THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1920 a- Activities & ^NortKJKoreCKiKy by RutK RLrle>^> 0N opportunity is to be afforded club members at the next regular meeting of the Winnetka Woman's club, under the direction of the Civics and Philanthropy committee, on Thursday afternoon, December 2, when Mr. Willoughby G. Walling, vice chairman of the American Red Cross will speak on "The Relief of Europe". Mr. Walling brings to this talk all the wealth of his varied experience in Washington and abroad. The hostesses will be Mesdames Howard Ballenger, William S. Carlisle, Isaac B. Connor and John C. West. Katherine Jewell Everts will present her subject, "Better Am- erican Speech" before the members of the Wilmette Woman's club on Wednesday afternoon, December 1. This is the general club day. Hostsses on this occasion will be Mesdames William R. Harvey, James A. Steren, Alexander C. Barkley, and Samuel J. Marks. North shore women who are in- terested in the success of the New America Shop, recently opened in the Stevens building, Chicago, by the Daughters of the American Revolu- tion, include Mesdames Israel C. Cope, Edward Bemis, Harrison Young. Sanger Brown, James Low- ry, R. W. Varney, W. D. Washburne, Robert Barrie, Charles Pope, Edward Scheidenhelm, William Kunkel, Sher- man Aldrich, George Kraft, W. H. Hansen, E. D. Frazer, Frank Rich- ardson, Charles Winston and Wil- liam A. Locy. Thanksgiving eve a dinner dance was given at the Westmoreland Country club. This was the last party of the 1920 season at the club. At this time the clubhouse was open for inspection. For those not caring to dance, card tables were furnished. The annual meeting for the elec- tion of officers of the Ravinia club will be held at the Blackstone hotel on Friday, December 3, at 10:30 o'clock a. m. A full attendance is very much desired. Children of the Winnetka public schools, following the precedent es- tablished a year ago, have started work on hand*painted Christmas greetings cards to be sold in the village for the benefit of the relief work conducted by Dr. Alice Barlow- Brown among the Serbian refugees. Last year the sale of these cards netted $40, which was directed to Dr. Brown. The first remittance was not received by the Winnetka relief worker, but the second remit- tnce was received later, the draft being honored and cashed on Sep- tember 21. 1920. Purchase of these cards provides a means of materially assisting in the very urgent work among the des- titute Serbian war sufferers. Women members of the Glenview Golf club are subscribing two dollars each to furnish a $500 room in the children's department of the new policlinic hospital . This room is to have a plate in- Have your corsets specially designed for you. MRS. A. E. FABIAN 4307 N. P»u!in* St. Phane Grae.kn4 4404 Registered Spencer Coraetwr* ^_ Jtejvneno ^£ COmssTS G AIRING Fine Arts > Picture Framing Framed Pictures Christmas Cards Birthday Cards Birth Announcements Novelties and Gifts We do the Picture Framing and Repairing, Restoring of Canvasses, Etc., Right Here. 1613 Orrington Avenue EVANSTON Telephone Evanston 770 "They Don't Answer" SOMETIMES, when a number is asked for on the telephone, the operator reports that the number called does not answer. Experience shows the operator is seldom mistaken. In the majority of cases the person called is absent or not near enough to hear the tele- phone bell. Sometimes he is just slow in answering. " Don't answer "reportswould be greatly reduced if subscribers would be prompt in answering when their bells ring. CHICAGO TELEPHONE COMPANY scribed, "Furnished by the Women of the Glenview Club," and all members are urged to join in this big civic un- dertaking. Mrs. David Fiske is in charge of the subscription committee and it is announced that all checks should be made payable to the Chicago Poli- clinic and mailed to Mrs. Fiske. At the meeting of the Music de- partment of the Wilmette Woman's club on Thursday, December 2, the lecture on, "The Opera" will be con- tinued. Or. Miller, Osteopath, specialist In stomach and nervous disorders, North Shore Hotel. Phone Evanston -6424. LTG40-tfc GO TO CHURCH EVERY SUNDAY We Will Serve from 11 a. m. to 3 p. m. Only ^..AtiHSGtVINC DAY TO our customers, who have learned from pleasant experience that we serve the best fete-day dinners obtainable, it will be welcome news to know that Thanksgiving will be recognized in our custom- ary way. Dine today the Cafeteria way MIMIIIHIUIHimilUIIIIIMI Welch's Cafeteria 1101 Central Avenue Wilmette, III. T^neh^hdpxr f-Special .- J pr.bboudr.vI Velvet Frocks /I V $55.00 and UP Specialist in High Grade Attire for Gentlewomen An Unusual Showing of Frocks, Suits and Coats of exceptional charm awaits your inspection. 15 East Washington St., Chicago '.r**n*l Attantian gW.n â- Mh Cu.tMn.r. ftthFUw V.Mtitn BM|. Ritter Feed and Fertilizer 100 /»• Sincerity Egg Mash . . $3.85 Rep Scratch Feed . . . 3.50 Shell or Crack Corn. • 2.55 Pulverized Manure . . 2.25 30 other kinds of Feed at lowest Market price. Your money refunded, if you are not satisfied. Give Street and Number for Free Delivery. HITTER'S FEED STORE LAKE FOREST. ILL. Phone Lake Forest 171 ,13 ijfe! I i Extraordinary Values in Used Steinwav Pianos! A great opportunity to obtain one of these unequalled pianos is offered in our display of used and rebuilt Stein- way Pianos. An entire salesroom is de- voted to the collection which includes both upright and grands in mahagony, rosewood and ebony finishes. These instruments have been thor- oughly overhauled. We guarantee them the same as new pianos. We take old pianos in. exchange and shall gladly arrange convenient pay- ments. LYON & HEALY Wabash Ave. at Jackson Blvd. *'s,j ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦•♦•♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦•♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦•♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦•♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦••♦♦♦•J Evanston Automobile Show Wed.. Thurs., Fri. and Sat. DECEMBER 1â€"2â€"3â€"4 1013-17 Davis St. • At the above address on the days stated, residents of the North Shore will be afforded an opportunity of inspecting the newest designs, latest inventions, 1921 conveniences in Automobiles. All popular makes of cars will be displayed and you can obtain information on all cars without feeling that you will be urged to buy. Your friends are with us to boost the showing of all cars under one roof and "At Home.' Doors open 12 o 'clock noon until 10:30 P. M. daily Admission 25 Cents Evanston Automobile Dealers' Show ♦♦♦♦♦•♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦*****+**+**+*********+*+**************************4***4*********