THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY, JANUARY 26V 1921 HHE Ways and Means committee of the Woman's Catholic clubjpj Wilmette have completed their plans for an evening party consisting of cards and vaudeville to be held on Mon- day evening, February 7, at the Woman's clubhouse. The proceeds of this affair are to be devoted to the St. Frances Xavier School fund. The committee in charge of the evening, and from whom tickets may be obtained includes Mesdames John D. Pahl- man, Charles Bunte, Edward Weyhe, A. W. Boylston, L. Anderson, A. G. Keck, T. Adams, Charles R. Petersen, A. L. Norrington, Charles E. Geisse, N. C. Fisher, Edward Diederich and Mrs. Charles Bent. The refreshments and prizes will be donated by members of the committee. Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Schultz of 1609 Lake avenue, announce the engagement of their daughter, Rose L., to Alfred Scherhpp, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Schempp of TCenftworthT" ----------•â€"» On Thursday evening, February 3, a dancing party will be given at the Wilmette Woman's club under the auspices of the Woman's Guild of St. Augustine's church. Tickets may be purchased from any member of the following committee in charge, Mrs. Howard Musson, Mrs. Burt A. Crowe, Mrs. Charles H. Deuchler, or Mrs. Charles A. Wanner.â€"r*- â€"â€" A program of unusual interest fol- lowed the quarterly luncheon, at the Woman's club on Wednesday after- noon. Mrs. E.. S. Bailey, first vice- president of the State Federation, and guest of honor, gave a most in- teresting talk on the Federation, and the Federation magazine,^ of which she is editor. Mrs. B. Frank Brown, until a year or two ago, a member of the Wilmette club, and formerly chairman of the~ Reform department of the Chicago Womans' club, spoke of the "Cook County Problems." Mrs. Brown resented the attack made by Chicago newspapers concerning the soldiers who have tuberculosis being housed at Oak Forest. In explaining the reason for this, Mrs. Brown said that the government had petitioned the Cook County commission for per mission to rent the^knused quarters on this farm, as there was no other On Wednesday evening Dr. and place as attractive and as well Mrs. Roy Malcolm McKerchar gave equipped for'these particular patients a reception and a buffet supper to in the county. The government pays thirty, friends, in honor of Mr. and Cook county for the use of these I Mrs. Otto Brasmer and Mr. and Mrs. buildings'as well as for the food arid | Ira Westbrook of Evanston, at their A pleasant social feature of Miss Jane Addams' visit to Wilmette last Sunday was a supper party given in her honor by; Mrs. Milton^ W.Arro- wood at her home, 1137 Forest ave- nue. The guests included Mrs. Cath- erine Waugh-McCulloch of Evanston, Mrs. Charles N.Hurlbut, Miss Eliza- beth Church of Community House and Miss Mame Cagwin. i â€"*â€" An announcement of interest in university circles isv made by Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Hagle of Evanston of the marriage of their daughter, Frances Irene, to Harold Dittman of Chicago, on Saturday, January 15. Mrs. Dittman is a member of the Chi Omega sorority and a graduate of Northwestern University in the class of 1918. ., , -----.- •-♦â€" == other necessaries, and special nurses have been provided. Mrs. Irving.Clock of Ravenswood presented a brief history of the Sarah home. 1109 Central avenue. Mrs. Frank Barrett and Miss Mary Barrett of 533 Forest avenue, ac- Mackett Memorial Lodging Houoe> I comeamed: hy^Maney Aiiee^Andi^gg, making a plea for subscriptions for its support. Reports from all of the chairmen of committees were read, as well as a group of special reports including those from the Illinois Woman's Legislative Congress, and the Tenth District Federation. The second visit of Mrs. Edward MacDowell to Wilmette, this season is significant of the tangible awaken- ing of the north shore to the great art development in this country which Mrs. MacDowell represents. Her visit in December was in the nature of an illustrated lecture-re- cital at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William W. Arrowood, 1137 Forest avenue. Mrs. MacDowell returns to the same home on the night of February 5 to organize the North Shore MacDowell society