Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 18 Feb 1921, p. 3

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THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1921 = Kenilworth Happenings Of ~etp^wnai=in^eTest~iTr Itenitwortlr the result of the bakery and candy ale conducted by the Camp Fire iris under the guardianship of Miss larcelline Hemingway, on Saturday afternoon last, for the benefit of the European Relief fund. The girls, chiefly students in the seventh and eighth grades, raised somewhat over sixty dollars on the sale. And, in- deed, this is not the first accomplish- ment of this Camp Fire group. Not so long ago, the members presented two short plays which netted their charity account... fifty dollars. The Camp Fire organization is one tf the finest things ever instituted for girls otf this age, two of its standards be- ing, derhocracy and kindness to others. Mr. and Mrs. Roy J. Kieth have returned from their wedding trip to California and are at the Shorecrest. Mrs. Kieth, who was Marie Mqrrisey and is well known ih musical circles in New York, is to make her Chi- cago debut in concert work next season. Mr. Kieth is the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Kieth_of Kenilworth. â€"They left early this week for Florida. Mrs. Henry Taylor, Jr.. will give a __luncheon on Tuesday^ Washington's Birthday, in honor of the "Kenil worth Brides," the Misses Frances Stevens, Charlotte Parmelee, Mar- garet Fitch, Olive Bulley, and Miss Katherine Orde of Glencoe. Among the hostesses entertaining for Miss Stevens are Mesdames Charles R. Wilson, John P. Oleson, ^dwin Hedrick, William L. Page, Benjamin C. Hawkes, Harry P. Har- rison of Kenilworth and Mrs. Walter Hannah of Wilmette. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Fease are TlT^prbud grandparents oT^a little girl, born to Mr. and Mrs. Warren Pease, Jr., of Evanston, on Sunday, February 13. The members of the Dramatic com- \ ExDTeSS Co. Helps mittee of the Kenilworth club are **«*r" w^# * M"r° preparing for the annual play to be given March 19. Miss Margaret Fitch, who is a most talented actress, will take the leading role. Mrs. KarlB.Korrady will be hostess at a tea given in honor of her sister, Mrs. Walter Taylor, who has been visiting in Kenilworth for the past five weeks and will leave for her home in New York, today. Mrs. John F. White entertained at a theater party on Friday evening in honor of Miss Frances Stevens who is to be married to Mr. Zero Marx on Friday, February 25. Mrs. Frederickâ€"Little entertained at a dinner party on ^fonday even- ing in honor of Miss Frances Stevens and her fiancee. Mr. Zero Marx. Miss Patty Foresman, who has been ill for the past three weeks, has re- covered sufficiently to resume her school work.. Messrs. Jimmie Prentiss and Doug- las. Flood are home for a few days, between semesters, from Ann Arbor, The Bridge club met with Mrs. Mark Cresap on Wednesday after- noon. Mrs. John Everett will entertain a few friends at luncheon on Thursday You Help Starving "Invisible Gue.t" Certificate* on Sale At Local Express Office at Northwestern Station. "Invisible guest" certificates, which can be purchased for any amount from $1 up, are on sale at the local office of the American Railway Ex- press company. Northwestern sta- tion, according to Earl F,. Orner, sta- tion of the council, will keep life in a little body for a month. The small- est donations are encouraged among the employes of the express com- pany. A 30c AD WORKS WONDERS A Tuesday Luncheon and Bridge club was entertained this week by Mrs. Ralph Moody, at her home, 711 Linden avenue. The next meeting on March 1, will be held at the home of Mrs. Edwin P. Fatch, 611 Washing- ton avenue. afternoon. Mrs. Walter Tinsman will enter- tain a number of friends at * luncheon on Friday of this week. Mrs. Hugh Foresman is ill with tonsilitis. ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED The engagement is announced of Miss Marion Griffith of Chicago and Mr. Frank Winkens, son of Mr. and Mrs. Anton Winkens of Ridge avenue, GFcfss PoinT. " WILL PLAY AT IRVING PARK The Wilmette A. C. light^and n^eavywTrghr^basketlJall^quihTets wTTT journey to Irving Park tomorrow evening for a brace of contests with the Independent Arrows._____ tion agent. With the action, the local office takes its place among the numerous agencies throughout the country co^ operating with Herbert Hoover, chairman of the European Relief council, in his efforts to raise $33,000,- 000 by means of a national collec- tion for the relief of incipient star- vation among 3,500,000 thildren in the war-sfricken countries of central and eastern Europe. Through the authorization of G. C. Taylor, presi- dent of the American Express com- pany and the American Railway Ex- press company, the "invisible guest", certificates have been placed on sale at 25,000 of the company's offices throughout the United States._______ The cost of saving one child until the acute condition has been relieved by the next European harvest is $10, but"donations of smaller sums afeT welcome, and a contribution of only $1, under the economical administra- THE RIGHT WAY VERSUS ^HE^RQNGWA^ of ing Your ~^Change4nLoeatior^ofthe Offices of BERNARD MEYER Mason Contractor and Builder From Gross Point, 111. to 7 Electric Place, Wilmette All Requests for Estimates Appreciated TELEPHONE WILMETTE 2 288 'MMzwMmmwmm Exceptionally Low Priced $1.00 Bushel Extra fancy medium sized white. Best money can buy Car of Fancy New York Cooking and Eating Applesâ€"^^^ AlLJVarieties Phone Evanston 1120 J. E, BROWN 1£1& Ridge Aye. Evanston SPRING SUITS Silk and Serge Dresses jfer EASTER------ UNIQUE STYLE SHOP B. C OPL A N, Proprietor 1126 CENTRAL AVENUE WILMETTE Phono Wilmotto 2403 The right way is to pay your taxes now to Hoyt King, 1 Tax Collector^ so that your village, your School District^ and all other local taxing bodies will get the benefit of your payment immediately after April 1st. The wrong way is to put it off, to pay later down in Chicago, to be assessed a penalty and to let your money be held up there until next fall. Choose the right way and pay your taxes now to Hoyt King, Tax Collector, at the TTRST^NAl BSNKTOF^WIIMETTE Member of Federal Reserve Bank A. SELLER OF GOOD FOOD Grocery Telephones 510, 511, 512 & 513 Meat Telephone 514 5% CASH ChandCarr, DISCOUNT Wilmette-Central Ave. and 12th St. . - - 5% Discount Cash and Delivered On orders of $1.00 or more of normal Profit Goods. 2% Discount these do not apply to Most Department. Credit and Delivered, one order delivered free Special Sale^February21st to February 26th ruAM.iln»AJ tHttim Buy P. D. Q. The Wholesale price to day is $9.20 per 100 lbs. With an order UranUiaiea OUgar of $2.00, charged or cash, of normal profit goods 10 lbs. of finest white OJ granulated sugar. 10 pounds ....-----.................. .......................•..... ..........wsM* U| . Paa>LAft Armour's fancy quality at a snap price. Large No. 2tt can Heavy ^"POQr Foe far Anrirntft A bar$*in- ***** No- 2% can** f*ncy *»ua,ity h*avy^•*ruP dom- ^•4S 29t? GREENING APPLESâ€" Good size. Perfect quality. 10 lbs.........................55c FLORIDA GRAPE FRUITâ€" The finest quality of heavy per- fect fruit. '80 size. Doz. $1.10; each â€"10c 64 size. Doz. $1.40; each ....12c 36 size. Jumbo. Dozen......$1.75 each.................... k.. .15c FLORIDA ORANGESâ€" Fancy, heavy, sweet fruit. 