THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1920 NEW TRIER SENIORS PLAN CHILD PARTY Will W»iH Back m Fmc? to FrMkmanhood *T* Eajoy Bjr- *•»• D*liCku of ChiMhoocT Erudite i^niors of New Trier Town- ship High school, ' known to the undergraduates as "octogenarians", are planning to wander in fancy back to Freshmanhood in a grand party to be held at the school on the night immediately preceding Thanks- giving Day. The challenge to the seniors to foregather for this event comes through the columns of the current issue of the New Trier News as follows: "Chairman Sherman Barnett of the Senior social committee announces that the reverend and dignified mem- bers of the greatest class on earth will have the opportunity to enjoy temporarily the by-gone delights of their childhood. He has consulted the famous Dr. Varenoff of Vienna, the eminent authority on goat-glands, and has made his plans accordingly. Dross as Children "On the night before Thanksgiving when all through the school not a teacher is stirring or even other mice, the grave seniors are to fore- gather in the auditorium and lunch Tiall and become children again in dress, manners, and food. Chairman Barnett has arranged several novel amusements, dancing, (The Wright kindâ€"a'la Paris on Armistice nignt) •costume contest, auction of mysteri- ous articles, plain and fancy vamp- ing, cinematics, etc. It threatens to De a party of generous dimensions. "Meanwhile, the first senior assess- ment is being collected, the musicians arranged for, and the food, punch and wallop prepared. 'Come on, Seniors, let's go*111" KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS PRESENT FALL DANCE NORTH SHORE TO HAVE AUTOMOBILE EXHIBIT Another week will see many de- votees of dancing from Evanston to Lake Forest, on their way to the Kenilworth Assembly hall, l£enil- worth avenue and Cumnor road, Kenilworth, where the Ouilmette Council, No. 922, of the Knights of Columbus, will hold their annual fall <lance. An evening of joyous entertainment* is anticipated as the well known Looney's orchestra of Chicago, com- prised of six pieces, has been engag- ed for the occasion. The north shore will have an auto- mobile show, locally managed and participated in by practically every dealer in this vicinity. The Evanston Automobile Dealers association has undertaken the enter- prise, and negotiations are now under way for a suitable location. The show, which promises to the the largest and most complete ever staged on the north shore, is to be held in the spacious show rooms of the Oakland-Phillips Motor com- pany at 1013-17 Davis street, Evans- ton on December 1, 2, 3 and 4. Fourteen dealers have agreed to enter the show. This comprises all the automobile dealers in Evanston. They will each be allotted space for the display of three cars. This will allow for a total showing of 42 auto- mobiles. Enclosed types, sedans, coupes, and coupelcts, will probably pre dominate in the display, but there will be a large enough proportion of open cars to give the public a good survey of the entire field. There will be many 1921 models on exhibit, and a number of secial auto- mobiles. The show room will be elaborately decorated in autumn foliage and col- ors. The following committee chairmen have been appointed to conduct the Automobile show: Management committee, Peter N. Jans. Sign committee, Earl Coal. Printing and Advertising commit- tee, R. D. Cunningham. Music committee, C. H. Briggs. Rules committee, Benjamin E. Gage. . Decorating committee, C. M. Mc- Donald. Latest models of the following cars will be on display at the Automobile show: Reo, H. C. Stutz, Auburn, Scripps- Booth, Maxwell, Paige, Moon, Stude- UNIQUE STYLE SHOP B. COP LAN Proprietor SPECIAL SALE on Silk and Serge Dresses FALL & WINTER COATS and DRESSES 1126 Central Avenue WILMETTE Phon* WilriMtt* 