Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 22 Oct 1920, p. 3

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THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1920 THIS BUSINESS MAN HAS SOME AMBITIOUS PLANS F. W. Norton PUn« Combined Shoo Ropair and Automobile Accessory Establishment The department store idea in hand- ling- merchandise has come to Gross Point where there is established a combined shoe repairing and au- tomobile accessory shop. F. W. Norton, proprietor of the Dependable Shoe Repairing shop on Lake avenue, immediately west of Ridge avenue, this week announced an ambitious plan to enlarge his , business by developing a modern service station dealing in every ap- pliance and accessory utilized in rao- Itordom. Thus the shoe repairing department,, already recognized as one of the best and most com- pletely equipped on the north shore, is to be augmented by a large and adequately equipped automobile • service station. Norton also has ideas of village improvement. In addition to pos- sessing one of the most attractive store spaces in Gross Point he prom- ises to place a large electric clock at the building corner at Ridge and Lake avenues. CONTRIBUTIONS FOR ST. FRANCIS XAVIER BAZAAR Contributions for the St. Francis Xavier church bazaar are being re- ceived in great number and plans are proceeding satisfactorily for the big three-day bazaar to be held at the Central avenue theater on Nov- ember 4, 5 and 6. Contributions already listed by those in charge of the bazaar in- clude : floor lamps, table lamps, a diamond ring, gold wrist watch, vacuum cleaner, a ton of coal, a set r* IIUUV Send for this beautiful Miller Library Lamp $i £ Only A3 Y OU'LL not find the equal of this handsome Library Lamp at this low price. We "tumped" out order for this Lamp with several other big Central Stations throughout the country. That is the reason we can offer a beautiful lamp of this high quality at this money- saving price. Biggest Value of the Year You'lt agree with us when you see the Lamp. It Is pleasing and artistic in design. Stands 22 inches high. Has two lights. Is finished In Antique Gold with shade of glowing amber glass. Write or Call E Commonwealth Edison £1 LECTRIC SHOPO Chicago, UL. <>.iiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiMiiitiiiiiiii)iiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiituiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimmtiiiii' i I | Your Fur | I Coat may need a little repair work done on it. | If it does, do not 1 I neglect to have it fixed I | now. By doing so you | I will receive much bet- I I ter wear. | s 3 s 1 I Win. Kaplan ] I Tailor i 627W.R. R.Ave., Wilmette I I Phone Wibwtt«W7 | i i n»i»wmnmwiiiiJWiifi)«niHJmiiiiiiirmiiMi of dishes, one hundred pounds of su- gar, sheets, blankets, pillow cases, etc., ivory dresser set, of twenty-two pieces, nickel and mahogany cpffe sets, a graphophone and other ar- ticles in great variety. The bazaar is given under the auspices of St. Francis Xavier church for the benefit of the proposed new parish school building-. FRIENDS PAY FINAL TRIBUTE TO MRS. WILLIAM BRINKMAN Funeral services for Mr. Wil- liam Brinkman were held at the home at 601 West Railroad avenue, Satur- day afternoon at 2 o'clock. Rev. Herman Meyers of St. John's Luther- an church conducted the services. Burial was at Memorial Park. Scores of friends and acquaintances attend- ed the services at the home to pay their respect at the final rites. Mrs. Brinkman passed away Wed- nesday, October 13, following an ex- pended illness caused by severe shock sustained in the tornado of last spring. Mrs. Brinkman is survived by her husband, William Brinkman, owner of the Brinkman Grocery, three daughters, Mrs. George Neithaver, 630 Park avenue; Mrs. P. J. Peter- son, 1319 Central avenue; Mrs. O. W. Staib, of Aurora, and a son, Fred Brinkman, 601 West Railroad ave- nue. * HOME FROM CANADA Miss Reta Field of 1203 Elmwood avenue, has returned to her home following an extended trip to Can- ada. A Remarkable Amateur Cast of 150 Local Favorites will present ii m Bob White" At Wilmette Woman's Club October 27th and 28th This splendid attraction is being produced under the auspices of the Associated Guilds of St, Augustine's Church, Tickets on Sale by Cast, $1.00 Do Not Fail to Enjoy this Treat! s â-  ^ The fact that the Continental Auto Insurance Association of Springfield, Hi, pays claims prompt- ly, and insures your car, $27.50 for six months is a good reason for INSURING YOUR CAR C. T. NORTHROP, Agent 556 Center Street - - WINNETKA Phone Winnetka 1467 y//////////S/S/////////////////////i'///A Drink â€"and your search is ended For, first of all, Blatz will turn your thirst into a joyous memory. And that exhilarating whole- someness of every drop, will bring; a sense of satisfying com- pleteness that no other bever- age can produce. Such is the nutritive value of Blatz. And to you'll find Blatz unusually goodâ€"and food for YOU. ForSale Wherever Refreshments Are Sold Made by BLATZ-Milwaukee Order a Case for Your Home Today WM. PARKS, Distributor Ridge«Uke Ate. Jftg, The Bank Door There is the one door that opens always to the road