2 THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1920 WILMETTE GIVES $723,60 IN RED CROSS ROLL CALL Mrs, Henry B. Gates, Chairman, « Make* Official > Statement of â- • . Campaign Proceed* Wilmette's contribution t-o the Fourth Roll Call of the American Red Cross, concluded on Thanksgiving Day, totalled $723.60, according to the official report of the Village chair- man, Mrs. Henry B. Gates. The total number of new or renewed member- ships was given as 706. The Fourth Roll Call drive was conducted in Wilmette through various Red Cross booths established in public buildings and in business places-attracting large numbers of residents. There was no house to house canvass for funds as had been the custom in previous years, The chairman's report follows: Report of money turned in dur- ing the American Red Cross Membership drive: Source Amount Banks ..................... $187.00 Elevated Station ............166.00 Schools .................... 153.25 Drug Stores ................125.35 Cafeteria ................... 47.00 Miscellaneous .............. 26.00 Library .................... 19.00 Total ....................$723.60 Total number of memberships 706 Nellie W. Gates, Chairman, Wilmette Committee. MARRIED THANKSGIVING EVE The marriage of Miss Nellie Scott of Forest avenue and Peter Gross of Ridge avenue, took place Thanks- giving evening at St. Joseph's church. The bride was attended by Miss Christine Gross and the best man was Leon Gross, brother of the groom. PARENT-TEACHER PARTY NETS' volley ball games. They $175 FOR GYMNASIUM FUNDS "s^ for tumbling work. also The party at the Byron C. Stolp school on November 19, given by the Parent-Teacher association, was a great success. The music was ex- cellent, and about 150 villagers en- joyed the evening's activities. Through the generosity of many of the mothers the committee was per- mitted to serve refreshments, ice cream and cake. A list of the donors is placed on file and no person is asked to contribute more than once during the year. Approximately $175 was realized and will be expended for the gymnasium under the advice of Mr. Todd. The proceeds of last spring's party made possible the purchase of two large mattresses to be used as butt- resses along the brick walls and to cover other obstructions in the in- stance of basketball, indoor or KENILWORTH LEGION FIVE DEFEATED BY WILMETTE For the second time in two weeks the Wilmette A. C. basketball team defeated the Kenilworth American Legion five at Kenilworth. The final score was 17 to 14. Barrow, center for the victors was the star of the game for Wilmette, while right guard Tinsman of the losers annexed a trio of markers. MOVE SOUTH FOR WINTER H. E. Hasselberg and family of Ridge avenue have moved to Atlanta, Ga., for the winter. Mr. Hasselberg has been located in the southern city for several weeks while Mrs. Hassel- berg and their son Harry, Jr., and daughter Margy, left Saturday to join him. FLORENCE CHASE TEACHER 0F== PIANO wilmett! Telephone Wilmette 2031 North Shore Hotel EVMSTM, WtlOIS now has available a few one, two or three room suites FOR IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY TELEPHONE EVANSTON 6400 Join Our Christmas Club and SAVE a little every week-a few penniesâ€"a nickelâ€"a dimeâ€"or more- Deposit them weekly and see them grow into dollars and get a check just before Next Christmas for every cent you have savedâ€" plus interest. FvPrvhorlv 0LD AND YOUNG ELlliIz^L children and babies are invited to become members. You will have money for presents and other expenses, and it will come so easy it will be just like finding it. Don't miss itâ€"enroll at once. Let every- one in the family join. WILMETTE STATE BANK CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $150,000.00 wr/«wrr8vir/itir/i^ri«tfr^rT8w^ Electric Shoe Repair Shop40ViS K/MWAW/AW^^^^^^ ONE WEEK FOOD SALE ISS &• Sugar S^iGoribSB,a!ed 98c Sugar. Domino loaf, 2 lbs.......35c Corn, Paris sugar, 12 cans .... $1.98 Peas, Monarch telephone, doz. $1.98 Peaches, Fancy canned, in heavy syrup......................49c Paul's Jams, jar.............. 55c Orange Marmalade, Ferguson's, jar ........................55c Pet Milk, tall can, 2 for........25c Kingsbury's Idaho Apples Extra fancy No. 1 Jonathans 5 lbs....................59c Per box.................$3.75 Extra fancy Winesapes, per box...................$3.75 Cream of Wheat, pkg.........29c Bananas, extra fancy, large yellow, Dozen .....................39c Rice, Fancy Carolina head, 3 lbs. 35c New Prunes Genuine Santa Clara, 5-lb. car- ton, sunsweet $1 .59 171^.M Ceresota 1-4 bbl. *0 70 r lOlir (49 lbs.) in cloth **. • 3 Fudge, Shutter's, lb. box......25c Peaches, dried, Blue Ribbon, 5 lb. carton ...................$1.49 Coffee, Monarch, 3 lb. carton . . $1.25 Coffee, delicious breakfast blend, pound .....................29c N. B. C. Graham Crackers, pkg.. 17c Uneeda Biscuit, pkg............8c Syrup, Scudder's, maple and cane, quart......................79c Maple Syrup, pure Monarch, per quart ....................$1.25 Knox's Gelatine, box..........19c Red Cross Macaroni and Spaghetti, 3 packages.................29c Palmolive Soap, 3 bars........25c Polly Prim, (scouring powder) reg. 10c can.....................5c Walnuts, fine quality, in shell, lb. 29c Salted Peanuts, lb.............29c ButterBest E,gin Creamery, lb. 55c Soap American Family, 10 bars . . . 69c Roasted Peanuts, lb...........19c Sunbeam Strawberry Preserves, per jar ......... .............55c Monarch Strawberry Preserves, per jar ........................39c Salmon, San Wan, y2 lb. can ... 25c Olive Oil, Old Monk, qt......$1.69 Red Currant Jam, Curtice Bros., per jar........................39c Cocoanuts, fresh, each.........15c Candy, Christmas, hard mixed, per pound .....................39c Lux, per pkg..................lie Bargains in the Meat Department Swift's Premium Ham Shanks, per pound .....................20c Fresh Lamb Patties, lb. only . .. 35c Dixie Bacon, lb................35c Salted Beef Tongues, lb. only . .. 50c We Deliver in Wilmette and Winnetka Potatoes id2ii%,.fk.$3.75 614 Davis Evans \f; C. H. Morgan Grocery Co. 7 TELEPHONES EVANSTON 2751 NO TOLL WILMETTE 190