1403 baker , Elgin, Hupmobile Franklin, Willys-Knight, Overland, Jackson, Nash, Stearns, Cleveland, Stephens, Chandler, Buick, Dodge, Lexington, National, Hudson, Essex, Ford, Mil- burn, Oakland and Sheridan. A subscription of twenty-five cents will be taken at the door. A map showing the location of each dealer's space displaying the respective cars the ysell will be incerted in this paper next weekâ€"Watch for it! COMMUNITY DANCE DRAWS PRAISE FOR MUSICIANS Tuesday evening's Community dance at the Byron C. Stolp school witnessed an increased number of dancers of the younger set in the village a circumstance very gratify- ing to the committee in charge of the weekly affairs. Mulch favorable comment has been heard recently upon the work of the orchestra. The dancers are brimful of praise for the music furnished by George Arns, of Park avenue, at the piano, E. Van Walt at the drums, and H. Bielawski at th% saxaphone. LADIES' CLUB MEETS The Ladies' club met yesterday with Mrs. Nicholas P. Miller, 1775 Washington avenue. FLOKNCECHASE TEACHER _______OF^^= PIANO 1204 Forest Art. WILMETTE Telephone Wilmetta 2031 »»>»»mM»»J»»MiMM»»}»m»»»»»»»fX^mm FredNitto Upholstering, Drapery Cabinet Work Furniture Repairing Mattress Renovating and Window Shades Telephone Wil. 474 and 2430 HIGH GRADE BUNTE CHOCOLATES LINE of Refreshments Include Coffee, Pies and Sandwiches Be Sure to Come to This Store Saturday Evening, November 20th, at 8 P. M. Special event will take place \Y7 DDL Ridge and Lake Aves. Wm.r. rarks Wmette TELEPHONE WILMETTE 1450 DONT DESPAIR If you are troubled with pains or aches; feel tired; have headache, indigestion, insomnia; painful pass- age of urine, you will find relief in COLD MEDAL ^MWUaUamUJIUiMUUMiUUWMUMM^ Ihe North Shore Horn EYMBKIN, UINOB » â- t now has available a few one, two or three room suites FOR IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY TELEPHONE EVANSTON 6400 The world's standard remedy for kidney, liver^ bladder and uric acid troubles and National Remedy of Holland since 1696. Three Sizts, all druggists. Guaranteed. Look for the name Gold Medal on every box and accept no imitation Maturing Thrift Clubs UIIIUIWIIWIIUIiniUMINHHMUUHHIIIIHIUIHHUNIIUIMUIIUimiUnUIHIHIIIIUIIIIIII "LIKE MONEY FROM HOME" HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIMIIIIIIUIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIHIIIIIUIIIIimilllUIIIIIIUIIIIIUIIIIIIIII Six months agb about 500 young men and women joined our weekly payment thrift clubs. These thrift clubs are now maturing, and as we pay them the money, or put it into a permanent savings account, we hear them say, '7 never missed it, this is like getting money from home." New clubs are now forming. Why not come in and join? FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF WILMETTE The Home of the Thrift Club IKENEWoI'dSHOEC To us for careful and " am I satisfactory Repairing %0 ELECTRIC SHOE REPAIR SHOP «* "*"*'• WILMETTE L. â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- I 'rwrt/ff* â€"â€"J FAD VII1C Wlut '•more *uit*ble for rUK AlvlAO * Holiday Gift to you Friends than A Year's Subscription to a Magazine or ChurchPeriodica] A. M. SCHAEFER "THE HOME PERIODICAL AGENT" 1501 Washington Ave. Phone Wil. m-w OLD SHOES MADE NEW at the DEPENDABLE Shoe Repairing Factory F W. NORTON, Prop. Lake and Ridge Aves. Phone Wilmette 2358 TWENTY-FOUR-HOUR SERVICE I 1 DON'T DELAYâ€"Now Is the Time to Have Your REPAIRED REMODELED OR RELINED mm.....illinium.....iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiMMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiii Work Done Promptly at Reasonable Prices iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiriiiiiiririi H. A. ROPINSKI Manufacturer of Fine Furs 916 Chicago Ave., near Main St., Evanston y PHONE EVANSTON 3722 ESTABLISHED SINCE 190ft OPEN EVENINGS