THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1920 Speed Cops Ready for Spring Chase Motorcycle Squads Overhaul M« chines and Judge* Prepare to • Make Speeder Campaign "Up and at 'em, boys," is the slogan of the demon motorcycle cops, who, like the ground-hog, appear from a '.vinter's quiet to announce the ap- proach of spring. In Winnetka. Wilmette, Kenilworth and Glencoe, gasolene alleys are in vogue. The speed cops are overhaul- ing rusting and squeaking machines in preparation for the big spring campaign on promiscuous drivers. With the exception of the Cook county territory, which has three of its four deputy sheriffs' positions filled, the north shore towns are pre- pared to reduce speeding to a mini- mum. Winnetka, which has employed only one rider in the past, will this year have as entries two experienced men â€"John Hanselman and Albert Ottone. Kenilworth believes Clemont Ley is efficient in discouraging one-armed riders, prevalent since girls have learned to ride in front seats. Wilmette has the one and only Peter Schaefer. He,, too, expects a record year. In Glencoe, Jacob Rudolph is zeal- ously studying the best plans for trapping Mercury - heeled drivers from the upper shore towns. The county highways will be watch- ed with eagle eye by George Schae- fer, Michael Keane and M. A. Doos- ing. The fourth position, held last- year by Edgar Leonbardt, remains open. Leonhardt, war hero, has been critically ill for some month.; as a result of exposure. He was gassed in France . The Justices, too, are brushing up for the "coming out" event. This drive, which will commence within two weeks, according to village offi- cials, will bring all offenders before the same staff of Justices as last year. They are: D. M. Mickey, Wilmette; Arthur McKenna, Kenilworth; By- ron A. Nelson and C. T. Northrop, Winnetka; and J. R. Crocker, Glen- coe. Speedersâ€"BEWARE! One automobile stage line operating out of Los Angeles, Cal., has 67 bus- es and carries over 800 passengers daily. BETTER DEAD Life is a burden when the body is racked with pain. Everything Worries and the victim becomes despondent and downhearted. To bring back the sunshine take The national remedy of Holland for over 200 years; it is an enemy of all pains re- sulting from kidney, liver and uric acid troubles. All druggists, three sizes. Look for the name Gold Medal on every box and accept no imitation We offer an unusual selection of the artistic and well- known Miller Lamps manufactured by Ed- w srd Mi Her & Company. Tlii-ir artual Wfilli is far more than tl)<" »•â- • pricedâ€" ! 'It fV"3"titV pTTlirtiw ^a» li-iJ in. •. is'id .vi'i I"n -rra' r! area Floor Lamp, «./"; LVliry L->in>. $-1.00; Mot.irvr I.;im^. :Fi>,7.5â€"prices F.O.B. Chira^o. Illinois. STORK VISITS SCHWALL AND HILLINGER HOMES The familiar stork has been more than usually busy during the past ten days having visited the homes of Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Schwall of Ridge avenue, Gross Point, and Philip Hil- linger, Jr.. li)20 bpencer avenue. lioth couples are the proud par- ents of daughters, Miss Schwall ar- riving Thursday, February 19 and i\li.-s Hillinger on Tuesday, Feb- ruary 24. Mr. Schwall has been connected with the First National Bank for a number of years while Mr. Hillinger is equally well known because of his participation in local athletic and social affairs. LOCAL INDOOR NINE TO MEET GLENCOE AGAIN Wilmette A. C. will play Glencoe Monday evening at the Central school gym in an indoor game. The visitors defeated the local team 10-9 two weeks ago at Wilmette, in a hard •ought 7-inning tussle. Art Braun will again receive Smith's hurling wares while Glencoe will be represented in the box and behind the plate by Moeller and Gel- bar. Gross Point, from pneumonia, after an illness of about a week. Mrs. King, who was well known in Gross Point and Wilmette. is sur- vived by her husband and two child- ren, John, aged 4 years, and Ruth, aged 3 years. She was buried at St. Joseph's Tues- day afternoon, February 17, after ser- vices had been held in the church. PARENT-TEACHER ASSO- CIATION TO MEET MONDAY A regular meeting of the Parent- Teacher association of the Logan school will be held at the school on Monday at 3 o'clock. Miss Katherine Martin of the Uni- v/s//s//////////ys//sss/s//ss///s///////////////////s//*A Dr. Charles E. Geisse Osteopathic Physician Phone Wil 2052 1150 Wilmette Ave Residence Phone 716-J Â¥jsssssss///s///////'S////'/////s.'