THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1920 •rrflt* 7 Classified Advertisements R ATESâ€"10c per line for first insertion. Each succeeding in- sertion, 5c per line. Minimum 3 lines. Copy must be in by Wednesday. Rates for same advertisement in The Lake Shore News. Winnetka Weekly Talk and Glencoe News. 20c per line for first insertion. Each succeeding insertion, 10c per line. JJ HELP WANTEDâ€"FEMALE ) WANTEDâ€"GIRL. FOR GENERAL.) housework; plain cooking-; own' room and bath; wages $70 a month. Apply Mrs. E. J. Schager, 900 Forest avenue, Wilmette. ____LTG4-ltc FOR RENTâ€"HOUSE WANTEDâ€"GOOD LAUNDRESS, TWO days a week; white preferred. 531 Washington avenue. Phone Wil. 1925- L41tc WANTEDâ€"GIRL FOR GEI-FL. HOUSE- work; must be good cook; family of four; no washing; best wages. Tel. Wil. 1555. 519 Laurel avenue. Wil- mette. LTGl-ltc FAMILY GOING SOUTH FOR WINTER will rent handsome home in Wil- mette, eight rooms, sun parlor, glass enclosed sleeping porch, 2 baths, No- Kol vapor heating system, furnished complete; two car heated garage; convenient to all transportation; reasonable to careful tenents. Phone Wil. 1253. L4-ltc FOR SALE OR RENTâ€"HOMES ________HELP WANTEDâ€"MALE________ WANTEDâ€"BUTCHER; STEADY PO- sltion; good wages; one half day a week off. A. S. Van Deusen, 1154 Central avenue, Wilmette. Phone Wil. 514. LTG4-ltc SITUATION WANTEDâ€"FEMALE A GRADUATE NUR.SE WILL TAKE elderly people requiring more or less care in her own home; refined sur- rounding; references. A-l. Phone Glencoe 650.______________ LT49-tfo YOUNG LADY IN WILMETTE, PUPIL of Russian dancing master, wishes to form dancing classes; fancy dances; also private lessons. Address Lake Shore News H-75. L4-ltc FIRST CLASS LAUNDRESS WANTS to take in washings; finished and rough-dried. 119 15th street. Phone Wil. 2168. Call after five only. L4-2tp SITUATION WANTEDâ€"BY WOMAN; housework; in Wilmette; on Tues- day. Phone Wil. 2038.________L4-ltp SITUATION WANTEDâ€"MALE MAN DESIRES FOUR DAY'S HOUSE- work. Phone Evanston 6340. LTG4-ltp FOR SALEâ€"HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALEâ€"RUGS, STOVES, TABLES, chairs, mirrors, pony, bathtub, sink, cases, beds, sewing machine. We buv, sell and exchange. 808 Oak street, Winnetka. Phone Win. 1212. LTG-2tfc FOR SALE OR RENTâ€"IN HUBBARD Woods until May 1, 6-room frame house; fine lot. 50 or 100 feet by 200 feet; inexpensive remodeling will make fine home with 50 feet, $6,750; with 100 feet, $8,250; rental, $45. Phone Win. 1300. LTG3-2tc FOR SALEâ€"ELEGANT MODERN, solid mahogany, 3-piece living room set; also table. 815 Lincoln avenuY, Winnetka. Phone Win. 348. L4-ltc FOR SALEâ€"GOOD AS NEW; TWO large feather pillows, two wicker couches, pad for couch, marble cloth. Phone Evanston 4393. _______ L4-ltc FOR SALEâ€"LIBRARY TABLE AND chairs; double bed and springs, and victrola. Call after 1 P. M. Phone Win. 1046. LTG4-UC FOR SALEâ€"HEATING STOVE. 857 Michigan avenue. Phone Wil. 1672. LTG4-ltc FOR RENTâ€"FURNISHED ROOM FOR RENTâ€"LARGE FURNISHED room with private family, one and a half blocks from transportation. Ad- dress P. O. Box 1, Winnetka. LTG3-2tc FOR RENTâ€"TWO NICE FRONT rooms; unfurnished; in private fam- ily; convenient to transportation and cafeteria. Phone Wil. 1417, L4-ltc FOR RENTâ€"ROOM IN PRIVATE family; convenient to all transpor- tation. Phone Wil. 209*. LT4-ltc FOR RENTâ€"NICELY FURNISHED rooms. Phone Wil. 1080._______L41-tfc WANTED TO RENTâ€"HOUSE WANTED TO LEASEâ€"MODERN 7- room residence, stucco or brick in suburb north of Evanston. Address Lake Shore News, B-17. LTG4-ltc FOR SALEâ€"HOUSE FOR SALEâ€"IN WINNETKA, A COM- fortable home-like modern Dutch Colonial home, overlooking golf grounds; only $15,500; inquire 877 Elm street or phone Win. 1689. LTG4-ltc (Official Publication) Report of the condition of The Wilmette State Bank located at Wilmette, State of Illinois. at the close of business on the 15th day of November, 1920, as made to the Auditor of Public Accounts of the State of Illinois, pursuant to law. RESOURCES 1. Loans and Discounts.. .$ 974,687,59 2. Overdrafts ............ 1,304.49 4. Liberty Loan Bonds ... 57,114.00 6. War Savings Stamps .. 97i-*° 7. Other Bonds .......... 