Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 18 Feb 1921, p. 10

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10 THE LAKE SHORE frEWS, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 192T THE LAKE SHORE NEWS Established 1912 with which la combined fHB WILMBTTB LOCAL NEWS ___ Established 1898 _____ IMUBD FRIDAY OF BACH WEEK by LAKE 1HORE PUBLISHING COMPANY 1222 Central Ave., Wllmette, 111. Telephone .Wllmette 1020 .tiJ.OO A YEAR SUBSCRIPTION ... All communication* must be ac- companied by the name an«l addreea of th« writer. Articles for publication should reach this office by Wednesday afternoon to Insure appearance in current issue. Resolutions of condolence, cards of thanks, obituary poetry, notices of entertainments or other affairs where an admittance charge will be made or a collection taken, will be charg-ed for at rearular advertising rates. Entered at the postofflce at Wllmette, Illinois, as mall matter of the second class, under the act of March S, 1879. JANS-LAMKE MOTOR . COMPANY SECURES .. â-  w HAYNES AGENCY HERE FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 18. 1921 The Jans-Lamike Motor company has contracted for distribution of the Haynes car^inllh^jipi^h^hoj^Jer- ritory and will maintafiTtheir scales and service station at 1013-17 Davis street, Evanston. Haynes patrons in Evanston and throughout the north shore who have already placed their stamp of approval on these high-grade cars of character will more highly appre- ciate and value the new commodious headquarters of the Haynes. Th<r Jans-I«amke Motor company extends to all users and lovers of fine motor cars a most cordial and hospitable .invitation to visit thtir salesroom and to familiarize them- selves with the perfected mechanism of the- perfected Haynes light sixes i I • â-  I • l i ^©15^ Real News No matter what may have been one's attitude of mind toward the advertising sections of the press, there is no question now of their news value. Nothing more eloquently points to the progress that the country Js making back to normal economical conditions than the advertisements in which are pres- ented opportunity for buying, the materials that arc essential to the daily life of the peoplcTand^t~prices far below those which have prevailed in the last two years and more. ! lie Vse l3e I j AUTOMOBILE I Designed and manufactured by I I HARRY C. STUTZ Nothing speaks more colTvincingTy~dT the determination of the American -business man to accept the burden of loss which attends the readjust- ment to the new -conditions of the peace time fw"hen these pages in the newspapers in which the new scale of*prices is announced to^he general public. People generally are beginning to take a new and active interest in the matter of the cost of the materials that they use. Those days of easy come, easy -go money are past and realization of the folly that prompt- ed the extravagant waste of the time of plenty ^beginning to dawn. It is in this cluistenedrnood that the public now lends its attention to the advertising sections of the_ newspaper, and reads, with an inter- erst never before given the subject of home provisions, the news which the merchants are orreijfhg them from day to day. Theâ€"news' of the day Jias not been completely acquired without that which is to be found upon the pages in which the news of the stores is displayed._____________________________â- _ Sales and Service ------------------ ALSO ----------------- Auburn, Scripps-Booth & Maxwells 1549 Sherman Avenue EVANSTON I Telephone Evanston 140 and twelves an achievement that has been "made possible only by a successful record of twenty-eight years of automobile manufacturing. The Haynes is America's first car and the Haynes company always pre- sents the world's best values in mo- ^OT~carsrâ€"------- ----- --------- HOYBURM IIS Dam St.. EfeiMton I ~I MATINEES 2 and 4 Evenings 7 and 9 Saturday February 19 ALICE JOYCE in 'COUSIN KATE" Pathe News Rolin Comedy NEXT WEEK Monday and Tuesday February 21 and 22 WANDA HAWLEY in "THE SNOB" Wednesday February 23 ALICE CAfcH^UN in "PRINCESS JONES" Thursday and Friday February 24 and 25 CHARLES RAY in "Nineteenth and Phyllis" Saturday February 26 EARLE WILLIAMS in "DIAMONDS ADRIFT" COMING SOON Mary Pickford in 'The Love Light' and Charlie Chaplin in"The Kid" ROEMAR T. FEELEY SELLS ftp burn H. C.S. Scripps Booth With C. H. BRIGGS Evanston Phone 140 1549 SHERMAN AVENUE S. Rosenbaum Co. Evanston's Only Furniture Store = Fountain Square, Evanston Phone 5023 ^MATTRESSES At Cut Prices ----- In Our February House-Furnishings Sale 45 lb. Cotton Mattress air sizes; w< While they last, at. . . READ THE "WANT ADS", AND SAVE MONEY M'M<:\»II> BARGAINS ARE FOUND IN "FOIt SALE" ADS FREE FROM DREAD OF CANCER NOW u«»»irt>nt: <>r ri«'nw«ttt ifiir,. nir, s«n» ii«> W'nm Cared by Dr. Jnhnnon, KniiNtin « H v Sitt'Hiilist â€"T4te~e»Ft* of aâ€"ca^icci- withoutJtaL use fo the knife is reported by Sam- TTfeJ" Kxdty.-rMeasant Hill, 111. He was treated by Dr. O. A. Johnson, eminent caiicer specialist r>f Kansas City, Mo. In a letter to Dr. Johnson, Mr. Kelly says:* "I am glad to say that the can- cer on my lip was cured before I left your institution, and is still cured, with no indications of its returning, aiid I am free from that - constant dread of knowing that l had a cancer. My health is good, and I will always feel grate- ful for the kind treatment I re- ceived while jinder your treat- mejrt 'and will always-feel grateful ~ ^_tJo_lh-e kind nujrieltI_t_was_October__ 3, 1916, that I came to you for treatment. ________' - "You have my consent to publish my letter, and I will gladly answerâ€" -anyone thaL wants^to^ingitire of ., me in regard to^your treatment and my cure." ^rr^ohnson is todayâ€"-one-., of the foremost lit the study of cancer. Tt< conducts in Kansas City, Mo., a large. fully equipped Reseat eh Laboratory, and has treated many sufferers in the pasTl wenty-year*;â€"Thisâ€"treatment -4s- enttrely non-surgical, as the knife is not used "at any stage. Purely medic- inal measures only are employed; that is, external applications to destroy the cancer and internal medication to purify the blood. Hundreds of. i-nts testify to the success of the Johnson: Laboratory. "Cancer Truths." Dr. "Johnson's book,. wrHâ€"be sent fr«e to any sufferer or frir.mi. I )i,-Iayâ€"should- be avoided. Ad- ' ». A. Johnson, Suite 565, 1324 01=30: oaoz BOUGHT SOLD RENTED REPAIRED Corona* - L. C. Smiths. - Underwoods - Royals I and All Other Makes â- -â- '~~~ Just Received A shipment of :kr-Gr-Sin4-tlv-Moi Typewriters â€"to be rented at $4 per month or sold at $55 on easy terms. These are all exceptional machines and are priced at $10 under the market All are guaranteed the samjLasnew mach in es. Typewriter ribbons, carbons, papers les. Corona II 0 Come in and see the Corona, the compact, folding typewriter for student. We maintain a 100% service detriment â€" speedy and effi- cient repairs on all typewriters. We are North Shore SUND- agents STRAND Adding Ma- chines. ewriters Rented at $3 fer^Montk^uuLup Fountain dr; St., K:.'.s;lS City, Mo (Advertisement.) Square EVANSTON SSI

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