THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1920 3 PRELIMINARY CHRISTMAS OFFERINGS We are in full trim for Christmas Shopping, and those who come to our store now will fare much better as to comfort and convenience than those who delay. We are showing a full line of Toys and Games at all stores and we also have a large line of merchandise suitable for Christmas gifts. Women's flannelette night gowns, values up to $3.50 at......$2.39 values up to $2.50 at.......$1.59 Women's shirtwaists, all sizes, in Georgette crepe and wash silks, - reduced 1-3. Men's Brown Jersey Gloves, 2 pair for........................25c Boys' Kaynee Blouses, large range of patterns and colors, sizes 6 to 15 years, each.............$1.29 Boys' Heavy Ribbed Black Stock- ings, all sizes, pair..........49c Boys' Mackinaws, we have a few left in our Winnetka stock, values up to $18.00; to close out at $10.00 Children's Koveralls, variety of patterns, sizes 1 to 8 years . .$1.59 Children's Knit Waist Union Suits, boys' and girls' knee and ankle length, sizes 2 to 16; suit-----$1.59 Another lot of Extra Fine "Wool Nap" Blankets, full bed size, these are A-l quality and will stand rig- id comparisons ...........$4.95 _ BOXPAPER Irish lawn, of distinctive charac- ter for particular people. This extra quality paper can be had in eight different colors. The edges are tinted. Box ... .49c Famous Dr. Denton Sleeping Gar- ment, fine for the kiddies, sizes 7 and 8 years; each..........$1.39 2-piece Light Fleece Underwear, for boys or girls, sizes 2 to 16 years 60c Fleisher's Silkanwool knitting yarn, 2 oz. balls, 8 balls or 1 lb. .. .$4.50 Extra Quality Full-bed size Crepe and Silkoline cotton-filled com- fortables, large assortment_ of colors, these must be seen to be appreciated. Special reduction of 15%. Lamb's all wool batting, size 81x90, weight 3 lbs............ . .$3.45 Flannelette or outing flannel, 27 and 36 inch width, to close, yard . .24c 30-inch Cotton crepe in white and colors, suitable for underwear and kimonos; yard..............45c 40-inch Georgette crepe, in five staple colors-; yard.........$1.65 36-inch All-wool Storm Serge; yard .....................$1.29 No. 2 All-Silk Satin Ribbon, season- able colors, 10-yard bolt.....50c Hair Nets, made of human hair, fin- est qualities, guaranteed perfect; all colors; cap style; dozen . . .85c Mavis Talcum Powder, can ... ,21c De Luxe Milk of Cucumber (hand softener) 25c size at........17c Coates Spool Cotton, white, black and colors, dozen...........84c Men's Extra Quality, full size, Pure Linen Handkerchiefs, each . . 55c 12 for....................$5.75 Paris Garters.................39c Men's Half Hose, wool and cotton mixed, pair ................39c SHOES AT WINNETKA ONLY Shoes for men, women and children. All of these shoes were made to be sold at the prices originally mark- ed, 25% off. Men's 32-inch Satin Shirting | silks, neck band furnished, J shirt pattern ..........$4.50 1165 Wilmette Ave. Phone____ WiHnTtte 111 R. H. Schell & Co.____ Department Store Merchandise] jandGiencoe Other Stores in Winnetka Hubbard Woods M»^H»0^»04NMMMI^»«a»aM»4MI