Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 18 Feb 1921, p. 4

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r THE LAKE SHORE NBW8, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1921 GOLDFISH AND DOLPHINS ARE CHESTY SPLASHERS Goldfish and Dolphins are the chestiest individuals on the New Trier High school campus these days. Goldfish, it may interest yott to know are none other than girls at the school who have demonstrated * prowess in the school swimming tank. Girls who have earned the degree in the order of Goldfish m- ' elude Constance Parks, Priscilla Smith, Jessie Uoyd, Wi la Hamm, Hazel Fraser, Violet Andrews, An- nie Conner and Bobs Waidner. Then there are the Dolphnis, the club of expert boy swimmers at the school. Here they are: Kieth Davis, Jack Hamilton. William Tencher, To- ~"seph Bell, Paul Corbett, Ed Younkers and Robert Skelton. •__... ' These Goldfish and Dolphins rep- resent expert swimmers among more than ane hundred aspirants. SENATOR MCCORMICK SPEAKS ON CENTRAL EUROPE FEB. 22 Residents of the village will be in- __lej^sjted^LJthje__ajino^ncemenC_iBai- ZUnited States Senator Medill Mc- Cormick JronLlllinois, will speak at -------Medinah Temple, Chicago, Toerday evening, February 22, on the subject, "A Hurried Trip through Germany and Central Europe.""Trie"address is at 8 o'clock. . , Senator McCormick who speaks under auspices of the Relief Associa- tion working for. Germany and Austria, recently returned from an extensive journey through Central Europe where he engaged in an in- timate study of the general situation in that vicinity. He is said to.nave a message that commands the interest of every American. STRONG TEAMS REPRESENT .^^^WILMETTE^N^ASKETBALL The basketball teams of the Wil- mette Public schools, composed of boys of the seventh and eighth grade, are boasting a good record for the current season and w«l at- tempt to add to their laurels in the coming weeks. • Yesterday afternoon a contest was played in Evanston with a five~irom the Central school. Two engage- ments are scheduled for this evening at the Byron C. Stolp__gynv one with Lincoln school and the other with the Lincolnwood school, both of Ev- anston. Harvey and Glencoe have scheduled games with Wilmette tor next week.________________ SCHOOL CHILDREN PRESENT BENEFIT ENTERTAINMENT The seventh grade pupils of Byron C. Stolp school will give two pro- grams at the school Monday. The first will be in the afternoon at 2 o'clock for the school children. The same program will be given in the evening at 8 o'clock for adults. The program is announced as fol- lows: Music by the glee clubs; solo ^y_M-i^UJ^leu-Smitl^; dances,by * ii:*i____*«* ..!..,, • f/\i«c. *-»i 111111 i • toll Mickey's class; four-minute talks by , , , T,0?iis«> MrPnv and fnhn Panushka ,.IM»rfa<ntmnn.â€" (seventh grade pupils) and "The Courtship of Miles Standish" by division "B" of the literature class. The proceeds>af the entertainment will 1m: used to purchase a new piano for the seventh graae NEW TRIER AND OAK PARK TO CLASH TONIGHT AT NEW TRIER Public Library News and Reviews BY THE LIBRARIAN Wit 11 each recurring February we commemorate the birthdays of America's best known statesmen, Washington v«nd-Liiieohfcâ€"|r^e-W looking up some phase of the politi- cal career of one of these men? Are you trying to find out where Wash- ington was born and how old he was when he was elected president? ur do you want to know to whom Lin- coln was first engaged to be married, or what Southern states were not in- cluded, in his Emancipation Procla- mation? A dozen such questions might arise when considering^ the career of either of these notable characters and alL of them can be answered througTTbooks at the Pub lie Library. Look over this list and ask at the loan desk for those that appeal to you. Washington . Baneroftâ€"frrft of George Washing- t0Brooksâ€"True ^sloxy of George Washington.