at the re- quest of those present orit the previ- ous occasion, augmented by many others who were unable to express themselves then. Mrs. MacDowell will give a short musical program of JieiL husband's works and_ the re- mainder of the evening will be given over to organizing and getting ac- quainted with the honor guest. The art itself knows no limitations so this movement knows none and anyone who believes art is a good thing for this old world of ours and who wishes to further it, is welcome to become a member. Further in Of interest to the older village residents is the announcement that the Misses Ysobel and Maxine Arn- old, daughters^ Mr. and Mrs. Victor JH. Arnold, of 70 Scott street, Chica- go, formerly of Wilmette ,and grand- daughters of Mrs. R. M. Buckman of 4034-Lindcn avenue ,left-on-Wedaes- day of this week for California, where they-willioin Pavlowa and her trouper Unffi~recent4y these attract- ive young women" have been appear- ing in premiere roles with Pavley Oukransky in opera billet Mrs. Llewelyn L. Lodwick, Jr., has _returned_to_herhomejiii Centerville, la., after spending several days witn lier parentsT Mr.-arid- Mtstâ€"=Sr-^fc Nicholes,816 Forest avenue | ^JEfee^adies' Aid society of the ♦ Methodist church will hold an all- day meeting in the church parlors on Thursday, February 3. Lu«c.heon will be served by the Fourth Division. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Percy W Andrews, 411 Lake avenue, left last week for an extended sojourn in California. . â€"-*â€" The Washington Avenue Circle will hold an all-day meeting today at the home of Mrs. ' Leslie Millar. 510 Washington avenue. Mrs. J. E. Worthen and Mrs. William R. Mahan will assist. â€"*â€" " The North End Circle will hold a box luncheon on Monday next~uTthe parlors of the Congregational church. Mrs. Richard W. Jordan and Mrs. Donald M. Gallie will be the host- esses for the day. â€"+_ Mr. and Mrs. J. Edwin .Middleton, and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Buckman entertained at a dinner dance^pn Sat- urday evening last in the Middleton home, 725 Chestnut avenue.i There were covers for thirty-four guests. â€"*â€" Mrs. George C. Murdoch, 1010 Cen- tral^av^nueTriszleaving: Saturday_ eyen- ing for Jacksonville, Fla., where; she will join friends to motor to Miami, and later to St. Petersburg, where she will spend two months. Mrs. Lee Underhill returned on Saturday to New York City, after spending the past month with Mr. and Mrs. Volney Underhill, and Mr. iw »^»,~~----- _ â€" - , tUmssfitrh ana iVirS. VOlIlCjr.UHUCi111.11, o"« •«*•* formation ^njfty^ be obtained tnmugn^^^^^^^^, m Washington ave Mrs. Milton Arrowood^ 4 nue^----------~~----- -----------â€" .â€" *â€" The Temskatawa chapter of Camp Fire Girls met on Thursday afternoon of last week in the home of Miss Virginia Belt, 601 Washington avenue. Members spent the afternoon in mak- ing bed head bands. Mr. Fred E. McCrea-dy, 1129 Bhn- wood avenue, and Mr. Everett R. Andrews of Danville, 111., left Satur- day, January 15, for an extended trip through California and the west. "" - . â- - â€"♦â€" Miss -Jennie ScheJL oJL 1211 Wil- mette avenue, returned Wednesday from St. Trancfs hospital, where she underwent a slight throat operation. â€" Mr. and Mrs. S. AFWheeloofcT Central avenue, left on Thursday of last week for a stay oi a few^weeks in St. Petersburg, Fla. â€"•â€" Carolyn Colby, who has been ill with scarlet fever for several weeks is now convalescent. Mr. and Mrs* _RLJ8L Bartleman of Green Bay road, Glencoe, announce the engagement of their daughter, Ethel, to William C. Heinrichs of Milwaukee. No date has been set for the wedding. Li â€"•â€" Mrs. W. A. Tucker, 1214 Lake ave- nue, will leave Tuesday for Cal- ifornia, visiting relatives an^Hriends in San Francisco, Los Angeles, Yuma and El Paso, returning home about April 1. The Crescent Circle of the Congre- gational church will hold an all-day meeting at the home of Mrs. Ralph Potter, 710 Linden avenue, on Tues- day. â€"♦â€" Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gardner White, and Mrs, White's mother, Mrs. Skin- ner, of the Somerset hotel, left Satur- day for Clearwater, Fla., where they will remain until late spring. â€"♦â€" The Sigma Alpha Iota sorority of Northwestern School of Music will hold a formal dinner dance at the Winnetka Woman's club Friday evet ing, February 11. Miss Mabel Teal entertained the members of the Philathea class of the Methodist church at her home, 1017 Central avenue,, last Monday evening. â- .,â€"*â€" Mrs. F. D. Daly. 1716 Forest avenue, is spending several days with her daughter. Mrs. John Jones* at her home in Racine, Wis. There will be an all-day meeting of the Fifth Division of the Methodist church today at the homer of Miss Hattie Latham, 430 Maple avenue. Mr. and Mrs. George W. Hess have sold their home at 832 Forest avenue, and are moving this week to Rogers Park.