........ c 8 THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY, MARCH 4, 1921 CLAIM THIS MOTOR â€" WEARS IN, NOT OUT Willys •Knight Motors, Highest Type of Long Life Locomotion, Have Perpetual Youthful Qualities RED CROSS NOW AIDS DISABLED SOLDIERS Maimed Fighters and Their Families Are Concern of Great Relief Agency, Open More Chi- cago Hospitab As distinctive and graceful as are the body lines oftfie new Willys- Knight models, it is under the hood of this medium priced fine car that prospective buyers are findinp what engineers ^concede is the biggest type of long, life locomotion, a motor of which it has been said: "It wears in while others wear out." In design the Willys-Knight differs from other motors. One of its strik- ing features is its simplicity. Noisy poppet valves are replaced by noise- less sliding valves. Two cylindrical^ turned soldier who was able bodied, shaped, sleeves fitting one w4^in^he-4TatlHTad-sunicrent^ime to re-estab- other glide quietly up and down in «-«. t.:~.â€"i* :-*~ *u-------â€"i--j*.. __j a film of oil. * In these sleeves are openings or ports. As the sleeves slide by each other, these openings are brought The Chicago Chajpter of the Ameri- can Red Cross, through its Home Service department has (since the war began) assumed the responsibili- ty for the dependent family of the soldier and has expended thousands and thousands of dollars in the read- justment of soldiers into civil life after the armistice. Rather recently, in order that the Chicago Chapter might do a more concentrated piece of work, it was decided that the re- ALL THOSE PRETTY EASTER BONNETS WENT UP IN SMOKE Spring hats and Easter bonnets in the making, approximately $2,000 worth, went up in smoke Friday morning when fire demolished the interior of The Hat Shop at 346 Linr den avenue. Prompt work of the Wilmette Fire department prevented spread of the fire to other parts of the building. ' An overheated stove was thought to have been the cause of the blaze. The shop was closed when business men 111 -the "h" terminal district noticed the flames. It was said the proprietor had gone to Evanston af- ter starting a fire in a small shop stove. together at the proper moment form- ing large passages for intakeâ„¢and exhaus Faction. Continued use polishes the sliding surfaces of these sleeves* making them more smooth in operation, more powerful and more efficient. Because of the uniform compression in all cylinders and at all speeds, the Wil- lys-Knight motor is extremely flexi- ble, reducing gear shifting to the minimum. The valve action does not depend on the uncertain operation of springs. The valve action is positive. It re- quires no adjustment. There are no valve seats to be ground. There are no springs to weaken and require new timing. There are no valve stems to break and no clashing parts: to cause rapid wear." -â€"Complete combustion and thorough exhaust for burnt gases minimize the carbon evil which bothers most cars. What little carbon forms in the Wil lish himself into the community and that the Chicago Chapter, Home Service, would therefore use all of its energies in the care of the so- called compensable soldier. Open Contract Hospitals The Central division of the Ameri- can Red Cross, which has jurisdic- tion over nine states does the social work in the 47th Street hospital and the Marine hospital. The Chicago Chapter, upon the recommendation of the Central division supplies cloth- ing as they are asked. When the hos- pitals became so crowded, thirteen contract hospitals were opened. Feb- ruary 1, the Chicago Chapter took oyer the social work in these hos- pitals^ Claims for compensation will be followed up, and their needs for clothing as well as recreation. •For the boys who leave the public health hospitals a worker from the Red Cross will follow them into their homes "to see that the directioiis~of the physician are carried 75Ut. Classes are being organized in Nu- trition, and Food Selection, especially adapted to the needs of the soldiers lys-Kmtrht actually builds up the effi- suffering from certain diseases where ciency of the Willys-Knight motor. \ the diet is almost a matter of life and Because it uses all of the energy of death. While these classes^ are es- each power charge, the, Willys . Knight motor requires less gasoline for a given amount of power. The flow of oil is automatically regulated giving greater mileage on a lesser amount of oil. John X. Willys was the first to at- tempt the manufacture of a Knight powered motor car on a large scale. Attracted by the performance of this sleeve-valve type of motor many years ago. he saw in its surging power, its perpetually youthful qua- â€"Htie-Sy irir quietness of operation ^ind its dependability those qualities that ' would be demanded^ of the motor car of the future. The demand for the Willys-Knight car today has justified the vision of Mr. Willys. It is a car that makes - lasting-friends, that has given rise to the expression: - "A Willys-Knight owner will be satisfied with nothing less than a Knight motor." pecially for the families of the sol- diers, they are open to anyone.