antique Jacobean dining room and hall sets. 231. Franklin Rd., Glencoe Shore. Glencoe 627. LTG15-ltc RECENTLY NEW BEDROOM AXiJ kitchen pieces; chairs, rugs, libiary table, porch set, etc. Winn. 1102. LTG15-ltc TOO LATE Death only a matter of short time. Don't wait until pains and aches become incurable diseases. Avoid painful consequences by taking GOLD MEDAL Put Your Money to Work for You Over 6000 customers and employes have already purchased stock in the Public Service Company of Northern Illinois on the easy payment plan. Are YOU one of them? $5.00 Is All You Need to Start THE Public Service Company of Northern Illi- nois wants every one of its customers and employes to be financially interested in the company and to share in its earnings. It realizes completely the advantages to the company of having YOU as a stockholder. At the same time it offers to you a most attractive investment opportunityâ€"a chance to put your savings in a home enterprise where your money will be absolutely safe and will earn for you dividends at the rate of $6.00 per share per year. You Pay Only $5.00 Per Month i for each $ 1 00 share purchased under the plan now available to to customers and employes. A first payment of $5.00 down per share is all you need make for each share you buy. Not more than five shares will be allotted to any one subscriber on this plan. This is a remarkable investment opportunity. The Public Service Company is your home utility, providing nearly 200 Illinois cities and towns with gas and electric service that is absolutely indispensable. The money received from the sale of this Cumulative Preferred Stock will be reinvested in improvements and extensions that will enable the company to serve you and its other customers better than ever before. An Easy, Systematic Way to save You'll never miss the $5.00 monthly payments on this stock. You'll be sur- prised how rapidly these small monthly payments grow into something substantial and worthwhile. You'll own the stock almost before you realize it. The quarterly dividends will provide you with a steady source of income in addition to your salary or wages from work. [ Inquiry Coupon The world's standard remedy for kidney, liver, bladder and uric add troublesâ€"the National Remedy of Holland since 1696. Guaranteed. Three sizes, all druggists. Leek far die mm Gold Medal oa ever? beat asd accept a» iaiitatiea Date- Public Service Company ef Northern Illinois Evanston , I would like to receive further information about the Pablic Service Company and the stock you offer on easy payments. Name- Street. City-------i_ Mail the coupon at the bottom of this ad now. Or telephone us or stop in at our local office or at your bank. The al- lotment is going fast. We advise you to act today to be sure of getting your stock. PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY of Northern Illinois ; > mmmmmmmssmssssammmmmmmmmmmHmBSsmmm

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