216 size. Doz. r. 176 size. Tjo£. . ISO size. Do7. .. • «â- â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢ CALIFORNIA LEMONSâ€" Sunkist, 300 size. Doz.........25c SANDWICHOLAâ€"Jar ........10c A sandwich filler. RYZON BAKING POWDERâ€" 1 lb. can .....................30c DR. PRICE'S CREAM BAKING POWDERâ€"12 oz. can ......20c BUDLONG'S CHOW CHOWâ€" .,8 oz. bottle.................10c SUNBEAM SMALL SWEET PICKLESâ€"Fancy quality. Large 26 oz. bottle .............. ...Tic PRUNESâ€"Fancy. Santa Clara. 70-80 size. Lb. .".............13c 40-50 size. Lb. ___..........22c 20-30 size. Lb. ___...........35c APRICOTSâ€"Extra fine. Blenheim. _ Lb.-----.......^.45c PEACHESâ€"Peeled. 11 oz. pkg. ......':......:.-----. .23c ICHELIEU RAISIl Seeded and cleaned. 15 oz. ^=pkg. 7..T~."';";•.. •".":....."..~-.-»•"• 32c GOLDEN EAGLE CURRANTSâ€" *, 16 oz. pkg. ...___;._^_^.-...18cl ROYAL CURRANTSâ€"â€" 11 oz. pkg................----45c FLOUR â€" Pillsbury, Washburn, Ceresota. H bbl.......... .$1.40 RICHELIEU ROLLED OATSâ€" The finest made. 3 lb. 7 oz. pkg............... ..........*•* RICHELIEU COCOAâ€" Dutch Process. XA lb. can . .27%c RICHELIEU CATSUPâ€"Try one bottle and you can easily see its â€"superiorâ€"qualityâ€"overâ€"other- catsups. 17 oz. bottle ........32c ANTON IN I PURE ITALIAN OLIVE OILâ€"Quart can ...$1J0 REIN A PURE OLIVE OH-^~ ^Quart can $1.35. Pint.......70c COVO SALAD OILâ€"Pint ....35c M AZOLA CORN SALAD OILâ€" Quart........................55c TURKISH FIGSâ€" Camel Brand. 5 crown. Lb. ................35c DROMERDARY DATESâ€" Pkg. .............*.-----.......23c FARD DATESâ€" Black. Lb. ..35c PEANUTSâ€"In ShelL Fresh roast- ed. Lb.-/............;...^....ljc JUMBO SALTED PEANUTSâ€" Lb............................25c ENGLISH WALNUTSâ€" Lb...35c California tfo. 1 soft shell. SHELLED ENGLISH WALNUTS New. Lb.....................55c BRITE MAWNIN TOMATOESâ€" Extra standard large No. 3 cans Doz. $1.75; Can.............15c CAMPBELL'S BAKED BEANS- With tomato saucerâ€"No. 2 can. Doz. $1.50. 2 cans............25c MONSOON SAUERKRAUTâ€" Large No. 3 can. Doz. ^..$1.50 Can........................12%c MONSOON CUT STRING BEANS A snap. Doz. $1.50. Catf~ 12Hc LENOX LAUNDRY SOAPâ€" Procter & Gamble's. 120 7 oz. bars in box........$5.15 10 bars ......... ..........45c COFFEEâ€"Roast Santos. Wonder- ful value. Makes a mild, tweet drink. Lb...................24e CHEESEâ€"White Cloud. Whole milk/The finest New York. L<o...........................ewe RICHELIEU MACARONI AND SPAGHETTIâ€"Extra large 12 oz. pkg. much cheaper than a =3^z^kgTaT=10G^^kg^r^;14c BEECHNUT PEANUT BUTTER Large 10 oz. jar 32c. 6lA oz. ..20c DUFF'S MOLASSESâ€" Light color. Delicious flavor. 2y2 can.....................35c DEL MONTE LOGANBERRY JAMâ€"Sugar and fruit only. Large No. 2 can. Doz.......$4.20 Can..........................35c No discount. â€"^_ DEL MONTE PURE PRE- SERVES â€" Strawberry, Rasp- berry, Gooseberry, Blackberry, IS oz. jar 35c; dozen......$4.00 "No discount. FERGUSON ORANGE MARMAL- ADEâ€"Sweet. Very fine; 11 oz. OLD STYLE MINCE MEATâ€" Fine quality. Large ^1b. jar 45c PLYMOUTH ROCK CORNâ€" Just the kind tor soup or corn -frittersr^Doz. $1.75. Can ..7.15c PEACE EARLY JUNE PEASâ€" Remarkably fine at a very low price. Doz. $1.40; can ....... lie PLYMOUTH ROCK TOMATOES Extra standard. NoT^Tcan. Doz. $1.30. Can..............lie MEAT PRICES ARE GOING DOWN EVERY DAY LAMB PATTIESâ€"Lb........ MEAT DEPARTMENT .25c (ONELESS BRISKET CORNED BEEFâ€"Lb...................25c NATIVE Lb. ....... SHOULDER Lb. ...... POT ROAST BEEFâ€" ............... ......25c CHOPSâ€" .......32c LAMB Telephone 514 SWIFT'S PREMIUM HAMâ€" • Whole only. Lb..............32c FANCY LEGS OF LAMBâ€" 6 to 8 lbs. each. Lb. ..........37c

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