Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 22 Oct 1920, p. 10

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10 1 f* THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1920 THE LAKE SHORE NEWS Established 1912 â- with which is combined THE WILM1STTB LOCAL NEWS Established 1898 IIIVBD FRIDAY OF EACH WEEK by liAKH SHORE PUBLISHING COMPANY 1222 Central Ave., Wilmette. 111. Te4e»ho»e..............Wilmette 1920 SUBSCRIPTION ........«2.00 A YEAR AH communications must be ac- companied by the name and address of the writer. Articles for publication should reach this office by Wednesday afternoon to Insure appearance in current issue. Resolutions of condolence, cards of thanks, obituary poetry, notices of entertainments or other affairs where an admittance chargre will be made or a collection taken, will be charged for at regular advertising rates. Entered at the postoflice at Wilmette. Illinois, as mail matter of the second class, under the act of March &, 1879. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1920 The End In Sight # The experiment in government by < the proletariat which has been going on in Russia seems to be about to come to the unlovely end that such an adventure deserves. A policy that puts a premium upon ignorance _ and incapacity, and penalizes intelli- gence and ability is bound to fail miserably. That fate has not over- taken the people under the prevail- ing regime in Russian until much longer than it should have, not until much unnecessary agony has been suffered, much unnecessary loss been â- endured. Brains will always dominate over brute force if given time. As man has mastered the lower animals and compelled them to do his bidding, to "work under his direction, so will that portion of mankind that has become most highly developed. control the future of the race. It is the only view to take of the progress of the human race that is not too dis- couraging to be considered. i It has required only a very little j while for the ruthless hands of the) present government in Russia to de-j stroy what had been built up through ; the centuries, by hands directed by I intelligence. Those who have de- stroyed cannot again build up, a j fact that is only beginning to per-] colate into the consciousness of the | ignorant and misdirected Russian people. Nearly two years have passed since the cannon ceased to roar in Europe, Tbut only now is there any reason to think that the beginning of the end of the chaos that war produced is near at hand. Many years must elapse before the effects of the war cease to exist on the surfay of the lives of the peoples of the countries involved in it. But the prospect of the reorganization of Russia on a basis of individual integrity and per- sons of intelligence in positions of power and responsibility s the best sign that the time is near when the peoples of the world will be able again to live normal and measurably comfortable lives. names and addresses of stockholders owning* or holding 1 per cant or mors of the total amount of stock.) Lake Shore Publishing Co., (a corporation), Wilmette, I1L, A. H. Bowman, Evans- ton. 111.; E. R. Ladd. Evanston. 111.; Lloyd F. Hollister, Winnetka. 111. J. That the known bondholders mortgagees, and other security hold- ers owning or holding 1 per cent or more of total amount of bonds, mort- gages, or other securities are: (If there are none, so state,), B. R. Morgan, Chicago, 111. 4. That the two paragraphs next bove, giving the names of the owners, stockholders, and security holders, If any, contain not only the list of stock- holders and security holders as they ppear upon the books of the company but also, in cases where the stockhold- er or security holders apbears upon the books of the company as trustee or in any other fiduciary relation, the name of the person or corporation for whom such trustee is acting, is given; also that the said two paragraphs con- tain statements embracing affiant's full knowledge .and belief as to the circum- stances and conditions under which stockholders and security holders who do not appear upon the books of the company as trustees, hold stock and securities in a capacity other than that of a bona fide owner; and that this affiant has no reason to believe that an yother person, association, or cor- poration has any interest direct or in- direct in the said stock, bonds, or other securities than as se stated by him. 6. That the average number of copies of ea«h issue of this publication sold or distributed, through the malls or otherwi**, to paid subscribers dur- ing the six months preceding the date shown above is............ (This In- formation required from dally publi- cations only.) LLOYD P. HOLLISTER, Sworn to and subscribed before me this 9th day of October, 1920. (SEAL) NICHOLAS A. SCHWALL. (My commission expires June 26, 1924.) NEW TRIER 1; SCHURZ 1 New Trier and Carl Schurz High school soccer teams battled to a 1 to 1 tie at the latter's field Tuesday' afternoon. New Trier Recently de- feated the Chicagoans at Kenilworth by a 4 to 1 score. Statesseat of the Ownership, Mil- **jr«s*eat, CI reflation, etc., required by *** aet of Coaa-r»M of Aagnet 24, 1912, •f The Lake Shere Xew*. pnbll«hed *rjekly at Wilmette, 111., for October, 1090. •tate of Illinois, I „„ County of Cook, J "S. M.Be«?Qre rae- a Not«wy Public in and for Tbe State and county aforesaid, person- ally appeared Lloyd F. Hollister who, l»aving been duly sworn according to taw, deposes and says that he is the Business Manager of The Glencoe News and that the following is, to the best of his knowledge and belief, a true statement of the ownership, man- agement (and if a daily paper, the circulation), etc.. of the aforesaid pub- lication for thte date shown in the above caption, required by the Act of ASF^tf Ul 1?12, embodied in section 'iif .P5*t*1 %aW8 and Regulations, printed on the reverse side of this own to wit; *• T?.