Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 4 Feb 1921, p. 12

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THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1921 <«i fjMNHNIimillUMIIIIIIIIIIIIIHUIIIIHHIUIIimNnHWMWWINWIUI nmmiiMi iiitiiiHiiiiiiimuit! METHODIST CHURCH Mrs. Drake added a new pupil to her Sunday school class last Sun- day. Miss Alberta Nystrom, who, with her family, recently moved to Wilmette from Chicago, lives at 714 Central aveenue. -y-^z~ Mrs. W. C. Reinhold. 1005 Ashland avenue, entertained Mr. Lundberg's Sunday~schooh~clas5~~ot"boys, and their teacher, last Friday evening, with games v and refreshments, and some eight or ten from the front row in the choir, who have never been seen in Mr. Lundberg's class. The committee appointed to con- sider the question of religious edu- cation in its relation to our Sunday school, decided at a recenrmeeting, that a teachers training class ought to be provided at a recent meeting, slogan of everyone interested in Sunday school work ought to be "A Sunday school building with a class room for every class," as- soon as possible. -â€" â€"-f- Mrs. J. F. Kletzing, 522 Washing- ton avenue, entertained the Second Division Monday afternoon.* the church, to bear the names, of all the boys who went into service frpm our church and Sunday school. Phone or write your reservation for the Fellowship dinner, Friday evenings February 11, to Mr. West, Wilmette 985J< on or before Sunday February 6. The committee on en- tertainment promises an interesting program for this occasion. Keep the date open. Mrs. Crane will lead the Epworth League meeting Sunday evening, February 6.â€"The topic is "What Is Real Religion?" There will be spec- ial music. -There-wifHTe an Epworth League social in the church Friday evening, February 4. A cordial invitation is extended to all _young_people . Come and have a good time. Dr. Rapp will preach Sunday morning at the usual hour. believe we are just getting into our new building in time, Our service last Sunday was a great uplift. A crowded room is in itself an inspiration. A double male quartet with a man at one end who warbled up into soprano territory with his lyric tenor, and one at the other end who almost touched the bottom of the keyboard, and six won- derfully blended "voices in between, provided music that was superb. The sermon on "Caesar's due and God's, by a young student preparing for the Foreign . field, was only 19 minutes long. That was scarcely in its favor as the people wanted more. It was a real preaching. There was no flam- buoyant oratory, in fact, scarcely a gesture, but genuine spiritual power that forges its way into many hearts. The young-man, Emory W. Luccock, is the brother of our pastor's wife. He is recognized at McCormick Theo- logical seminary as one of the great men that have attended the institu- tion. His life is to be invested in China. -He was assisted in Jhe ser- vice by Edwin M. Wright, who is a classmate at the seminary and will go to Persia next fall.v We hope we may have them again. congregation er. We dare you to take in this ier- lesT • Yours truly, , . - The Wilmette Baptist. The first meeting of the year of the new vestry of St. Augustine s was held on Wednesday evening1, February 2, in the rector's study when much routine business was transacted and vestry committees appointed xpr, the coming year. Mrs. F. H. Mason, 1030 Greenwood avenue, entertained the Young Woman's Missionary society Tues- day evening. â€":---------------%â€" A number of our missionary wom- en attended the semi-annual meet- ing of the Home Missionary society, o fRock River Conference at Avon- dale church Wednesday afternoon. At the next meeting of the Sun- day school board, the committee ap- pointed for the purpose, will present designs of bronze tablets for their selection of design to be put up in BAPTIST CHURCH Editor, The Lake Shore News: It is getting to be the regular old story to write you that at the Sun- day services of the Baptist church there gathered the largest congrega- tion in our history. Maybe you had better have "set up" a permanent "slug" announcing our attendances.! a venue. A stranger in our -Sunday remarked to the pastor, "You have a going organization here;" and that is true. There is no branch of our work that, when viewed in ac- tion, is not found full of life. Even the Prayer meetingâ€"yes, that pokey old Prayer meetingâ€"isn't made up of the old faithfuls only; there are young people there and laughter and dignified informality and the best of singing. We are just commencing the study of Dr. Harry Emerson Fos- dick's little book, "The Meaning of Service". The seqtion we discussed this week was entitled; "The Peril of Uselessness", and next week we will consider "The Strong and the Weak". Better send one of your rep- resentatives over some Wednesday evening to make a study of a live prayer meeting. Our women meet on Friday, the day you' publish this letter, at the Himmes residence, 807 Greenwood You might send your-so The dance given at the Woman's club last night by the women of the Associated Guilds proved very suc- cessful. There was a large attendance, the music was good and the evening was enjoyed by all. Lists of the Lenten services will be mailed within the week to all parish- ioners. Next Wednesday being Ash Wednesday, ushers in tent. There will be a celebration, of the Holy Communion at 6:30 A. M., the Litany Penitential office at 10 A. M., and a service with address to children at 4 o'clock. There will be an evening service with address at 8 P. M. Next Sunday, February 6, being the first Sunday in the month, will be the regular Corporate Communion Sunday for the Boys and Girls Com- munion leagues. There will be Holy Communion at 8 and 11 o'clock. « Tomorrow night in the Parish House the church school choir of girls will give a party to which they are inviting their friends. Miss Louise Robinsotr,"leader of the Girls' choir, will be in charge. '-..