----------------â€" Irvingâ€"Life of Washington. Lodgeâ€"George Washington. Scudderâ€"George Washington. . Lincoln Andrewsâ€"Perfect tribute. _ Bachellerâ€"Man for the ages (fic- tion). * , Chittendenâ€"Lincoln and the sleep- ing sentinel. Coffinâ€"Life of Lincoln. Gerryâ€"Toy shop (fiction). Drinkwater â€" Abraham Lincoln (drama). ' , -. Charnwoodâ€"Abraham Lincoln {.a. biography by an Englishman, from which Mr. Drinkwater took the ma- terial for his play), ofm MUSICAL CLUB The latest organization to be added to the Hst of clubs and socia groups at New Trier High school is the New Trier Musical club which held its organization meeting Thursday, Feb- ruarv 10, and elected Margaret Bachus. presidents Other officers elected were Earl Fox v«ce president Frank Shantz, secretary and treas urer. Nicolay & Hayâ€"Abraham Lincoln. Raymondâ€"Abraham Lincoln's ad- ministration. , T • 1 Riceâ€"Reminiscences of Lincoln. Tarbellâ€"He knew Lincoln. __ Schurzâ€"Abraham "Lincoln. Wilmette Free Public Library will be closed Tuesday, Feb. 22, Washing- ton's birthday, NEW BANK DIRECTORS Frank J. Seng, president of ^the Seng Manufacturing Company* Chi- cago, and Arthur J. Taylor, official of the American Slicing Machine Company, Chicago, have been^elect- ed members of the Board of Direc- tors oTfbe Wilmette State Bank, ac- cording to information from officials of the local banking house. The elec- tions were to supply vacancies on the Uoar'd of Directors. Both men are prominently connected in the village and well known to a majority of the residents. â- ,â-  â- â- -'--â€"TWO FIRES-:^^ The Fire department was called out twice this week. On Sunday evening a false alarm caused a run to the home of Mrs. Andrew A. Leuer, 620 Prairie avenue. The second^all was received Tuesday from 1717 Highland avenue. A small prairie fire, danger ously~close to a residence, was <p*-'â-  ly extinguished. RETURNSTROM TRIP After sojoumiiig through the west-' ern states for six weeks, during which time she visited her son at Hilltop, Ariz and a number of friends in California, Mrs. Paul Bleser of Ridge avenue returned to her home here Sunday._______I_________________= Mr a"^ Mxs B F T.ewis. Jr., 610 Mrs. Estelle Pierson left on Mon- day for San Diego, Cal., where she will make her future home with her Ulster. En route Mrs. Piersoniwj visit with relatives and friends in Cedar Rapids and Grinnell, la. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Palenske, 226 Tenth street,-left on Friday of last week for a stay of several weeks in Miami, Fla. Mr. J. P. Sheridan, 1126 Forest ave- nue, made a business trip to the Twin Cities, this week.*-^» â€"♦â€" - Mr. Daniel R. Jenkins returned to Minneapolis on Sunday, after a visit with his family at 518 Park avenue. Mr. A. W. Boylston, 1417 Forest avenue, left Sunday for Mobile, Ala., wtoere he will spend several weeks. Washington avenue, left this week for Orlando, Fla., spend some time. where they will GOITRES REMOVED External Home Treatment Removes Goitre* for These Dayton People â€"Go See or Write Any of These Enthusiastic Users Note: It would be illegal to publish these statements if they were, not true. This article was copied from the Davton News. "These Dayton people have had goitre removed by Sorbol Quadruple. Any of them will gladly telt^yoTi-«ieir^xp^TteTreeT^5IfirT^tH Will, 228 Gettysburg Ave., Mrs. Esther Happle, 47 N Broadway, Mrs. C. A.. Ar- nett, 117 Clay St., Alice Humbrecht, 614 St. Joseph Ave., Mrs. Q. A. Harned, 218 Gettysburg Ave., Hulda Bohse, 224 Highland Ave., Hattle Marshall, 1250 Xenia Ave^- Boulse Ring, 140 Nassau St." It would pay you to go to Dayton to see these people. or even write to any of them. . ' .. Sorbol Quadruple comes In small bottles containing enough for most cases. It will not Stain or irritate. Does not interfere with daily work. LeavesL parts_ln-health!u4, normal oon- dition. Requires 10 minutes dally. Get further information at Ren- neckar Drug Co., drug stores every- where or write Sorbol Company, Mechanlcsburg, Ohio. (Advertisement) BARGAINSiii VACANT 50x140 Nicely wooded, Glenooe............*$\_\__ 100x262 Wooded, splendid location............$5,000 113x185 In the woods, but near depot $3,500 200x159 Hubbard Woods, close in............$8,000 50x159 West Asbury Avenue ..............J**â„¢ 97x200 East Hubbard Woods.............?..