Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 29 Oct 1920, p. 5

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THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1920 ""•tMillMIHHMIIMH"" 0N attractive wedding is to be solemnized on Saturday even- ing of next week, at St. Augustine's church, when Miss Frances Elizabeth Nash, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William H. Nash, formerly of Detroit, will become the bride of !Conant Wait of Kenwood. Rev. Hubert C. Carleton, assisted by Father Fleming of the Church of the Atonement, will read the ser- vice at 8:30 o'clock. A reception at the home of Mrs. Charles A. Wanner, 629 Central avenue, will follow the ceremony. Miss Frances Tolerton and Mrs. Donald M. Forgan of Chicago, will attend Miss Nash as maid and matron of honor. Little Julie Forgan will be flower girl. Mr. Cornelius Evans III. of Hudson, N. Y., will serve Mr. Wait as best man, and the following will be ushers: Messrs. William Edwards, Thomas Bishop and Franklin Callahan of Chicago. Upon their return from an extended wedding trip the young couple will make their home at 1148 E. Forty-fifth street, Chicago. Impish gamins scampering down the alley with the cellar door- way, jack-o' lanterns grinning out of the darkness, weird tamper- ings on the windowsâ€"only the moon can tell the real story of to- morrow evening's gayeties about town.. And meantime the vic- tims of these atrocities will be dining at pumpkin decorated tables and dancing in ballrooms adorned with autumn foliage and witch and black cat designs. A Harvest Home dinner dance will be held at the Ouilmette Country club tomorrow "evening, and everyone is to come en cos- tume. The children's Hallowe'en party is to be given this afternoon between the hours of 3:30 and 5 o'clock. Spooks, hobgoblins, Indians and witches will hover around corn stalks, autumn leaves and other woodland decorations under' the dim light of a golden harvest moon, dur- ing the first annual Hallowe'en party to be given at Community House to- morrow evening for all of the school boys of the village. There may be barnyard fowls and even live stock in evidence on this great occasion. All of the young chaps in town are bade to be at this meeting place at the exact hour of 8 o'clock. Promis- es of exciting games, and interesting contests, for which there will be prizes, are sure to make the affair more attractive. The Cock fight is generally a "scream". Two boys ait on the floor in the center of a six- foot circle with canes under their knees, their arms under 'the canes and their^hands clasped across their legs. The feet should be tied or held together. Then at the word "Go!" one tries to push the other out of the circle. Another game which always finds favor among the boys is to place two kitchen chairs with the seats facing each other. Put a broom through the handles of a clothes basket and rest it on the chairs just so that the basket will swing clear. The "brave one" sitting on the broom, his feet in the basket and a cane in his hand, must knock off four hats on the chair posts. | â€"*â€" It was with interest that we noted I that one of our residents, James G. Barber, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Barber, 621 Linden avenue, was ap- pointed grand marshall by Mayor Thompson, for the large parade held on Saturday last, in Chicago. Critics who reviewed the procession said that it was the largest and most in- teresting parade of its kind ever held in Chicago, and for over an hour and one-half a steady procession of beautifully decorated trucks and floats passed the reviewing stand and camera men. H. S. Firestone, pres- ident of the Firestone Tire and Rub- ber company, is the founder and sponsor of "Ship-by-Truck", which is a movement to promote shipping merchandise by motor truck and to secure better roads, bridges, etc. Hence the large parade last Saturday was in celebration ef the new Frank- lin-Orleans street bridge which has long been needed and has been under construction since 1917 at a cost of $2,000,000. Mrs. Morton L. Paterson, 925 Chestnut avenue, returned Wednes- day evening from Holland, Mich., whence she accompanied her sister, Mrs. James McLean and infant daughter, who have been guests here, last week. â€"•â€" Several members of the North Shore Golf club entertained with a table or two of guests at the lunche- on and bridge given Wednesday afternoon. GEORGE STUMP TENOR » T«achw of Slnrtn* 3Aui*Unt to Frantx Proteftmwky 718 Fine Art. Bids. CHICAGO Telephone: Harrison 4031 There are still a few tickets left for the Hallowe'en dancing party to be given this evening at the Wil- mctte Woman's club, and they may be obtained from any member of the following committe in charge of ar- rangements: Mesdames Theodore J. Moreau, chairman, Percy H. Arden, Benjamin Calloway, L. M. Cozzens, A. W. Dazey^ Gordon C. Jeffrey, Paul W. King, Charles J. Moore, W. W. Norton, Harry L. Delander, George H. Duncan, F. B. Earle, Ernest J. Ford, F. C. Huffman, C. C. Hender- son, J. Benjamin Ott, C. F. Pease, R. E. Pettit, James Topp, Howard E. Warner, and Harry G. Wilber. â€"♦â€" Mrs. Edward L. Scheidenhelm en- tertained at an informal tea on Saturday afternoon of last week at her home, 704 Lake avenue, in honor of her niece, Miss Margaret Scheid- enhelm, who is to be a November bride. The guests, numbering about fifty, where, in the main, old college friends and sorority sister of Miss Scheidenhelm. â€"*_ Mr. and Mrs. Charles Heublein of the Surf Apartment hotel, Chicago, who recently purchased the Wecker residence at 527 Maple avenue, are now occupying their home here. Mr. and Mrs. Howard C. Wiericke have purchased a home at 622 Maple ave- nue. Mrs. Wiericke