~. .â- â- _â- â- :,._â- ______.' '-------â„¢ ". »"â- ' â€"*â€" Mrs. James Whitley of Chicago, a former Wilmette resident, was the guest on 'Thursday of Mrs. C. E. Renneckar, 935 Elmwood avenue. â€"*_ Loretta Anderson, small daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. A. M. Anderson, 809 Lake avenue, is confined to her home .with illness. â€"â€" a|>â€"- â€" Miss Jessie Shurtleff. 619 Greenleaf avenue, is convalescing at the High- land Park hospital, following an oper- ation for appendicitis on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Mitchell, 814 Linden avenue, have returned from a visit- with relatives in North Branch, Mich. â€"*â€" Mrs. G. Howard Canniff will enter- tain the Thursday Luncheon and Bridge club at her home, 723 Central avenue, on Thursday of next week. . â€"*â€" One of the Tuesday Luncheon and Bridge clubs met in the home of Mrs; H. M. Dibble. 530 Lake avenue, this week. â€"*â€" Mr. T. W .Welch will return next weekfrom an extended business trip through Florida. NOTICE Wilmette Music students play at Chicago. Pupils of Maye S. Boettcher, 1200 Central avenue, among whom were Frances Weld, Jane Hayes and Bernice Cook, gave a program at the Metro- politan Conservatory of Music Studios, Chicago. Oscar Deis, Director of the Piano Department after hearing them said: "The children reflected thorough training, and played with fine musical understanding." Catherine^Bunte, daughter of Charles F. Bunte, showed special gifts as a young singer. â€"Adv. IA2-ltc Carpenter Jobbing Screens and Storm Sash WILLIAM J. KELLY Telephone Wilmette 1173 1317 Wilmette Avenue Wilmette /? January Clearance Sale Clearance Sale UNIQUE STYLE SHOP B. COPLAN, Proprietor 1126 CENTRAL AVENUE WILMETTE Phono Wilmotto 2403 Guibransen Trade Mark America's Leading Player Piano The Gulbransen Was $595, Now Special at $495 Your Baby Can Play It TWO YEARS TO PAY PATTERSON BROS. 828 Davis Street EVANSTON, ILL. Open Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Evenings We Do Piano Tuning :: Trade In Your Old Piano THE BEST WÂ¥S Ideal 7-room stucco; hot water heat, tile bath, 3 glazed porches, large lot, garage. A great bargain. .$12,500 Splendid 7-room stucco, in excellent location; dining and sleeping porches, tile bath, wooded lot, gar- ^^115,000 age Near new 8-room home in choice section; dining and sleeping porches, tile bath, garage ...______$16,500 Artistic 8-room home on 75-foot wooded lot; choicest section, dining and sleeping porches, tile bath, double garage .. -----.......... $18,000 Beautiful 10-room home on extra, wooded lot in choice section; dining and sleeping porches, 3 baths, double garage. A bargain at ..... .77.... .77$St5flO~ ' • .i M. E. Barker & Co. 405 Linden Are., WiL Phone Wilmette 484 //////y/////y//^//y////x///////////////////////////////////////////////////'///////////////y////////y/y//. ANY SIZE, SHAPE OR DESIGN, TO PLEASE YOUR VALENTINE Wm. P. Parks Confectioner "Everything Sweet to Eat" Ridge and Lake Aves. WILMETTE TELEPHONE WILMETTE T45TF~ Tb*Smtrt«st mmd test------ Dressed Women in Chicago hare their Sport and Week End Skirts O A Of Discount on LVJ/O All Sittings For 30 Days Only EUGENE L. RAY Photographer HOYBURN BUILDING EVANSTON, ILLINOIS Telephone Evanston 2238 THE WILSON SKIRT SHOP "made with your Mm material" Suite 1418 Stevens Building Randolph 3219 !7N«tbSut» CHICAGO IS Nrtb Children s and Home Portraiture is Our Specialty wneh' TAFFETA FROCKS $45.00 to $57.50 Below Cost tion* of Clotfi *nd Satin Specialist in High Grade Attire for Gentlewomen An Unusual Showing of Frocks and Suits of exceptional charm awaits your inspection, ,*..*. ,J^£fc 15 EL Wad**- St, Oaetg. te,.