260,972.17 8. Banking House, Furnit- ure and Fixtures...... 63,857.68 10. Due from Banks ...... 103,024.98 11. Cash .................. 35,461.74 12. Exchanges, Checks and „„..,.. Collections ........... 17,661.54 13. Other Resources....... 6,250.00 Total Resources.......$1,521,305.65 LIABILITIES 1. Capital Stock Paid in ..$ 100,000.00 2. Surplus Fund ......... 50,000.00 3. Undivided Profits (net). 12,227.94 4. Deposits ..............1,351,443.67 7. Reserved for Taxes and Interest .............. 5,347.68 8. Contingent Fund ...... 1,400.71 10. Other Liabilities, Lib- erty Bond Payments... 885.65 Total .................$1,521,305.65 I, W. D. Leary, Cashier of the Wilmette State Bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and be- - W. D. Leary, Cashier. STATE OF ILLINOIS,) COUNTY OF COOK J B8, Subscribed and sworn to before me this 23rd day of November, 1920. NICHOLAS A. SCHWALL, (SEAL) Notary Public. FOR SALEâ€"FORD SEDAN; STARTER, Demo rims, lock; other extras; in A-t condition. Bargain $475.00. E. P. Mollohan, 810 Church street. Phone Evanston 4884. LTG4-ltc FOR SALEâ€"MILBURN ELECTRIC, late model; bargain for quick sale. Phone Evanston 1479. LTG4-ltc FOR SALEâ€"MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE â€" FRESH DRESSED chickens, delivered; call Mrs. Fland- ers, 1332 Forest avenue. Phone Wil. 930-M. L2-6tp MISCELLANEOUS Situation Wanted Seamstress (white) $6.00 per day. Call MISS NAPP, Randolph 6061 NOTICEâ€"PRICE GUARANTEE ANY factory reduction in prices up to March 1st. 1921, we will remit back to our customers on the purchase of a piano, talking maehine, washing I machine, sewing machine, vacuum cleaner etc. Buy now. Patterson Bros., 828 Davis street, Evanston. LTG48-tfc NOTICEâ€"WE TAKE LIBERTY BONDS as first payment on pianos, talking machines, sewing machines, washing machines and vacuum cleaners. Come in before you buy. Patterson Bros., 828 Davis street, Evanston. LTGl-4tc FOR SALEâ€"HEAL ESTATE FOR SALE â€" A SMALL CITRUS grove in Florida; makes more cash profits than any other; warm winter climate; very best roads; schools and churches as modern as in Illi- nois; palms, lakes, orchards all com- bine for artistic beauty and at same time yield big profits to you. Take your wife, leave frozen North and see the sunny Southland. Special low rates to qualified prospects. Re- fund all fares if you buy. Penin- sular Co., Marquette Bldg., Chicago. L3-2tc FOR SALEâ€"AUTOS FOR SALEâ€"FORD ROADSTER, DEMO rims, wheel lock; good condition, $300. A real bargain in a used touring car; completely overhauled; $260. A. R. Glendening, 810 Church street. Phone Evanston 6949. LTG4-ltc FORD TOURING CAR; JUST OVER- hauled; in excellent condition; Demo rims, starter and other extras; $275. E. P. Mollohan, 810 Church street. Phone Evanston 4884. LTG4-ltc WANTED TO BUYâ€"MISCELLANEOUS WHITE CROSS GINGER ALE, ROOT Beer, Orange and Lemon; Cherry Blossoms delivered to your home in cases. Fred J. Lapp. 178 Prairie avenue, Wilmette. Phone Wil. 2463. LTG42-tfc HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND CLOTHING bought and sold. Call N. Fell, 3 644 Maple avenue, Evanston. Phone Ev- anston 103. LTG39-tfc WANTEDâ€"CLEAN WHITE RAGS, 8c a pound. Lake Shore Publ. Co., 1222 Central avenue. _______L29-tf WANTEDâ€"SINGER SEWING MACH- Ine. Phone Win. 850. LTG51-tfc £MUiMiMimmimumMiMiiimmmimiimwiuwwiMMiwMmmMwimmiu£ TWO or three large family | washings could be done | 1 at a discount of price | I if called for at certain time. 1 Phone Kenilworth 222 nllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllltlllllllliilllllilliilliiiillliiililllliiiiii; by A.R.EDDINGTON'S THINKER1 The man who says, "No More Rent, I am going to Buy a Home/' is signing his John Hancock to a declara- tion of independence. You can pay rent and stay be- hind the game all of your life. Most folks who start out that way do. Or you can allow us to show you how the rent money will buy you a home. Let us plan lOith you liiiiimiiimiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiimimiiHiiiiiiuiimmiimuiHiiHHiiiiimiiium â- REAL ESTATE INSURANCE LOANS REKTING.