Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 18 Feb 1921, p. 6

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THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1921 *m nounooncnt P.<llltllllllllllllllMllllltlllllllllltlllllllllIIIIIIIIIIUIIItltllMIIIII........IIIIUIIttlllllllllllinilllltlllllllllllllllllllllllMtlllltlllllttlUlllllllllllllllllUtl......I.....tllllllllllllUlllHi' All the church people in Wilmette who are in favor of Sunday dosing 6 tithe part of the Real Estate deal- ers are asked to withdrawâ€"their properties and to refuse to list them with Â¥ny dealer who fails to conform to the closing agreement both in spirit and in letter. Dr. Rapp will preach Sunday morn- ing, on a subject appropriate to the Lenten season. The Young Woman's Christian so The men's dinner was a success. No one has mentioned so far, any part of it thaT could have been done | better. The boys did a first class job of waiting on the table. Most of them have waited on women before. They are experienced waiters and a few men mixed in failed to embarrass them. Brother Melville as toast master had a good supply of the "that-reiniiids-ine" material on hand and handed it out at opportune times. Brother Stoker disposed of the Kelley family with appropriate ciety will have charge qf the Epworth league meeting next Sunday evening at" 6 o'clock. An interesting mission- ary program will be given. The VVomans' Foreign Missionary ( society will meet all day February and characteristic remarks and a 124. at the church t^o make garments basket of flowers^ Brother ^ato^ra^ ^^R^3^ ^t?^'11^8 *or China. ing- how they would spend $100 if it had to be spent in one day. The younger children were asked to visit the new building, and describe in their own words what they saw. The prizes for these examinations will be awarded on Sunday morning, anil if Space permits, the prize-win- ning letters will be printed in the weekly calendar. / The sermon theme for the month of February, which Mr. Stiller is pursuing is "The Challenge to the Church." Last Sunday morning he spoke on the challenge as it comes to the church to inspire, organize and utilize its entire membership for the doing of its great task. On the com- ing Sunday he will speak of the challenge as it comes to the church to minister to its immediate commun- ity, and on the last Sunday of the month he will speak of the wider cull to world service. TKe congregations arVstill holding their high average of attendance, and the capacity of the [hall is taxed each Sunday.. * , -7 In place of the regular Sunday evening meeting of the Senior B. Y. P. U., tire"young people witnursife Willi those of the MethodisTcliurcli in a"union meeting in observance of the annual day of prayer. This meeting will be held at 6 o'clock at the Meth- odist church. Next Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock the Oullmette Players, under the direction of Mrs. C.E. Douglass, will present in Pilgrim. Hall a iour act play entitled "The Pill Bottle by Margaret Applegarth. While the Ouilmette Players is still a young or- ganization it has already to its credit some unusually good presentations. The fact that the characters in the play on Wednesday night are all lo- cal people is in itself a matter of in- terest, while the training and the staging by Mrs. Douglass insures an intensely pleasant evening. A brief synopsis of the play follows: Act 1.-â€"The Sweet Girl Graduates. "Honestly. Jane, I feel as if I were at a funeral." Act 2.â€"Three Knocks in the Night. "Oh! Three knocks in the night and 1 could have answered them all 4f------=z Act 3.â€"Office Hours 3-5. "Don't you worry, I'll get a doctor to call on you." _Act 4.â€"The God of the Pill* Bottle. "1 really ought to go to Vespers but I'm too dead tired to move." The scenes of the play are laid in America and in India, and the char- meyer talked with his violin as only ' he can talk and he had to leave early to keep another engagement. Then came the big number on the pro- gram, for Brother Wood delivered one of the best Lincoln addresses that has been heard around these parts for several days. The next time the men do, it, and we hope the next time will be soon, no one will need to be coaxed to come, for even the. women are willing to concede that the men know how. Every teacher, in al^departments of the Sunday school, was present Sunday. A good showiiig„and a_gpod way to build up the school. Do it again. Dr. Rapp had the largest men's class Sunday that he has had since coming here. All men are in- vited. The Epworth league folks had a "Lincoln meeting Sunday night. They had to use some extra chairs. The feature of the meeting was the read- ing of Tom Taylor's "Abraham Lin- coln" by the leader. You would be surprised to see who comes to prayer meeting Wednesday -night;; Come and see. Mrs. Frank Cutler^JjOOl Lake ave- nue, entertained~The~^rhIrd Division Thursday afternoon. Box luncheon. Everybody welcome. There wiFT be a7 Union meeting of the Young People's organization of the Baptist, Congregational. Presby- terian. St. Augustine's Episcopal and i . Methodist church at the Methodist j Through the kindness of Mr. S. C. church Sunday at 6 o'clock. Colton, the Explorer s club spent a The First Division was entertain- ed Monday afternoon by Mrs. Harold D. Hill, 1291 Asbury avenue. Win- netka. The Queen Esther Standard Bear- ers will meet at the home of. Miss Dorothyâ€"Hers?, 1L22^ Laice-a^eittte7~otr Friday afternoon, February 18. BAPTIST CHURCH The Go-To-Church club is a group of children from the Sunday school, ranging from three to ten years of age. who are being trained fn" the spirirof^worship by attendance at the early part of the morning service. A five minute sermon is given each part of the examinations for the ctub,.asking the older ones to writeHrim a letter, stat- very interesting day last Saturday visiting the American Car and Foun- dry Company and later one of the City Water Works. Mr. Colton jnet the group and guided them through the plant pointing out and exphttn- ing the many WQfljd Sunday morning as a service..