Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 18 Feb 1921, p. 7

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THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1921 CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS (Continued from Page 6) A delegation of young people from .; the Christian Endeavor society of [the Buena Memorial Presbyterian rchufth" vfsited our^hrfstTair Endeav- or society last Sunday night. These young people took charge of our meeting, providing the entire pro- gram. The Yottng People's societies of the Presbyterian and the Methodist churches will have a joint meeting next Sunday evening at 6 o'clock in the~Methodiit church. In our Wednesday evening Mid- jweek service we are following a pro- gram pTeparatory^to Easter. Mrs. Ralph M. White, Missionary from Soochow, China, will speak at the Foreign Mission Praise Service of the Women's Society of the First Presbyterian church, TuesdayT-Feb- ruary 22 at 2:30 p. m. â€"â€" •AR1SH On Tuesday night a delegation .of sixteen teachers and officers in St. Auguiine's Church school attended the North Shore Institute being held at Trinity church Parish house dur- ing Lent, enrolling for instruction in the courses which they teach regu- larly at St. Augustine's Church school. The institute is conducted by fifteen experts, leaders in their own special subjects, who conduct these teaching .institutes in three cen- tral points throughout the diocese. The women of the Associated Guilds are meeting for work ajl day today in the Parish house, beginning at 11 o'clock.^-AnJjifi3rnialJuncheon is served at noon* so that the work ORDINANCE NO. 1270. r VILLAGE} OP WILMBTTB BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESI- DENT AND BOARD OP TRUST- EES OP THE VILLAGE OP WILMETTE, ILLINOIS: Section 1. tt ahall be unlawful for any person, Arm or corporation to en- gage In the business of selling news- papers to Inhabitants of the Village of Wilmette and delivering same at the residences of such Inhabitants, without first procuring a license as hereinafter provided for. â- cotton S. Any person, firm or cor- Eoration desiring to engage In the uslness of selling newspapers to In- habitants of the Village of Wilmette and delivering the same at the t%ei- dences of such Inhabitants shall make application' to the President of the Village In writing, setting out the full name and address of the applicant, If an Individual, If a Arm, the full names and residences of the applicants, and If a corporation, the full names and residences of Its principal officers, the principal office of the applicant in the Village of Wilmette, a list of the news- papers which said applicant proposes to «ell and deliver, and the number of persons such applicant proposes to em- ploy in the delivery of said newspap- ers, and such application shall contain an agreement3vMchTTtogether_wlth apt wordsâ€"indicatingâ€"that the applicant may be interrupted as little as possi- ble. During Lent all the work of the Associated Guilds is for missionary purposes. This afternoon at the Presbyterian church some of the women of St. Augustine's will attend the joint meeting-of the women fromthe differ- ent churches in the village to hear missionary addresses and discuss missionary work. The Lent en services-at St. August- ihe's are being well attended. There is an evening servicer in the ^church on Wednesday at 8 o'clock, with an address. On Thursdays at 3:15 o'clock there is a service for. small children in the J^arish house. The address to the children yesterday af- ternoon was given by Mrs. Burt Crowe. Mrs. Favor, supervisor of the Primary department, is in charge. Sunday, February 6, being the Cor- porate Communion Sunday for the Boys and Girls Communion leagues, there was a large attendance of the older boys and girls at the Commun- ion services at 8 and 11 o'clock. During Lent there is a celebration of the Holy Communion in