$3,500 SOME CHOICE LOCATIONS ON ONE OF THE PRIVATE DRIVES IN EAST HUBBARD WOODS. NOTHING BETTER ON TOE NORTH SHORE. â€" FRANK^4UEI0â€"â€" _ _____ REAL ESTATE â€" 933 Linden Ave., Hubbard Woods. Phone Win. 1300 Rubber Heels and Comfort Are Synonymous Another Synonyn is Quality and Service and the 5 DEPENDABLE SHOE REPAIRING FACTORY F. W. NORTON, Prop. Lake and Ridge Avenues Phone Wilmette 23S8 CHILDREN'S PARTY The Children's Recreation club, a department of the Community House, will hold a party at the Community cenlei Saturday;â€"Gainerespecially^ adapted to children will feature the^ The final round of the- Suburban League Basketball race will com- mence Friday evening at New Trier High school when the north shore lads meet Oak Park's stellar fives. --------The New'Trier teams are the best in the recent history of the school and have the hacking of the- student body and the entire north shore in their fight with the western suburbanites. The New Trier heavyweight ljfnettp will probably be: Varney and White, ' forwards: â€"-f.ukcrâ€"arrdâ€"Wieneck guard-*, antl-Bwwti at centerr^ On Monday evening the Evanston â-  -- quintets will compete with New Trier â€"- at Evanston. TAX PAYING SEASON ON AT HEADQUARTERS IN WILMETTE Property owners of New Trier township responding to the annual call of Tax CotteTTor-fioyr^mg~ln this reason of tax paying, are appear- ing in appreciable numbers at head- quavers iu the First National Bank ot VVihnctte.' - Taxes muM be paid before March 10 in orrl^r~ffni<» rrrTMVpd at^fb They saidâ€" Columbus couldn't cross the Atlanticâ€" but he didâ€"with help. They sayâ€" JKe-caniiind ji six or seven room house to rent in Winnetka â€"but we canâ€"with help. ^SAM SMART 110 So. Dearborn St. Chicago H U P MO BILE ===== Sales and Service ===== A very Sensible Car for Sensible People GAGE MOTOR SALES CO. 1629 Orrington Ave., Evanston Telephone Evanston 5700 Arlington Heights Sales and Service Telephone Arlington Heights 9 SJLAJU^EJ^^t STEAM CARS Sold and serviced personally Front thim Expert Service follow* No Starter - No Clutch - No Gears To shift. The fuel is Kerosene------ The simplest car to drive and understand lee- range front $1900 upâ€"----- 3 S William Salmen CONTRACTOR JWD BUILDER bo ad quart .it:,.-----Payment afterâ€"thatr date will ;j;rcrg;ss4tste"-aâ- --tnp lu '.he County treasurer's office's in Chicago^ ."Cottte .ea'rl^ and.--avoid the rush": is ESTIMATES cheerfullyfuriiishedon Cotlecu>r ^Kitui'^xiLlLta the taxpayers of New Trior. ' j72___ ^64 SprnceStyWinnctki Phone Winnetka 1055 V////////////j^^y////y/y^y//y/y//x^/////yy///^////yyyA WILLIAM N. SCHNEIDER HUBBARD WOODS, ILL; Tel. Winnetka, 956 LOOK-FOR-THt- YEU.OW LABEU Tuesday, Feb. 8,1921. Uppers cracied and one Aooi jfinrfynjn tnwn until<5aturJaif y M time/It6w HOQDSt THE uppers on most red boots crack very quickly when exposed _____to sun and air. While no boot can stand undue exposure, the Hood Pressure Process produces a boot exceptionally free fromthisobjection« ^tTaPg-and !Z-^Te~Thu J^ev-fw1 the- premutation of "If I Were Kin«" the annual Senior play at New Trior rHigh siIhjoI. The-playthis year is Kivei. for the honefit of* the Dramatic cluV) at the secondary school. In previous years the- annual dramatic event was given as a feature of'the commencement program. TENOrV ... Teacher of Singing 33â€"~~'~ Assists it to Frantz Proschowsky 718 Fine Arts Bldg. CHICAGO Teleuhone: Harrison 4031 PLAN with us for materials, when you build or repair. LUMBER CO. Church St. and Mapte Ave. ^ Evanston Evanston 42 Wilmette 132 able feature. When you buy a red boot with a yellow label and the word -H(KHKott **> votl are getting the latest development â€" an upper that will stand rough treatment combined with the newest tire-tread soles, which means long wear and good looks. "HOOD1 is your guarantee. . cAsk any dealer or write us. HOOD RUBBER PRODUCTS COMPANY, INC. WATERTOWN _*£_T-----T^v MASSACHUSETTS FRANKLIN, T1-.-,;.,,â-  Sales and Service The car everyone would like to own Gage Motor Sales Co. Phone 5700 1639 Orrington Ave., Evanston *1 never knew how good rubbers Hood made the first Rattle King could be," White Rock wearers tell us. That will be your experience, too, because not a single pair leaves the â- 1100ft plant without full inspection. Sturdy, gray, tire-tread soles joined to heavy black uppers by the Hood Process. Made in all sizes for all kinds of hard service.They are leaders. WHITE ROCK OVER, And it has never been successfully imitated. Just look them over next time you're in the store. All rubber uppers, that dean easily. Tough soles that give miles and miles of wear. Heavy brown fleece lin- ings that keep tiie feet warm, and jnany other points of superior con- struction . Ask for Kat de Kings and look f o the name "HOOD* KATTLE KINQ

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