- The classes will be held at 511, 58 East Washington St., Chicago. WILMETTE VS. HARVEY The Wilmette Public schools' bas- ketball team was defeated at Harvey, 111., last Friday, evening in a 20-7 bat- tle. The Harveyites will meet the local schools' quintet will meet the the Byron Stolp gym. The second team will engage the Kenilworth school in a preliminary tilt. 3 REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS MADE BY M. E. BARKER CO. M. E. Barker and Company reports the following real estate sales: resi- dence of Frank Dawson, 1436 Forest avenue, to L. W. Schnitzer of Chi- cago; 150 feet of vacant property at the northwest corner of Eighth street and Greenleaf avenue to~ Frint George; previous owneTT Emil Ru- dert. They also negotiated the leasing of the home at 1027 Greenwood avenue to W. F. Bauer of Chicago, a former resident of Wilmette, for a 3-year period. NEW DAUGHTER Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Magnuson, 1515 Washington avenue, announce the birth of a daughter on Thurs- day, February 1.4. RENT PARK AVENUE HOME Harry C. Boyden, 829 Park avenue, has rented the home at 312 Park avenue, and will take possession about May 1. FACTS ABOUT THE FRANKLIN DO YOU KNOWâ€" That in a FRANKLIN the spark control is absolutely automatic, controlled by the motor speed, consequently it is always properly adjusted? That very seldom, tf-ever, is the carbon removed from a FRANKLIN motor which has been driven less than 10,000 miles. ~ _ GAGE MOTOR SALES -co! 1629 Orrington Avenue, Evanston Phone Evanston 5700 ROEMAR T. FEELEY SELES ^_ Chandler Stephens CLERK AT VILLAGE OFFICES Miss Elva Southworth of Ken- ilworth has been engaged as a clerk at the Wilmette Village business offices. LATEST IN VULCANIZING tread'" process The "one heat tread'" process of vulcanizing automobile tires, "has been introduced by F. W. Norton automobile accessory man and tire physician at Lake and Ridge ave- nues, Gross Point. Mr. Norton, this week completed a special course in vulcanizing at a Chicago plant, and is said to.be prepared to give ex- ceptional service to north shore mo- torists. SCHOOL TEACHERS LOSE The Wilmette public schools, re- cently organized teachers'^ basketball five was defeated by an aggregation composed of the seventh and eighth grade girls in their first encounter The LincOlnwood school at Evanston acted as hostess to the teacher's quin- tet yesterday afternoon in a cage tilt. AUTOMOBILE FIRE A short circuit in the wiring sys- tem ca4is£d_^_sjnaJl_bJaze„in an Oak- land automobile Tuesday evening at /13tbj sltreet and EJmwood avenue. The machine bore an out-of-state license. Thfe Fir-e department ex- tinguished the blaze.â€"No damage resulted to the automobile. EQUALIZING The Gypsy Oil company has made a general cut in wages for its field workers in Oklahoma and Kansas The pay of drillers, who formerly re- ceived $14 a day, has been reduced to $10, jthat of tool dressers has been lowered from $13 to $8 and that of teamsters fram $12 to $10. PAINTING AUTO BY MACHINE Operated by compressed air, a ma- chine has been invented to rub down the paint on automobile bodies and save much hand labor. With EARL-COAL MOTOR CO. Evanston Phones 578-57$ 1019 DAVIS STREET aillUIIIUIIIUIIIIIII'WIHIIIMIIIIHMMIIIIIIIWIIIIH | TYP^VTBS TERS pnTMakes^Boughtt Sold, Rented and Repaired 1 Easy Payments PATTERSON BROS. I 828 Davis St. Phone Ev. 6S4 Evanston, 111. I Open Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Evenings ^nitimuiiintniiiniii.....iitiiitiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuniuiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiinitiiniiinnminiiHiti......ii»iiiiiiinmiiiniinmuitiiiimtiiiiiiiiinunB^ Phone 2491 1215 WILMETTE AVENUE (to! IE. BUvmt (£n. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!t!!!!H!!!!!!!!!!l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!IJ!!!!!l!l!!!!!!!!l!!l!!!!l!ll!l!liillll!lilillli:ill:illllllltllllllllllllll -____ SLCCESTIONS, DRAWINGS ESTIMATES :: :: CHEERFILLY SUBM11 TED :: :: 'IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIItlllltllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllMIII In our Store we carry a full line of WALL PAPER and" PAINTS for Home use. ABBINK BURIAL Funeral services for Peter Abbink, ^of Ravenswood, Chicago, were held Wednesday morning in Our Lady of Lourdes church. Burial was at St. Joseph's. Mr. Abbink, who passed away Sunday, was formerly a resi- dent of Niles township and has many relatives and friends in Wilmette and Gross Point. FUTURE COPETTE Mr. and Mrs. George Schaefer of Evanston, are receiving congratu- lations on the birth' of a daughter, Georgian Lillian, at St. Francis hos- pital, Evanston, On Tuesday, Feb- ruary 22. Mr. Schaefer is one of the motorcycle policemen on the Wilmette department. BUYS PLUMBING BUSINESS Martin Jacobson of Wilmette, has. p u rc h a s e d th eJRohert-Saxer-plunibing business located at 1117 Central ave nue. Mrs. Allen, mother of R. D. Allen, who has been visiting at the home of her son, 1137 Ashland jmam for some time, returned last Saturday to her home in Benton Harbor, Mich. •'S/////S//////////////,//////////////////S//////////////////A Dr. Charles E. Geisse Osteopathic Physician Phone Wil. 2052 1150 Wilmette Ave. â- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////,/////£. GEORGhUimjMP TENOR Teacher of Singing: Assistant to Frantz Proschowsky 718 Fine Arts Bldg.----â€"----â€"CHICAGO Telenhone: Harrison 4031 Are You Still Going Strong at 50? Full of Life and Energy â€" No? Then Eat More Spinach^and Carrots with Organic Iron to Help Give You Rich, Red Blood and Revitalize Your Wornout Exhausted Nerves CONSULT R. W. BARTELMANN CO. FOR Frames, Sash, Doors and Interior Finish T 910-912 Weed Street, CHICAGO Near North and Clybourn Aves. Phone Lincoln 7012-3 â- ' 'â- _____:____;_ gggggggggg^g^^aBazB^za^ CENTRAL AVENUE LOCATION The William Taylor drygoods com- pany, 1225 Wilmette avenue, has leased the store space occupied by the Economy Grocery and Market at "1125 Central avenue. Possession will be on,April 1 ... , XSKrf^USI W. STRONG AND WELL WITHOUT PLENTY OF IRON IN YOUR BLOOD. Without iron your blood loses its power to change food into living tissue and therefore nothing you eat does you the proper amount of good â€"y0U do not get sufficient strength and energy out of it------------- â€"^- ESTABLISHED 1854 C.H. JORDAN & COMPANY rUNERAL DIRECTORS FOR 67 YEARS 612 DAVIS STREET, EVANSTON, DLL. PHONE EVANSTON 449 164 N. MICHIGAN AVE., CHICAGO PHONES R^TOOuTSZlS! Thousands of people suffer from iron-starvation of the blood and are weak. CAUSE OF TKEM TROUBLEhUe WITH0Ut SUSPECTING THE REAL ^^git^^^^ CORPUSCLES IN YOUR BLOOD â€"Mr. and Mrs. Lollis A. Clark, 716 Lake avenue, have returned from a fortnight's trip, to Florida. f If you are not willing to eat the peels of fruits and vegetables and the husks of grain so as to *:et sufficient quantity of organic iron for your lood, as nature intended you should do, then you should eat plenty of iron-containing foods like spinach, carrots and baked apples and re inforce them from time to time with^a-littl w E CLEAN Window*. Polish Personal, Prompt and Efficient Savit*____'. Tel Fr.nklin 3279 CLARK WALSH CO. 118 N. La Salle St. Ro«m S01 Chk.f,. organic iron, which you can obtain from your druggist under the name of Nuxated Iron. .Nuxated Iron represents organic in such a highly concentrated form that one dose of it is estimated to be approximately equivalent Tm^orgamtriron content) to eating half a^quarr -ot-spmacn, one quart of gieen vegetabIesT)r lour large apples. It's like taking extract of beef instead of eating pounds of meat. Nux- "ated Iron is partially predigested and ready lor almost immediate absorption and assimi- lation by the blood while-metallftrlron is iron Just as it comes from the action of various acids on small pieces of iron.To prove to your self what Nuxated Iron will do, get your doctor to take a specimen of your blood and make a- blood count of your red blood corpuscles,then take Nuxated Iron for a month and have a new blood count" made and see how your red blood corpuscles^iaveincreased and how much purer and richer your blood has become; how much stronger and better you feel; also note how the color has come back to your cheeks and what a difference-it has made in your nerves. Over 4000.000 people annually £e ISng Nuxaied Iron. If you are not feeling quite up To-themark-telephone for a package today. In tablet form only. Beware of substitutes. Look for the name Nuxated" on every pack* age and the letters N. I. on every tablet. Your money will be refunded by the mannfar. Kill That Cold With turers if you do not obtain perfectly factory results. At all druggists. AND La Grippe serous â- cilVATr If ilRDN ENRICH" THE BLOOD-GIVES rake no chances. Keep this standard remedy handy for th. fir* sn~«e. Breaks up a cold in 24 hours â€" Relieves _"Pi>ftin 3-***y8â€"Excellent for H-^ffl^ Quinine in this form does not affect th« »,oaj « . Laxative-No Opiate in Hill'sT head-Cascara is bast Tonic ALL^DRUGGiSTS SELL IT