is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Heublein. â€"4â€" Mr. and Mrs. Harold Joy of West- ern Springs, 111., are the guests of Mr. Joy's parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Joy, 812 Central avenue. They will leave shortly to visit with Mrs. Joy's parents in California, where Mrs. Joy will remain for the winter. After a two month's stay in the west Mr. Joy will return to Wflmette. _♦_ Another card party for the benefit of Community House will be given on Friday afternoon, November 12, at Community House. Mrs. C. N. Hurl- but, the new chairman and her com- mittee, will be in charge of the af- fair. Tickets may be secured from Mrs. Edward Anderson, 1123 Elm- wood avenue. The East End Circle, Mrs. James M. Irvine, chairman, will hold its meeting Tuesday at the home of Mrs. J. A. Burrill, 812 Greenwood avenue. The circle will begin at this meeting to prepare a barrel to be sent to Mt. Pleasant, Tenn., as their Christmas gift to these people. Mrs. Frank T. Cutler, 1001 Lake avenue, is spending a fortnight as the guest of Mrs. George Tracy in Burlington, la. wmmiiimimttmtuumimmiitimimitA H. G. BORGFELDT Photographer Removed to 1159 Wilmette Avenue, Brow n Building. Opposite Village Theatre V>>»»»>»»»»»>m»»»»>»w»>»>>>>>»>»m7T7. A Church Sale and Supper for the benefit of St. John's Lutheran church will be given on Friday evening, November 19, at Jones' hall. The sale will commence at 2 o'clock. Tickets are now on sale and may be pur- chased from any member of the Woman's association. â€"«.â€" Mr. and Mrs. James P. Sheridan and family, who have been making their home in Cooperstown, _N. Y., since their departure from Wilmette a few years ago, will return to the village" on January first, and will oc- cupy the H. V. Donaldson home at 1126 Forest avenue, for the remainder of the winter. â€"+â€" Mrs. S. T. Lewis, and her daughter, Mrs. Raymond Wheelock, received informally on Thursday afternoon, at their home, 718 Ninth street. They are both leaving on Thursday of next week to1 spend some time in Pasa- dena, Cal. â€"*â€" It will be Ladies' Afternoon, on November S, at the Bazaar to In- given'by the women of St. Francis Xavier's parish at the Central avenue theater building. There will be sev- eral tables of cards beginning at 2:30 o'clock, to be followed by a cake sale. The Crescent Circle, Mrs. R. J. Mulvey, chairman, will hold its all- day meeting Tuesday, at the home of Mrs. J. M. Vernon. 339 Maple avenue. The work of the day consists in sew- ing for the Crippled Children's Home in Chicago. â€"*â€" The Travel club was entertained at luncheon on Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Horace Drury, 622 Maple ave- nue. Following the luncheon, Mrs. Gates read a paper on "Northwest Scotland and the Isle of Skye and Mull". â€"*â€" On Tuesday evening of next week, Messrs, and Mesdames Clarence D. Worthington, William O. Belt and Joseph Davis will entertain at a din- ner dance at the Edgewater Beach hotel. â€"*â€" * Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Schager of the Edgewater Beach hotel, and Mr. and Mrs. Gerard J. Bichl, 1120 Chestnut avenue, will entertain with a formal dancing party this evening at the Kenilworth Assembly hall. â€"4â€" Mr. W. C. Shurtleff and two daughters, the Misses Helen and Bernice Shurtleff, 815 Lake avenue, returned last week-from a ten day's motor trip to Mount Vernon and Waterloo, la. â€"*â€" The North End Circle, Mrs. J. W. Cullen, chairman, will meet Monday at the home of Mrs. G. W| Jones, 1031 Greenwood avenue. The North End Circle is working hard on gar- ments for the Infant Welfare station. â€"#â€" The Play Institute will open on Thursday evening, November 11, and continue on November 12 and 13. Further information regarding this institution will be given in next week's issue. â€"+â€" Mrs. Max W. Zabel, 1247 Chestnut avenue, has issued invitations for a luncheon and,bridge or bunco party to be given next Tuesday at the Ouilmette Country club. There will be covers laid for two hundred guests. A most successful dinner and mili- tary euchre party was given at the North Shore Golf club last evening. UNIQUE STYLE SHOP ». COPLAN Proprietor You will find our showing of Fall and Winter Coats and Dresses very stylish and reasonably priced. 1126 Central Avenue WILMETTE Phone Wilmett. 2403 A Service to Owners Who are considering purchasing new cars We are prepared to co-operate with you in selling your used car. We will put you in touch with prospects, who want the particular type of car you have. Come in and talk this matter over. NO CHARGE FOR THIS We have at the* present time a great many applica- tions for cars that we do not have in stock, Franklin-Hupmobile Gage Motor Sales Company 1629 Orrington Avenue Evans ton 5700 Direct Sales and Service Branch Arlington Heights. â-  m Phone No. 9« M EVANST0N Expert Shoe Repairing " '^S the Shoe Repairing Factory F. W. NORTON, Prop. Lake and Ridge Aves. Phone Wilmette 2358 GROSS POINT TWENTY-FOUR-HOURS ERVICE 1 SOLVE YOUR M PHOTOGRAPHIC â-  PROBLEM it* AT THE EUGENE L. RAY p Studio I == Phone Er. 2238 EVANSTON 11 Hojrbum Bldg. . =p -rMM^wnn^^^j-nw^Mjm. ULUAN PARKS Acting Assistant to Theodore Sturkow-Ryder Will accept a few more pupils in piano. In Wilmette: Saturdays Phone Sunny-side 4959 rM»j»»»»»j»»»»»»»»»}jtmmm 511 Announcement We announce the opening of a first-class Cleaning and Pressing Shop. Call us up for a trial to clean, press and repair your garments. Special attention given to the cleaning and repairing of Oriental and Domestic Rugs. New Cleaners A. MESTJIAN, Proprietor 1006 Ridge Avenue Phone Wilmette 1949 rty*^r^r^y««ir^ir^r^rtr/s«r/Wi/»viii»

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