Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 15 Oct 1920, p. 7

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THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY, OCTOBER IS, 1920 Classified Advertisements R ATESâ€"10c per line for first insertion. Each succeeding in- sertion. 5c per line. Minimum S lines. Copy must be in by Wednesday. Rates for same advertisement in The Lake Shore News. Winnetka Weekly Talk and Glencoe News. 20c per line for first insertion. Each succeeding insertion, 10c per line. HELP WANTEDâ€"FEMALE WANTEDâ€"SEVERAL. GIRLS OVER 16 years, for light factory work; good starting salary; steady work; no experience required. TOY TINKERS 721 Custer avenue, Evanston. LTG48-2tc WANTEDâ€"A COMPETENT MAID FOR g-eneral housework; protestant; Ave , room house; $16.00; no washing. 187 Forest avenue, Winnetka. Phone Win. m. LTG49-ltc WANTEDâ€"SECOND MAID; OWN room and bath; no heavy work; ex- perienced girl will receive good wages. Phone Win. 89. LTG49-ltc WANTEDâ€"RELIABLE WHITE WOM- an for cooking, in private family; ref. req. 919 Ashland avenue. Phone Wil. 852-J.__________________LTQ49-ltc WANTEDâ€"WHITE WOMAN FOR laundry work; one day per week. Apply 900 Elmwood avenue, Wilmette Phone Wil. 1678._______________L49-1 tp WANTEDâ€"SOMEONE TO KNIT stockings for children. Phone Wil. 294. L49-ltc WANTEDâ€"SALES LADIES; STEADY work and good pay. Chandler's, 630 Davis street, Evanston. LTG48-tfc HELP WANTEDâ€"MALE WANTEDâ€"SEVERAL BOYS. 16 years, for light factory work; good starting salary; steady work; no ex- perience required. TOY TINKERS, 721 Custer avenue, Evanston. LTG48-2tc WANTEDâ€"A UTO (MECHANICS. steady work and satisfactory wages to ambitious men. Winnetka Motor Co., 562 Lincoln avenue, Winnetka. ^^"______________________ LTG49-tfc W ANTE Dâ€"LAUNDRESS TO TAKE work home. Phone Wil. 2292. L49-ltc SITUATION WANTEDâ€"FEMALE A GRADUATE NURSE WILL TAKE elderly people requiring more or less care in her own home; yenned sur- roundings; references A-l. Phone Glencoe 650. LT49-t£c HIGH CLASS DRESSMAKING. FOR appointment phone Wilmette 2332. v LTG38-tfO SITUATION WANTEDâ€"MALE HOUSEMAN AND GARDENER, CARE- taker and all around man, by married -man, reliable, exp. and. best ref. Address C. D. care H. Bauman, room 1203. 226 West Jackson Blvd., Chi- cago, 111. LTG49-ltp KOIt SALIOâ€"HOUSEHOLD HOODS FOR SALEâ€"GAS STOVE AND ICE box, $40; dining room set, six chairs; one table; one side-table; china cabinet, $85; two piece mahog- any living room set, $40; porch furniture, five wicker chairs, two wicker tables; two rugs; one couch hammock, $60; three mission chairs, $35; one mission table, $15. Call mornings. 607 7th street, Wilmette, 111. Phone Wil. 2231.________LTG46-tfc FOR SALEâ€"USED PIANOSâ€" Lvon & Healy, $65.00; Harvard, $150; Emerson, $95.00; Cheney, $90.00; Schaff, $175.00; Bowers, $135.00; Fischer, $110.00; Steinway. 88-note player with rolls, $225.00. Other bargains. Easy payments. Patter- son Bros., 828 Davis street, Evans- ton, _____________________LTG48-2tc FOR SALEâ€"HANDSOME JACOBEAN dining room set; 8 pieces; cost $1500 4 years ago; sell for $450; may be seen at Eklund's, the Upholsterer Park avenue, Glencoe. LTG49-ltc HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND CUH'HINb bodght and sold. Call N. Fell, 1644 Maple avenue, Evanston. Phone Ev- anaton 103.__________________LTG39-t«C pOR SALEâ€"ANTIQUE SOLID MA- hagony round tea table; $50; can be seen at 819 15th street, Wilmette. Phone Wil. 2266.____________LTG49-ltc FOR SALEâ€"GEORGE M. CLARK GAS stove; like new; $37.50; one gas heater, $6.00; one oil heater. $3.00. Phone Wil. 2282.