^ P^jl 31 PHONES ^ OFFICE WILMITTE 640 . I0ME 1417 1157 WILMETTE AVE% * Advertising is Economy Report of Condition of The First National Bank of Wilmette at Wilmette, in the State of Illinois, at the close of business on November 15, 1920. RESOURCES Loans and discounts $261,605.29 Overdrafts, secured $1,200.08 unsecured ........ 665.48 1,865.56 (J, S. Government Hpcurltlc* owned) Pledged to secure U. S. deposits (par value) ..........$ 4,500.00 Pledged as collater- al for State or other deposits or bills payable ____ 50,000.00 Owned and un- pledged ......... 18,880.25 Total U. S. Gov- erment securities Other bond*, iccur- itleM, etei Bonds other than U. S. bonds pledged to secure U. S. de- posits ........... 8,795.00 Bonds other than U. S. bonds pledged to secure postal- savings deposits. 10,000.00 Bonds and secur- ities (other than IT. S. securities) pledged as col- lateral for State or other deposits (postal excluded) or bills payable.. 13,275.00 Securities other than U. S. Bonds, (not Includ- ing stocks) owned and un- pledged ......... 93,181.25 Collateral trust and other notes of corporations is- sued for not less than one year nor more than three years' time...... 40,165.50 73,380.25 Grand Opera Service on the North Shore line Express train leaving Wilmette at 7:09 p. m. takes you direct to the Congress Street "L" station, At the Entrance of the Auditorium Arriving at 8:01 p. m., return trains are conveniently sched- uled to leave Congress St. at 10:58 p. m. and 11:18 p. m. NORTH SHORE mw CHICAGO NORTH SHORE & MILWAUKEE RAILROAD Wilmette Ticket Office Wilmette Avenue Total bonds, secur- ities, etc., other than U. S....... Stock of Federal Reserve Bank (50 per cent of sub- scription) ....... i Furniture and Fix- tures ............ Lawful reserve with F e d eral Reserve Bank ........... Cash In vault and net amounts due fro m n a t i oral banks ........... Net amounts due from Bank s, Bankers and Trust companies . Checks on other banks in the same city or town as reporting bank .. Total of Items 13, 14, 15, 16, and 17 213,939.71 Checks on banks lo- cated outside of city or town of reporting bank and other cash items ........... Interest earned but not collected, ap- proximate, on Notes and Bills It e c e I v able not past due ........ 165,416.75 1,800.00 2,066.10 34,505,23 205,559.33 5,736.26 2,644.22 838.95 3,683.63 Total.......... 759.401.47 LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in $ 50,000.00 Surplus fund ...... 10,000.00 Undivided profits ,.$13,806.66 Less current ex- penses, interest, and taxes paid . . 5,840.45 7,966.21 Interest and dis- count collected or credited, in ad- vance of maturity and not earned, approximate..... Amount reserved for taxes accrued ... Amount reserved for all Interest accrued ......... Certified checks out- standing ........ Total of Items 30, 31, 32, and 33____ 2,783.25 O e in b ii <l DepoMlt* (oth«-r than bank depoNlta) ftnbject to IteMervei Individual deposits subject to check. Certificates of de- posit due Jn less than 30 days (other than for money borrowed) State, county, or other municipal deposits secured by pledge of as- sets of this bank Dividends unpaid.. Total of demandde- poHits .......... 470.133.44 Time deposit* »nl»- ieft to Reserve« Certificates of De- posit ............ I'ostal savings de- posit ............ Other time deposits. Total of time de- posits subject to Reserve, Items 39, 40, 41, and 42 . . 166,375.02 Bills payable with Federal Reserve Bank ........... L i a b 1 1 I ties other than those above stated Victory loan Account .... 4,585.29 1,020.76 1,275.00 2,783.25 451,630.44 8,500.00 10,000.00 3.00 1,280.00 568.81 164,526.21 45,000.00 262.50 Total ......... 759,401.47 Of the total loon* and df â- count* nIi own a hove, the amount on which In- t«*i-PNt nml rilMcount wan charicrd at rntem In exre-nn of tlione permitted by law (Hee. 5107, Ht-v. Stat.) lexclualve of note* upon which total charge not to exceed SO rent* wan made) win 970,500.00. The number of mien loans mu 30. STATE OF ILLINOIS, I COUNTY OF COOK, J Bs- I. R. W. Webber, Cashier of the above named bank, solemnly swear that the above statement Is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. R. W. WEBBER, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 24th day of November, 1920. W. D. LEARY, fSEAL) Notary Public. Correctâ€"Attest: DAVID NELSON, FRANK J. BAKER, J. M. APPEL. Directors.