THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1920 0 LOVELY home wedding is to be solemnized this evening at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Hall Nicholes, 816 Forest avenue, when their daughter, Eleanor Hall, will be united in marriage to Llewelyn Lodwick, Jr., of Ottumwa, la. Rev. Stephen A. Lloyd of the Congregational church will read the service at 8:30 o'clock. Mrs. Benjamin Gordon of Whiting, Ind., will attend Miss Nicholes as matron of honor, and the bridesmaids will be the Misses Winifred Reinboth, Mary Lodwick and Kath- erine Kitchin. Byron Lodwick 'will attend his cousin as best man, and the ushers will include Messrs. Leroy Hammond, and Harold Garwood of Evanston. Following an extended wedding trip the young couple will make their home in Centerville, la. ---------------*--------------- Mr. and Mrs. William Albert Tucker of 1214 Lake avenue, an- nounce the engagement of their daughter, Verna May, to Mr. Ren L. Blodgett of Madison, Wis. Miss Tucker is a graduate of the University of Wisconsin, and a member of the Keith chapter of Acothe. No date has been set for the wedding. ---------------•-------------r Mr. and Mrs. Frint George of 1 Crescent place, announce the marriage of their daughter, Hazel Charlotte to Raymond Wentz of Chicago on Monday evening, November 22. Rev. George P. Magill, pastor of the Presbyterian church, read the service at 8:30 o'clock. Miss Alta Biggs of St. Louis, attended the bride as maid of honor, and Mr. James Walker of Chicago served Mr. Wentz as best man. Mr .and Mrs. Wentz are making their home temporarily at the Evanston hotel. Last Friday the Tatapochon Camp Fire Girls had a grand "spree", a sur- prise party which included many things; a trip to Winnetka, at the close of which letters were passed around and when opened revealed a note from each girls' mother saying that she was not expected home to dinner. Upon arriving back in Wil- mette the girls were led to the Con- gregational church where they found the prettiest table set with flowers, (later sent to sick friends of the girls) place cards with small lighted candles on them, and delicious food all ready to be eaten. ' Before eating a very Sincere "Happy Birthday To You" was sung to Harriet Woodcock and Martha Crossley in celebration of the oc- casion. It was discovered that Jane Pardee and Ruth Anderson, the former offi- cers of the group, were the cooks, and Helen Seibold and Martha Swan, the new officers, those responsible for the stunts and the table decorations.' It was a great occasion and one to be remembered in the history of the Camp Fire. Next Wednesday night the group will assist in serving the Church Night dinner and five of the group will appear in the Tableaux to be presented after the dinner. The girls Announcement is made of the mar- riage of Miss Florence Dalton to William F. Haigh, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Haigh of Evanston, Wednesday in St. Francis Xavier's church, Rev. Fr. Lannon reading the service. Miss Jeanette Beckstrom was the bride's only attendant and Nicholas Miller served Mr. Haigh as best man. Following the church ser- vice which took place at 8 o'clock, a reception was held at .the bride's home, 114& Isabella street. Mr. and Mrs. Haigh will be at home after December 12 at 1148 Isabella street. â€"♦â€" Friends of Mrs. S. A. Milner will regret to learn that she is very seri- ously ill at the North Shore Sani- tarium. Mrs. Milner has been ill since the early part of September, when she broke her hip, and is now in a very critical condition. â€"♦â€" Mr. and Mrs. Warren Fifer, who have been living in Indianapolis since their marriage a year ago, have returned to Chicago and will make their home with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. H. McMillen of 1010 Linden avenue, until such time as they can secure an apartment. Mr. James Logie, who is a student at the University of Wisconsin, at Milan Lusk, the well-known violin- ist, left Tuesday of this week for New York City for his winter engage- ments.' The artist is under manage- ment of Mr. E. A. Boyer. Mr. Lusk will also make more records for the Victor and Emerson Phonograph Companies. â€"+â€" Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Barker of Chicago are spending several days this week with relatives in Spring- field, 111. Mr. Barker is a member of the firm of Barker-Whitelaw com- pany. â€"♦â€" The Christmas Seals will be handled this year from Thanksgiving time until Christmas, through the Woman's club and will be carried by all of the drug stores and the Wom- an's Catholic club of Wilmette. â€"*â€" The North End Circle of the Woman's Guild of the Congregation- al church will hold an all-day meet- ing at the church Monday, November 29. Members are asked to bring box luncheon. â€"•â€" Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Hall Nicholes of 816 Forest avenue, entertained the members of the bridal party and several out of town guests at dinner last evening at the North Shore hotel. â€"•â€" Mr. and Mrs. Fred S. Rice of 726 Eleventh street entertained with a dancing party at the Ouilmette Coun- try club last Friday evening, in honor of their