THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY, MARCH 4, 1921 SPRING AT HAND WITH BAUOT PETITIONS OUT Candidates for Justice and Constable Offices Appear Backed hy North Shore Township Ticket Evidence of Springtime as revealed in mother nature's metamorphic ac- tivities are, augmented at this season of the year in the circulation gener- ally throughout the township of the annual petitions of candidates aspir- ing to various township offices. It will be a race for justiceships and constabulary posts this spring. Names of five candidates for Justice of the Peace are to be found on the petitions- circulatedâ€"withâ€" the an- nounced support of the North Shore Township ticket. These Seek Justice Jobs Men who seek offices as justices are: Frederick B. Crossley, 600 Washington avenue, Wilmette; Ja- cob M. Dickinson, Jr., 857 Burr ave- nue, Winnetka; Otto Falk, Gross Point; Daniel M. Mickey, 1513 Wal- nut -avermer-AVilmette; George W. Tapper, Jr., 231 Wentworth avenue, Glencoe. Men who desire to be constables include: Edward (Jammings, 1215 North avenue, Winnetka; Thomas M. League, Gross Point; Jacob Ru- dolph, 454 Oakdale avenue, Glencoe; Peter Schlldren, 833 Fifteenth street. Wilmette; Joseph A. Sheppard, 1515 Walnut avenue, Wilmette. The name of Charles H. Hubbard, 849 Foxdale avenue, Winnetka, ap- pears on a petition as a candidate for the office of Township School Trustee. Verily, Spring it at hand. JOHN SPIES, AGED 92 YEARS, DIES AT GROSS POINT HOME John Spies, 92 years of age, pioneer Chicagoan and a resident of Gross Point for 15 years, was buried Sun- day afternoon at St. Joseph's follow- ing services at St. Joseph's church. Mr. Spies passed away on Friday, February 25. Death ^wn due to atK vanced age. Mr. Spies lived in Chi- cago 50 years and hundreds of friends from Chicago and the north shore at- tended the services on Sunday after- noon. Mr. Spies is survived by three daughters and two sons. Mrs. Joseph Bleser, Mrs. Anna Schaefer, Mrs. Otto Bowman, Nicholas and Henry Spies. HIS HOBBY IS AUTOS SO HE MAKES IT A BUSINESS Edward Mallay, genial manager of the City Market Company, 635 West Railroad avenue, whose hobby is au- tomobiles, is leaving Wilmette this week to devote his time, exclusively, to the affairs of the Racine Wagon and Carriage Co., 825-827 South Wabash avenue, Chicago, makers of Commercial-automobile bodies. Mallay has purchased a half-inter- est in the old established vehicle A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Gerry D. Pettibone of Evanston, on February 22, at the Evanston hos- pital. NOTICE! February 9th, 1921 between 6:00 and 6:30 P. M. Sunday, March 6,7:30 P. M, Edwin Markham Author of "The Man With the Hoe" will give readings from his own poems. Andrew A. Leuer was killed on the CHICACO NORTHWESTERN RAIL- ROAD tracks near WILMETTE STATION. He was probably a passenger on either the 5:37, 5:46 or 5:53 trains leaving Chi- cago. Will any person jwho saw or knew him to be on one of these trains on that evening please communicate with BURT A. CROWE, firm and will turn his hobby Into serious business. Mallay has been with the City Market Company iince its establishment in the village sev- eral years ago^..,.