of prosperity, hap- piness and competencyâ€"it is the front door of THE FIRST NA TIONAL $1.00 is the simple and only key needed to open that front door in our savings department, where thousands of depositors are making progress. Why not open that door today? We bid you welcome! FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF WILMETTE Member of Federal Reserve Bank. (/ss////'////////s/////////s///y//'///s/////'///s///ss///////////////////////ss//y////w City Market Co. 635 Railroad Ave., Wilmette, 11. Phone Wil. 1870 Our business increase along with the buying power of five stores and selling for cash, gives us the opportunity of saving money on your meat bill. Buy where the crowds buy. Sale starts Thursday, October 21â€"ends Saturday, October 30, Four Free Deliveries Daily Orders Over $2.00 Prime Rib Roast Stand- ing ..................32c Prime Rib Roast, Rolled 40c Native Pot Roast 20c & 24c Beef Stew........18câ€"22c Native Sirloin Steak . . .38c Native Club Steak......40c Native Round Steak____35c Leg or Loin Fancy Veal 30c Veal Shoulder Roast . . 25c Veal or Lamb Breast .. 18c Hind Quarter Lamb .. .35c Short Leg Lamb.......38c Loin Lamb Chops......50c Pork Loin Roast ......40c Pork Chops............45c Dixie Square Bacon . .. .30c Armour's Star Bacon . .52c Swift Premium Hams . .41c Brookfield Butter......60c Extra Selected Eggs, doz 69c Fish, Oysters, Sausage and Meat Specialties BUY FOR CASH AND SAVE MONEY )y/^w<'/////^r//>y//'/^/y^^^ Fill Your Blood With Iron If You Want To Be Strong WITH PLENTY OF ENERGY AND POWER Says Physician â€" Explains How Organic Iron Like huxated Iron Often Increases the Strength of Weak, Nervous, Run-down People In Two Weeks* Time. You cannot expect to forge ahead m life •with plenty of energ> and power jf yur Hood i» thin and watery any more than yon ran hope to fun an automobile on â- water instead of gasolene. It take* Pu«. red bloodâ€"rich in ironâ€"to keep the hum.-'a machine working right Without iron y<vir every action lacks power, your ten Wood coTpusclea die by millions. t!ie strei-h Cr» from your body and you drop among :.;e weaklings and failures. •.But whett such men and women supply the right kind of ir-jn to their bloc I. a most surprising change often tikes' aiys T>r John J. Van ITorne. formerly'lizd- kal Inspector and Clinical Ph«sir:an on t'ie Board of Health of New York Ci'y. "T^e Weak, colorless blond which had been »«»• ing sl'tpg-ishly in the vrins ber^-ies r- h and red and aourses ihrourh the !'"'», bui' 1- Ing hraltby ti!sue, gv:-t rrnew-d ff-re and increased strength. With<vit tl :s rich, red Hood with plenty of iron in it. there c*n be wo pV'siral perfection or fnrre to carrv or» one's work. Yet to ta!:e the wr»n? I :â- â- â-  1 of iron may prwe worse th.-.n usr1*«s ju«t as the wrong soft of f«od will o«i<»n fail to fire the proper nourishment. Organic 'ron •â€"Nu*ated Ironâ€"hy ennchin* thr blood and creating new blood cells, strengthens the tierves, rebu'lds the muscle* and he)p« instill the whole sv«em with fresh vigor and en- durance whether the perion be young or •Id I strongly advise every man or wo- •nan who is fagged mrt l-» worry wt»rk ajs4 «tber tu*~4 U mutt wp guccitfth, •*•* health by taking organic ironâ€"NuxtltS Ironâ€"for I consider it one of tl;c foremost blood and body-builders, the best to which I have ever had recourse." Dr. James Francis Su!1ivan. formerly physician of Bcllcvue Hospital (Outdoor Pept.) New York and ttie Westchefltr County> Hospital says: "I have strongly emphasized the great necessity of physicians rrai.itig blood examinations of their weak, anaemic, run-down patients. Thousands of frrsons go on year after year stifferirisT friro phvical weal.ness and a highly nerv- ous condition due to lack of sufficient iron in their red bl^od corpuscles. To supply t' is i-'>n deficie-cy and to help build stninf, t-^-'thier men and women, better able piiys- i !ly to meet the problems of everyday 1..'*, I brlieve ph-^icians should at every c-^or'Mnity prescribe organic ironâ€"Nut- ated Ironâ€"for in my experirnr* it is on*' of the best t^tie and red blood builder* kn^-vn to rneiiiccl science." If you are not strong or well. yo'i owe 5t to your«rlf to make the following tests ?-e hfw long you can work or how far rota enn wr.!k withn'tt becoming tired. Net* ta':e two fiv-e-frrain tablet* of ordinary Na«» st*'A Iron three times per day for two weiko. th«n t"t y«vir s"-"»*h again and eec bow rr.uch you have (rained. <- ftfinufarrurcrf' Het»: Wnr»twl Iron. wM'h *• I .â- .••nrr-'li â- â-  'I rhfirr '.* ni»t I wret f»tt»r>i;* liol <:*>•• •rli'ch i» v>*t] known >o nru*rr:M« «rf- wfcuv !"••'• Hkir Die older Inorcaulc iron trfmlinis It ta >»*<T » <tn!l«!r<1 am) rtoM not InHire the twtb iw1'*- them Mirk, nor 'ip-iet ths c'nmarn. Kik* Wiht cf rtnu'ne Kuxcu-d Imn t* st moed •« lo.«w» j,- tnrt ttx »ord» N<isa(t<l Iron ir* staeaiwri inter*£ »«th bfi'flt «o 'MM m p.ibtk last ar»t be ««••*.' bit" »<TTirt--i I ri-ri-r The <t,«r»ti«r'e- t«ir»r« ruiTkntn ni, .. i ,\ >rl(j mt<r»lt mv>**- f"v rrwlt* U *».r: . -iu**- or OV» "•« **>ni\4 I** gsasA/, M i* ttswaassj 1. tM t^-. _-^-^»

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