the church on Fridays at 10 o'clock. Af- ter the Tervice there is a Bible class for'women at 10:45 in the Parish house led by Mrs. C. L. Wachs. This class is studying the life of Christ and is well attended. accepts the same as conditions' for the issuance and continuance of the license applied for, shall be subscribed by the applicant before any such license shall be Issued thereunder, which agreement shall be that the applicant shall de- liver any reputable dally newspaper at the residence of any inhabitant Of the Village of'Wilmette who offers to pay therefor the prevailing rate for the delivery of such newspaper and who at the time of delivery requested by him actually resides adjacent to the route along which said applicant is then actually delivering or about to deliver any reputable dally newspaper; provided the applicant Is able to-pur- chase such reputable daily newspaper so requested from the publisher there- of on such terms, that the difference between the purchase price and the sale price of each copy thereof, equals or exceeds the difference between the purchase price ,and the sale price of eacTrcWV^fTmy repu paper delivered by any .person,Hrm or corporation engaged in the business of selling and delivering newspapers in the Village of Wilmette, as provided. -In-Sectlonâ€"1^-and further provided that ; the applicant shall employ in making such deliveries only persons of good moral character. When said application and -the agree- ment therein contained shall have been signed by the applicant, the Presi- dent of the Village.shall issue, or cause to be Issued, a license to such appli- cant, attested by the Village Clerk, whtoh shall entitle the licensee to-en- gage In- the business of selling news- papers to inhabitants of the Village of Wilmette and delivering the same at the residences of such inhabitants upon the payment of an annual license fee of $6.00; provided, however, that the said license shall contain apt words Indicating the same Is issued and ac- cepted- subject to the conditions and agreements hereinbefore set forth, con tained in the application for the same, and subscribed by the licensee when application for such license Is made, and the said conditions and agreements shall upon the Issuance of-said license at once become binding on the licensee. flection a. Any person, firm or cor- poration falling to ^comply with or violating any of the^rovlslons of the preceding sections, shall be liable, In addition to any other penalty prescrib- ed by law, to a penalty of not less than $25.00 nor more than $200.00 for each offense, and each day such person, firm or corporation fails to comply with or violates any of the provisions of the preceding sections shall constitute a separate offense; Any person, form or corporation who, having received a license under the terms and conditions Imposed by the preceding sections, falls to observe the conditions so Imposed shall t>e liable, in addition to any other penalty_pre- scribed by law, to a penalty of not less than $25.00 nor more than $200.00 for each offense, and each day such person, Arm or corporation falls to observe the conditions so Imposed shall constitute a separate offense,-and the license of such person, firm or corporation shall be revoked by the President of the Village. flection 4. This ordinance shall take effect from and after Its passage and due publication. Passed by the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of - Wilmette, on the 16th day of February, 1921, and deposited and filed In the office of the Village Clerk of said Village, this 16th day of February, 1021. EARL E. ORNER, Village Clerk. Approved by the President of the Village of Wilmette, this 16th day of February, 1921. EDWARD ZIPF, s President of the Village of Wilmette. Attest; EARL E. ORNER, Village Clerk. OiubUshed _in 2'TJ^^ February 18th, 192JL Lflf-lTc mMBmmMMnaMBmMBBZBBMQk i Dr. Charles E. Geisse Osteopathic Physician Phone Wil. 20S2 1150 Wilmette Ave. VBBTmBBB. V»»»»»»»»»»JJ»»?