â€" ____ NOTIC13 Bmall pereonsally conduoted nartv u Europe thin lummer is being onrani.X wv experienced leader.Rate for ItlX. y. kirn* I. Laeoellee, 7M Seward 8: Evanston. Telephone Bvanston ifiS by ar â€"Adv7"LT(nT.V& Phone Wilmette 323 or Wabash 940. This information is of the greatest importance. Vf/!tv»iJlv»/][v»v][v»y]iv»y]iv«yHf_, A'March'of Progress Watch Us Grow MARCH, 190S, TO 1919 ^Special Music itAtB BAN* MARCH, 1921 Your Home Bank •)M?*w»Sir^r?tfir^ . S. Van Deus SELLER OF GOOD FOOD Meat Telephone 514 Wilmette-Central Ave. and 12th St. % CASH DISCOUNT Cash and Carry - - - - 5*> Discount Cssh and Delivered • - - - !"<• Discount On orders of $1.00 or more of normal These do not apply to Meat Department Profit Goods. Credit and Delivered, one order delivered free Anna Nyberg, ... . . Violinist Come Early. All Seats Free. 5 SPECIAL SALE March 7th to March 12th Florida Grape Fruit *Sfli S:?!;.:^; are enormous. This is the greatest bargain In OP for many a day. 2 for.......................... £tDQ Mnn*nnt1 PaAFC f*n«y-. Heavy syrup. No. 2 can 0 months ago any canned fruit was selling Of^ 1HUI15UUI1 iear9 for twice these prices. Dozen $3.2(1, Can................... ............. Z/C $3.20. Can Helmet Peaches Dâ„¢::m?&nqu*ty.* V£* ,pri.c".. .*££ .No;.?* ?mn; Easter Apricots c.n"gahl L"^No 2*- Heavy syrup. OQf* Uty, heavy syrup. Dozen $3.45 9'flU a.•. ....... i iiitiiiiiimiiiiimiimiimiiiiiiimiiiimimiimiiiiiiiii........iMiiiiimmiui......iiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii|iiiiiiiiiiiimiiiitiiiiititiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii' The Importance of Careful Workmanship Spring is on hand and no doubt every- body does house cleaning. Our long experience enables us to give you the best work for reasonable prices. GIVE US A TRIAL CLEANING ORIENTAL RUGS and REPAIRING CARPETS J0^W,4*^fcAve. Phone4Wlmette 1949 WILMETTE wtUHinniHHHiniiiniHiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiffliHiiHiiumiiiiMiiiiittimiHiuniiiiiiuiini iimiiiiitmiiiiimiiiiiiii JONATHAN APPLESâ€" Extra fa^cy, hard, perfect fruit. 10 lbs. .......................Me Box. Over 40 lbs. net ......$3.15 GREENING APPLESâ€"â€" For cooking or baking. Fancy quality. 10 lbs...............65c FLORIDA GRAPE FRUITâ€" 80 size. Doz. $1.10. Each......10c FLORIDA ORANGESâ€" Delicious, sweet, perfect fruit. 216 size. Doz.................35c 176 size. Doz...............45c 150 size. Doz................ 50c CALIFORNIA LEMONSâ€"^7 Large. 300 size. Doz.........27c RICHELIEU ROLLED OATS. -The finest made. 3 lb. 7 oz. Pkg............................29c RICHELIEU COCOA â€" Dutch process. y2 lb. can ......27Uc RICHELIEU CATSUPâ€" Try one bottle and you can easily see its superior quality over other catsups. 17 oz .bottle . .32c RICHELIEU MACARONI AND SPAGHETTI â€" Extra large 12 oz. pkg. much cheaper than a 7 oz. pkg. at 10c. Pkg.........14c MAPLEWOOD PURE MAPLE SYRUPâ€"Delicious flavor. No. 2y2 can..................... ,90c OLD MANSE MAPLE AND CANE SYRUPâ€" ^]/2 can......................65c D U BELLE CONCORD GRAPE JUICEâ€" Qt. 32 oz. bottle ... .55c RED WING CONCORD GRAPE JUlCE^Pint bottle_^_„^ Uc BURT'S CALIFORNIA RIPE OLIVESâ€"Large quart can, not in pint can .......