____________LTG49-UC FOR SALEâ€"TWO ORIENTAL RUGS. 10x13; can be seen anytime at Ire- dale's Warehouse and Storage, Evans- ton ____________ LTG49-2tc FOR SALEâ€"GAS STOVE; BOX'STYLEfor quick sale; only $5.00 416 Ridge avenue. Wilmette; rear._______L49-ltp "FOR SALEâ€"GAS RANGE; OVEN side and bottom; good condition; $18.50. Phone Win. 1245. LTG48-tfc FOR SALEâ€"DINING ROOM CHATRS. solid oak. Bargain. F'hone Win. g38 ________LTG49-ltc WAXTED'TO RENTâ€"PIANO WANTED TO RENTâ€"A PIANO. TEL. Wil. 294. L49-ltc FOR RENTâ€"FURNISHED ROOM FOR RENTâ€"EARLY IN NOVEMBER, for six months, six room furnished lower part of a private residence; to adults onlv. Address P. O. Box 95. â- Wilmette. 111._____________ LTG49-ltc "yOK RENT- FURNISHED ROOM: convenient to transportation and cafeteria. 914 Central avenue, Wil- mette. Phone Wil. 1417. LTG49-ltc FOR----RENTâ€"NICELY FURNISHED, large light room in modern home to a refined person or couple. 1529 Wash- ington avenue. L49-ltp "FOR RENTâ€"NICELY FURNISHED rooms. Phone Wilmette 1080. ____________________L41-tfc FOR RENTâ€"LOVELY ROOM IN EAST side private home; also attic room. Phone Wil. 1940. L49-ltc WANTED TO RENTâ€"ROOMS WANTED TO RENTâ€"2 OR 3 FURN. rooms for light house keeping; by business women. Phone Win. 822 LT49-ltc FOR RENTâ€"HOUSE FOR RENT IN WINNETKAâ€"A COZY 6 room house; hot water heat. Phone Win. 318. LTG49-ltc FOR SALEâ€"APARTMENT BUILDING FOR SALEâ€"ATTRACTIVE TWO APT, building; in choicest location in Ev- anston; sun parlors and sleeping porches. Phone Evanston 3481. I/TGO-ltp BRICK TWO APARTMENT BUILDING for sale; immediate possession. Tel. Evanston 3481. LTG4»-ltp FOR SALEâ€"HOUSE FOR SALEâ€"BARGAIN; 6 ROOM modern house; newly decorated; glassed living and sleeping porches; large garage; convenient to trans- portation; owner leaving town; must sell quick. 599 Fir street, Winnetka, Phone Win. 1492. LTG49-ltc FOR SALEâ€"8 ROOM STUCCO HOUSE, Lloyd Wright style; hot water heat; No-Kol burner; close to transporta- tion and school; reasonable. F. L. Parr, 127 Bertllng lane. Phone Win. 411. LTG49-ltc FOR SALEâ€"MISCELLANEOUS WHITE CROSS GINGER ALE, ROOT Beer, Orange and Lemon; Cherry Blossoms delivered to your home in cases. Fred J. Lapp, 178 Prairie avenue, Wilmette. Phone Wil. 2463. LTG42-tfc FOR SALEâ€"A LADIES' FALL SUIT, fur trimmed (Beaver); also Duvetyn cape and fall dress; size 18 or 36. 623 Laurel avenue or phone Wil. 1291. L49-ltc FOR SALEâ€"LARGE AIREDALE DOG; housebroken; also* 5 four-month old Airedale pups. Call at 1080 N. Green Bay road, Glencoe or phone Glencoe 799. LTG49-ltc FOR SALEâ€"DIAMOND DISC EDISON phonograph, $200 value with $75 worth of records; good as new; $150. Phone Win. 1040. 650 Ash street, Winnetka. LTG49-ltc FOR SALEâ€"A BEAGLE HOUND; cheap. Call 813 Dempster street, Ev- anston. L49-ltdh MISCELLANEOUS WE MAKE OR REPAIR MOST ANY- thing of wood; expert wood and metal pattern makers; models aloo; patents perfected; special mirrors and picture frames. For further informa- tion address A. H. Carlstrom, 216 Wood court, Wilmette, 111. Phone Wil. 2332. LTG47-tfc NOTICEâ€"PRICE GUARANTEE ANY factory reduction in prices up to March 1st, 1921, we will remit back to our customers on the purchase of a piano, talking machine, washing machine, sewing machine, vacuum cleaner etc. Buy now. Patterson Bros., 828 Davis street, Evanston. LTG48-tfc FOR SALEâ€"FARM LANDS OCONTO COUNTY, WISCONSIN, CLOV- erland and Garden Spot, the County which took the silver cup, (list premium recognition in competition â- with all others, at the recent Wis- consin State Fair. The fertility of its heavy clayloam soil, whereupon corn, wheat, rye, oats, barley, potatoes, red clover, alsike, and alfalfa, are raised most abundantly with the best of church, school, markets, gravel roads, and railway facilities, immediately to hand, where prices upon its imprbved and unimproved farm lands are rapidly increasing. All of which con- ditions present to you if interested in securing an ideal farm home at a price which upon proper