////////////s//"'S/s//////. GROSS POINT WOMAN IS PNEUMONIA VICTIM Mrs. William N. King, 29 years of age, died Sunday morning, February 15, at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Bleser, Ridge avenue, FURS Altered, Repaired and Remodeed Ac- cording to the Newest Modes Have your furs cared for by a practical, expert furrier at a reasonable price. Furs Stored absolutely safe from moths, burglars, fire and dust. Our burglar alarm protects your furs HARRY A. R0PINSKI Mni)iifm>tiir<T of Fine Fur* (Established in 1908) Telephone Evanston 3722 916 Chicago Ave., near Main St. UOYBURM 615 Davis St., Evanston MATINEES 2 and 4 Evenings 7 and 9 Saturday February 28 OWEN MOORE "Sooner or Later" Universal Screen Events Briggs Comedy Next Wee Monday to Friday inclusive March 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 The Beloved American Classic "IN OLD KENTUCKY" This is without a doubt the most spectacular picture- ever \ produced Saturday March 6 BILLIE BURKE "Wanted a Husband »» Commencing Monday, March 8 "The Copperhead" Featuring LIONEL BARRYM0RE Automobile Owners Attention Your Village Automobile License is due March 1st. To avoid trouble and save the Village unnecessary expense, please pay your license promptly. The police department will check up after that date, and all delinquents will be served with a summons. Call at the Village office or mail check. Do it now. C. C. SCHULTZ, Village Manager versity of Chicago will speak on 'Relation of Kindergarten to Prim- ary Grades." .Miss Roy Allen will sing. A large attendance is desired. i Tax Collector AT FIRST NATIONAL Tax Payers of this community will be pleased to learn that Mr. Hoyt King, Tax Collector for New 7>ierTownship, has established headquarters in this bank and is now ready to receive taxes due on Personal Property and > Real Estate. We advise you to call early and avoid the rush. 30E30C 30C30C 30E30E FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF WILMETTE MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE BANK 1 "Taxi, Sir? » Phone Wilmette 134 and 135 DAY AND NIGHT Best Service and Most Reason- able Rates on the North Shore KETTER BROS. TAXI CAB and EXPRESS SERVICE 611 W. RAILROAD AVENUE WILMETTE We would not dare to disappoint you Our reputation for prompt and efficient service in cleaning, pressing and repairing clothes is unexcelled. Try us only to find that your clothes will look better set better and wear longer. Our method of pressing is the sanitary way. Ar- menian masters in cleaning and repairing oriental and domestic rugs. FOR A TRIAL 4 Carlton Bid. ~ ,. x Winnetka, 111. DYE HOUSE (Inc.) [Phone Wilmette 803 ONE DOLLAR paid down will put in your House any Electric Appliance Balance of cost in monthly payments This offer is limited to the first Two Weeks in March There is no reservationâ€"everything is in- cludedâ€"Washing Machines, Vacuum Cleaners, Electric Irons, Electric Fans, Percolators, Toasters, Curling Irons, Util- ity Motors, Ironing Machines, Chafing Dishes, Grills, Radiators, Vibrators, Port- able Lamps, Etc. On one of these articles the deferred pay- ments are extended over the period of sixteen months; on numerous others twelve months. We suggest if you are interested in this opportunity that you place your order without delay because our stock of many of these articles is limited. At our Sales Rooms The nearest is at Evanston Public Service Company of Northern Illinois