*kthe n*"»es and addresses of tbe publisher, editor, managing editor, *»>fl business manager are: •r«melttf*lilL*ke Sh°r* Publl"hln* c«- JEditos, Erwin "Weber, Wilmette, 111. wSfe ffiSSE" "°yd F" HO"l<,ter' _.£ 7£ut the ow'I»«'« »»"*•• (Give name %nd addresses of individual owner* or f a corporation, give Its name and the Increases Torrens Efficiency RECORD OF JOSEPH F. HAAS RECORDER OF DEEDS AND REGISTRAR OF TITLES One of Real Service JOSEPH F. HAAS enough period The selection of Joseph F, Haas in the recent primary as the Re- publican candidate for re-election as Recorder of Deeds and Regist- rar of Titles was not only a person- al compliment to Mr. Haas, but de- monstrated beyond (.[Uestion that vo- ters, even when confronted with a long involved ballot, are able to discriminate between candi- dates and vote for a man for whom they have a long-, true and lasting friend- ship. JoNph F. Haas is fortun- ate in having lived a life of real public ser- vice for a long that the average voter associates his name at once with honesty and efficiency in the atTministration > of a public office. Because he has given that kind of service in the past, and his record shows that he will continue to do so in the future. Joseph F. Haas is rich indeed in the friendship of the men and women of Cook County. One of the many things that are of lasting benefit to the public which have been accomplished by him was shown in the Torrens de- partment this week. Under the Torrens law no provision is made for spreading plats of subdivisions of record. As a plat is evidence of what a subdivision actually con- tains and what the number and size of the lots therein are. it can be readily seen that the owner of any lot in a subdivision where the nlat was lost or misplaced might be put to serious loss and expense. Various Recorders have recognized that this was a defect in the law and have started in a desultory and fitful manner to spread Torrens plats of record, but in the end have always stopped without completing the work. When Joseph F. Haas came into office, however, he rec- ognized that the rights of lot own- ers might he jeopardized by the loss of a plat, and proceeded to spread every Torrens plat of record and to make each plat just as accessible to the public as plats shown in the nlat book of the Recorder's Office. He "went back over the last twenty years that the law has been in operation and has brought every nlat up to date, and is now prepar- ing for the public an index to those plats which will be distribut- ed free of charge. This work has not been done in a day. a month or even a year, but he went at it with the id^a of flnishiner the job for the benefit of the public and he finished it. Now it will be an easy matter to keep the new plats spread of record as they come in from day to day. This is the sort of thing which the Recorder of Deeds is constant- ly doing. His rule is to do for others in public office what he would like to have them do for himselfâ€"to give constant, real and unselfish service. Just because a man has his wife's picture on his desk is no sign they are natural affinities. No trust is on a secure basis until it gets a full line of widow and or- phan stockholders' as an exhibit to show why it shouldn't be molested. Dr. Miller, Osteopath, specialist in stomach and nervous disorders. North Shore Hotel. Phone Evanston 6424. LTGMO-tfc FRANCIS X. BUSCH AMI-THOMPSON I * - CANDIDATE FOR COUNTY JUDGE Gets Strong Republican Support Thousands of Republicans and in- dependent voters, thoroughly arous- ed to the peril of allowing the Elec- tion machinery of Chicago and C» cero and the administration of the Psychopathic Hospital to fall in the hands of the Thompson-Lundin City Hall spoilsmen, are flocking to the support of FRANCIS X. BUSCH. Democratic Candidate for Judge of the County Court. Mr. Busch's recognized character as a man. p-** "hllity as a lawyer, are urged 'â€" his supporters as guarantee of an honest, intelligent, and impartial administration of the Election Commissioner's office (which is under the direct control of the County Judge) and the other important department of the Coun- ty Court in the event of his elec- tion. Mr. Busch is a special lecturer at Northwestern University. During the War he was a member of the Lepal Advisory Board and the Board of Instruction of Exemption District No. 57, and did important work in connection with the Liberty Loan Drives and other War Activ- ities. He is a member of the Elks, Knights of Pythias, Modern Wood- men, City Club. Irequois Club, Illi- nois Athletic and Ridgemoor Coun- try Clubs. Automobile Owners AND Prospective Buyers NOT for pecuniary reasonsâ€"ijot to attempt price regulationâ€"not to promote any legis- lation for profit; rather having in mind, the interests of the Automotive Buying Public, your desires, your pleasures, and to strengthen your confidence in Evanston Automobile Dealers, the Evanston Automobile Dealers Association has been formed. * Our aims will Jbe Harmony and co-operationâ€" * mechanical service unexcelledâ€"absolutely square dealingsâ€"courtesy always and car information given from an unbiased standpoint. In other words, we want you to know that we are at your service, singly or collectively, to fulfill your desires in a satisfactory, pleasing manner. While we collectively are not a financial insti- tution our organization as a body proposes to champion, in the interest of automobile owners, those policies for which we stand. Continued: Next Week Evanston Automobile Dealers Association

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