___The__pastor recently con I ducted jwJiaXJieâ€"called the mid-year- onâ€"hoard a tug, as soon as the ice such as the enormous lathes used in preparing the wood work of the car, and the large hydraulic engines. La- ter they went to the Water Works near-by where the boys saw the^big hydraulic pumps ^n. operation, atuT also the new electric pumps, some of which were installed and working and others just being installed. While at the Water Works they were wit- nesses to an explosion caused when a big armature blew offâ€"quite a- thrilling experience. j The enjoyment of the day was complete when the club was prom- ised the opportunity of going on an all-day trip from Wilmette to Peoria 8,-^nyer, 626 Lake-^aventter has all gone and cobe." "sprig has truly_ acters are composed of citizens of botTT countries. The public is cordially invited. Ad- mission is free but an offering will be taken to cover expenses. The Circles are meeting one day each week during Lent for ^Cottage Prayer Meetings, to be held at the various homes of the members. These meetings will at times be held in connection with the regular Cir- cle meetings and monthly Guild meet- ings, and occasionally two Circles will meet jointly. The meetings for the coming week are: The North End Circle will meet Monday at the home of Mrs. W. A. Mann, 1121 Greenwood, avenue, The East End Circle will meet Mon- dayattlieborneof "Mrs.'B;T.~BTy^ women of Wilmette in a meeting held at the Presbyterian church at 2:30 o'clock. Mrs. Stephen A. Lloyd will lead the devotions and have charge of the program. The speakers of the day will be Mrs. Fred Osgood of the Baptist church of Austin, and Dr. Rapp of the Garrett Bible Insti. tute, who has been preaching at the Wilmette Methodist Episcopal church since the death of the former pastor, Dr. Walker. Miss Martha K. Williams will be the soloist. All the women of the village are cordially invited to attend this meeting. No trip will be taken by the ilyb next Saturday, February 19,i£nd an- nouncement, will be made later as to the place they will visit a week from Saturday. The subject for the sermon to be given by Rev. Stephen A. Lloyd, pas- tor, at the Sunday morning service February 20, will be "The Lord of Life" continuing his Lenten series on "The Life of a Christian". PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH The Neighborhood Circle and the Washington Avenue Circle will meet Friday at the home of Mrs. Dcming, 425 Lake avenue. The Central Avenue and the Cres- cent Circles will meet together Fri- day at the home of -Mrs,r-Ar-J.-Col- burn, 915 Linden avenue. "The Church school held special ex- ercises last Sunday morning in cele- bration of Lincoln's Birthday, the Junior and Intermediate departments meeting together in Pilgrim Hall. Mr. A. rf. Howard led the meeting and various members of his class took part in the program. Today is the day set aside for an International Day of Prayer for Women and will be kept by the The problem of the church varies according to the community in which it is located. Opinions, of course, differ very widely as to what, a church should be and also as to what it should do. We are always confronted with the question as to how far we should go irrncrmforming to the ideas of our constituency, and to what extent we may be able to persuade the people to conform to the policies and tradi- tions of the church. We are bound both to gain and to lose which ever program we adopt. The success of the church, however, depends upon the proper solution of ttiis problem. HZZHZ r jilH-TTurpuses^con s ider ing this question next Sunday morning. The subject of the sermon will be "The Ideal church For Wilmette." The morning service begins prompt- ly at 11 o'clock. -----â€"- Our church auditorium has been filled to its capacity for some time past and the officers are now consid- ering the question of increasing our accommodations. The same condition prevails in the Sunday school department, despite the fact that about a year ago we built a temporary building to care for the Beginners and Primary de- partments. This building is espec- ially equipped for the little folksâ€" and is proving the wisdom of the in- vestment. (Continued on page seven.) â- r HO MAKE men value their soulsâ€"that is the big task. To make them realize the posse&sionjoLspid^ua^ the end to which endeavor must be directed More and more we are convinced that tliis can^be^acliieved only as those who believe in God carry that belief frankly and without apology into every relation they have with their fellows. If Sunday is to regain its plaice as a day of religi- ous observance^ those who value itJor this reason must make the life of * • â-  ". " - â-  .*â-  every day interpret the thought of God. (From an Editorial in the Chicago Evening Post) Church The Wilmette Baptist Church The First Methodist Church Tfhe First Presbyterian Church

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