in- vestigation you will find to be splendid bargain. If interested please communicate with Charles A. Best, Licensed Real Estate Broker, Oconto, Wisconsin. LTG47-3tc FOR SALEâ€"AUTOS FOR SALEâ€"MODEL "55" CADILLAC sport car; black body, red wheels, tan seat covers; tonneau, wind shield, shock absorbers and other extras; runs like new; bargain. Stenman's Garage, 724 Elm street, Winnetka. Phone Win. 841. LTG49-ltc FOR SALEâ€"WILLYS OVERLAND; cheap; 1918 model; driven only 11,000; Continental motor; A-l condition; few extras; private party. Call Wil. 2386. LTG49-ltc FOR SALEâ€"A BUICK ROADSTER; large four; old car; always kept in fine condition; extra tire; equipment; cheap for quick sale. Phone Win. 938. LTG49-ltc FOR SALEâ€"OAKLAND COUPE; NEW; been used 4 months by lady; perfect condition; quick sale, Phone Evans- ton 6141. LTG49-ttc FOR SALEâ€"ON ACCOUNT OF DEATH 7-passenger, 8 cylinder, 1918 model Oldsmobile; good condition: recently overhauled. Phone Wil. 717-R. LTG49-ltc FOR SALEâ€"ONE 1917 USED FORD touring body; complete. Phone Win. 165. LTGO-Ltc WANTED TO BUYâ€"MISCELLANEOUS NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. SAVE YOUR papers and junk. We are paying the highest prices. $1.25 for papers: $1.50 for books and magazines. Call Evanston 6371, 7 to 8 a. m. or after 6 p. m. We pay toll charges. Evans- ton Paper Co._______________LT46-4tp HIGH PRICES PAID FOR JUNKâ€" Buys paper, rags, magazines, iron, and all kinds of junk. Max Welm- man, Ridge avenue near Lake ave- nue. Gross Point. Phone Wil. 1734. LT35-tfc WANTED TO BUYâ€"A PORTABLE garage and electric washing machine, and small boys' bicycle. Phone Win. 220. LTG49-ltc WANTEDâ€"CLEAN WHITE RAGS; 8c a pound. Lake Shore Publ. Co., 1222 Central avenue. L29-tf WANTED TO BUYâ€"A LADIES' Bi- cycle; in good condition. Alice King. 914 Greenwood avenue. L49-ltc LOST AND FOUND LOSTâ€"COLLIE PUP; 3 WHITE FEET and 1 brown one; white tip on end of tail; reward. Phone Wil. 1684. L49-ltc NOTICE i I 1 Sunday Business ceases NOVEMBER IS By Members of m NORTH SHORE REAL ESTATE BOARD CO-OPERATION IN THIS MOVEMENT BY OWNERS AND CLIENTS WILL HELP HEALTH OFFICER GIVES FREE ADVICE TO THOSE SUFFERING WITH COLDS Boston, Mass.â€"To those thousands of Massachusetts men, women and children who are suffering from "this prevalence of colds," Dr. Lyman A. Jones, of the state department of Health gave this advice: "Colds are highly communicable. Isolate yourselves. Take a day or two -off. Rest up. Resort to any of the 'old-fashioned' treatments." While the Health department is concerned primarily in contagious and infecti- ous diseases, Dr. Jones said that, as a practicing physician, there has come to his attention "the existence of a great prevalence of colds." And he gave gratis the above advice. Junk Dealer Notice $1.25 per 100 lbs. on Paper $1.50 per 100 lbs. on Magazines AH Kinds of Junk Bought Phone Wilmette 1351 We have a few permanent POSITIONS to offer young women AVITH an attractive salary to start and A pleasant environment in which to work. The FUTURE promises rapid advancement FOR all ambitious YOUNG women, since this is a profession where WOMEN play a big part. Call and talk with our Chief Operator WILMETTE, WINNETKA OR GLENCOE CHICAGO TELEPHONE COMPANY Exceptional Bargains in USED CARS 1918 Oakland 5- Pass. Touring Car. Packard '48' Model Limousine. Pierce-Arrow '38' Model 5-Pass.Tou- ring Car. Guaranteed to be in excel- lent mechanical condition. No reasonable Cash offer refused. McGAURAN BROS. GARAGE 806 Elm St. WINNETKA Phone Win. 188 MARK0WITZ Central 4556 412-105 W. Monroe St. 50 <fb mort for your clothing. Call me first. Will call anywhere. Will pay you more for clothing and shoe* if brought to the office. Central 8574. Advertising Is Economy Uncle Sam Advertises

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