daughter, Ruth. Miss Norma McMillen and Miss Frances Cutler will join a house party, made up chiefly of Northwest- ern students, held at Benton Harbor on Thanksgiving week-end. Mr. A. K. Shurtleff and daughters Barbara and Jessie, spent several days of the past week with Mr. and Mrs. David Rykert at their home in Sycamore, 111. Miss Mabel Merritt left Tuesday for her home in St. Paul, Minn., after spending two weeks with her sister, Mrs. A. E. Logie, 1032 Ashland avenue. __♦_ Mr. and Mrs. Eldred G. Bentley and family, 804 Elmwood avenue, spent Thanksgiving as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Shove in Irving Park. Miss Louise Brownell of Washing- ton, D. C, who is visiting her sister, Mrs. Clark L. Hayes, 911 Lake ave- nue, is slowly recovering from an illness of several weeks. â€"♦â€" Mr.' and Mrs. Rob W. Webber of 1068 Linden avenue, are spending Thanksgiving and the week-end with their parents in Urbana and Cham- paign, 111. Mrs. H. L. Watkins of Milwaukee, has been th'e guest this week of Mrs. S. T. Watkins, 1322 Greenwood ave- nue. Mr. Watkins arrived on Wed- nesday for a short visit. ^HiiiiiiiiiiiiinimiiiiiiiiimiiiiiinHMiiiiiiiiiiiiniiim I Household Brushes of Every Description. Demonstration by Appointment Day or Evening s I THE FULLER BRUSH CO., Inc. | I Represented by F. L. SENDERHAUF | | S30 Crccnleaf Avenue WILMETTE Phone Wilmette 2170 § 1 GIFTS THAT ARE DIFFERENTâ€"Our Brushes and Toilet Articles in White Bristle and I = Ivory make Useful and Beautiful Gifts for Christmas, Weddings and Birthdays. I ^tllillt.....IUIIlllltirilllIllltlLtlIUIlttlllllllllLIIMIMirillllMllMU*lllllllttlll(lllllllllMIIHIIIIllllllllt)IIMMJItllllttlMt1M1!tlllMIII1MlltlllllllMllltllllltlllllttlllllt«llllll lllllillll?. Sunday at his home, avenue. 1032 Ashland will be dressed as Puritan maidens. , tended thg Chicago.Wisconsin foot. * , ! ball game at the Stagg field on On Friday afternoon of last week Saturday and spent Saturday and Mrs. Emanuel Kinstler entertained - - ----- with a musicale at her home, 818 Ashland avenue, in honor of her two house guests, her mother, Mrs. A. Pollack, and her sister, Mrs. C. S. Elgutter of Omaha, Neb., who are en route to Cuba, where they will spend the winter with a son and brother. A most delightful program opened by Mrs. Pollack, with two selections from MacDowell on the piano, and followed by the artists, Mrs. Dons Water stone, soprano, Anne Kuper, accompanist and pianologist, Mrs. Albert Pick. Jr., of Winnetka, and Mrs. Morton Mergentheim, pianists. The members of the Entre Nous club gave a dance at the Evanston Country club Thanksgiving night. The twenty members of the club are Miss Laura Browne, Miss Marjorie Burchard, Miss Henrietta Bush, Miss Jane Carpenter, Mrs. Kenneth Burns, Miss Frances Charles, Miss Jean Dawes, Miss Angela Downey, Mrs. Leon Ellis, Miss Margaret Little, Miss Emily McCormick, Mrs. George B. McCormick, Miss Catherine Orde, Miss Perene Prince, Miss Harriet Ridgeway, Miss Dorothy and Miss Catherine Robbins, Mrs. John Eliot Warner. Miss Julia Warner and Miss Ruth Woodward. â€"*â€" The Cozy Corner Circle of the Congregational Woman's Guild will hold an all-day meeting at the church Thursday, December 2. Luncheon will be served and a large attendance is desired to help with the work on hand. â€"•â€" Mrs. Richard G. Schuettge and daughter, Miss Norma, left on Wed- nesday for Des Moines, Iowa, where they will be the guests of Mr. and Mrs W. B. Starkey. Mrs. Schuettge will make an extended visit, but Miss Norma will return on Sunday. Miss Pearl Davies was the week- end guest of Miss Hazel Russell, 1009 Elmwood avenue . Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Jackson of Kenilworth will give a dance for their daughter, Miss Elizabeth Jack- son on December 22 ,at the Kenil- worth club. • â€"•â€" Miss Mary A. Pope is the guest of Dr. and Mrs. Goodshellar in Marion, Kansas. FLORENCE CHASE TEACHER ===OI' PI J NO 12M Fonrt An. WILMETTE Telephone Wilmette 2031 AT YOUR SERVICE THE J. M. HANSON-BENNETT MAGAZINE AGENCY REPRESENTED LOCALLY BY THE A. M. SCHAEFER MAGAZINE AGENCY 1501 Washington Avenue Tel. Wilmette 969-W SOME HOLIDAY BARGAINS: Year National Geographic Monthly___ ...............................4.00 Saturday Evening Post, Weekly..................................2J0 American Boy, Monthly..........................................JL50 American Magazine, Monthly....................................230 Ladies' Home Journal, Monthly...................................2,00 Woman's Home Companion, Monthly.............................2,00 111 For this Christmas: "Your Photograph!" A SITTING TODAY SOLVES THE GIFT PROBLEM OF TOMORROW] = TELEPHONE EVANSTON 2238 EUGENE L. RAY | Studio = HOTBURN BLDC-, EVANSTON j| IIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllllllI A LL your favorite *» centersâ€"each in a substantial chocolate overcoat. You'll have to eat one to learn how good they areâ€"and eat many to learn that they are all equally good. Come in as you go by today, and get some. Packed in a handsome box that will please anybody. ySte Chocolates-wtth tht"ylbnderful CenterS RENNECKAR DRUG CO. Telephones Wilmette 28 and 29 ADVERTISE IN YOUR LOCAL PAPER <