THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1920 p» Activities s- INorthJhore Chita: by Rutk TXAv/~k Q R1DAY, November 26, will be Reciprocity Day at the Wom- an's Catholic club of Wilmette. Instead of the program an- nounced in the year book, Mrs. Charles Barton and Miss _____ Eva TJallin will give a sketch entitled "Friend Husband". Mr. Paul Schoessling, 'cellist, will furnish the music for the after- noon. Jt is expected that many club presidents will be present, also several of the state officers. The hostesses for the day are Mes- 'dames John J .Mornn and Edward Cummiskey. ------------4-----------. The Young Woman's Auxiliary cordially extends on invitation to all members of the Wilmette Woman's club and other interested friends, to be present at an open meeting Monday --evening-, Novem^ ber 22, at 8 o'clock. The speaker of the evening will be Mrs. Frank â- Jerome, well known social worker of Chicago, whose subject will i)c, "The Park Ridge School for Girls". Some of the Park Ridge alumnae will also be present. Mrs. Jerome is of national repute, being very prominent in the educational world, and several years ^president of the Chicago Woman's club. It will be considered a very great privilege to meet with her, and it is hoped a large number will take advantage of this opportunity. A well attended union meeting of the Congregational Missions com- mittee and the Woman's Christian Temperance Union was graciously .entertained at the home of Mrs. N. Landon Hoyt in Winnetka, on Wed- nesday, November 10. Mrs. William j. Barry of Chicago gave a most im- pressive talk concerning her ten year's experience in religious work among the inmates of the County jail and Joliet penitentiary, while Mrs. Minnie Marshall added much to the occasion with several beautiful and inspirational songs. Mrs. Lewis C. Norton, president of the W. C. T. U., presided and Mrs. Dee A. Stoker was i ncharge of the devotional service. "Historic Boston" will be the sub- ject discussed by Homer H. Kingsley of Kvanston at the meeting of the Woman's Library club on December 9. A colonial chorus, made up of club members will present some in- teresting music at this time. Mrs. John M. Compton will be the host- ess for the month of December. At the meeting of the Art and Literature department of the Wil- mette Woman's club, which is to be held on Monday, November 29. O. P. i-Ieggie of "Happy-Go-Lucky", now playing in one of the Chicago theaters, will be the speaker. Preceding the meeting, the first quarterly luncheon of the year was served to some two hundred guests by the social committee, of which Mrs. T. J. Moreau is chairman. Then followed an interesting address by Mrs. A. Starr Best of Evanston, on "The Pilgrim Pageant Celebration". There were reports from the Illinois Federation and Tenth District meet- ings by delegates, as well as various reports from the local departments. Owing to the resignation of Mrs. Carl B. Hecker as first vice pres- ident, on account of ill health, the board appointed Mrs. J. C Mannerud to fill the vacancy, and also owing to the removal of Mrs. Wiley Jones, chairman of the Music department, Mrs. M. B. Skinner was appointed the new chairman. Forty-one new members have been taken into the club since the publishing of the year book. In the report of Economy Shop it was stated that $4,300 liad beer, paid on the principal for Community House, and that $1,252 had been spent in repairs and fixtures since the pur- chase and opening. At the meeting of the Wilmette Woman's club on Wednesday after- noon, Mrs. L. J. Pier son, Mrs. How- ard Field, past presidents of the club who are making their permanent home in California, and Mrs. E. L. SHOP FOR ORIENTALS Last week a customer at our store found just the rug she had been wanting for years. When you buy Orientals you want the Richest. Drive around to our new Mich. Ave. Exclusive Oriental Rug Store. Prices are no higher then they were five years ago. No. 59$ DagheiUn, 2-2*2-4 . $ 8.25 No. 211 Mosul, 4*7.....15.00 No. 510 Kurd, 3-6*9-4. . . . 95.00 No. 305 Doiar, 4-7x6-8 . . . 97.00 No. 509 Shirax, 2-6x4-3 . . . 35.00 No. 801 Ispahan, 3-4x5-3 . . 50.00 No.J01Luihan,H-lxl5-2 . $725.00 No.400Strot*,Mx5-2 . . 135.00 No. 925 liKhwt, 54x1-4 . . 130.00 No.l07KrnantiiaM-3i€-8 150.00 No. 300 Artk, 10-1*13-2 . . 195.00 No. 403 Sarouk, 9-1*12-4. . 79100 A.LEATH&CO., Pfc«»« st.t.7sw 302 N. Michigan Blvd., 2B!ka. North of Randolph Twelve Stores Children's Jersey Leggings Pantalette Style YOUR kiddies will need just such garments to keep them warm and dry, now that real wintry weather is here. They can romp and play in snow to their hearts' content with these cravenetted leggings covering them from their waists to their shoes, and you won't have to worry about their being warm enough. In black, white, gray, brown, sizes O 2S 2 tn ft vears. are......£*%&*} 2 to 6 years, are pair In black and brown, sizes 7 and 8, are 2.75 pair In black, sizes 9 and 10, they are Y C J m * 3.25 I Vs^ M pair INCORPORATED TUi ULLRICH ft- roVNTAIN WARE, • EVANSTON Fitz-Randolph, who deserves note- worthy mention of her continued work in the club, and has moved to Sarasota, Fla., were unanimously voted honorary life members, FAIR QUESTION Tom McNeal tells of a Kansas man, notoriously untidy, who one day met Captain Joe Waters on the street. "Sam" said Waters, "there is one question I should like to ask you. I've been curious about it,, for a long time." *'*â- " "What is it?" asked the other. "Why," said Cap, "I have often wondered who you got to wear your shirts the first two weeks?" Dr. Miller. Osteopath, specialist In stomach and neryoue disorders. North Shore Hotel. Phone Kvanston #414. IA<M0-tfo X 31 Thanksgiving Dinner SERVEDATTHE CAMEO ROOM BETWEEN 11:30 and 3 :•« o'clock $2.00 A PLATE WE HAVE INVITED SOME WOUNDED SOLDIERS FOR DINNER THANKSGIVING NIGHT AND FOR THIS REASON WE WILL NOT BE OPEN IN THE EVENING * The f^ameoPoom OptrsUd h KELLER BROS. AND HALES SSI Lincoln Accnut â- WINNETKA â- Phm WinntHfilU OH, BOY!! Just received from a New York house a shipment of Fancy Mazda Bulbs for your Christmas Tree, that have been in storage in New York for 4 years. Think of itâ€"they were made in Europe before the war- Imported real china with Mazda filament. There are not many of themâ€" Get yours earlyâ€"The assortment includes: Santas, Bulldogs, Clowns, Yellow Birds, Blue Birds, Red Birds, Snow Men, Cat * and Fiddle, Monkeys, Owls, Angels, Pears, Peaches, Apples, etc. There are also on display a large assortmentof Xm as Tree Outfits and bulbs, in plain, frosted and colors. Also a limited number of Lionel Electric Toy Trains Cars and Other Accessories 1* fOVNIAIN WARE. EVANSTON EUctricml Dmpmrtmtnti Only 31 Shopping Days Until Xmas