THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1920 PRUDEN HOME A HAUNTED HOUSE FOR HALLOWE'EN Spirits, Witches, Goblin* and Ghosts Foregather for Evening of Jolli- fication On Thursday evening, October 28, the spirits, witches and goblins gath- ered around the residence of Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Pruden, at 631 Central avenue, for it had been heard that on that particular evening certain spirits would appear. Ten Wilmette families arrived at the Pruden front door only to find tacked there a message announcing this door was for "Exit Only", and to "detour", following route number 13 by means of signs tackeo* on the trees.along the parkways. The spirits followed route number 13 and eventually arrived at the destination which happened to be the rear door of the Pruden bungalow. Here they found another sign "Detour, follow Route 23 to Ghost Hollow", so the spirits wended their way into the Pruden cellar, and behold, they found the "graves of Julius Caesar, Brutus, J. Bughouse, Bullcon, Napo- leon and one open grave, and numerous, spirits moving about among the graves. The visiting spirits following Route 23, were then led to the living room, where they gathered around to attend the funer- al of John Barleycorn, a departed spirit. After an oration by one of the attending spirits, the funeral ceremony was performed and the spirits and witches removed their costumes, consisting of sheets and pillow cases, as the festivities of the evening began. Mrs. Pruden kept her guests busy every minute from 9:30 o'clock until 1 o'clock. Among those who enjoy- ed the evening were: Mr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Lloyd, Mr. OLD SHOES MADE NEW at the DEPENDABLE Shoe Repairing Factory F. W. NORTON, Prop. Lake and Ridge Aves. Phone Wilmette 2358 TWENTY-FOUR-HOUR SERVICE VIM„\<;K OF W1I.1IKTTR ORDINANCE NO. 1266. AV OUI»IIVA\<K prohibiting the soliciting- of funds on trip streets anrl public places within the VUlatfo of Wilmotto by the so-called "TaK System". RK TT ORDAINED BY THIS T"R13S- 1PRMT AMP BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF TT-T10 V|L,I,A«E OK WIL.METTE. Section I. It shall be unlawful for any person acting: for himself or as the officer or agent of any association, society or institution to solicit or beg for money or other valuable thing upon the streets or public places with- in the Village of Wilmette, whether such solicitation be for charitable or other purposes, by the so-called "Tag System" of collection without a per- mit from the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Wilmette and only upon an nrder of the said President and Board of Trustees of the said Village of Wilmette allowing such solicitation to be conducted on a single day set apart by said order as a so- called "Tag Day". Section 2. Any person acting either for himself or as the officer or agent of any corporation, association, society or institution who solicits, begs or collects funds contrary to the pro- visions of Section t hereof shall be deemed guilty of a violation of this Ordinance and upon conviction shall be lined not less than five dollars ($5.00) or more than one hundred dollars ($100.00) for each offense. Scrtlon S. This ordinance shall be In force from and after its passage and due publication according to law. PASST5D by the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Wilmette on the 27th day of October, A. D. 1920, and deposited and filed in the office of the Village Clerk of said Village this 27th day of October. A. D. 1920. EARL E. ORNER, Village Clerk. Approved bv the President of the Village of Wilmette this 27th day of October. A. D. 1920. EDWARD ZIPF, President of the Village of Wilmette. ATTEST: EARL E. ORNER, Village Clerk. Published on the 5th day of Novem- ber, A. D. 1920, In The Lake Shore News, a secular newspaper published in said Village. EARL E. ORNER, Village Clerk. L52-ltc p///wy/y/y///s//t/yjy/ys//y///y//////^^^ HIGH GRADE BUNTE CHOCOLATES LINE of _--------------------------------------- REFRESHMENTS INCLUDE COFFEE, PIES and SANDWICHES 'Quality Reigns Supreme Here' W„ D D„ J„„ Ridge and Lake Aves. m. r. rarks wilmette TELEPHONE WILMETTE 1450 B________________________________________________! Kill That Cold With CASCARA D QUININE Colds, Cough. TO^\V AND La Grippe Neglected Colds are Dangerous Take no chances. Keep this standard remedy handy for the first sneeze. Breaks up a cold in 24 hours â€" Relieves Grippe in 3 daysâ€"Excellent for Headache Quinine in this form does not affect the headâ€"Cascara is best Tonic Laxativeâ€"No Opiate in Hill's. ALL DRUGGISTS SELL IT EDWARD KIRCHBERG EDWARD KELLEY FORD JONES The famous Leadville Trio They are so good that you are requested to check your