•!' The facts are that our splendid au- dience on January 30th, in spite of the, rain, brought the average at- tendance for January* to 130. The average for December was 142. Our averages a year ago were running at about 85. As far as we can deter- mine there are only about 144 chairs in Brown's hall and our people, be- ciety editor there sometime too. Our women do things, and are students of the whole expanding round of woman's responsibilities in this needy world. Mr. Stifler begins a series ,oi"^Str- mons next Sunday on "The Chal- lenge To The Church". He's been | giving it to us in strong doses late- ing human, will not sit in the front j ly but it doesn't drive us away. This row, which further embarasses us. J topic sounds as though he were go- pointed to consider the subject care- All this prompts us to say that we ing to put the pressure on still hard- fully. The rector of St. Augustine's ad- dressed a combined meeting of. the two Parent-Teacher associations in the village, Tuesday in the gym- nasium of the Byron C. Stolp. school. "The Moving Picture," especially in relation to the child, was the topic of discussion. The attendance was the largest in the history of the Par- ent-Teacher associations, there being some 350 present. There was a very deep interest in tilt subjects a evidenced in the general discussion which followed. A joint committee from the two associations was ap public Library News and Review* BY THE LIBRARIAN Mr. Business man: No one knows better~than~ you that one^ cawnoTo'e? velop a successful business without first installing an efficient system. This system cannot be maintained un- less employer and employes are effi- cient. Read what experts nave written on various business subjects and let their experience1 help you in solving your Own problem. The Wilmette Public library is anxious to be of practical value to every citizen in Wilmettei'_&,nd provides books such as: Klein's Bookkeeping and-Account- ing, which is an introductory course in bookkeeptngTrinciptes .and prac- tice, taught by a.straignt-to-the-point system. Tedious routine and dupli- cation are eliminated and the- sub- ject is made simple and interesting. Hollingsworth's Advertising and Selling: the purpose of the book is to show how the successive steps of ad- vertising and selling may. be brought to the Highest point of efficiency. It is intended for the general reader and for the student with practical rather than theoretical interests. Purinton's Personal Efficiency in Business. In this book Mr. Purinton says, "there are in business three principal studies: How to Get a Job, How to Hold it, How to Reach from k to a higher one. If every employe had learned these primary lessons of good workmanship, there would be no problem of unemployment." You will be interested in Mr. Purinton's opinions on this timely Subject. Other business books at the library are: Bentleyâ€"Science of Accounts. Bowkerâ€"Of Business. Briscoâ€"Fundamentals of Salesman- ship. Carnegieâ€"How to Win Fortune. Nystromâ€"Retail Selling. W. C. T. U. MEETING The" Woman's Christian Temper- ance Union will meet with Mrs. J. C. Drake, 1226 Lake avenue, on Mon- day, February 7, at 2:30 o'clock, Mrs. F. A. Shumacher, County Superin- tendent of Scientific Temperance In- struction, will be the speaker. -â€"'----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------â-  A Persian weaver spends about ' three weeks on each square foot of the surface of the best tags. America is not going to establish a "blue" Sunday, as a day of rest, is a precloUs4irc l:: Sunday. »• Much o^the talk about the pos- stitution, the conservation of which is essential sibilities of such a reversion to obsolete ob- to human welfare. Those who by reason of I sPirvance of the first day of the week is due necessary work are compelled to toil on Sun- to the eagerness of paragraphers to make day should be protected in their right to the copy. Some of j^ is due ^3^j^p^a|^isg^efliGp^g IBS! free day in, seven.â€"Nor •iirV" be abme^OThiaiiaT^ crept into Sunday-keeping- stretched too fer'^Xaws designed^© prevent and who would swing to the other extreme encroachments upon Sunday as a rest day in order to remedy them. „L__^â€"_t-: are wise and salutary. â€" 1^ * (From an Editorial in the Chicago Evening "Post). The First Presbyterian Church The First Congregational Church St. Augustine's Episcopal Church Baptist Church

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