Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 3 Dec 1920, p. 6

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6 THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1920 - > (iitiwitifitiiiiiiiiuiiiititiMitiDmutiDiiittiiiritiniiiiitni.....MitiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiriiiiiriiiiiiMiiiiiiMnMiniiiifHiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiniiiKiitiuiiiiHtiitt......iiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiui^ Church , nouaxment PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH -,«iiiiiHaifiiuriiifiiiitiiitiiiiuiiiiiitiiiiiiMMittHi(iiiiiiiiiiirfiiiiinitiitiiiiriiiiiifitiifiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiftifiiiiiiiiitiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiitHMH......fUKiKitititrtiiudiiKiiiiKtirair METHODIST CHURCH Sunday, December S, is Communion Sunday. Appropriate music by the choir. The last Communion service in our church was conducted by Dr. Walker. Dr. Rapp teaches the men's Bible class at 9:45 o'clock every Sunday morning. The Ladies Aid cleared $230 on their "Rummage Sale" last week. Mrs. J. C. Mannerud had charge of the sale. Mrs. Kaufman. 515 Washington avenue, entertained the ladies -of the fourth division, Mrs. J. F. Klctzing, chairman, in an all-day meeting on Monday. Miss Watidner. 1048 Lake avemie, was hostess to the ladies of the third division, Mrs. John Emerick, chair- man, in an all-day meeting on Tues- day. Mr. Bentley has charge of raising the Christmas offering for Lake Bluff Orphanage in our Sunday school. If you do not attend church or Sunday school and want to do something for the orphans at Lake Bluff, call Wil- mette 822-M and ask for Bentley. "" The Methodists east of Eighth street and Greenleaf avenue and south to Isabella street, were organ- ized by Mr. Bickham Thursday even- ing; in a meeting at the home of Mrs. Lewis Springer, 430 Maple avenue. With their monthly meeting on Thursday, the Ladies Aid combined a sale of fancy work and baked goods. The luncheon was served by the ladies of the second division. At their meeting Sunday evening at 6 o'clock the Epworth league will debate the question, "Resolved that the Epworth League should be dis- banded." The affirmative will be taken by E, M. Stafford; the negative by James Melville and Harold Lund- berg. There will be special music. The official board will have their monthly meeting in the church next Tuesday evening, December 7. CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH The Explorer's club .are a wide- awake bunch. They have been in existence as a club only four weeks and will take this Saturday morning, their fourth journey. Their first Saturday was spent exploring the mysteries of a big plant like Sears Roebuck and Company. Last Satur- day they went to the Coliseum to see the Health exhibit returning home with pockets and stomachs stuffed full of samples. This Saturday the group will meet at the church in the early morning and will be taken from there in autos to the Horse show .tickets to which were provided by Mr. L. S. Harman. Mr. Dwight Harris will conduct the group. The club will meet for business this afternoon at the church at 3:4S o'clock. The Woman's Guild will hold its regular monthly meeting, Friday, December 10, at the church. The pro- gram is in charge of the Missionary committee of which Mrs. D. M. Gallie is chairman. The luncheon will be served by the Cozy Corner circle who urge that reservations be sent in be- fore Friday that they may know the number to prepare for. Luncheon will be served at 1 o'clock and re- servations should be sent as early as possible to Mrs. L. A. Bower, phone 345. BUSINESS MEN'S CLASS Subject: "The Social Ideals of Jesus" (Study VII. The Rule or Kingdom of God). 1. Did Jesus' use of the term "Kingdom of God" indicate something supernatural or something temporal and material; or did He refer to a personal attitude or condition of mind and will among men? (Luke 17:20-21; Luke 14:1, 15-24; Matt. 13:44-46; Matt, 21:28-32.) 2. What did He say must be the attitude of the man who would work effectively for the establishment of the rule or Kingdom of God? (Mark 10:13-16.) 3. Is the social principle enun- ciated by Him in Matthew 6:33 prac- tical in a world like ours? (Matt. 6:28-32.) 4. How, according to Jesus, is the Kingdom of God to be established on the basis of the existing social order? (Matt. 13:31-32; Mark 4:26-29; Luke -3:20-21, 24-30.) 5. Consider the definite classes, institutions, organizations and indi- viduals that in your opinion are (1) hastening (2) retarding the estab- lishment of the Kingdom of God. 6. What definite steps did Jesus take to institute this new social order? 7. How far was He successful in His lifetime? 