Shootin'-Irons at the door. You gotta be there! DAYS OF '49 OUILMETTE COUNTRY CLUB November 12th & 13th and Mrs. Miles H. McMillen, Mr. and Mrs. J. C, Crossley, Dr. and Mrs. Charles E. Douglas, Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Mulvey, Mr. and Mrs. Allen M. Rossman, Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Burbach, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Keller, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Gapen, Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Burtner. The Question is not "How much you could save," but "How much are you saving?" By opening a Savings Account, draw- ing compound interest, with the WILMETTE STATE BANK you will know exactly. Interest accumulates while you sleep SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES AND STORAGE «)fcir^ftMr)«flri^ti®^^ A. S. VAN DEUSEN SELLER OF GOOD FOOD 5% CASH Wilmette-Central Ave. and 12th St DISCOUNT Grocery Telephones 510, 511, 512 & 513 Meat Telephone 514 Cash and Carry - - - - 5* Discount Cash and Delivered - - - - V/° Discount On orders of $1.00 or more of normal These do not apply to Meat Department Profit Goods. Credit and Delhrered, one order delivered free Special Sale November 8th to November 13th ftPFN WFH P M HEREAFTER THIS STORE WIEL BE OPEN WEDNES- urcu ncu. r. m. day afternoon without delivery SUGARâ€"Cane Granulated. No discount. Lb...............12f£c FLORIDA ORANGESâ€" Very heavy- Balls of juice. 150 si2e. Dozen ..............80c 176 size. Dozen ..............70c FLORIDA GRAPE FRUITâ€" The finest quality on the market. 80 size. Doz. $1.05. Each ......9c 64 size. Dozen $1.50. Each..l2i>6c APPLESâ€"Baldwin Cooking. Bushel $1.85. 10 lbs.........50c COLORADO JONATHAN APPLESâ€"Perfect fruit. Box 40 lbs. net ............$3.75 10 lbs.......................$1.00 CIDERâ€"New, pure, sweet. No. 10 can ..................60c No. 2 Y> can................22c ENGLISH WALNUTSâ€" Beautiful, large. French. Lb. 32c FIGSâ€"New. Just arrived. Large 6 crown. Turkish. Lb.........42c ANTON1NI OLIVE OH___ Pure Italian. Quart can $1.85. Pint ......$1.00 MAZOLA SALAD OILâ€" The successful substitute for olive oil. Quart can ........67c FERGUSON'S SWEET ORANGE MARMALADEâ€" 11 oz. jar ....................30c MAPLEWOOD MAPLE SYRUPâ€" Absolutely pure. Delicious flavor IVz lb. can ..................95c PRUNESâ€"Santa Clara. Fancy, sweet California. 20-30 size. Lb...............39c 40-50 size. Lb...............29c AMERICAN FAMILY SOAPâ€" 66 8 oz. bars in box........$5.25 10 bars......................80c SUPERIOR FAMILY SOAPâ€" 100 8 oz. bars in box ......$5.25 10 bars ......................53c GOLD DUSTâ€" Large No. 4 package ........32c SCOURENEâ€"Try it in place of Sapolio. 10 bars ..........-..50c REO CREPE TOILET PAPERâ€" 4^2 oz. roll. Doz.............90c DE LUXE APRICOTSâ€" Extra quality. Large No. 2Yz can. Dozen $475. Can ............40c No discount DEL MONTE YELLOW FREE PEACHESâ€"The finest. Large No. IVz can. Doz. $4.75. Can 40c No discount O'CEDAR OH___12 oz. bottle . .45c FLOURâ€"Pillsbury and Ceresota. No discount. % bbl.......$1.69 CHEESEâ€"White Cloud. Sprague Warner & Co.'s finest whole milk, New York Cheese. Lb. 42c DR. PRICE'S CREAM BAKING POWDERâ€"12 oz. can ......20c BUCKWHEAT FLOURâ€" Pure. Lb.....................9H« WHITE AND YELLOW CORN MEAI___Lb.................4%c COFFEEâ€"San Salvador. Very fine. Very cheap. Lb. 28c CHASE & SANBORN SEAL BRAND COFFEEâ€" 2 lb. can $1.00. 1 lb...........50c COFFEEâ€"My own brand. Equal to any coffee put up in cans that sells for 55c a lb. Lb.........43c PARIS CORNâ€"Burnham & Mor- rill's renowned Maine, Sweet Sugar Corn. Doz. $2.25. Can ..............19c PRIDE OF WHITEWATER CORNâ€"Fancy. Standard. Doz. $1.90. Can ..-............16c WISCO EARLY JUNE PEASâ€" Dozen $1.75. Can ............15c RICHELIEU SIFTED SWEET WRINKLED PEASâ€"Try one can of these and convince your- self that they are equal to fresh peas. Doz. $3.25. Can .....27^c PLYMOUTH ROCK TOMATOES Extra standard, No. 2 can. Dozen $1.50. Can ..........12*£c VERIBEST TOMATOESâ€" Armour's finest quality of solid packed tomatoes. Large No. 3 can. Doz. $2.50. Can ........21c IDOL BLOOD BEETSâ€" Large No. 3 can. Dozen $1.75 Can .........................15c MONSOON PUMPKINâ€" Large No. 3 can. Dozen $2.10. Can .....................___18c RICHELIEU BAKED BEANSâ€" With tomatoe sauce. Large No. 2 can. Dozen $1.75 Can ..........................15c CURTICE BROS. STRINGLESS BEANSâ€"Cut Refugee. Doz. $2.65 Can .........................23c MONSOON HAWAIIAN PINE- APPLEâ€"Very fine quality. Sliced. No. 2 can. Dozen $4.75 Can ..........................46c No. 2y2 can. Doz. $5.50. Can 47%c No discount LUSTRE OIL MOPSâ€"The most useful thing a house can own. Each.......................$i.4o