^.......... .35c COLLEGE SPANISH QUEEN OLIVESâ€"No. 20. Large olives, WA oz. ..........„......... 55c GORDON A DILLWORTH'S OR. ANGE MARMALADEâ€" 16 oz. jar...................35c RICHELIEU BITTER ORANGE MARMALADEâ€" 8 oz. jar-vrr^rr.-.... .T7.... .He ........... FLOURâ€"Pillsbury, Washburn or Ceresota, lA barrel ........$1.39 BUCKWHEAT FLOURâ€" Lb. 7#c YELLOW CORN MEAl^-3 lbs. 10c LARDâ€"Pure^uflcTlbr.......... 18c DR. PRICE'S CREAM BAKING POWDERâ€"12 oz. can ......20c RYZON BAKING POWDERâ€" 1 lb. can................{,.....30c HICKORY NUTSâ€"New. Lb. ..lie PEANUTSâ€"Jumbo. Salted. Lb. 2Sc PEANUTSâ€"In shell. Fresh roast- ed. Lb......................17C SHELLED WALNUTS^Newv Lb. ..»..,.....;........... 70c PRUNESâ€"Santa Clara' Fancy. 70-80 size, lb. ,...............13C 50-60 size, lb.................lfe PEACHES. Peeled. 11 oz. pkg. 23c TURKISH FIGS-Camel grand. 5 crown. Lb. ...............Sftc DROMEDARY DATES- mrs& ~:«v *•£.....•'• •......â- !â- FARD DATESâ€"Black. Lb. ...35c REINA PURE OLIVE OIL«. Quart can $1.35. Pint ........70e COVO SALAD OIL-Pint ......Z MAZOLA CORN SALAD OILâ€" Quart ...'....... 59c PREMIUM SODA CRACKERSâ€" National Biscuit i Co.'s finest salt wafer. Buy crackers in bulk, They are half the price of .package crackers. Lb.......22c VA lb. caddy^.^,^^^^fSc LOGANBERRY JAMâ€"Sugar and fruit only. Large No. 2 can. Doz.......$420 v»anâ€"11 i 1111) i. i .i. ........ £ â- â- No Discount. D fi-SL9 N Tf>mt epr e. SERVES â€" Strawberry, Rasp- berry, Gooseberry, Blackberry, IS.oz. jar 35c; dozen........$4.00 No discount. OLD STYLE MINCE MEATâ€" Fine quality. Large 2 lb: jar 48c FAIRY WHITE FLOATING TO?! LETâ€"No discount, 10 bars..Me RED WING CATSUP- 18 oz. bottle 25c; 9 oz. ......14c COFFEEâ€"Roast Santos. Wonder- ful value. Makes a mild sweet drink. Lb.........^........24c COFFEEâ€"My own blend. Equal to the finest coffee in cans at any price, lb.................38c TEAâ€" Oolong Strawberry No. 25, 75c quality, lb...................55c English Breakfast, S. F. 60c quality, lb...................45c Midas Orange Pekoe y2 lb. . .45c Lipton's Ceylon and India, yellow Jabel, y2 lb............,.:....& PLYMOUTH ROCK CORNâ€" . .Just the kind for soup or corn â- irJtters. Doz. $1.75. Can ....Me PEACE EARLY JUNE PEASâ€" Remarkably fine at a very low «£E?f5^.Poz- t!*°I can.......«« PLYMOUTH ROCK TOMATOES Extra standard. No. 2 can. Doz. $1.30. Can ..............He BRITE MAWNIN TOMATOES- Extra standard large No. 3 cans js&kiysiCan..............i5c MONSON STRINGLESS BEANS Whole beans not cut, doz. $2.25 Can ................,........20c CAMPBELL'S BAKED BEANS-v, With tomatoe sauce. No. 2 can. ».D^;i!JS;2 cans • • •â€"â„¢. .tSc EtIMPHâ„¢ ROC* BLOOD Bf.EaAs"^ar^e No- 3 -can. Doz, $L75j CenT M.2£?OON ASPARAGUS POINTSâ€"Fancy, white, No. 1 gan. Doz. $525: Can .......45c ^SSISPIF^3*â„¢ KERNEL CORNâ€"The finest quality packed Doz. $2.40; Can ../...........2te RICHELIEU SUPERFINE PEAS These are the finest grade of -4££l In the Richelieu line. Doz. $3.25; Can.................ITJie RICHELIEU STRINGLESS BEANSâ€"For salad or vegetable. ..S&JKSi' Can ......•.....27M< SUPERIOR FAMILY SOAPâ€" 100 8 oz. bar* in b63r,..T...$4.1» 10 bars, no discount ........48c