/3R Candy That Tickles the Taste and quality which guarantees'no waste* IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIMIIIIII tit llllllllltlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllMmilllllllllllllllllllllllllll Wm. P "P^r^Confeciicmr 4'Everything Sweet to Eat" Ridge and Lake Aves. WILMETTE TELEPHONE WILMETTE 1450 DESPAIR If you are troubled with pains or achee^ feel Jired; have headache, indigestion, insomnia; painful pass- age of urine, you will find relief in GOLD MEDAL The world's standard remedy for kidney, liver, bladder and uric acid troubles and National Remedy of Holland since 1696. Three sizes, all druggists. Guaranteed. Look Tor the name Gold Medal on every box Kill That Cold With Colds, Coughs «BB* Neglected Colds are Dangerous Take no chances. Keep this standard remedy handy for the first sneeze. Breaks up a cold in 24 hours â€" Relieves \t Grippe in 3 daysâ€"Excellent for Headache Quinine in this form does not affect the headâ€"Cascara is best Tonic Laxativeâ€"No Opiate in Hill's. â€"7 -ALLDRUGGISTS SELL IT Would You Believe it? We can offer a nearly new stucco home with 7 large rooms, with glassed dining and sleeping t, hot water heat, tile hath, instantaneous water heater, garage an<J$1C CAfl 7 room brick colonial, 3 ysmrs oldrfcoT vfmtmr heat, tile bath,"sHslrsTToilir aruMaWatwryy heated sun porch, garage, wooded lot, 70x150; a bargain at............ _______ ....... ......$16,500 modern in vory finest section, decorated, 2 bath 10 room colonial, on beautiful wooded corner, hot water boat, 4 master bedroom, 2 siâ€"ping porchos and 2 tilo baths, maid's room and extra bath. Unique decorations, double garage. A wonderful homo ..TT..................................$35.000 8 room „ beautifully arran ged room, double gjujtfj fine wooded lot; a g*gg« buy for........-..;...**....> • • •..........."•|W0----- WOULD YOU 'BUY-Jt-LOTT WE HAVE SEV- ERAL SPECIAL OFFERINGS IN THE CHOIC- EST VACANT. M. E. BARKER & CO 405 Linden Ave., Wilmette Telephone Wilmette 484 C. H. Morgan â€"^Grocery Co.â€"^ EVANSTON, ILLINOIS Begins To-Day Fancy Solid White OC- Cookers, feckâ€"-â„¢ s*v\, f7__„ Direct From Country, StrictljLOA- EggS Fresh, Guaranteed. Doz. - «>*H- Butter fSTL^pir^ lUHt Antonini Olive 0U "fc1 $1.69 Brick Cheese BTaJtwU: 39c y Finest Cane Granulated â- Â» 10 lbs. 'J«""-- - - - TOMATOESâ€"Large cans, solid pack. No. 2Vi can, per dozen............. . . $1.49 ORANGES â€" Extra sweet Floridas, large size, per dozen .-----... i..... 49c PAUL'S LOGANBERRY JAM^Jar^Oc COFFEE------Ourâ€"favorite breakfast - Dlencl, id............... M«fc RIPE OLIVES â€" Wilson's Certified Brand9 can .. ... . .. 39c BUTTER SCOTCH PATTIESâ€"Can 49c FIGSâ€"New washed imported Naomi, per lb. . TV.. . 59c APPLEsSâ€"Kingsbury's Fancy Idaho Jonathans* 5 lbs»^^ ^. * ^^._A * *... .tzz59c GRAPEFRUITâ€"Large, thin-skinned. full of juice, 3 for .. . 35c TOMATO SOUPâ€"Monarch Brand. per can . . . « . . . .......... .«.._â- _. .«...<.... . . jluc BUDWEISERâ€"The renowned Bey- ^ erage, per case, net ,,............ .$2.55 PRUNESâ€"Genuine Santa Clara, med- ium size.per lb. .............. 25c PURE STRAWBERRY JAMâ€"Full pound jar for ..... m. «^... v... r... 59c JELLOâ€"Two pkgs. for___ ..... 25c SUNBEAM SALAD DRESSING â-  DO* wC1"*"1^^ • 2tfC HEINZ'S PORK AND BEANSâ€"Can 18c SPECIALS IN MEAT DEPARTMENT Hamburger Steak, per lb. .«..••••... ....... 30c 35c Lamb Patties, per lb. Home-Made Pure Pork Sausage Meat per pound . .................. 35c Native Rib and Plate Corned Beef. lb.. 15c Native Salted Beef Tongue, per lb. .. 35c Premium Ham Shanks, lb......... * 20c ... 21c Swift's Premium Pure Lard, lb. We deliver once daily and twice on - . Saturday For Delivering tton Reverse Charges C. H. Morgan Gt^ry 614-616 Davit St. Evanston, 111.

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