8. How far is His plan for trans- forming society practicable under modern conditions? BAPTIST CHURCH Complete announcement of the lay- ing of the Corner stone which is to take place on Sunday, December 12, will be made in this column next week. The morning worship hour will be devoted to the ceremony and the congregation will go in a body to the site of the new building at 12:20 o'clock for the culmination of the program. "Books that have helped me'to be a Christian" will be the theme at the mid-week meeting of the church on December 8. This topic is one of a series which is being followed on "Things a Christian ought to know" The Young People's society is planning to make up and take to the Oak Forest Home sixty boxes of goodies and toys for the childten there at Christmas time. This is a form of service that the Baptist Young People's society has rendered each year since its organization. A Christmas Cantata is to be given by the Sunday school on Wednesday, December 22, at Brown Hall. Every- one in the Bible school and many friends will be there. The Baptist church wishes to take this means of expressing its ap- preciation of the kindness of the First Presbyterian church in so graciously lending the use of its equipment for the "Pilgrim Party" which was held there last Tuesday evening. The affair was one of the most successful in the history of the church. ST. AUGUSTINE'S PARISH There will be no sermon at St. Augustine's regular service next Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. In its place there will be an address by one of the leading laymen of the diocese, Mr. George K. Gibson of the Wausau Sulphate Fibre company, Chicago. Mr. Gibson was chairman of the na- tion-wide campaign last year and was largely responsible for its suc- cess. He has visited St. Augustine's before and his practical, enthusiastic talks have made him a great friend of St. Augustine's congregation. The Vestry of St. Augustine's met on Wednesday night and perfected plans for the nation-wide campaign for the coming year. Last year St. Augustine's did exceedingly well in this campaign and because the major- ity of parishes in the diocese did the same, the diocese work has been car- ried on during the year on a greatly j advanced scale. The calls and the responsibilities for the coming year are large and the people of St. Au- gustine's intend to keep in the front rank. St. Augustine's choir, under the leadership of Mr. Thomas Fullerton, organist and choirmaster, is already at work in preparation for Christmas with special Christmas music. There is still room for a few boys of the ages nine to twelve to join the choir. This is a fine opportunity for a boy to be of value to the church, receive a good musical training and deepen the spirit of reverence and worship. In addition to the extra heating recently installed for the Primary Sunday school department, it has been redecorated during the past week and the Primary children now have comfortable and attractive quarters. Several new teachers are assisting in the work of this depart- ment. Its rapid growth compels the opening of new classes every few weeks. In order that the people of the parish may be familiarized with the work of the church at large, copies of "The Church at Work" are being mailed at intervals to all St. Au- gustine's people. A careful reading of this magazine along with other publicity matter, will open the eyes of all church people and give them a new idea of the great work the church is carrying on not only in this diocese but in the nation and the world at large. Tuesday was the day set aside for the Commemoration of St. Andrew by our church. There was a service of the Holy Communion at St. Au- gustine's on Tuesday morning. The Associated Guilds will meet today at 10:30 o'clock for work. There will be an informal luncheon at noon. GEORGE STUMP TENOR Teacher of Singing Assistant to frantz Pro$chowmky 718 Fin* Arts Bldg. CHICAGO Telephone': Harrison 4031 New or Renewal Magazine Subscriptions Solicited by the A. M. SCHAEFER ffiSBS" 1501 Washington Ave., Wilmette Telephone Wilmette 969-W Dr. Charles E. Geiitt Oateopahtic Physician Phene WU. 2052 1150 Wibaette Are Raaidence Phone 716-J Go To Church Sunda Try going to church to give as well as to receive inspiration. If your church is not all that in your belief it should and can be in the interests of the moral welfare of the community, then why not contribute your personal effort to the promotion of your ideals? The character of a com- munity as a whole is the expanded influ- ence of its churches. And the influence of any church is the measure of the in- spiration for personal service on the part of those who compare its membership. Try church-going to give inspiration to others. St Augustine's Episcopal Church The First Congregational Church The Wilmette Baptist Church The First Methodist Church The First Presbyterian Church

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